JustificationEd Myslivecek 10151 Great Plains Blvd. Chaska, MN 55318 l.There are currently 172 National Register properties in Carver County, 10151 Great Plains Blvd. Chaska 55318 is not on the list. 2. Request for building permit for addition of room in summer kitchen (80 sq. ft.) and the construction of a separate structure for motor vehicles and tractor used for lawn mowing and snow removal. ( approximately 1500 sq. ft.) Both the building and addition to conform with the character of the current structure built mid 1gth century. 3. List of neighbors from Carver County Property lnformation that fall within 500' of the property obtained and letter making aware the intentions of these additional structures on the property, lncluded elevation and location of the projects on the property included. 1 8 neighbors may fall within and 11 have responded to the attached request in a positive response regarding. 4. Discussion with staff at Chanhassen mentioned the possibility of not permitting the construction as requested due to possible use of the property as a construction site. This is not the intention of its use. This is a private residence where storage of vehicles and tractors and equipment for such tractors are for personal use, as well as collector vehicle. Options are to leave said vehicles on the driveway in the weather or store in the requested new building. 5. This home is a residential property used for residential purposes. No intent is for use as a commercial property to store outside construction items (machines, vehicles, building materials, etc. This would fall in accordance to the Comprehensive Plan for the City of Chanhassen. 6. As you approach this old structure with it's old indigenous stone front and Chaska brick construction you are taken back a bit, As the other small structures on the property you see that there is a consistency to preserve this look, The intent is to not build a steel pole barn of innocuous design, but one which as well will compliment the existing structures, at a considerable cost more that the common steel buildings so common throughout the city. There is nothing wrong with the steel pole barn, but for this property it would not be a pleasant view for those passing by, nor to fit with a possible consistency hopefully desired by those CITY OF CHANHASSEN RECEIVED DEC 31 2020 CHANHASSEN PI-AI'INING DEPT who accept and approve building structures, and keep with the Comprehensive PIan. Again, the addition and new structure are of l gth century design. 7. This property has historical significance and any additional structures are built to compliment the dates and architectural design of the time of the original construction. 8. Should the design not be approved by said committee and review board, a secondary option could be to add onto the house and connect to the existing garage. (This would provide with less than the 1000 square foot rule for needing a variance.) This would provide, as well the space needed for the vehicle and implements, although not in keeping with the historical aspect of the separate buildings so common in l9th century farmsteads. A poor choice in trying to keep the 1 gth century architectural appearance. 9. One option is to add onto the house and connect the existing garage with a connecting garage. This can be done, and be architecturally pleasing, but more accurate construction would be to have as the property had when occupied in the past as a farm with outer buildings. 10. The 80 square foot addition to the existing summer kitchen would be used as a bathroom for those using the summer kitchen, as well as when outdoor activities mostly gardening and yard maintenance are in season. The need for an addition is for the construction of a frost level to bring water into the building. A heated environment is obviously necessary to prevent the freezing of water in the winter months. To have a basement under the bath, for water protection and a root cellar is foremost to us in this case. 11 . The purchase of this property was for the enjoyment of gardening, and maintaining a classic structure. As many can see there is much to preserve, maintain and update to keep it in it's (close) original form. This is a pleasing property that the City of Chanhassen can be proud to have within its boundaries. Our fortune to have found and taken up the chore of doing this proves our stewardship is well meaning, family oriented and hopefully a prize for anyone who follows us in its f uture purchase.