KeyEd Myslivecek 10151 Great Plains Blvd. Chaska, MN 55318 We have intended to install a bath in the summer kitchen for convenience of those using the building and for those working the gardens and the yard. The City of Chanhassen Comprehensive Plan appears to be one which allows citizens to build within the limitations of safety and cohesion to the look which the City desires. Building a structure that is regarded within the Chanhassen Comprehensive is the intent with our request. I would like to promote the property which has been in this city for almost '160 years. One of the oldest residences in Carver County. The aspect of maintaining the 18th Century appearance is important to this owner. The subject property was a farm started by the Vogel family from Silesia arriving in the mid 19th Century and obtaining the property via "squatting" as was popular to newcomers in the midwest when the U.S. Government was promoting and populating of this area. So with a Military Bound Lands Patent issued by Abraham Lincoln on July 1 , 1861 it became property of August Vogel, who built and lived in this stone and Chaska brick structure. Brothers Franz (Frank) and Joseph as well purchased adjoining lands. The land was worked as a farm by the Vogels and after the early 1900's by the Teich family. Prior to the purchase by the Arndt's in the early 1990's the structures fell into disrepair and after purchased by Walt and Chris Ann Arndt malor refurbishing was accomplished. They brought it back to its original (or close to) stature. Many of the farm outbuildings fell from disrepair or by them demolished before falling on their own. One foundation is being preserved by us to the barn that fell in the ought years, called "the ruins". With the "blood , sweat and tears" spilled by the Arndt's, as they said, to make this place exhibited the looks of its origin it is only my contention to continue this preservation and add from the outside appearance whattTy OF CHANHASSEN RECEIVED DEC 31 2020 CHANHASSEN PLANNING DEPI After speaking with employees of the city I learned that the fear of a "construction building" come to mind of those who permit a new building/ garage on existing property. This I assure is not the intention and would be a scar on the site as it currently sits. As mentioned above, preserving the 19th century look and a clean site to board vehicles and implements used on the property is foremost in mind. (Pictures of neighbors. A, A and B attached) This may be the type of site that the City is hoping will not occur and is not compatible with the Comprehensive Plan. (Picture of current status of parking and vehicle storage C, C an D attached) Constructing a barn to house existing vehicles, etc. is to conceal and clean up the congestion of outdoor stored vehicles and save on the cost of inside storage to others. (Picture of original site E, F, G, and H attached) This is the site prior to the Arndt's arrival and reconditioning of the site, Barns were throughout, and accessory outbuildings. The construction of requested building and addition would not bring back this cacophony of farm structures, and would house the vehicles stored outside currently. Note: "H" is approximate location of new garage structure request where barn from "G" is shown-north side of property. Topographical lines are noted on site drawing from county source. Note: A required survey will be provided once approval of construction for permit is granted. would be seen by a passer by in the mid 19th century. The outbuilding / barn/ garage that could possibly have been constructed and used in that time is our request at this time. Thus submitted to you is the plan of such a structure that would add to the conformity I assume the City of Chanhassen comprehensive Plan would find pleasant in appearance and add to the historic value of this site. (Sec. 20-58 General conditions for granting # 1 and # 5) Current structure (Picture of existing house and summer kitchen I and J attached) When submitting for a permit I found a variance may be needed which constitutes extra costs. As well the need for storing vehicles, tractor equipment and collector vehicles a new barn/garage will be needed. Because of the square footage limitations on outbuildings to the primary living structure a variance would be needed for this structure as well. The decision to request both at the same time makes better use of time. building costs and resources. After drawings were made for the addition on the summer kitchen and the new barn/garage structure a letter of note was mailed to each neighbor within the 500' required distance for their perusal. I requested their signature identifying a position of response indicating approval from their point of view as a neighbor to proceed with the projects. (Signed letters attached) Relative to section 20-58 "General conditions for granting.... 1) As noted above this request is for an addition and structure that is in harmony with the existing structure and promoting the historical content that Chanhassen has to offer the community. 2) Practical needs for vehicle and tractor storage belay reason for personal storage needs. And to mediate outside vehicle congestion on the property. containing said vehicles in the current garage is physically impossible. Renting space for vehicles in outside locations is not as secure as wished. (Ihis is believed to be consistent with the future Comprehensive Plans desired by the city.) Alternative plans are to build a structure connecting the house to the existing garage, albeit, this would be unusual for a site with the mid 19th century style as is currently being reflected. Adding onto existing garage would be difficult considering the grades to the nodh and east. Solar installation is not within the request and is thus not applicable for this variance request 3) Applicant is focused on building not with the cheapest product or practice but just the antithesis to build for longevity and structural harmony for the site. 4) There is no plight which requires the structures construction, only compliment to the site as mentioned. Strong consideration by the occupant to keep the site within the natural aspect of the 19th century "look" and architecture is paramount. Because of these considerations the city requires a variance for neighbor feedback. (see returned letters from neighbors, above) 5) As stated, correctly, this construction will not alter the essential character, but add to the value within the city. Subjective decisions are the right and reserye of those making decisions and trust must be implied with the intentions of the owner to fit into the comprehensive plan. 6) Not applicable to this case Attachment "K" and "L" are elevations of summer kitchen with addition as viewed from the north and west respectively. "M" is the elevation approximately of the new garage structure. (attached) "N" property location to new Hwy 101 (attached) (Norte: see "H" for more accurate locations. This illustrates where the new driveway will be going because fo the new Hwy 101 construction. "O" and "P" attached, is location of proposed addition and building on site Q are floor plans of requested construction. R shows parcel as it sits in northeast corner of 101 and Creekwood Drive Letters "S" through "2" are photos of Chanhassen properties that look to fit the request of outbuilding/garages that are complimentary to the main home/structures on their property. This is the intent of our request. A plan "8" if needed will be one to build the necessary garage structure as an attachment from the house to the existing garage, which would be more difficult to blend with authentic design, but possible. Thus the hope for approval for the external structure and bath addition is foremost.