Applicant Letter to Neighbors and ResponsesEd Myslivecek 10151 Great Plains Blvd. Chaska, MN 55318 September 30,2020 Heidi and I are considering an additional garage to build on our property to house our vehicles. The City of Chanhassen requires that we notify - neighbors that are within 500 feet of our property to alert and get approval of a project like this. A variance is required where we will have to buy signage form the city to post for the public to see as well. The garage that we are proposing is approximately 4g x 32 feet in floor dimension and to be placed north of the existing garage. lt wiil be praced properly as required from the bluff and property lines. We intend to construct it of wood framing with a siding to match existing buildings on the property. As well we intend to add an 8 x 10' addition to the "summer kitchen,, thatyou see on the driveway. Both of these will be presented to the city and with said variance posted on the property. My intent is to let you, our neighbor, know what we intend to do and as foryour approval to present to the city in recourse. As you can see in the attached 1): location on the property, 2): addition location of the garage and addition to the summer kitchen. Would you please mark the attached note of approval if you find no negative issue in obstruction or other issue to your propefty from this construction. We are grateful for your participation and help to us in getting appro$fiY OFECHANHASSEII from the city for this project. DEC 3l 2020 CH,rt'{HASSEt't pWlUrc DET And with best regards, Please return in the stamped envelope. As a neighbor and property owner ad.joining to Ed Myslivecek and Heidi Abramovich at '101 51 Great Plains Blvd, Chaska, MN 55919, we find no reason that the enclosed project would have a negative affect to us and find the city to approve of said prolect. Signatu re date Sig nature date Address: Please return in the stamped envelope. As a neighbor and property owner adjoining to Ed Mysrivecek and Heidi Abramovich at 10151 Great plains Blvd, ChLska, MN 5531g, we find no reason that the enclosed project would have a negative affect to us andfind the city to approve of said project. sig nature dale -v,; -/-'r1a,)O Sig nature date Address: Tom and Kathy Gertz 10001 Great Plains Blvd. Chaska, MN 55318 9466 r(I /1 L IlJ I 'l/ .+t}" 1 ,,)\J IJ 4 /.a\t a :t, /it't Please return in the stamped envelope. As a neighbor and property owner adjoining to Ed Myslivecek and Heidi Abramovich at 1015'1 Great Plains Blvd, Chaska, MN 55919, we find no reason that the enclosed project would have a negative affect to us and find the city to approve of said project. sig natu re 'our. !129, ii^a *r) date 1. ..iSignature Address: Daniel and Catherine Schaitberger 10241 Mandan Circle Chaska, MN 55318 Please return in the stamped envelope. As a neighbor and property owner adjoining to Ed Myslivecek and Heidi Abramovich at 101 51 Great Plains Blvd, Chaska, MN 5531g, we find no reason that the enclosed project would have a negative affect to us and find the city to approve of said project. 3 z\)Lv date iCtS r' jo Sig nature Sig natu re Address: Chris and Crystal Knutson 575 flakota Lane Chaska, MN 55318 9455 .4 ,,7L,,UL/',.1, Please return in the stamped envelope. Signatu re As a neighbor and property owner adjoining to Ed Myslivecek and HeidiAbramovich at 1015't Great prains Brvd, chiaska, Mr\i s5318, we find noreason that the encrosed project would have a negative affect to us andfind the city to approve of said project. date '7''=,'-7crZ6 date IZLSignat Address: Jim and Bonnie Swansen 615 Lakota Lane Chaska, MN 55318 z,/ 5 (=r-er^ L/ Please return in the stamped envelope. As a neighbor and property owner adjoining to Ed Myslivecek and Heidi Abramovich at 10151 Great Plains Blvd, Chaska, MN 55318, we find no reason that the enclosed prolect would have a negative affect to us and find the city to approve of said project. Signature G t-| [ ,1'/Z) a 66i,s /a'/ -1 o sig nature date lo- l-zo Address: Gary and Debra Anderson 725 Creekwood Chaska, MN 55318-9261 Please return in the stamped envelope. As a neighbor and property owner adjoining to Ed Myslivecek and Heidi Abramovich at .l 0'151 Great Plains Blvd, Chaska, MN 55318, we find no reason that the enclosed project would have a negative affect to us and find the city to approve of said project. Signatu re date / ( -7-ac Signature Address: Jeff and Kathy Dypwick 10300 Great Plains Blvd, Chaska, MN 55318 9467 .*.lI..date 1-{.,- Please return in the stamped envelope. As a neighbor and propefi owner adjoining to Ed Myslivecek and Heidi Abramovich at 101 51 Great Plains Blvd, Chaska, MN 553.18, we find no reason that the enclosed proiect would have a negative affect to us and find the city to approve of said project. Sig nature date n/_X1 sig nature Paluucia \ N"^0\"".q-adate 4 *Joa 4'c Address: Richard and Patricia Halver '10271 Great Plains Blvd. Chaska, MN 55318 Please return in the stamped envelope. As a neighbor and property owner adjoining to Ed Myslivecek and Heidi Abramovich at 10-151 Great Plains Blvd, Chaska, MN 55319, we find no reason that the enclosed project would have a negative affect to us and find the city to approve of said project. Sig nature date tD -+-)oso Sig nature date Address: Helen C. Link ParcellD #25849002A Please return in the stamped envelope. As a neighbor and property owner adjoining to Ed Myslivecek and Heidi Abramovich at 101 5'1 Great Plains Blvd, Chaska, MN 55318, we find no reason that the enclosed project would have a negative affect to us and find the city to approve of said project. Signatu Signature Address: John and Cathy Schwanke 595 Lakota Lane Chaska, MN 553.1 8 date date .-Q Please return in the stamped envelope. As a neighbor and property owner adjoining to Ed Myslivecek and Heidi Abramovich at 1015'1 Great Plains Blvd, Chaska, MN 55318, we find no reason that the enclosed project would have a negative affect to us and find the city to approve of said project. Sig nature sig nature date l:L Address: Blake and Alyssa Walz 100813 Great Plains BIvd Chaska, MN 55318 i Please return in the stamped envelope. As a neighbor and property owner adjoining to Ed Myslivecek and Heidi Abramovich at 10151 Great Plains Blvd, Chaska, MN 55318, we find no reason that the enciosed project wouid have a negative afiect to us and find the city to approve of said pro sig nature date aZc Signatu date Address: Heather and Francisco Silva 565 Lakota Lane Chaska, MN.55318