Affidavit of PublicationAffidavit of Publication Southwest News Media CrIY OF CEANIIASSEN CARVER & IIENNEPIN COIINIIES NOTICE OF PI'BLIC f,EA"BING PI.IINNING CASE NO. 2O2r{X' NOI'ICE TS HEREBY GIVENthat the Chanhassen Planring CoEmission will hold a public hearing ou ftresday, January S, 2021 at 7:00 IrE. ir the Council Cha-Ebers iD Chanhassen Citv HaU, 7700 Market Blvd. Th;purpose of this hearing is to consider a rcquBt for a WeflandAlteratiou PerBit and Interim Use Permit for excavation ofexisting s,etland along with excavated borrow being placed on a location within the Darcellocated west of Great PlainsBlvd., south of tbe Foxwood DevelopEent, and north of W.96tI Sfreet. Zoned AgriculturalEstate (A2). ApDlicant: Black Cherry De!"lopment, LLC. A plan showing the locationof the proposal is availablefor pub.lic review on the citv,s txeb site at wwwci.chanhassen_ mn.us/m2l{3 or at City Hallduring regula! business houis. All interested p€!."sons are irvitedto attend this public hearins aDd express their oDinions witfr respect to this proposal. Bob Genercus Senior Pl,annerEmail: bgenerousaa/ ci..h.BhrqsEr.En. us Phonq 9SAD7-UB1 State of Minnesota) )ss. County of Carver ) Subscribed and swom before me on Laurie A. Hanrnann. being duly swom, on oath says that she is the General Manager the ncws- papers known as fic Chaska Hcrald and the Cha assen villagcr and has full kno*1edge ofthe facts herein stated as follows: (A) Thes€ Dewspapers havc complied \r ith thc requirements constituting qualification as a legal ncwspaper. as provided by Minnesota Statute 331A.02, 331A.07, and othcr applicable laws, as arncndgd. (B) The printed public notice that is attached to this Affdavit and identified as No.-g!?-fN? was published on thc date or datcs and in the ne\r'spaper stated in thc atrached Notice drd said Notice is hereby incorporated as pan ofthis Amdavit. Said notice was cut from the columns of the neuspaper specified. hinted belo* is a copy of the lower case alphabet from A to Z, borh inclusive. and is hercby acknowledgcd as bcing the kind and size oftype used in the composition and publicalion of the Notice: abcdefthijktDnopqrstuvsxyz [wr7^[lL tris) YYhauyor 0.,.J-T - zozo Laurie ,{. Hartrnann $31.20 per column inch $31.20 per column inch $14.03 percolumn inch (Pubtished in the CbaDhassenrfruageron Thusday December 24.No.IC RATE INFORMATION Lowestclassified iate paid by commercial users for compamble space Maximum rate allo\red by law for the above matter............................. Rate actually charged for the above matter... JYIilI'EJENNETTE BAHI( NOTASY N'8UC. MINI{ESOTA MY c0 $sslol{ EoIRES 01B1rA