Affidavit of PublicationCITY OF CEANEASSEN CARVER & ffiNNEPIN COTINTIES NOTICE OF PIJBIIC EEARING PI.,I\NNING CASE NO. z,2T{5 NOI'ICE IS HEREBY GTVEN that the Cha-Dhas8eD PlaDrilg CoEmission will hold a public hearlu on T\resday, January 5. m21 at 7:m p.m. ill the Council Chalrbers in Chanhassen City HaU, ??00 Market Blvd. The purpose of this heari[g is to consider a Equest for variances to modify a non-conforEing structure by adding a 2nd story to an existing home located at Y2A lake Riley Boulevard. Zoned SiryleFamily Residential (RSF). ApplicaDt: Aha Homes, LLC. Plopertr Owners: Steve Ga]legei A plar shosing the locationof the proposal is available for publlc revieE on the city's web site at www.ci.charhass€n. mn.us/2021-05 or at City Hall during r€plar business hours. A.ll inter€sted persoos are invited to attend this public bearing aDd e&ress their opiD.ioDs with respect to this proposal. MaclGnzie Young-Walters Associate PlaDnerEEail: m$,alters@ ci.chanhassen.mn.us Phone: 52-2n-1l32 (Published in the ChalbasseD Villager on Thursday Decembe. urx/4\u> or 0lo--'1,*,t sto Affidavit of Publication Southwest News Media State of Minnesota) )ss. County of Carver ) Laurie A. Haftnann boing duly sworn, on oath says that shc is the General Marager the news- papers known as the Chaska Herald and thc Chanhassen Villager and has full knowledge of the facts hercin stated as follolr's: (A) These newspapers have compliei \r ith the rcquirements constituting qualification as a legal newspaper. as provided by Minnesota Statute 331A.02, 331A.07, and other applicable laws. as amended. (B) The printed public notice Ihat is attachcd to this Affidavit and identified as No.9I ? i was published on thc date or datcs and in thc ne$spap€r stated in the anached Notice and Sid Notice is hereby incorporat€d as pan of lhis Affidavit Said notice \r as cut from the columns of the nerlspaper specified. hintcd below is a copy of thc lower case alphabet llom A to Z, both inclusive. and is hereby acknowlcdged as being the kind atld sizc oftype used in the composition and publication oflhe Notice: abcdefghijklmopqrstuvwxyz Url,-' Laurie A. Hafimann Subscribed and :worn before me on 2A mm'Nn 20 \lic RATE INFORMATION Lou esl classified rate paid b) commercial users for comparable space Maximum rate al lo\r ed by law for the above matter. .......................... .. Rate actually charged for the above matter... $31.20 percolulnrl inch $31,20 per column inch $14.03 percolumn inch JYMI'E JEANNETTE BAf,K NOTAffY PUBIJC. MINNESOTA MY Co MTS$oti fiPIBES 01n1/A