Affidavit of PublicationCITT OF CIIANEASSBN CA.f,VBR & EENNEPIN COUNTIES NONCE OF PI'BLIC EEARING PIANNING CASB N(} 'O'I{4NOTICE IS HEREBY GWIN that the Chanhassen Planning Commission will hold a public hearing on TlresdaX Jaauary 5, AI21 at ?:00 p.E. in lhe Council Chambers in Chanha$en City HaU, ?700 Market Blvd. The purpose of this hearillg is to consider a request fo. a PUD AEendEent, Site Plan Review and Variance for a 110-unil aparlmert building (Iake Place) for senior living located at 1361 Lake Drive W- Zoned Planned Unit Development-Residential(PUD-R). Applicart: Todd SirrliDg; TPS Rolding; LL. A drD showiry tbe l@tionof the proposal is avai-lable for public r€view on the city's web site at wwscicha[hassen. EI-us/2021{4 or at City Hall during r€gular business hours. AIl intercstedpersoEs are iEvited to atteDd this public hearing aDd €q[ess their ofriDiols Etth le€pect to this propoeaf. Bob GeDerous SeniG PlarnerEEail: bgenerous@ ci-charhassen.bn.us Phons 852U7-1131 @ubfishcd in the ChanbasseD Vilager ou thursday December Affidavit of Publication Southwest News Media State of Minnesota) )ss. County of Carver ) Laurie A. Hartmann, being duly sworn, on oath says that she is the General Marag€r the news- papen known as the Chaska Herald and thc Chanhassen Villager and has full knowledge ofth€ facts herein sated as follous: (A) These newspapers have complied n ith thc requircmelts constituting qualification as a legal Dewspaper. as provided by Minnesota Statutc 331A.02. 331A.07, and other applicable laws. as arnended. (B) The printed pubtic notice that is attached ro rhis Affdavit and id e ined asNo.Ll q 1 1/ \aas published on the date or datcs and in thc ncwspaper stated in the attached Nodce alld said Notice is hereby incorporakd as pan of $is Affdavil Said notice uas cut from the columns of the newspaper specifcd. hintcd below is a copy of the lower case alphabet ftom A to Z, both inclusive, and is hereby acknowledged as being the kind and size oftype used in the composition and publicaiion oflhe Notice: abcdefghijklmnoPqrstuvwxyz M,\k-t4- Subscribed and swom before me on Laude A. Haftnann $31.20 percolumn inch $31.20 percolumo inch $ 14.03 per column inch *o,)V /}", or g^.,..J,.--.roro UDn'No N hlic RATE INFORMATION Lowest classified rate paid by commercialusers for comparable space Maximum rate allowed by law for the above manet...............-............ Rate actual l), charged for the above matler .. JYMME JEANNENE BAHK NOTISY PI'BUC. MINNESOTA MY CoflMlsslor,r P|SES 0f3r8