01-19-21 Agenda and PacketAGENDA  CHANHASSEN PLANNING COMMISSION TUESDAY, JANUARY 19, 2021, 7:00 PM CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS, 7700 MARKET BOULEVARD ELECTRONIC MEETING Due to the COVID­19 pandemic, for the next few weeks it is anticipated that some or all members of the Planning Commission will participate in meetings by telephone and/or web conference pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Section 13D.021, rather than in person at the Planning Commission’s regular meeting place in the Chanhassen City Hall Council Chambers, 7700 Market Boulevard, Chanhassen, Minnesota. The Public Hearings portion of the Planning Commission agenda allows for the public to provide comments on those agenda items. To help ensure an open public process, we have made accommodations for the public to continue to view and participate in public hearings by selecting one of two options: EMAIL your comments to the Planning Commission at pccomments@ci.chanhassen.mn.us.All comments received by 6:00 p.m.on the day of the meeting will be included as a part of the Planning Commission meeting. This is the Planning Commission’s preferred method of public participation. WATCH the meeting live online at www.ci.chanhassen.mn.us/agendas or on Mediacom Cable Channel 107.2. The meeting begins at 7:00 pm. PHONE in your comments at 952­227­1630 when the Chairman opens the desired public hearing for comment. The Chairman will take each call in the order received. For all options, you must provide your name and address for the record. A.CALL TO ORDER B.PUBLIC HEARINGS 1.Consider a Request for a Variance to Allow Construction of an Accessory Dwelling Unit Within a Proposed Single­Family Residence Located at 10029 Trails End Road 2.Consider a Request for a Variance to Replace/Rebuild Retaining Walls, Add Walkout Terrace, Add Stairway to Lake, and Reconfigure Lakeside Deck/Patio Located at 6609 Horseshoe Curve C.APPROVAL OF MINUTES 1.Approval of Planning Commission Verbatim Minutes dated January 5, 2021 D.ADMINISTRATIVE PRESENTATIONS 1.City Council Action Update AGENDA CHANHASSEN PLANNING COMMISSIONTUESDAY, JANUARY 19, 2021, 7:00 PMCITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS, 7700 MARKET BOULEVARDELECTRONIC MEETINGDue to the COVID­19 pandemic, for the next few weeks it is anticipated that some or all members of thePlanning Commission will participate in meetings by telephone and/or web conference pursuant to MinnesotaStatutes, Section 13D.021, rather than in person at the Planning Commission’s regular meeting place in theChanhassen City Hall Council Chambers, 7700 Market Boulevard, Chanhassen, Minnesota.The Public Hearings portion of the Planning Commission agenda allows for the public to provide commentson those agenda items. To help ensure an open public process, we have made accommodations for thepublic to continue to view and participate in public hearings by selecting one of two options:EMAIL your comments to the Planning Commission at pccomments@ci.chanhassen.mn.us.Allcomments received by 6:00 p.m.on the day of the meeting will be included as a part of the PlanningCommission meeting. This is the Planning Commission’s preferred method of public participation.WATCH the meeting live online at www.ci.chanhassen.mn.us/agendas or on Mediacom CableChannel 107.2. The meeting begins at 7:00 pm. PHONE in your comments at 952­227­1630 whenthe Chairman opens the desired public hearing for comment. The Chairman will take each call in theorderreceived.For all options, you must provide your name and address for the record.A.CALL TO ORDERB.PUBLIC HEARINGS1.Consider a Request for a Variance to Allow Construction of an Accessory DwellingUnit Within a Proposed Single­Family Residence Located at 10029 Trails End Road2.Consider a Request for a Variance to Replace/Rebuild Retaining Walls, AddWalkout Terrace, Add Stairway to Lake, and Reconfigure Lakeside Deck/PatioLocated at 6609 Horseshoe CurveC.APPROVAL OF MINUTES1.Approval of Planning Commission Verbatim Minutes dated January 5, 2021D.ADMINISTRATIVE PRESENTATIONS 1.City Council Action Update E.ADJOURNMENT NOTE: Planning Commission meetings are scheduled to end by 10:30 p.m. as outlined in the official by­laws.  We will make every attempt to complete the hearing for each item on the agenda.  If, however, this does not appear to be possible, the Chairperson will notify those present and offer rescheduling options.  Items thus pulled from consideration will be listed first on the agenda at the next Commission meeting. If a constituent or resident sends an email to staff or the Planning Commission, it must be made part of the public record based on State Statute. If a constituent or resident sends an email to the Mayor and City Council, it is up to each individual City Council member and Mayor if they want it to be made part of the public record or not. There is no State Statute that forces the Mayor or City Council to share that information with the public or be made part of the public record. Under State Statute, staff cannot remove comments or letters provided as part of the public input process. PLANNING COMMISSION STAFF REPORT Tuesday, January 19, 2021 Subject Consider a Request for a Variance to Allow Construction of an Accessory Dwelling Unit Within a Proposed Single­Family Residence Located at 10029 Trails End Road Section PUBLIC HEARINGS Item No: B.1. Prepared By MacKenzie Young­Walters, Associate Planner File No: Planning Case No. 2021­06 PROPOSED MOTION: The Chanhassen Board of Appeals and Adjustments approves the variance request for the use of a single­family dwelling as a two­family dwelling, subject to the conditions of approval and adopts the attached Findings of Facts and Decision. SUMMARY OF REQUEST The applicant is requesting a variance to construct a second dwelling unit, commonly called an accessory dwelling unit (ADU), above their proposed home’s attached garage. They have stated that the intent of the variance request is to allow for them to care for their aging parents, who have some health concerns. Since the City Code restricts lots zoned Residential Single­Family to having a single dwelling unit, a variance is required to permit this use. The applicant has stated that they bought the property at 10029 Trails End with the intent of constructing a multi­ generational home to allow for them to care for their parents. They have noted that the City Code allows for variances to be issued to permit the creation of ADUs in cases where there is a demonstrated need and where the home maintains the exterior appearance of a single­family dwelling. They have explained that their parents’ age and father’s Parkinson’s diagnosis necessitate this arrangement and that the proposed home will maintain the appearance of a single­family dwelling. Finally, they have stated that granting the variance will not alter the character of the neighborhood. Generally speaking, the city cannot grant a variance for uses; however, Section 20­59 does allow for the city to grant variances for use of a single­family dwelling as a two­family dwelling, so long as four conditions are met. A variance of this nature has been requested three times since 2000, and all three of these requests were granted once the applicants demonstrated that they met or agreed to meet the ordinance’s requirements.  Staff has reviewed the applicant’s proposed home and statement of need, and believes that they meet the requirements outlined in Section 20­59 of the City Code for granting the requested variance. For this reason, staff recommends approval of the requested variance. A full analysis can be found in the attached staff report. APPLICANT PLANNING COMMISSION STAFFREPORTTuesday, January 19, 2021SubjectConsider a Request for a Variance to Allow Construction of an Accessory Dwelling Unit Within aProposed Single­Family Residence Located at 10029 Trails End RoadSectionPUBLIC HEARINGS Item No: B.1.Prepared By MacKenzie Young­Walters, AssociatePlanner File No: Planning Case No. 2021­06PROPOSED MOTION:The Chanhassen Board of Appeals and Adjustments approves the variance request for the use of a single­familydwelling as a two­family dwelling, subject to the conditions of approval and adopts the attached Findings of Factsand Decision.SUMMARY OF REQUESTThe applicant is requesting a variance to construct a second dwelling unit, commonly called an accessory dwelling unit(ADU), above their proposed home’s attached garage. They have stated that the intent of the variance request is toallow for them to care for their aging parents, who have some health concerns. Since the City Code restricts lots zonedResidential Single­Family to having a single dwelling unit, a variance is required to permit this use.The applicant has stated that they bought the property at 10029 Trails End with the intent of constructing a multi­generational home to allow for them to care for their parents. They have noted that the City Code allows for variancesto be issued to permit the creation of ADUs in cases where there is a demonstrated need and where the home maintainsthe exterior appearance of a single­family dwelling. They have explained that their parents’ age and father’s Parkinson’sdiagnosis necessitate this arrangement and that the proposed home will maintain the appearance of a single­familydwelling. Finally, they have stated that granting the variance will not alter the character of the neighborhood.Generally speaking, the city cannot grant a variance for uses; however, Section 20­59 does allow for the city to grantvariances for use of a single­family dwelling as a two­family dwelling, so long as four conditions are met. A variance ofthis nature has been requested three times since 2000, and all three of these requests were granted once the applicantsdemonstrated that they met or agreed to meet the ordinance’s requirements.  Staff has reviewed the applicant’sproposed home and statement of need, and believes that they meet the requirements outlined in Section 20­59 of theCity Code for granting the requested variance. For this reason, staff recommends approval of the requested variance.A full analysis can be found in the attached staff report. APPLICANT Michael and Juliana Sylvia SITE INFORMATION PRESENT ZONING:  RSF­ Single­Family Residential District LAND USE:Residential Low Density ACREAGE:  .4 acres  DENSITY:  NA  APPLICATION REGULATIONS Chapter 1, Section 1­2, Rules of Construction and Definitions Chapter 20, Article II, Division 3. Variances Chapter 20, Article XII, “RSF” Single­Family Residential District Section 20­615, Lot Requirements and Setbacks BACKGROUND In December of 2004, the final plat for the Settlers West subdivision was approved. The lot was never built on and has remained vacant since that time. In December of 2020, the applicant applied for a building permit for a home with an ADU. Staff informed them that a variance would be required to accommodate the proposed use. In December of 2020, the applicant applied for a variance to permit an ADU. RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends that the Planning Commission, acting as the Board of Appeals and Adjustments, approve the variance request for the use of a single­family dwelling as a two­family dwelling, subject to the conditions of approval and adopts the attached Findings of Facts and Decision. 1. A building permit must be obtained prior to construction. 2. Building plans must provide sufficient information to verify that the proposed building/structure meets all requirements of the Minnesota State Building Code; additional comments or requirements may be required after plan review. 3. The exterior of the home shall maintain the appearance of a single­family home (i.e. single driveway, single main entrance, etc.) and shall substantially conform to the plans dated December 10, 2020. 4. No separate entrance may be created for the apartment above the garage. 5. Separate utility services may not be established. 6. The apartment above the garage may not be rented as a separate unit, and may only be occupied by a relative of the property owner. PLANNING COMMISSION STAFFREPORTTuesday, January 19, 2021SubjectConsider a Request for a Variance to Allow Construction of an Accessory Dwelling Unit Within aProposed Single­Family Residence Located at 10029 Trails End RoadSectionPUBLIC HEARINGS Item No: B.1.Prepared By MacKenzie Young­Walters, AssociatePlanner File No: Planning Case No. 2021­06PROPOSED MOTION:The Chanhassen Board of Appeals and Adjustments approves the variance request for the use of a single­familydwelling as a two­family dwelling, subject to the conditions of approval and adopts the attached Findings of Factsand Decision.SUMMARY OF REQUESTThe applicant is requesting a variance to construct a second dwelling unit, commonly called an accessory dwelling unit(ADU), above their proposed home’s attached garage. They have stated that the intent of the variance request is toallow for them to care for their aging parents, who have some health concerns. Since the City Code restricts lots zonedResidential Single­Family to having a single dwelling unit, a variance is required to permit this use.The applicant has stated that they bought the property at 10029 Trails End with the intent of constructing a multi­generational home to allow for them to care for their parents. They have noted that the City Code allows for variancesto be issued to permit the creation of ADUs in cases where there is a demonstrated need and where the home maintainsthe exterior appearance of a single­family dwelling. They have explained that their parents’ age and father’s Parkinson’sdiagnosis necessitate this arrangement and that the proposed home will maintain the appearance of a single­familydwelling. Finally, they have stated that granting the variance will not alter the character of the neighborhood.Generally speaking, the city cannot grant a variance for uses; however, Section 20­59 does allow for the city to grantvariances for use of a single­family dwelling as a two­family dwelling, so long as four conditions are met. A variance ofthis nature has been requested three times since 2000, and all three of these requests were granted once the applicantsdemonstrated that they met or agreed to meet the ordinance’s requirements.  Staff has reviewed the applicant’sproposed home and statement of need, and believes that they meet the requirements outlined in Section 20­59 of theCity Code for granting the requested variance. For this reason, staff recommends approval of the requested variance.A full analysis can be found in the attached staff report.APPLICANTMichael and Juliana SylviaSITE INFORMATIONPRESENT ZONING:  RSF­ Single­Family Residential DistrictLAND USE:Residential Low DensityACREAGE:  .4 acres DENSITY:  NA APPLICATION REGULATIONSChapter 1, Section 1­2, Rules of Construction and DefinitionsChapter 20, Article II, Division 3. VariancesChapter 20, Article XII, “RSF” Single­Family Residential DistrictSection 20­615, Lot Requirements and SetbacksBACKGROUNDIn December of 2004, the final plat for the Settlers West subdivision was approved. The lot was never built on and hasremained vacant since that time.In December of 2020, the applicant applied for a building permit for a home with an ADU. Staff informed them that avariance would be required to accommodate the proposed use.In December of 2020, the applicant applied for a variance to permit an ADU.RECOMMENDATIONStaff recommends that the Planning Commission, acting as the Board of Appeals and Adjustments, approve thevariance request for the use of a single­family dwelling as a two­family dwelling, subject to the conditions of approvaland adopts the attached Findings of Facts and Decision.1. A building permit must be obtained prior to construction.2. Building plans must provide sufficient information to verify that the proposed building/structure meets allrequirements of the Minnesota State Building Code; additional comments or requirements may be required afterplan review.3. The exterior of the home shall maintain the appearance of a single­family home (i.e. single driveway, single mainentrance, etc.) and shall substantially conform to the plans dated December 10, 2020.4. No separate entrance may be created for the apartment above the garage.5. Separate utility services may not be established.6. The apartment above the garage may not be rented as a separate unit, and may only be occupied by a relative ofthe property owner. ATTACHMENTS: Staff Report Findings of Fact (Approval) Variance Document Development Review Application Narrative Justification of Request Survey House Plans Affidavit of Mailing Email Comment CITY OF CHANHASSEN PC DATE: January 19, 2021 CC DATE: February 8, 2021 REVIEW DEADLINE: February 16, 2021 CASE #: PC 2021-06 BY: MYW SUMMARY OF REQUEST: The applicant is requesting a variance for the temporary use of a single-family dwelling as a two- family dwelling. While variances for uses are not normally allowed, the City Code specifically allows for this use variance to be granted to facilitate the care of aging family members so long as the structure maintains the appearance of a single-family dwelling, separate utility services are not established, and the variance will not negatively impact the neighborhood. LOCATION: 10029 Trails End Road OWNER: Michael and Juliana Sylvia 9607 Sky Lane Eden Prairie, MN 55347 PRESENT ZONING: “RSF” – Single-Family Residential District 2040 LAND USE PLAN: Residential Low Density ACREAGE: .4 acres DENSITY: NA LEVEL OF CITY DISCRETION IN DECISION-MAKING: The city’s discretion in approving or denying a variance is limited to whether or not the proposed project meets the standards in the Zoning Ordinance for a variance. The city has a relatively high level of discretion with a variance because the applicant is seeking a deviation from established standards. This is a quasi-judicial decision. Notice of this public hearing has been mailed to all property owners within 500 feet. PROPOSAL/SUMMARY The applicant is requesting a variance to construct a second dwelling unit, commonly called an accessory dwelling unit (ADU), above their proposed home’s attached garage. They have stated that the intent of the variance request is to allow for them to care for their aging parents, who have some health concerns. Since the City Code restricts lots zoned Residential Single-Family to having a single dwelling unit, a variance is required to permit this use. PROPOSED MOTION: “The Chanhassen Board of Appeals and Adjustments approves the variance request for the use of a single-family dwelling as a two-family dwelling, subject to the conditions of approval and adopts the attached Findings of Facts and Decision.” 10029 Trails End Road January 19, 2021 Page 2 The applicant has stated that they bought the property at 10029 Trails End with the intent of constructing a multi-generational home to allow for them to care for their parents. They have noted that the City Code allows for variances to be issued to permit the creation of ADUs in cases where there is a demonstrated need and where the home maintains the exterior appearance of a single-family dwelling. They have explained that their parents’ age and father’s Parkinson’s diagnosis necessitate this arrangement and that the proposed home will maintain the appearance of a single-family dwelling. Finally, they have stated that granting the variance will not alter the character of the neighborhood. Generally speaking, the city cannot grant a variance for uses; however, Section 20-59 does allow for the city to grant variances for use of a single-family dwelling as a two-family dwelling, so long as four conditions are met. A variance of this nature has been requested three times since 2000, and all three of these requests were granted once the applicants demonstrated that they met or agreed to meet the ordinance’s requirements. Staff has reviewed the applicant’s proposed home and statement of need, and believes that they meet the requirements outlined in Section 20- 59 of the City Code for granting the requested variance. For this reason, staff recommends approval of the requested variance. APPLICABLE REGULATIONS Chapter 1, Section 1-2, Rules of Construction and Definitions Chapter 20, Article II, Division 3. Variances Chapter 20, Article XII, “RSF” Single-Family Residential District Section 20-615, Lot Requirements and Setbacks BACKGROUND In December of 2004, the final plat for the Settlers West subdivision was approved. The lot was never built on and has remained vacant since that time. In December of 2020, the applicant applied for a building permit for a home with an ADU. Staff informed them that a variance would be required to accommodate the proposed use. In December of 2020, the applicant applied for a variance to permit an ADU. SITE CONSTRAINTS Zoning Overview The property is zoned Single-Family Residential District. This zoning classification requires lots to be a minimum of 15,000 square feet, have front and rear yard setbacks of 30 feet, side yard setbacks of 10 feet, and limits parcels to a maximum of 30 percent lot cover, of which no more than 25 percent can be impervious surface. Residential structures are limited to 35 feet in height. The rear of the property is encumbered by a large drainage and utility easement. 10029 Trails End Road January 19, 2021 Page 3 The lot is 17,756 square feet and appears to meet all of the requirements of the City Code. No home or other structure is currently present on the lot. Bluff Creek Corridor This is not encumbered by the Bluff Creek Overlay District. Bluff Protection There are no bluffs on the property. Floodplain Overlay This property is not within a floodplain. Shoreland Management The property is not within a Shoreland Protection District. Wetland Protection There is not a wetland located in the development site. NEIGHBORHOOD Settlers West The plat for this area was recorded in December of 2004. As this is a newer subdivision, the lots were plated and subsequent homes were constructed under substantially the same City Code that exists today. Based on aerial photos of the area, staff does not believe there are many non-conforming properties or deviations from the City Code within the subdivision. Many of the lots in this subdivision are subject to the city’s bluff ordinance and other properties are encumbered by extensive drainage and utility easements in order to help manage run off and protect the area’s environmental features. This subdivision is also atypical in that its sewer and water utilities are provided by the City of Eden Prairie, rather than the City of Chanhassen. 10029 Trails End Road January 19, 2021 Page 4 Variances within 500 feet: 10036 Trails End Road (PC 2011-07): 4.3% Lot Cover (sport court) – Denied ANALYSIS Single-Family Dwelling as Two-Family Dwelling The applicant is requesting a variance to construct an ADU above the garage in their proposed home. Granting the requested variance would allow the applicant to construct a two-family dwelling unit on a property zoned for a single-family dwelling. Ordinarily, the city cannot grant variances for uses, i.e. a variance cannot be granted to use a property zoned single-family residential for an industrial use like a brick factory; however, Section 20-59 of the City Code allows for the city to issue variances to use a single-family dwelling as two-family dwelling, so long as four conditions are met. Specifically, Section 20-59 states: A variance for the temporary use of a single-family dwelling as a two-family dwelling may only be allowed under the following circumstances: (1) There is a demonstrated need based upon disability, age or financial hardship. (2) The dwelling has the exterior appearance of a single-family dwelling, including the maintenance of one driveway and one main entry. (3) Separate utility services are not established (e.g. gas, water, sewer, etc.). (4) The variance will not be injurious to or adversely affect the health, safety or welfare of the residents of the city or the neighborhood where the property is situated and will be in keeping with the spirit and intent of this chapter. The applicant has stated that they are requesting the variance in order to care for their aging parents, one of whom was diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease. This circumstance meets the first requirement and the variance request is in line with the ordinance’s goal of providing an option for residents to provide in-home care for their parents while allowing them to maintain independence. If the variance is approved, a condition should be placed on the approval requiring that the ADU be occupied by individuals that are related to the homeowner and preventing its rental as a spate unit. The proposed ADU will be located above the garage and the stairs leading to it can be accessed via the garage entrance to the main 10029 Trails End Road January 19, 2021 Page 5 house or from the main level’s back hall. The ADU has approximately 840 square feet of living area and will feature a kitchen, living room, bedroom, bathroom, and laundry. No separate exterior entrance to the ADU is present and no separate utility services are proposed. If the Planning Commission chooses to approve the requested variance, conditions should be placed on the approval forbidding the creation of a separate entrance and separate utility services. Staff has reviewed the proposed plans and the renderings of the house’s exterior facades and believes that they are indistinguishable from those of single-family home. If not for the presence of a second dwelling unit, i.e. if the space above the garage was storage space or a game room, a permit could be issued without a variance. Given the above, staff believes that the applicant’s proposal meets all of the criteria required to issue a variance for an ADU on the property and recommends approving the requested variance. Impact on Neighborhood Settlers West is a newer subdivision where relatively large footprint homes with three-car garages are the norm. While most of the neighborhood’s homes were built with the garage doors parallel to the street, multiple houses have the garages set at angles to the street, utilize a side loading garage design, or otherwise depart from that configuration. The applicant’s proposed home does not fall outside of the range of variation in design already present in the neighborhood, nor does any element of its exterior façade depart from the norms associated with single-family residences. The variance request for an ADU to allow for the applicant to care for their aging parents is not expected to generate the traffic, noise, or transient population concerns that can be associated with placing multi-unit properties within single-family neighborhoods. The city has granted several variances for ADUs in other neighborhoods and to staff’s knowledge they have generated no complaints. Additionally, a condition that the ADU not be rented out will be attached to the variance to prevent the property from subsequently being sold or used as a duplex. Staff does not 10029 Trails End Road January 19, 2021 Page 6 believe that granting the requested variance would negatively impact any of the surrounding properties. RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends that the Planning Commission, acting as the Board of Appeals and Adjustments, approve the variance request for the use of a single-family dwelling as a two- family dwelling, subject to the conditions of approval and adopts the attached Findings of Facts and Decision. 1. A building permit must be obtained prior to construction. 2. Building plans must provide sufficient information to verify that the proposed building/structure meets all requirements of the Minnesota State Building Code; additional comments or requirements may be required after plan review. 3. The exterior of the home shall maintain the appearance of a single-family home (i.e. single driveway, single main entrance, etc.) and shall substantially conform to the plans dated December 10, 2020. 4. No separate entrance may be created for the apartment above the garage. 5. Separate utility services may not be established. 6. The apartment above the garage may not be rented as a separate unit, and may only be occupied by a relative of the property owner. ATTACHMENTS 1. Findings of Fact and Decision (Approval) 2. Variance Document (Approval) 3. Development Review Application 4. Variance Narrative 5. Justification of Request 5. Survey 6. Proposed Plan 7. Affidavit of Mailing of Public Hearing Notice g:\plan\2021 planning cases\21-06 10029 trails end road\staff report_10029 trails end road_var.docx 1 CITY OF CHANHASSEN CARVER AND HENNEPIN COUNTIES, MINNESOTA FINDINGS OF FACT AND DECISION (APPROVAL) IN RE: Application of Michael and Juliana Sylvia, for a variance to use a single-family dwelling as a two- family dwelling on a property zoned Single-Family Residential District (RSF) - Planning Case 2021- 06. On January 19, 2021, the Chanhassen Planning Commission, acting as the Board of Appeals and Adjustments, met at its regularly scheduled meeting to consider the application. The Planning Commission conducted a public hearing on the proposed variance preceded by published and mailed notice. The Board of Appeals and Adjustments makes the following: FINDINGS OF FACT 1. The property is currently zoned Single-Family Residential District (RSF). 2. The property is guided in the Chanhassen Comprehensive Plan for Residential Low Density. 3. The legal description of the property is: Lot 12, Block 5, Settlers West 4. Variance Findings – Section 20-59 of the City Code provides the following criteria for the granting of a variance to use a single-family dwelling as a two-family dwelling: a. There is a demonstrated need based upon disability, age or financial hardship. Finding: The applicant has stated that they are requesting the variance in order to care for their aging parents, one of whom has been diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease. b. The dwelling has the exterior appearance of a single-family dwelling, including the maintenance of one driveway and one main entry. Finding: Settlers West is a newer subdivision where relatively large footprint homes with three-car garages are the norm. While most of the neighborhood’s homes were built with the garage doors parallel to the street, multiple houses have the garages set at angles to the street, utilize a side loading garage design, or otherwise depart from that configuration. The applicant’s proposed home does not fall outside of the range of variation in design already present in the neighborhood, nor does any element of its exterior façade depart from the norms associated with single-family residences. 2 The proposed home has a single driveway and a single main entrance, and conditions have been placed on the variance to prevent the creation of a separate entrance or significant deviations from the proposed façade. c. Separate utility services are not established (e.g., gas, water, sewer, etc.). Finding: Separate utility services are not proposed and will not be established. d. The variance will not be injurious to or adversely affect the health, safety or welfare of the residents of the city or the neighborhood where the property is situated and will be in keeping with the spirit and intent of this chapter. Finding: The variance request for an accessory dwelling unit (ADU) to allow for the applicant to care for their aging parents is not expected to generate the traffic, noise, or transient population concerns that can be associated with placing multi-unit properties within single-family neighborhoods. The city has granted several variances for ADUs in other neighborhoods and to staff’s knowledge they have generated no complaints. Additionally, conditions have been placed on the variance to prevent the property from subsequently being sold or used as a duplex. Granting the requested variance is not expected to negatively impact any of the surrounding properties, and is in line with the City Code’s intent that residents have the option to provide in-home care for family members while allowing them to maintain independence. 5. The planning report #2021-06, dated January 19, 2021, prepared by MacKenzie Young-Walters, is incorporated herein. DECISION The Chanhassen Board of Appeals and Adjustments approves the variance request for the use of a single-family dwelling as a two-family dwelling, subject to the following conditions of approval: 1. A building permit must be obtained prior to construction. 2. Building plans must provide sufficient information to verify that proposed building/structure meets all requirements of the Minnesota State Building Code; additional comments or requirements may be required after plan review. 3. The exterior of the home shall maintain the appearance of a single-family home (i.e. single driveway, single main entrance, etc.) and shall substantially conform to the plans dated December 10, 2020. 4. No separate entrance may be created for the apartment above the garage. 5. Separate utility services may not be established. 6. The apartment above the garage may not be rented as a separate unit, and may only be occupied by a relative of the property owner. 3 ADOPTED by the Chanhassen Planning Commission this 19th day of January, 2021. CITY OF CHANHASSEN BY: Steven Weick, Chairman g:\plan\2021 planning cases\21-06 10029 trails end road\findings of fact and decision 10029 trails end road (approval).docx 1 CITY OF CHANHASSEN CARVER COUNTY, MINNESOTA VARIANCE 2021-06 1. Permit. Subject to the terms and conditions set forth herein, the City of Chanhassen hereby grants the following variance: The Chanhassen Board of Appeals and Adjustments approves the variance request for the use of a single-family dwelling as a two-family dwelling. 2. Property. The variance is for a property situated in the City of Chanhassen, Carver County, Minnesota, and legally described as Lot 12, Block 5, Settlers West. 3. Conditions. The variance approval is subject to the following conditions: 1. A building permit must be obtained prior to construction. 2. Building plans must provide sufficient information to verify that proposed building/structure meets all requirements of the Minnesota State Building Code; additional comments or requirements may be required after plan review. 3. The exterior of the home shall maintain the appearance of a single-family home (i.e. single driveway, single main entrance, etc.) and shall substantially conform to the plans dated December 10, 2020. 4. No separate entrance may be created for the apartment above the garage. 5. Separate utility services may not be established. 6. The apartment above the garage may not be rented as a separate unit, and may only be occupied by a relative of the property owner. 4. Lapse. If within one (1) year of the issuance of this variance the allowed construction has not been substantially completed, this variance shall lapse. 2 Dated: January 19, 2021 CITY OF CHANHASSEN BY: (SEAL) Elise Ryan, Mayor AND: Heather Johnston, Interim City Manager STATE OF MINNESOTA ) (ss. COUNTY OF CARVER ) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this day of , 2021 by Elise Ryan, Mayor, and Heather Johnston, Interim City Manager, of the City of Chanhassen, a Minnesota municipal corporation, on behalf of the corporation and pursuant to authority granted by its City Council. NOTARY PUBLIC DRAFTED BY: City of Chanhassen 7700 Market Boulevard P.O. Box 147 Chanhassen, MN 55317 (952) 227-1100 g:\plan\2021 planning cases\21-06 10029 trails end road\variance document 21-06.docx COTIUUN]TY OEVELOPTEMT DEPARTMET Planning Division - 7700 Market Boulevard Meiling Address - P.O. Box 147, Chanhassen, MN 55317 Phone: (952) 227-1100 / Fax: (9521227-1110 APPLICATION FOR DEVELOPMENT REVIEW SubrnittalDate:1>l r?leD CC DEte::/c.l> r (Rdet to the rypogriala App,tcati.n CllDcuisl lv tqd/rd st/D.fiittd htbnti€too that must amfinpany this adicalio,]) E comprehensive Plen Amendment......................... $600E Minor MUSA line for failing on-site seriners..... $ 100 E Conditimal Use Pemit (CUP) E suooivision (sue) E Create 3 lots or less trtr E Creete over 3 |ots.......................16m + $15 per lot( loB) Single-Family Residence $325 $42s E Metes & Bounds (2 lots)$3{X) $150 $1e) $700 E consolidate Lots E tnterim Use Permit (lUP)El Lot Line Adjusrnent. trtr ln coniunction with Single-Family Residence.. $325 E rinat P|at...................... (lndud€s $450 escrow br atbmey ccts)' 'Additirll€sw r€y b. lqrird tr dlr sIcdaE 0rqrgh th. d.trloprll.. afif.ct All Others $425 E RezonirE (Ru )E Phnned Unit Developmenr eUD)$750 E Vacabn ot easements/Rightd{ay (VAC)........ $3fi, (Addtrqd IEco.dinS f.€3 rnay *ly)D D E Variance (VAR)$2m E Sign ptan Reviru/................ .......$150 E slte Ptan Revkryv (SPR) E W€iland Alteratim Pemil (wAP) E Single-Family Residen6........... trtr AdminishativB..... ................. S10O Cornmerciaulnd6fhl Disilicls'...................... $$0 Plus ll 0 per 1 ,0(x) squars fst d building area:( tlousand squere feet) 1nctud. 11116.r o, 'trllEg rtploys: 'lncfu.b if,rr$€. .a 4gf andorlc: Residenlial Disfricts ............. $500 Plus $5 per d^dling unit ( units) E A|l others E zoning Appeal $1m E Zoning Ordinanc€ Amendrnent (ZoA)$sm tr t!g!E: Wh.n mrldpL .ppllc.dons rr. prGs.d coocurflr ly, fhe +rop.l.te fec shdl bc cfirged fpr ch ryllcdon, E Nomcatim Sbn (cry b irrtrr rn rlmore)$200 E ProPrty Oflners', List within 5(D' (cey b genc.ab er pre+dirrbn ruering)$3 per address E Escrou, tq necording DoormenB (ctEck allthetE Conditional Use PermitE vacatbo E Metes & Bornds SuMMsioo (3 docs.) Use Permil I Site Ran Agreement E Wetland Alcration FbmltE variance E Easernents ( easements) E Oeeos TOTAL FEE: Descfipt on of Ptoposal: Requesting a variance to allow an ln-law apartment above the attached 3 car garage. Property Address or Locatiofl: Parcel #: 10029 Trails End Rd., Chanhassen Legal Description:Lot 12, Block 5, Setflers West Total Acreage:0.41 Wetlands Present?Eves ZNo Present Zoning Single-Family Rosidential Dislrict (RSD Requested Zoning Select One Present Land Use Designetion Select One Existing Use of Property:Empty lot Section 'l: Application Type (check all that apply) Required lnformation @Ctrect< oox if sepsrate nanative is attached Requested Land Use Designatio n Select One CITY OT CHAI{IIASSIN PC 6oo.y R.$d D.b: ).il-L]b-]-A-.ll- $300 $150 $27s Section 2: Section 3: Property Owner and Applicant lnformation APPLICANT OTHER THAN PROPERTY OWNER: ln signing his application, l, as applicant, represent to have obtained aulhodzation from the property owner to file this application. I agree to be bound by conditions of approval, subject only to the right to obiect at the hearings on the application or during the appeal period. lf this application has not been signed by the property owner, I have attached separate documentation of full legal capacity to file the application. This application should be processed in my name and I am the party whom lhe City should contact regarding any matter perlaining to this applicetion. I will keep mlself informed of the deadlines for submission of material and the progregs of this application. I further understand that additional fees may b€ cfiarged for consuhing fees, feasibility studies, etc. with an eslimate prior to any authorization to proceed with the study. I certify that the information and exhibits submitted are true and corecl- Contact: Phone: Cell: Fax: PROPERW OyYilER: ln signing this applicatioo, l, as property ot,wrer, have tull legal capacity to, and hereby do, aulhorize the filing of this application. I understand that conditbns ot app'ro/al are binding and agreo b b6 bound by those conditbns, subject oflly to the right to obiecl at the hearings or during the appeal perbds. I will keep mys6f in omed of tlle deadlines for submission of material and the progress of this applicatbn. I further understand that additbnel fees rnay be charged for consulting fe€s, feasibility studies, etc. with an estimate prior to any auttprizalion to proce€d with the study. I certify that the information and exhibiB submitted are tue and conect. Name:Michael and Juliana Sytuia Cell: Fax: (614 212-19(x) S(lnatu ,". Michael Sylvia oirrt.a,- t rfr sa.O-:2@).12.t3 talc5{!E ThG applkxlbn nust be compbEd in full and musl be accompenkd by all inbrmati:n and plans rBquir€d by appli€ile City Odinance prwisirns. BebrB filing thb epplicatbn, reEr b th€ approprisb Applicaton ClEddist and corfer with the Planning D€partment to determine the sp€cific ordinance and applicable HoceduEl rcquirements and fees. Contact Phone: Cell: Fax: VUho should receive copies of stafi repofts? trtr! Prope y orrvner Via:Applilan[ Ma:EngirEer Ma:Otr€r" Ma: trtrtrtr Email Email Email Email trtrtrtrtr IilSTRUCTIONS TO APPLICANT: Complete all necessary form fields, then select SAVE FoRM to save a copy to your device. PRINT FoRM and deliver to city along with required docurnents and payrnent. SUBMIT FoRM to send a digital copy to the city for prccessing. PRINT FOR SUBIIT FORT Narne: Addrcss: city/s:tatezip: Email: Signaturc: g61gss. 9607 Sky Lan€ City/StateZip: Eclen Praltu' al?cz g,n4. mcsylvia@gmail.com Mo'- go.ft.1 Mi;hal tu'- 946. 12111ffr A determinatbn of comdeteness of the application shall be made within 15 business days of applicatbn submittal. A syiten notice of applicataon deficiencies shall be mailed to the applicar within 15 business da],s of applioatbn. PRqTBCT ENG0IEER (if applbeble) Nam€: Address: Gty/slailezrp: Email: Section 4: Notification lnformation Mailed Paper Copy Mailed Paper Copy Mailed Paper Copy Mailed Paper Copy 'Odrer Contact lnfomdion: No-o. Address: _ City/Statezip: tr-oil' SAVE FORI Dear Community Development Deparunent and City of Chanhassen,12n4t2020 My name is Michael Sylvia, and my wife is Juliana Sylvia. We have three sons, Mateo (l l), Sebastian (9), and Cam (5). Our family purchased 10029 Trails End Road in Chanhassen (Lot 12, Block 5, Settlers West) on May 5, 2020. Since then, we've been designing our dream home for our family of five, with living space above our garage for my parents, Barbma and Michael. Currently, we are renting a home where my parents live in the finished basement, and have been for the last l6 months. Living in the basernent is certainly not the ideal living arranganent for any aging parent/grandparent, and this was never our long term plan. It has always been their dream to have an inlaw apartment in a home with us. This lot not only provides an excellent opportunity for this setup, as well as an incredible neighborhood and community that is Settlers West. My mother is 70 years old, and my father is 7l , and they are both retired teachers. In 2013, my father was diagnosed with Parkinson's disease, a neurological degenerative condition that impacts all aspects of his life. As expected, his condition continues to deteriorate steadily. Their lives revolve around our sons, their only grandchildren. My mother is his primary caregiver, but ultimately this is a family effort as my father needs assistance and supervision constantly. The one thing they cherish the most is spending time with their grandchildren' Given these circumstances, the easier we can make that for thern, the better it will be for our family; especially for our children, who absolutely love Grandma and Grandpa. On behalfofour entire family, thank you for your time and consideration of this very important matter, that's dear to our hearts, and the happiness of our family. We are grateful for the opportunity to have shared our special case with you, and look forward to working with the City of Chanhassen. Thank you. Sincerely, The Sylvia family 684 Excelsior Blvd Suite 220 Excelsior, MN 55331 Re: Written Justification of Variance Request 10029 Trails End Rd Chanhassen, MN 553 l7 Sec. 20-59 - Conditions for use of Sinsle Family dwelline as Two Family dwelling 2. Please note the dwelling has the appearance of a single-family home in every way, including the maintenance of one driveway and one main entry. 3. Separate utility services for gas, electricity, water, sewer, etc. will not be established. 4. The variance will not injure or adversely affect the health, safety or welfare ofthe residents ofthe cify or the neighborhood where the property is situated and is in keeping with the spirit and intent of the code. Justification for Request for Variance The code states that a variance is appropriate in this situation, and we feel that the variance is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan The circumstances of the family make this variance necessary and the owner's use of the property will not affect the community and neighborhood in any way. a Align Building and Remodeling, LLC l. The variance request is to facilitate caring for aging parents and is not based on economic considerations. b. The purpose of this variance is not based on economic considerations. The utilities are for a single family dwelling, in perpetuity. We believe we meet the criteria for granting this variance Granting this variance will in no way alter the character of the locality. The house will look like a single family dwelling, which it is. Thank you for your consideration. Steve Longman Principle c. d. e. CITY OF CHANHASSEN AFFIDAVIT OF MAILING NOTICE STATE OF MINNESOTA) ( ss. COUNTYOFCARVER ) I, Kim T. Meuwissen, being first duly sworn, on oath deposes that she is and was on January 7,2021, the duly qualified and acting Deputy Clerk ofthe City of Chanhassen, Mirmesota; that on said date she caused to be mailed a copy of the attached notice of a Public Hearing to consider a request for a variance to allow construction of an accessoty dwelling unit within a proposed single-femily residence located at 10029 Trails End Road. Zoned Single-Family Residential @SF), Planning Case No. 2021-06 to the persons named on attached Exhibit "A", by enclosing a copy ofsaid notice in an envelope addressed to such owner, and depositing the envelopes addressed to all such owners in the United States mail with postage fully prepaid thereon; that the names and addresses ofsuch owners were those appearing as such by the records ofthe County Treasurer, Carver County, Minnesota" and by other appropriate records. wrAAt'^ Subscribed and thiilJh day o m to before me i Meuwissen, Deputy C (Seal) JEAil M SIECKLII{G NffryPldbfJin*oa ft Curtr Elara lt tl,lDa 2021. N otary Public Kim This map as neither a legally recorded map nor a suNey and is not intencled to be used as one. ilis map as a compilation of records, information and data located in various city. countv. state and federalofrcts and olher sources regardrng the area shown and is lo be used icr reterence gurcoses only The Cdy does not waflanl lhat the Geographrc lnfomatjon System (GlS) Dala oseal to prepare this map are enor free, end the city do€s nol represeni that the GIS Oala can be used for navigational trackang or any other purpo;e requiring exactng measuremenl of distance or direciion or precision i6 the irepicton of geographic features. The preceding disdaimer is provaded puBuanl to Minnesota Statutes 5466.03, Subd. 21 (2000), and the user of thas map acknowledges fiat the City shall not be liable for any damages, and expressly waives all claims. and agrees to d;fend, andemnify, and hold harmless the City trom any and all claims brought bt User, its employees or agents. or third parties whiafi arise out of the use/s ac@ss or us€ of data povided (TAX_NAME,D (TAX_ADD-LI D <TAX ADD L2r (Next Record)'(TAX-NAMED (TAX_ADD_Ll E (TAX ADD L2,, Diaclalnror This map is nerther a lelally recorded map nor a suryey and is nol intended to be used asone. ihis map isa compilation of records, infomation and data located in various city, county. state and lederal omces and olher sources regardlng lhe area shown. and is lo be u;d for reference purposes only The Cty does nol wanant that the Geographrc lnformation System (GlS) Oata used to Prepare this map are enor free, and the Caty does not reprcsent that the GIS Data can be used for navigatjonal tracking or any other purpoie requiring exacting measurement of distance or directaon or preosion in lhe depictron of geogEphic featurcs. The preceding disclaimer is provided pu.suani to Minnesota Slatutes 5466.03, Subd. 21 (2000). and lhe user of this map acknowledges that the City shall not be liable for any damages, and expressly waives all daams. and agrees to dafend. indemnaly, and hold hamless the City from any and all claims brought bt User its employees or agents, or third parbes which arise out of the use/s access or use of dala provided. Subject Parcel I Vit ?.I E \, ! \ llss .l .-- --.!I , L fti i5r a I a ! 7 {T- Fr I(-4 rc l-,. 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Looks like the Sylvia's have a beautiful home planned, and even more commendable is their plan to care for their aging parents. We welcome this plan and the Sylvia family with open arms. Please feel free to share this with the Sylvia family and the Planning Commission. Thank you. Kurt and Heidi Scheppmann PLANNING COMMISSION STAFF REPORT Tuesday, January 19, 2021 Subject Consider a Request for a Variance to Replace/Rebuild Retaining Walls, Add Walkout Terrace, Add Stairway to Lake, and Reconfigure Lakeside Deck/Patio Located at 6609 Horseshoe Curve Section PUBLIC HEARINGS Item No: B.2. Prepared By MacKenzie Young­Walters, Associate Planner File No: Planning Case No. 2021­07 PROPOSED MOTION: The Chanhassen Board of Appeals and Adjustments approves a 19­foot bluff impact zone and 29­foot bluff setback variance for the construction of a deck, a bluff impact zone and bluff setback variance for the construction of retaining walls within the bluff, and a 25­foot bluff, 5­foot side yard, and 3­foot shoreland setback variance for a water­oriented accessory structure (WOAS), subject to the Conditions of Approval, and adopts the attached Findings of Facts and Decision. SUMMARY OF REQUEST The applicant is requesting a 19­foot bluff impact zone and 29­foot bluff setback variance to install an at­grade deck off of their rear patio door. They are also requesting a bluff impact zone and bluff setback variance to allow for the reconstruction of retaining walls on the property. Finally, they are proposing constructing a stairway down to the lake and replacing a nonconforming WOAS. Only the first two of these items require a variance; however, staff is recommending that the WOAS’s setbacks be included in the variance in order to formally document the nonconforming setbacks. The applicant has stated that the intent of these variances is to provide a usable area for outdoor recreation behind the home and to repair failing retaining walls. The applicant has noted that larger more significant encroachments, i.e. a rear bump out, above­grade deck, and patio, were present in the area where they are requesting a variance to install an at­grade deck prior to a 2018 remodel where these features were removed. They have noted the removal of the previous features have left the rear area behind the house as an area of dirt and weeds, without any improved area near the rear patio door. They have stated that adding a deck would provide reasonable use of the area. The applicant has stated that in 2020, boulders from the failing walls came loose and rolled down the hill causing damage to their property. They have stated that if they are not permitted to reconstruct the wall, they believe further erosion and damage will occur. Finally, they have noted that they are proposing replacing one of the walls with a living wall system which they believe will have significantly less impact than a traditional retaining wall. The applicant has stated that the stairway system is being proposed to provide safe access to the lake and that the PLANNING COMMISSION STAFFREPORTTuesday, January 19, 2021SubjectConsider a Request for a Variance to Replace/Rebuild Retaining Walls, Add Walkout Terrace,Add Stairway to Lake, and Reconfigure Lakeside Deck/Patio Located at 6609 HorseshoeCurveSectionPUBLIC HEARINGS Item No: B.2.Prepared By MacKenzie Young­Walters, AssociatePlanner File No: Planning Case No. 2021­07PROPOSED MOTION:The Chanhassen Board of Appeals and Adjustments approves a 19­foot bluff impact zone and 29­foot bluffsetback variance for the construction of a deck, a bluff impact zone and bluff setback variance for the constructionof retaining walls within the bluff, and a 25­foot bluff, 5­foot side yard, and 3­foot shoreland setback variance for awater­oriented accessory structure (WOAS), subject to the Conditions of Approval, and adopts the attachedFindings of Facts and Decision.SUMMARY OF REQUESTThe applicant is requesting a 19­foot bluff impact zone and 29­foot bluff setback variance to install an at­grade deckoff of their rear patio door. They are also requesting a bluff impact zone and bluff setback variance to allow for thereconstruction of retaining walls on the property. Finally, they are proposing constructing a stairway down to the lakeand replacing a nonconforming WOAS. Only the first two of these items require a variance; however, staff isrecommending that the WOAS’s setbacks be included in the variance in order to formally document the nonconformingsetbacks. The applicant has stated that the intent of these variances is to provide a usable area for outdoor recreationbehind the home and to repair failing retaining walls.The applicant has noted that larger more significant encroachments, i.e. a rear bump out, above­grade deck, and patio,were present in the area where they are requesting a variance to install an at­grade deck prior to a 2018 remodelwhere these features were removed. They have noted the removal of the previous features have left the rear areabehind the house as an area of dirt and weeds, without any improved area near the rear patio door. They have statedthat adding a deck would provide reasonable use of the area.The applicant has stated that in 2020, boulders from the failing walls came loose and rolled down the hill causingdamage to their property. They have stated that if they are not permitted to reconstruct the wall, they believe furthererosion and damage will occur. Finally, they have noted that they are proposing replacing one of the walls with a livingwall system which they believe will have significantly less impact than a traditional retaining wall. The applicant has stated that the stairway system is being proposed to provide safe access to the lake and that the WOAS is being reconfigured to align with the stairs. As was noted, neither of these items require a variance from the City Code. Staff recognizes that the applicant has provided a thoughtful proposal that does its utmost to balance the owner's needs with minimizing the impact to the bluff and lake. Furthermore, if the applicant had proposed the deck as part of the initial remodel, a substantial portion of it could have been approved without a variance as a reduction to an existing nonconformity. Additionally, the condition of the existing retaining walls does require action and the applicant’s proposed living wall solution is designed to address the safety and erosion concerns in a way that improves the bluff relative to the existing conditions. While the city is typically extremely hesitant to support variances permitting structures within the bluff impact zone, the city has been receptive to variances for retaining walls designed to address erosion in the past. Finally, this is a unique situation in that a bluff was not present on the property when the home was constructed, but was created when the retaining walls constructed along with the home increased the slope’s grade to an extent that triggered the bluff ordinance. This change in conditions rendered previously conforming features nonconforming, and has necessitated the variance process. For these reasons, staff is recommending approval of the variance requests. A full discussion is provided in the attached staff report. APPLICANT Brian T. Bruner, Esq. 6609 Horseshoe Curve Chanhassen, MN 55317 SITE INFORMATION PRESENT ZONING:  "RSF" ­ Single­Family Residential District LAND USE:Residential Low Density ACREAGE:  .64 acres  DENSITY:  NA  APPLICATION REGULATIONS Chapter 1, Section 1­2, Rules of Construction and Definitions Chapter 20, Article II, Division 3. Variances Chapter 20, Article II, Division 4. Nonconforming Uses Chapter 20, Article VII. Shoreland Management District. Chapter 20, Article XII, “RSF” Single­Family Residential District Section 20­615, Lot Requirements and Setbacks. Chapter 20, Article XXVIII, Bluff Protection BACKGROUND General History In April of 1999, the city approved a two­lot subdivision with variances allowing for a 20% driveway grade and 81­foot shoreland setback.* *Note: At the time this subdivision was proposed, the ordinance required structures maintain the shoreland setbacks of the adjacent properties. This requirement was subsequently repealed and properties are subjected to the current 75­foot shoreland setback. In July of 1999, the city issued a building permit for the construction of a single­family home. In March of 2000, the city issued a building permit to add a deck. PLANNING COMMISSION STAFFREPORTTuesday, January 19, 2021SubjectConsider a Request for a Variance to Replace/Rebuild Retaining Walls, Add Walkout Terrace,Add Stairway to Lake, and Reconfigure Lakeside Deck/Patio Located at 6609 HorseshoeCurveSectionPUBLIC HEARINGS Item No: B.2.Prepared By MacKenzie Young­Walters, AssociatePlanner File No: Planning Case No. 2021­07PROPOSED MOTION:The Chanhassen Board of Appeals and Adjustments approves a 19­foot bluff impact zone and 29­foot bluffsetback variance for the construction of a deck, a bluff impact zone and bluff setback variance for the constructionof retaining walls within the bluff, and a 25­foot bluff, 5­foot side yard, and 3­foot shoreland setback variance for awater­oriented accessory structure (WOAS), subject to the Conditions of Approval, and adopts the attachedFindings of Facts and Decision.SUMMARY OF REQUESTThe applicant is requesting a 19­foot bluff impact zone and 29­foot bluff setback variance to install an at­grade deckoff of their rear patio door. They are also requesting a bluff impact zone and bluff setback variance to allow for thereconstruction of retaining walls on the property. Finally, they are proposing constructing a stairway down to the lakeand replacing a nonconforming WOAS. Only the first two of these items require a variance; however, staff isrecommending that the WOAS’s setbacks be included in the variance in order to formally document the nonconformingsetbacks. The applicant has stated that the intent of these variances is to provide a usable area for outdoor recreationbehind the home and to repair failing retaining walls.The applicant has noted that larger more significant encroachments, i.e. a rear bump out, above­grade deck, and patio,were present in the area where they are requesting a variance to install an at­grade deck prior to a 2018 remodelwhere these features were removed. They have noted the removal of the previous features have left the rear areabehind the house as an area of dirt and weeds, without any improved area near the rear patio door. They have statedthat adding a deck would provide reasonable use of the area.The applicant has stated that in 2020, boulders from the failing walls came loose and rolled down the hill causingdamage to their property. They have stated that if they are not permitted to reconstruct the wall, they believe furthererosion and damage will occur. Finally, they have noted that they are proposing replacing one of the walls with a livingwall system which they believe will have significantly less impact than a traditional retaining wall.The applicant has stated that the stairway system is being proposed to provide safe access to the lake and that theWOAS is being reconfigured to align with the stairs. As was noted, neither of these items require a variance from theCity Code.Staff recognizes that the applicant has provided a thoughtful proposal that does its utmost to balance the owner's needswith minimizing the impact to the bluff and lake. Furthermore, if the applicant had proposed the deck as part of theinitial remodel, a substantial portion of it could have been approved without a variance as a reduction to an existingnonconformity. Additionally, the condition of the existing retaining walls does require action and the applicant’sproposed living wall solution is designed to address the safety and erosion concerns in a way that improves the bluffrelative to the existing conditions.While the city is typically extremely hesitant to support variances permitting structures within the bluff impact zone, thecity has been receptive to variances for retaining walls designed to address erosion in the past. Finally, this is a uniquesituation in that a bluff was not present on the property when the home was constructed, but was created when theretaining walls constructed along with the home increased the slope’s grade to an extent that triggered the bluffordinance. This change in conditions rendered previously conforming features nonconforming, and has necessitated thevariance process. For these reasons, staff is recommending approval of the variance requests.A full discussion is provided in the attached staff report.APPLICANTBrian T. Bruner, Esq. 6609 Horseshoe Curve Chanhassen, MN 55317SITE INFORMATIONPRESENT ZONING:  "RSF" ­ Single­Family Residential DistrictLAND USE:Residential Low DensityACREAGE:  .64 acres DENSITY:  NA APPLICATION REGULATIONSChapter 1, Section 1­2, Rules of Construction and DefinitionsChapter 20, Article II, Division 3. VariancesChapter 20, Article II, Division 4. Nonconforming UsesChapter 20, Article VII. Shoreland Management District.Chapter 20, Article XII, “RSF” Single­Family Residential DistrictSection 20­615, Lot Requirements and Setbacks.Chapter 20, Article XXVIII, Bluff ProtectionBACKGROUNDGeneral HistoryIn April of 1999, the city approved a two­lot subdivision with variances allowing for a 20% driveway grade and 81­footshoreland setback.**Note: At the time this subdivision was proposed, the ordinance required structures maintain the shoreland setbacks of theadjacent properties. This requirement was subsequently repealed and properties are subjected to the current 75­footshoreland setback.In July of 1999, the city issued a building permit for the construction of a single­family home. In March of 2000, the city issued a building permit to add a deck. In November of 2018, the city issued a building permit for a significant remodel which include the demolition of the existing deck and patio. In June of 2020, the city issued a building permit to add a rooftop deck. Several permits for interior work and maintenance are also on file with the city. Case History On May 21, 2020, the designer contacted staff with a proposal for the site that included a large concrete patio off the rear of the home, a concrete patio and large WOAS structure near the lake, and front yard parking pad. On May 22, 2020, staff expressed concerns about the likely presence of a bluff on the property and provided the designer with the sections of the City Code that they believed would apply to the proposal. Staff indicated that the proposal would require multiple variances, and that a survey would be required to determine the exact nature and extent of the variances. On June 16, 2020, the designer sent a revised plan and requested a meeting with staff to discuss potential variances. On June 18, 2020, staff met with the applicant’s designer to discuss the proposed project. During the meeting, staff expressed concern regarding the proposed size and placement of the WOAS, proposed front yard parking, and presence of impervious surface within the bluff impact zone. On July 16, 2020, staff and the designer met to discuss the proposed project. During the meeting, staff expressed concern regarding the proposed size and placement of the WOAS, but was supportive of the plans to stabilize the bluff and proposed pervious patio above the bluff. On November 20, 2020, staff and the designer met to discuss the proposed project. The proposed WOAS had been scaled back to address staff’s concerns. On November 30, 2020, staff and the designer met to discuss the proposed project. No significant concerns were raised. On December 18, 2020, the applicant submitted the variance request. RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends the Planning Commission, acting as the Board of Appeals and Adjustments, approves a 19­foot bluff impact zone and 29­foot bluff setback variance for the construction of a deck, a bluff impact zone and bluff setback variance for the construction of retaining walls within the bluff, and a 25­foot bluff, 5­foot side yard, and 3­foot shoreland setback variance for a water­oriented accessory structure, subject to the Conditions of Approval, and adopts the attached Findings of Facts and Decision. 1. A building permit must be obtained before beginning any construction. 2. Building plans must provide sufficient information to verify that proposed building meets all requirements of the Minnesota State Building Code; additional comments or requirements may be required after plan review. 3. Retaining walls more than four feet high must be designed by a professional engineer and a building permit must be obtained prior to construction. 4. The applicant shall install tree protection fencing at the furthest point from the trunk as possible around all trees within the grading limits. 5. The applicant shall file for an Encroachment Agreement with the city for any encroachments within public drainage and utility easements. 6. The water­oriented accessory structure shall be constructed of modular, removable decking for review and approval by the city prior to issuance of a building permit. 7. The improvements must substantially conform to the plans dated December 18, 2020. PLANNING COMMISSION STAFFREPORTTuesday, January 19, 2021SubjectConsider a Request for a Variance to Replace/Rebuild Retaining Walls, Add Walkout Terrace,Add Stairway to Lake, and Reconfigure Lakeside Deck/Patio Located at 6609 HorseshoeCurveSectionPUBLIC HEARINGS Item No: B.2.Prepared By MacKenzie Young­Walters, AssociatePlanner File No: Planning Case No. 2021­07PROPOSED MOTION:The Chanhassen Board of Appeals and Adjustments approves a 19­foot bluff impact zone and 29­foot bluffsetback variance for the construction of a deck, a bluff impact zone and bluff setback variance for the constructionof retaining walls within the bluff, and a 25­foot bluff, 5­foot side yard, and 3­foot shoreland setback variance for awater­oriented accessory structure (WOAS), subject to the Conditions of Approval, and adopts the attachedFindings of Facts and Decision.SUMMARY OF REQUESTThe applicant is requesting a 19­foot bluff impact zone and 29­foot bluff setback variance to install an at­grade deckoff of their rear patio door. They are also requesting a bluff impact zone and bluff setback variance to allow for thereconstruction of retaining walls on the property. Finally, they are proposing constructing a stairway down to the lakeand replacing a nonconforming WOAS. Only the first two of these items require a variance; however, staff isrecommending that the WOAS’s setbacks be included in the variance in order to formally document the nonconformingsetbacks. The applicant has stated that the intent of these variances is to provide a usable area for outdoor recreationbehind the home and to repair failing retaining walls.The applicant has noted that larger more significant encroachments, i.e. a rear bump out, above­grade deck, and patio,were present in the area where they are requesting a variance to install an at­grade deck prior to a 2018 remodelwhere these features were removed. They have noted the removal of the previous features have left the rear areabehind the house as an area of dirt and weeds, without any improved area near the rear patio door. They have statedthat adding a deck would provide reasonable use of the area.The applicant has stated that in 2020, boulders from the failing walls came loose and rolled down the hill causingdamage to their property. They have stated that if they are not permitted to reconstruct the wall, they believe furthererosion and damage will occur. Finally, they have noted that they are proposing replacing one of the walls with a livingwall system which they believe will have significantly less impact than a traditional retaining wall.The applicant has stated that the stairway system is being proposed to provide safe access to the lake and that theWOAS is being reconfigured to align with the stairs. As was noted, neither of these items require a variance from theCity Code.Staff recognizes that the applicant has provided a thoughtful proposal that does its utmost to balance the owner's needswith minimizing the impact to the bluff and lake. Furthermore, if the applicant had proposed the deck as part of theinitial remodel, a substantial portion of it could have been approved without a variance as a reduction to an existingnonconformity. Additionally, the condition of the existing retaining walls does require action and the applicant’sproposed living wall solution is designed to address the safety and erosion concerns in a way that improves the bluffrelative to the existing conditions.While the city is typically extremely hesitant to support variances permitting structures within the bluff impact zone, thecity has been receptive to variances for retaining walls designed to address erosion in the past. Finally, this is a uniquesituation in that a bluff was not present on the property when the home was constructed, but was created when theretaining walls constructed along with the home increased the slope’s grade to an extent that triggered the bluffordinance. This change in conditions rendered previously conforming features nonconforming, and has necessitated thevariance process. For these reasons, staff is recommending approval of the variance requests.A full discussion is provided in the attached staff report.APPLICANTBrian T. Bruner, Esq. 6609 Horseshoe Curve Chanhassen, MN 55317SITE INFORMATIONPRESENT ZONING:  "RSF" ­ Single­Family Residential DistrictLAND USE:Residential Low DensityACREAGE:  .64 acres DENSITY:  NA APPLICATION REGULATIONSChapter 1, Section 1­2, Rules of Construction and DefinitionsChapter 20, Article II, Division 3. VariancesChapter 20, Article II, Division 4. Nonconforming UsesChapter 20, Article VII. Shoreland Management District.Chapter 20, Article XII, “RSF” Single­Family Residential DistrictSection 20­615, Lot Requirements and Setbacks.Chapter 20, Article XXVIII, Bluff ProtectionBACKGROUNDGeneral HistoryIn April of 1999, the city approved a two­lot subdivision with variances allowing for a 20% driveway grade and 81­footshoreland setback.**Note: At the time this subdivision was proposed, the ordinance required structures maintain the shoreland setbacks of theadjacent properties. This requirement was subsequently repealed and properties are subjected to the current 75­footshoreland setback.In July of 1999, the city issued a building permit for the construction of a single­family home.In March of 2000, the city issued a building permit to add a deck.In November of 2018, the city issued a building permit for a significant remodel which include the demolition of the existingdeck and patio.In June of 2020, the city issued a building permit to add a rooftop deck.Several permits for interior work and maintenance are also on file with the city.Case HistoryOn May 21, 2020, the designer contacted staff with a proposal for the site that included a large concrete patio off the rearof the home, a concrete patio and large WOAS structure near the lake, and front yard parking pad.On May 22, 2020, staff expressed concerns about the likely presence of a bluff on the property and provided the designerwith the sections of the City Code that they believed would apply to the proposal. Staff indicated that the proposal wouldrequire multiple variances, and that a survey would be required to determine the exact nature and extent of the variances.On June 16, 2020, the designer sent a revised plan and requested a meeting with staff to discuss potential variances.On June 18, 2020, staff met with the applicant’s designer to discuss the proposed project. During the meeting, staffexpressed concern regarding the proposed size and placement of the WOAS, proposed front yard parking, and presenceof impervious surface within the bluff impact zone.On July 16, 2020, staff and the designer met to discuss the proposed project. During the meeting, staff expressed concernregarding the proposed size and placement of the WOAS, but was supportive of the plans to stabilize the bluff andproposed pervious patio above the bluff.On November 20, 2020, staff and the designer met to discuss the proposed project. The proposed WOAS had beenscaled back to address staff’s concerns.On November 30, 2020, staff and the designer met to discuss the proposed project. No significant concerns were raised.On December 18, 2020, the applicant submitted the variance request.RECOMMENDATIONStaff recommends the Planning Commission, acting as the Board of Appeals and Adjustments, approves a 19­foot bluffimpact zone and 29­foot bluff setback variance for the construction of a deck, a bluff impact zone and bluff setbackvariance for the construction of retaining walls within the bluff, and a 25­foot bluff, 5­foot side yard, and 3­footshoreland setback variance for a water­oriented accessory structure, subject to the Conditions of Approval, andadopts the attached Findings of Facts and Decision.1. A building permit must be obtained before beginning any construction.2. Building plans must provide sufficient information to verify that proposed building meets all requirements of theMinnesota State Building Code; additional comments or requirements may be required after plan review.3. Retaining walls more than four feet high must be designed by a professional engineer and a building permit mustbe obtained prior to construction.4. The applicant shall install tree protection fencing at the furthest point from the trunk as possible around all treeswithin the grading limits.5. The applicant shall file for an Encroachment Agreement with the city for any encroachments within public drainageand utility easements.6. The water­oriented accessory structure shall be constructed of modular, removable decking for review andapproval by the city prior to issuance of a building permit. 7. The improvements must substantially conform to the plans dated December 18, 2020. ATTACHMENTS: Staff Report Findings of Fact (Approval) Variance Document Development Review Application Narrative Justification of Request Plan Set Variance Document Pages: Aerials, Previous Existing Site Plan/Notes, Existing Site Photos Variance Document Pages: Existing Site Photos Variance Document Pages: Existing Site Photos Variance Document Page: Existing Site Photo, 3D Model Renderings ERS Memo WRC Memo Engineering Memo Affidavit of Mailing CITY OF CHANHASSEN PC DATE: January, 19 2021 CC DATE: February 8, 2021 REVIEW DEADLINE: February 16, 2021 CASE #: PC 2021-07 BY: MYW SUMMARY OF REQUEST: The applicant is proposing placing an at-grade deck outside their rear patio door approximately one foot from the top of the bluff, reconstructing a failing retaining wall within the bluff, adding a staircase to provide safe access to the lake, and replacing a water-oriented accessory structure (WOAS) with nonconforming area, bluff setbacks, side yard setbacks, and shoreland setbacks. Since the deck and retaining wall are within the bluff, a variance is required; however, the stairs and replacement of the nonconforming WOAS are permitted by City Code without a variance. LOCATION: 6609 Horseshoe Curve APPLICANT: Brian T. Bruner, Esq. 6609 Horseshoe Curve Chanhassen, MN 55317 OWNER: Elise R. Bruner, Esq. 6609 Horseshoe Curve Chanhassen, MN 55317 PRESENT ZONING: “RSF” – Single-Family Residential District 2040 LAND USE PLAN: Residential Low Density ACREAGE: .64 acres DENSITY: NA LEVEL OF CITY DISCRETION IN DECISION-MAKING: The city’s discretion in approving or denying a variance is limited to whether or not the proposed project meets the standards in the Zoning Ordinance for a variance. The city has a relatively high level of discretion with a variance because the applicant is seeking a deviation from established standards. This is a quasi-judicial decision. Notice of this public hearing has been mailed to all property owners within 500 feet. PROPOSED MOTION: “The Chanhassen Board of Appeals and Adjustments approves a 19-foot bluff impact zone and 29-foot bluff setback variance for the construction of a deck, a bluff impact zone and bluff setback variance for the construction of retaining walls within the bluff, and a 25-foot bluff, 5-foot side yard, and 3-foot shoreland setback variance for a water-oriented accessory structure (WOAS), subject to the Conditions of Approval, and adopts the attached Findings of Facts and Decision.” 6609 Horseshoe Curve January 19, 2021 Page 2 PROPOSAL/SUMMARY The applicant is requesting 19-foot bluff impact zone and 29-foot bluff setback variance to install an at-grade deck off of their rear patio door. They are also requesting a bluff impact zone and bluff setback variance to allow for the reconstruction of retaining walls on the property. Finally, they are proposing constructing a stairway down to the lake and replacing a nonconforming WOAS. Only the first two of these items require a variance; however, staff is recommending that the WOAS’s setbacks be included in the variance in order to formally document the nonconforming setbacks. The applicant has stated that the intent of these variances is to provide a usable area for outdoor recreation behind the home and to repair failing retaining walls. The applicant has noted that larger more significant encroachments, i.e. a rear bump out, above- grade deck, and patio, were present in the area where they are requesting a variance to install an at grade deck prior to a 2018 remodel where these features were removed. They have noted the removal of the previous features have left the rear area behind the house as an area of dirt and weeds, without any improved area near the rear patio door. They have stated that adding a deck would provide reasonable use of the area. The applicant has stated that in 2020, boulders from the failing walls came loose and rolled down the hill causing damage to their property. They have stated that if they are not permitted to reconstruct the wall, they believe further erosion and damage will occur. Finally, they have noted that they are proposing replacing one of the walls with a living wall system which they believe will have significantly less impact than a traditional retaining wall. The applicant has stated that the stairway system is being proposed to provide safe access to the lake and that the WOAS is being reconfigured to align with the stairs. As was noted, neither of these items require a variance from the City Code. Staff recognizes that the applicant has provide a thoughtful proposal that does its utmost to balance the owners’ needs with minimizing the impact to the bluff and lake. Furthermore, if the applicant had proposed the deck as part of the initial remodel, a substantial portion of it could have been approved without a variance as a reduction to an existing nonconformity. Additionally, the condition of the existing retaining walls does require action and the applicant’s proposed living wall solution is designed to address the safety and erosion concerns in a way that improves the bluff relative to the existing conditions. While the city is typically extremely hesitant to support variances permitting structures within the bluff impact zone, the city has been receptive to variances for retaining walls designed to address erosion in the past. Finally, this is a unique situation in that a bluff was not present on the property when the home was constructed, but was created when the retaining walls constructed along with the home increased the slope’s grade to an extent that triggered the bluff ordinance. This change in conditions rendered previously conforming features nonconforming, and has necessitated the variance process. For these reasons, staff is recommending approval of the variance requests. 6609 Horseshoe Curve January 19, 2021 Page 3 APPLICABLE REGULATIONS Chapter 1, Section 1-2, Rules of Construction and Definitions Chapter 20, Article II, Division 3. Variances Chapter 20, Article II, Division 4. Nonconforming Uses Chapter 20, Article VII. Shoreland Management District. Chapter 20, Article XII, “RSF” Single-Family Residential District Section 20-615, Lot Requirements and Setbacks. Chapter 20, Article XXVIII, Bluff Protection BACKGROUND General History In April of 1999, the city approved a two-lot subdivision with variances allowing for a 20% driveway grade and 81-foot shoreland setback.* *Note: At the time this subdivision was proposed, the ordinance required structures maintain the shoreland setbacks of the adjacent properties. This requirement was subsequently repealed and properties are subjected to the current 75-foot shoreland setback. In July of 1999, the city issued a building permit for the construction of a single-family home. In March of 2000, the city issued a building permit to add a deck. In November of 2018, the city issued a building permit for a significant remodel which include the demolition of the existing deck and patio. In June of 2020, the city issued a building permit to add a rooftop deck. Several permits for interior work and maintenance are also on file with the city. Case History On May 21, 2020, the designer contacted staff with a proposal for the site that included a large concrete patio off the rear of the home, a concrete patio and large water oriented accessory structure near the lake, and front yard parking pad. On May 22, 2020, staff expressed concerns about the likely presence of a bluff on the property and provided the designer with the sections of the City Code that they believed would apply to the proposal. Staff indicated that the proposal would require multiple variances, and that a survey would be required to determine the exact nature and extent of the variances. On June 16, 2020, the designer sent a revised plan and requested a meeting with staff to discuss potential variances. 6609 Horseshoe Curve January 19, 2021 Page 4 On June 18, 2020, staff met with the applicant’s designer to discuss the proposed project. During the meeting staff expressed concern regarding the proposed size and placement of the water oriented accessory structure, proposed front yard parking, and presence of impervious surface within the bluff impact zone. On July 1 6, 2020, staff and the designer met to discuss the proposed project. During the meeting staff expressed concern regarding the proposed size and placement of the water oriented accessory structure, but was supportive of the plans to stabilize the bluff and proposed pervious patio above the bluff. On November 20, 2020, staff and the designer met to discuss the proposed project. The proposed water oriented structure had been scaled back to address staff’s concerns. On November 30, 2020, staff and the designer met to discuss the proposed project. No significant concerns were raised. On December 18, 2020, the applicant submitted the variance request. SITE CONSTRAINTS Zoning Overview The property is zoned Single-Family Residential District, is located within the Shoreland Management District, and is subject to the bluff protection ordinance. This zoning classification requires riparian lots to be a minimum of 20,000 square feet, have front and rear yard setbacks of 30 feet, side yard setbacks of 10 feet, a shoreland setback of 75 feet, and limits parcels to a maximum of 25 percent lot cover. Residential structures are limited to 35 feet in height, and properties are allowed one water oriented accessory structure up to 250 square feet in size within the 75-foot shoreland setback. Structures must be setback 30 feet from the top, side, and toe of the bluff, and alteration of the land and vegetation within the bluff impact zone is heavily restricted. Both the shoreland and bluff ordinance allow the construction of stairways, lifts, and landings, subject to design criteria. A portion of the property is also encumbered by a sanitary sewer easement. The lot is 27,878 square feet with 6,377 square feet (23 percent) lot cover. The existing house has a nonconforming bluff setback of between 5 and 19 feet, with a porch that encroaches into the bluff. The property also features retaining walls located within the bluff impact zone. The home’s WOAS is a nonconforming 308-square foot structure with a 3-foot bluff setback, 5-foot side yard setback, and 7-foot shoreland setback. This WOAS is also located within the city’s sanitary sewer easement. The house and other features appear to meet all other requirements of the City Code. Bluff Creek Corridor This is not encumbered by the Bluff Creek Overlay District. 6609 Horseshoe Curve January 19, 2021 Page 5 Bluff Protection There is a bluff on the property. The city’s bluff protection ordinance requires structures to be setback 30 feet from the top, toe, and side of the bluff and prohibits the alteration to land or vegetation within the bluff impact zone, the area of the bluff and within 20 feet of the top of the bluff. Stairways, lifts, and landings are permitted in areas where they will not redirect water flow or increase drainage velocity so long as they do not exceed four feet in width and meet other design criteria. Limited topographic alterations, grading, and filling within the bluff impact zone is permitted through an earthwork permit, subject to standards designed to protect the integrity of the bluff. Floodplain Overlay This property is not within a floodplain. Shoreland Management The property is located within a Shoreland Protection District. This district requires a 75-foot structure setback from the lake’s ordinary high water level (OHWL) and limits the property to a maximum impervious surface coverage of 25 percent. The shoreland ordinance permits one WOAS to be located within the 75-foot shoreland setback, provided that it is at least 10 feet from the ordinary high water level, no larger than 250 square feet, and has a maximum height of 10 feet. Stairways, lifts and landings providing access up and down bluffs and steep slopes to shore areas are also permitted so long as they do not exceed four feet in width, do not cause soil erosion, and meet other design criteria. Wetland Protection There is not a wetland located in the development site. NEIGHBORHOOD Pleasant View/Alicia Heights 6609 Horseshoe Curve January 19, 2021 Page 6 The plat for Pleasant View was recorded in March of 1910 and Alicia Heights, a two lot subdivision within Pleasant View, was recorded in June of 1999. Pleasant View is one of the oldest neighborhoods in the city and it predates the establishment of the City of Chanhassen and its ordinances. The neighborhood is located on a peninsula jutting into Lotus Lake and this combined with challenging topography meaning it has a large number of atypically shaped lots, many of which do not conform to current city standards. Some of the homes are original to the neighborhood, while others are new construction or have been extensively updated. Many properties have nonconforming elements or have received variances due to the age of the neighborhood and atypical configuration of the lots. Variances within 500 feet: 6605 Horseshoe Curve (PC 1991-09): 17’ shoreland setback (deck) – Approved 6631 Horseshoe Curve (PC 1996-07): 15’ shoreland setback (addition and attached garage) – Approved 6677 Horseshoe Curve (PC 1982-03): 25’ front and 7’ side setback (detached garage) – Approved 6681 Horseshoe Curve (PC 1986-15): 6’ side setback (detached garage) – Withdrawn (PC 1987-03): 6’ side setback (detached garage) – Approved (PC 2002-10): 16’ front and 5’ side setback, 4% LC (detached garage and addition) – Approved 6691 Horseshoe Curve (PC 1987-14): 19.6’ front setback (detached garage) – Approved 6697 Horseshoe Curve (PC 1985-02): 9.03’ side setback (addition, intensify non-conforming) – Approved 6609 Horseshoe Curve January 19, 2021 Page 7 ANALYSIS At-Grade Deck The applicant is requesting a variance to place an at-grade deck approximately one foot from the top of the bluff. Initially, the applicant had expressed interest in a patio made of an impervious surface; however, after staff expressed concern over the placement of impervious surface within the bluff impact zone, the request was revised to feature a surface comprised of pervious decking, complete with drainage system. It should be noted that prior to the property’s 2018 renovation, a 144-square foot bump out projected 8 feet from the home for a 12-foot bluff setback, a 225-square foot above-grade deck projected out 15 feet from the existing porch and was located partially within the bluff, and an approximately 200-square foot concrete patio connected the deck and bump out within the bluff impact zone. In comparison to the 2018 conditions on the property, the applicant is proposing replacing approximately 344 square feet of impervious surface within the bluff impact zone and a 225- 6609 Horseshoe Curve January 19, 2021 Page 8 square foot deck partially located within the bluff with approximately 652 square feet of pervious decking setback one foot from the top of the bluff at its closest point. Since the nonconforming deck, bump out, and patio were removed over a year ago, the applicant is not entitled to replace them nor can the proposed deck be approved without a variance as a reduction to an existing nonconformity; however, even if the requested variance is granted for the proposed deck, the removal of impervious surface within the bluff impact zone and of the encroachment into the bluff itself does represent an improvement to the original conditions present on the property. A final factor in determining the appropriateness of granting a variance, is the fact that a bluff was not present on the property when the home was built. In 1999, when the home was built, there was a steep slope in the rear yard that did not meet the definition of a bluff. As part of the permit to construct the home, a retaining wall was shown in the rear yard. This retaining wall leveled off approximately 20 feet of the rear yard creating a steeper slope that met the definition of a bluff. Since the original survey did not show a bluff on the property and as-built surveys were not required at that time, permits were issued based on the fact that the available survey did not show a bluff until the scope of work proposed in May 2020 triggered the need for a new survey and the presence of a bluff was confirmed. Ordinarily, staff would not support the construction of a structure within the bluff impact zone; however, this is a very unique situation. The 2018 removal of the pre-existing structures has left the area to the rear of the house as a patch of bare soil and weeds, meaning that many of the ordinary concerns about removing vegetation within the bluff impact zone are not a factor, and the applicant is proposing making significant improvements to prevent further degradation of the bluff as discussed in the following subsection. Additionally, the applicant’s desire to have an improved area outside of their patio door is reasonable and in keeping with what is present on the surrounding properties. While the applicant’s proposed deck is larger than the minimum size necessary to provide an improved surface off of the patio door, staff believes the requested dimensions are reasonable in light of what was previously present on the property. For the above reasons, staff is recommending that the Planning Commission approve a 19-foot bluff impact zone and a 29-foot bluff setback variance to permit the construction of the proposed deck. 6609 Horseshoe Curve January 19, 2021 Page 9 Retaining Walls The applicant is proposing to rebuild two retaining walls within the bluff impact zone. Both of these retaining walls are boulder walls and the applicant states that the southern retaining walls is failing with boulders having come loose and rolling down the hill during a June 21, 2020 rain storm. They believe that if the wall is not replaced, additional wall failures will occur, causing the slope to suffer additional erosion and possibly resulting in rocks and sediment reaching the lake. The applicant is proposing replacing the southern retaining wall with a living wall system. The living wall system will utilizes a type of geogrid replete with plantings to anchor and support the slope. These systems utilize both geogrid and root structure of the plants to help prevent erosion, and the plant roots have the added benefit of helping to absorb stormwater. The applicant has stated that this type of construction will require less material than a traditional timber or boulder retaining wall. The applicant is also proposing using fescue on the lakeside slope, as its relatively deep root system makes it a good low maintenance option for the area. Staff concurs with the applicant’s assessment that the existing southern retaining wall must be replaced, and believes that the proposed living wall system is a viable, innovative, and environmentally responsible way to shore up that section of the slope. Since the living wall system requires regrading that will extend the “retaining wall” area further into the bluff, it is not considered a simple replacement of an existing nonconforming use and requires a variance; however, staff believes the proposal represents an improvement over rebuilding the existing boulder retaining wall within its current footprint, which could be done without a variance. 6609 Horseshoe Curve January 19, 2021 Page 10 The applicant is also proposing removing a boulder retaining wall on the west portion of the property and replacing it with a smaller concrete retaining wall. The proposed western retaining wall is located almost entirely within the footprint of the existing boulder retaining wall, and the majority of the existing retaining wall running along the top of the bluff is being removed. While the northwestern most corner of the new retaining wall will be located outside of the existing footprint, it is the area furthest from the top of the bluff. The applicant is also proposing a drainage system to help manage the stormwater associated with the retaining wall. Since the existing western retaining wall could be rebuilt in its current more impactful configuration without a variance as a continuation of an existing nonconformity, staff believes that it is appropriate to grant a variance to accommodate the less impactful revised placement. For the above reasons, staff is recommending that the Planning Commission approve the variance to permit the construction of retaining walls within the bluff impact zone. Water-Oriented Accessory Structure (WOAS) The property has a nonconforming WOAS that is a combination of impervious patio and pervious decking. This structure is approximately 308 square feet, 58 square feet larger than the maximum size permitted by ordinance, and has a nonconforming 3-foot bluff, 7-foot shoreland, and 5-foot side yard setback. Additionally, the structure is located overtop of a sanitary sewer line. The applicant is proposing replacing this with a smaller modular shoreline deck. Since the proposed WOAS is 220 square feet, entirely pervious, removable, and setback an additional 2 feet from the toe of the bluff, this is a clear reduction to the existing nonconformity and does not require a variance. Staff is including the structure’s setbacks in the requested variance for the sole purpose of formally documenting the structure’s nonconforming status and preventing any future confusion as to the legality of the structure’s size, placement, and composition. 6609 Horseshoe Curve January 19, 2021 Page 11 Impact on Neighborhood Pleasant View is an older neighborhood with many atypically shaped lots, nonconformities, and variances. The applicant’s proposal will result in a smaller nonconforming WOAS, a stabilized slope, and the creation of an at- grade deck approximately 92 feet from the lake’s OHWL. The proposed deck will have less of a visual impact than the deck and patio that were present on the property before the 2018 remodel, and both the proposed retaining wall and WOAS are smaller and less visually obtrusive than what is currently present on the property. The applicant has also worked to create a proposal that is minimally impactful to the property’s environmental features. The use of a living wall system instead of a traditional retaining wall will help stabilize the bluff and should prevent further erosion. None of the applicant’s proposed improvements will negatively impact the neighboring properties or recreational users of Lotus Lake. RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends the Planning Commission, acting as the Board of Appeals and Adjustments, approves a 19-foot bluff impact zone and 29-foot bluff setback variance for the construction of a deck, a bluff impact zone and bluff setback variance for the construction of retaining walls within the bluff, and a 25-foot bluff, 5-foot side yard, and 3-foot shoreland setback variance for a water-oriented accessory structure, subject to the Conditions of Approval, and adopts the attached Findings of Facts and Decision. 1. A building permit must be obtained before beginning any construction. 2. Building plans must provide sufficient information to verify that proposed building meets all requirements of the Minnesota State Building Code; additional comments or requirements may be required after plan review. 3. Retaining walls more than four feet high must be designed by a professional engineer and a building permit must be obtained prior to construction. 4. The applicant shall install tree protection fencing at the furthest point from the trunk as possible around all trees within the grading limits. 5. The applicant shall file for an Encroachment Agreement with the city for any encroachments within public drainage and utility easements. 6. The water-oriented accessory structure shall be constructed of modular, removable decking for review and approval by the city prior to issuance of a building permit. 7. The improvements must substantially conform to the plans dated December 18, 2020. 6609 Horseshoe Curve January 19, 2021 Page 12 ATTACHMENTS 1. Findings of Fact and Decision (Approval) 2. Variance Document (Approval) 3. Development Review Application 4. Variance Request Narrative 5. Variance Request Justification 6. Plan Set 7. Variance Documents 8. Landscaping and Tree Preservation Memo 9. WRC Memo 10. Engineering Memo 11. Affidavit of Mailing g:\plan\2021 planning cases\21-07 6609 horseshoe curve\staff report_6609 horseshoe curve_var.doc 1 CITY OF CHANHASSEN CARVER AND HENNEPIN COUNTIES, MINNESOTA FINDINGS OF FACT AND DECISION (APPROVAL) IN RE: Application of Brain T. Bruner, Esq. on behalf of Elise R. Bruner, Esq. for a variance to replace/rebuilt retaining walls, add a walk-out terrace, and reconfigure a lakeside deck/patio on a property zoned Single-Family Residential District (RSF) - Planning Case 2021-07. On January 19, 2021, the Chanhassen Planning Commission, acting as the Board of Appeals and Adjustments, met at its regularly scheduled meeting to consider the application. The Planning Commission conducted a public hearing on the proposed variance preceded by published and mailed notice. The Board of Appeals and Adjustments makes the following: FINDINGS OF FACT 1. The property is currently zoned Single-Family Residential District (RSF). 2. The property is guided in the Chanhassen Comprehensive Plan for Residential Low Density. 3. The legal description of the property is: Lots 1, Block 1, Alicia Heights 4. Variance Findings – Section 20-58 of the City Code provides the following criteria for the granting of a variance: a. Variances shall only be permitted when they are in harmony with the general purposes and intent of this Chapter and when the variances are consistent with the Comprehensive Plan. Finding: It is the intent of the city’s Zoning Code to protect the city’s environmental resources by preventing the construction of structures near the top, side, and toe of bluffs as well as limiting the size and nature of structures near lakes; however, property owners have the right to repair and replace nonconforming structures. It is also the intent of the nonconforming use ordinance to encourage property owners with nonconforming structures to reduce the extent of existing nonconformities and bring their properties closer to complying with City Code by allowing them to replace an existing nonconforming structure with a less intensive nonconformity. In this case, the applicant’s proposal reduces the size and impact of a nonconforming, water- oriented accessory structure (WOAS), replaces a failing boulder retaining wall with a more environmentally sensitive living wall, and replaces another boulder retaining wall with a smaller concrete wall located further from the top of the bluff. While the footprints of the two walls in places exceed the footprints of the walls they are replacing, they are less impactful 2 than the walls that they are replacing and represent an environmentally responsible solution for a complicated parcel with numerous nonconformities. The proposed deck is replacing a deck, patio, and bump out that was removed from the bluff impact zone in 2018. While the nonconforming use ordinance does stipulate that nonconformities discontinued for more than a year cannot be replaced, the proposed deck has been designed to have minimal impact on the bluff and is much less impactful than what was previously present on the property. Given that it is the intent of the City Code to allow the owners of nonconforming properties opportunities to make reasonable improvements their property, granting a variance to permit thoughtfully designed and environmentally sensitive improvements that remove numerous nonconforming elements is in line with the intent of the City Code and consistent with the Comprehensive Plan. b. When there are practical difficulties in complying with the zoning ordinance. "Practical difficulties" as used in connection with the granting of a variance, means that the property owner proposes to use the property in a reasonable manner not permitted by this Chapter. Practical difficulties include, but are not limited to, inadequate access to direct sunlight for solar energy systems. Finding: The applicant’s proposal to add a deck to the property is reasonable given the improvements (deck, patio, and bump out) that were previously present on the property and the presence of broadly similar rear-facing decks and patios present on neighboring properties. Additionally, the presence of steep slopes throughout the rear yard means there is not place where a rear-facing deck could be placed without receiving a variance from the city’s bluff ordinance. c. That the purpose of the variation is not based upon economic considerations alone. Finding: The variance request is not solely based upon economic considerations. d. The plight of the landowner is due to circumstances unique to the property not created by the landowner. Finding: The plight of the landowner is due to pre-existing conditions on the property, including the nonconforming location of the house, retaining walls, and water-oriented structure. All of these conditions were present on the property, prior to the applicant purchasing the property and commencing their remodeling and landscaping projects. e. The variance, if granted, will not alter the essential character of the locality. Finding: Pleasant View/Alicia Heights is an older neighborhood with many atypically shaped lots, nonconformities, and variances. The applicant’s proposal will result a smaller nonconforming WOAS, a stabilized slope, and the creation of an at-grade deck approximately 92 feet from the lake’s Ordinary High Water Level (OHWL). The proposed deck will have less of a visual impact than the deck and patio that were present on the property before the 2018 remodel, and both the proposed retaining wall and WOAS are 3 smaller and less visually obtrusive than what is currently present on the property. The applicant has also worked to create a proposal that is minimally impactful to the property’s environmental features. The use of a living wall system instead of a traditional retaining wall will help stabilize the bluff and should prevent further erosion. None of the applicant’s proposed improvements will negatively impact the neighboring properties or recreational users of Lotus Lake. f. Variances shall be granted for earth-sheltered construction as defined in Minnesota Statutes Section 216C.06, subdivision 14, when in harmony with this Chapter. Finding: This does not apply to this request. 5. The planning report #2021-07, dated January 19, 2021, prepared by MacKenzie Young-Walters, is incorporated herein. DECISION “The Chanhassen Board of Appeals and Adjustments approves a 19-foot bluff impact zone and 29-foot bluff setback variance for the construction of a deck, a bluff impact zone and bluff setback variance for the construction of retaining walls within the bluff, and a 25-foot bluff, 5-foot side yard, and 3-foot shoreland setback variance for a water-oriented structure, subject to the following conditions of approval: 1. A building permit must be obtained before beginning any construction. 2. Building plans must provide sufficient information to verify that proposed building meets all requirements of the Minnesota State Building Code; additional comments or requirements may be required after plan review 3. Retaining walls more than four feet high must be designed by a professional engineer and a building permit must be obtained prior to construction. 4. The applicant shall install tree protection fencing at the furthest point from the trunk as possible around all trees within the grading limits. 5. The applicant shall file for an Encroachment Agreement with the city for any encroachments within public drainage and utility easements. 6. The water-oriented structure shall be constructed of modular, removable decking for review and approval by the city prior to issuance of a building permit. 7. The improvements must substantially conform to the plans dated December 18, 2020.” ADOPTED by the Chanhassen Planning Commission this 19th day of January, 2021. CITY OF CHANHASSEN BY: Steven Weick, Chairman g:\plan\2021 planning cases\21-07 6609 horseshoe curve\findings of fact and decision 6609 horseshoe curve (approval).doc 1 CITY OF CHANHASSEN CARVER COUNTY, MINNESOTA VARIANCE 2021-07 1. Permit. Subject to the terms and conditions set forth herein, the City of Chanhassen hereby grants the following variance: The Chanhassen Board of Appeals and Adjustments approves a 19-foot bluff impact zone and 29-foot bluff setback variance for the construction of a deck, a bluff impact zone and bluff setback variance for the construction of retaining walls within the bluff, and a 25- foot bluff, 5-foot side yard, and 3-foot shoreland setback variance for a water-oriented structure. 2. Property. The variance is for a property situated in the City of Chanhassen, Carver County, Minnesota, and legally described as Lot 1, Block 1, Alicia Heights. 3. Conditions. The variance approval is subject to the following conditions: 1. A building permit must be obtained before beginning any construction. 2. Building plans must provide sufficient information to verify that the proposed building meets all requirements of the Minnesota State Building Code; additional comments or requirements may be required after plan review 3. Retaining walls more than four feet high must be designed by a professional engineer and a building permit must be obtained prior to construction. 4. The applicant shall install tree protection fencing at the furthest point from the trunk as possible around all trees within the grading limits. 5. The applicant shall file for an Encroachment Agreement with the city for any encroachments within public drainage and utility easements. 6. The water-oriented structure shall be constructed of modular, removable decking for review and approval by the city prior to issuance of a building permit. 7. The improvements must substantially conform to the plans dated December 18, 2020. 2 4. Lapse. If within one (1) year of the issuance of this variance the allowed construction has not been substantially completed, this variance shall lapse. Dated: January 19, 2021 CITY OF CHANHASSEN BY: (SEAL) Elise Ryan, Mayor AND: Heather Johnston, Interim City Manager STATE OF MINNESOTA ) (ss. COUNTY OF CARVER ) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this day of , 2021 by Elise Ryan, Mayor, and Heather Johnston, Interim City Manager, of the City of Chanhassen, a Minnesota municipal corporation, on behalf of the corporation and pursuant to authority granted by its City Council. NOTARY PUBLIC DRAFTED BY: City of Chanhassen 7700 Market Boulevard P.O. Box 147 Chanhassen, MN 55317 (952) 227-1100 g:\plan\2021 planning cases\21-07 6609 horseshoe curve\variance document 21-07.doc Y// *crTYotcumuAssrtl 6lrx! e: APPLICATION FOR DEVELOPMENT REVIEW A ' I sr.F:*ar Dare.'*-'E!+*ilo- "" *"-j.:9."- ;;;-ggEi-t 6GDav Re,ie* *teg=4- (Refer to lhe awo$iele Applicdbh chccmst lot E,quiad submital i,:/o,,7r|allm thel mud a&omparly lhis adication) ! Comprehensive Plan Amendment... E Minor MUSA line for failing on-site sewers ... E Conditional Use Permit (CUP) E SingleFamily Residence.............................. E All Others......... fl lnterim Use Permit (lUP) E ln coniunction with Single.Family Residence E A[ others......... fl Rezoning lRez;! Planned Unit Development (PUD) ................ E Minor Amendment to existing PUD............... ! A orhers........ E Sign Plan Review................... D Subdivision (SUB) E create 3 lots or less E create over 3 lots ... D Site Plan Review (SPR) ! Administrative. ....... .. ..'.... $100 D Commerciaulndustrial Districis'...............-...... 5500 Plus $'10 per 1,000 square feet of building area:( thousand square feet) 'lndude number ofglELtq employees: - 'lndude n8ber of 49q emPloYees: E Residential Oistricls............................ ............ $500 Plus $5 per dwelling unit ( units) E Notitication Sign (city to irEtalland remove).........-....... " ' E Property Owners' List within 500' (City to generab anet preapplicstion rEeing) ( lots) D Metes & Bounds (2 lots)............ E Consolidate Lots..... . ........ . D LotLineAdiustmen1............ ........ D Final P|at......... (lncludes S45O escrow for attomey costs)' ;Additonal es6ow may b€ required for other apdicaUons through ttle develoPment contrad. ! Vacation of Easements,/R€ht-of-way (VAC) (Additronal recordirE fees may apply) E Variance (VAR) ! Wetland Alteralion Permit (WAP) E Single-Family Residence ..... ........ . .... E Att others........ E Zoning Appeal. E Zoning Ordinance Amendment (ZOA)......... $3 per address ( ?z addresses) ..................,.... $50 per document D Site Phn Agreement n Wetland Atteration Permit E Deeds TOTAL FE !q!Ei Yl,ihen mulupl€ .pplications a,e proco+ted coicu,rendy, the approp.ids lre shall be ch.rgod for each application. $600 $100 $325 9425 $325 $425 $750 $100 sso0 $1s0 s300 $200 s150 $275 $100 $500 $200 E] Esffow for Recording Oocuments (check allthat apply) . .. -fl conditional Use Fermit D lnterim Use Permit Ei vacation fl Variance I u*es a Bounds subdivision (3 docs.) ! Easements 1- easements)l<r e (check all that aPPIY)Section 1: Application TYP Section 2: Required lnformation Description of P.oposal: Replace / Reconfigure Existing Boulder Retaining Wall variance 6609 Horseshoe Curve, Chanhassen, Minnosota 55317 Parcel #: Residential250550010Legal Description Present Land Use Designation 0.64 Wetlands Present? Single Family Rssidential Districl (RSF) Select One Requested Land Use Designation Select One Total Acreage: Present Zoning EYes ENo Requested Zoning Select One Existing Use of Property:Residential Echeck box if separate nanative is attached COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT ptannino Division - 7700 Market Boulevard i,taiting -Aaoress - p.O. Box 147. Chanhassen, MN 55317 Phonet (952\ 227-1100 I Fax. 1952\ 227-1110 Property Address or Location: Owner and APP|icant lnformationSection 3: Property APPUGANToTHERTHANPRoPERTYowNER:lnsigningthisaPplication.|.asapplicant.representtohaveobtained aurhorization ftom ," p.p"rty o*nriti, or" itriilipil*ti'"n. iagree io be bound bv conditions of approval' subiect only to the right to object at tne nearings onl appii"ation or ouring th; appeal oeriod. lf ihis application has not been signed by the property owner. r nare aracneo'se;;i;;;;.;"i;iioriot full ligal ;apacitv to file the application This application shourd be processed in ,y n"r" "n-o-iJ,r-it'. prrtv "t". tt'" city s[ould tontia regarding any matter pertaining to this aootication. I wi1 keep mysetf int"#J "i tf'"-6i"-"Oiines for submilsion oimaeriat an-a tne progress of this application' I furiher understand rt "t "aoirion"r r*!lri;;;;E; k; ";nsuhing.fees feasibility studies' etc with an estimate prior to any authorization to proceeO w1;r tnliirJi.-Ljiiifi tfr"t rf'L informition and exhibit! submitled are true and correct' Name -7. Enr.v1.a-- t Es- Address:uuDq V th-l c M N ,f! r-7 Cell: Fax: (.lL'L.r'r1 q City/State/zip t Email glbran,r PA -l-v-ra.'l. (.../t Signature:Date:tz-/rsk z- PROPERTY OWNER: ln signing this application, l, as property owner, have full legal capacity to' and hereby do' authorize the fiting of tnis appticationl t ['nO""t"nO'tt "i "oi1ditions of approval are 6inding and.agree to be bound by those conditions, subject onty to the right i; ;d; ;i th; heirlngs or Ouring.i# appeal penods: I will keep mysetf informed of the deadtines for suumission ot matJriatlno tt'" p.G"J; thi" appiication. l further understand thal additional fees mav O. "n"id for *nsutting fees, feasiOir,tyiirii*i"iJ- *irr, an estimlte prior to any authorization to proceed with the study. icerlify that the information and exhibits submitted are true and conect' Name EI;v'u Contact: Address: U o rh,, a Phone: City/Statezip c ^^ Aal Y<.^lvlN ,t3 r'1 Cell: Fax: 1S L- 1r7-LL./ j Email: e rn \ri a-1 h6+Jw!-i ( - Co t,".-. Date:I z_l tq/t t. PROJECT ENGINEER (if applicable) Name: Address: Contact: Phone: City/Statezip: Email: Cell Fax Who should receive copies of staff reports?'Other Contact lnformation: Property Owner Via:AppllEnt Via:Engineer Via:Othef Va: aa Email Email Email Email E Mailed Paper copy Name Travis Van Liere atr Mailed Paper Copy Maaled Paper Copy Address 21 1 N 1st St #350 City/Slatefzip: Email: INSTRUCTIONS TO APPLICANT:Complete all necessary form fields, then select SAVE FORM to save a coPy to your device. PRINT FORit and deliver to city along with required documents and payment. SUBMIT F ORM to send a digital copy to the city for processing. SAVE FOR PRINT FORiIi SUB ]T FORH A determination of completeness of the application shall be made within 15 business days of application submittal. A writien notice ot applicaiion deliciencies shall be mailed to the applicanl within 15 business days of application. nformation appropriate redandlansallberequed bymandStpuaccompanlbyicationUmbestThsapp istheckCtheloreferApplicationfithSrovtstonSBeforelingapplicationp raluleordandnancermdeteneprocedthetoapplicabrtmentspecificn9Depa applicable City Ordinance and confer with lhe Plann requirements and Ees. tra A Mailed Paper copy MN 55401 Contact: Phone: n^7 Pr-- Signature: Section4: Notificationlnformation Za UZ fu llin o 612 345 4275 minneapolis, mn 55401 211 north 1st street suite #350 TRAVIS VAN LIERE STUDIO tvls December 18, 2020 City of Chanhassen Community Development Department Planning Division 7700 Market Blvd PO Box 147 Chanhassen, MN 55317 RE: WRITTEN DESCRIPTION OF VARIANCE REQUEST To whom it may concern, As required by the City of Chanhassen, we are respectfully submitting this written description of variance requests for the following property: Bruner Residence 6609 Horseshoe Curve Chanhassen, MN 55317 Variances Requested 1. Bluff Setback Area Encroachment Variance 2. Replace / Reconfigure Existing Boulder Retaining Wall Variance Summary of Concern The existing home on this property was built in 1999 and recently remodeled in 2017 by Christian Dean Architecture. The landscape was not considered at that time, so the current project is looking to finalize landscaping on the property while considering client needs while respectfully meeting existing codes and standards. This house non-conforming due to encroachment into bluff setback, hence variance for certain items are needed. Please see the written justification of variance request for further information. Our design team met with the city planning office several times throughout the process of this project. Below is a summary of our previous meetings and their outcomes: 1 o 612 345 4275 minneapolis, mn 55401 211 north 1st street suite #350 TRAVIS VAN LIERE STUDIO tvls July 16, 2020 • Meeting Contact: MacKenzie Walters The primary landscape elements discussed at this meeting included: - Proposed storage water-oriented accessory structure location and requirements - Proposed walk-out terrace - Proposed lakeside staircase connecting walk-out terrace to lakeside deck - Proposed erosion control system to improve and replace failing boulder retaining wall - Proposed low maintenance grasses to naturalize and cover full property ground cover - Proposed new driveway access to property entry November 20, 2020 • Meeting Contact: Erik Henricksen The primary landscape elements discussed at this meeting included: - Omitted proposed storage water-oriented accessory structure - Modified material of proposed walk-out terrace from precast concrete to porous wood decking material - Modified material of proposed lakeside staircase from precast concrete to porous wood decking material - Simplified grading of proposed lakeside staircase from heavy grading to grading as needed - Proposed lakeside deck - Fits within the footprint of existing concrete patio - Maintains alignment with the rest of the plan layout - Porous wood decking - Proposed erosion control system to replace failing boulder retaining wall (unchanged from last review) - Proposed low maintenance grasses to naturalize and cover full property ground cover (unchanged from last review) - Proposed new driveway access to property entry (unchanged from last review) 2 o 612 345 4275 minneapolis, mn 55401 211 north 1st street suite #350 TRAVIS VAN LIERE STUDIO tvls Conclusion Our design team and the clients have continued to work with the city and other governing agencies to develop a plan that maintains the spirit and works in concert with the applicable city codes and ordinances while providing practical use for the property by the owners. Thank you in advance for your due consideration of our request for a variance. Sincerely, Travis Van Liere, PLA, ASLA Principal - Travis Van Liere Studio 3 December 4, 2020 City of Chanhassen Community Development Department Planning Division 7700 Market Blvd PO Box 147 Chanhassen, MN 55317 RE: WRITTEN JUSTIFICATION OF HOW VARIANCE REQUEST FOR 6606 HORSESHOE CURVE, CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 COMPLIES WITH THE FINDINGS FOR GRANTING A VARIANCE PURSUANT TO SECTION 20-58 Dear Planning Division, As required by the City of Chanhassen, we are respectfully submitting this written justification in support of our variance request currently pending with your office. Overview and Introduction My name is Elise Bruner, and my husband, Brian, and our daughter, Sieglinde, reside at 6609 Horseshoe Curve in Chanhassen. I am writing this written justification on behalf of myself and my family. By way of background, I grew up in Chanhassen on the very same property that is currently under review by the Planning Division. The name of the parcel of land, Alicia Heights, is, in fact, named after my mother, Alicia. My childhood home, now 6611 Horseshoe Curve, was the only home I knew. The property of 6609 was split and sold in 1999 and the new home was built where we are living presently. As such, I have a very deep connection to this property. Practical Difficulties We understand that variances are requested when the strict enforcement of the ordinance would cause a “practical difficulty” because of circumstances unique to the property, such as when the property cannot be put to reasonable use because of its size, physical surroundings, shape, or topography. In consideration of all equities and hardships in this case, we believe that our application warrants favorable discretion, since everything we hope to do will improve the use of this property and reduce further degradation of the property. •Reasonableness We confirm that as homeowners, we propose to use our property in a reasonable manner. While we would like to use our property in a particularly reasonable way, we cannot currently do so under the rules of the applicable ordinance. At the current time, we do not have reasonable use of our lake property. With a severely sloped property from the road to the house, and again from the front side to lake, there are essentially two (2) limited flat areas on the lakeside for family recreation, including: (1)lower patio area by the slider door that is accessible from our walk-out home. (2)flat patio area by shoreline. The rest of the land is not usable for quiet enjoyment beyond a nature-scape. To this end, we wish to create livable space for reasonable use as follows: •Build a lower-level deck patio outside the slider door that is directly accessible from our walk-out home. There is currently nothing outside our slider door other than dirt and weeds. Building a deck is a reasonable use and extension of our home. •Build a staircase from the lower-level deck patio to the lakeshore. We currently have no easy access to the lake without concern for falling, tripping, or losing one’s balance. We have witnessed able-bodied friends slip while trying to get down to the lake, and anyone with physical limitations would arguably not be comfortable going down to the lake. Without an appropriate staircase, this will continue to be a problem. The distance from our lower-level slider door to the lakeshore is about 117 feet and has a 29.75-foot grade change. This is just over a 25% slope. •Build a modular (removable pieces) shoreline deck patio near the lakeshore. This would comport with necessary setbacks and allow access for maintenance of the utility line in this area. •Uniqueness Our current problem is due to circumstances unique to this property and was not caused by our actions. As noted by the enclosed photographs and topography, the physical characteristics of our property present unique challenges due to the sloping topography and limited accessible space for use. When we purchased the property in 2016, the home, boulder retaining walls, lakeshore platform, and lack of staircase were all pre-existing factors. In 2019, we removed a 144 square-foot bump out on the lakeside of the house, as well as a deck that protruded toward the lake 8 feet as part of an extensive home remodel that was approved by the City of Chanhassen. Those structures are no longer present. However, without certain reasonable improvements, the current state of the property is not sustainable for enjoyable use over the long run. •Boulders rolling down the hill – On June 21, 2020, boulders that are present in an already dilapidated retaining fall came loose and rolled down the hill due to the rains. The boulder retaining wall is no longer safe and has already caused damage to the pre-existing shoreline platform. There are about 5 large boulders that have already rolled down the hill. Please see enclosed pictures for proof. We anticipate that without a new retaining wall, erosion and damage will continue. •Run off around the house and down the hill – Without an appropriate drainage plan, sediment, rocks, etc. will continue to degrade the property and ultimately go into the lake – which is what we remain concerned about. Without improvements, the pre-existing susceptibilities of the property will only continue to grow. • Essential Character Provided the variance is granted, the comprehensive plan will not alter the essential character of our property or locality. The resulting structure of the boat house, as well as the stairs and deck, will not be out of scale, out of place, or otherwise inconsistent with the surrounding area. Please see enclosed photographs for similarly situated staircases and boathouses on Lotus Lake. The proposed comprehensive plan is more protective of the environment than what is currently present. Please consider the following: •Use of permeable deck surfaces will allow water to percolate into the soil to filter out pollutants and recharge the water table. As noted in the enclosed comprehensive plan, we intend to use permeable deck material on the lower-level patio, staircase, and lakeshore deck to ensure that water is properly channeled into the underlying soil, which will force slow percolation during periods of heavy rainfall. •Use of Living Walls will again allow water to absorb into the soil and slow erosion. As noted in the enclosed comprehensive plan, we intend to use a living wall instead of the pre-existing boulder retaining wall. Living retaining walls function just as a traditional stone or timber wall, and typically require much less actual building material to construct. In keeping with the plan, we hope to reduce storm water runoff and erosion. •Use of Fescue “Low Grow No Mow” Application of fescue on the lakeside slope is currently present, as we have already had great success with the product, but we will continue the seeding of the entire lakeside area accordingly. The use of this product is environmentally friendly due to the relatively deep root systems (4-9”), which enhance drought-resistance by reducing water loss and reaching deeper water reserves. Due to the nature of the fescue, once planted, it requires only minimal water and no chemical fertilizers or pesticides for proper maintenance. •Preservation of Tree Canopy The comprehensive plan seeks to preserve the pre-existing tree canopy on the property. We do not wish to disrupt the beauty of the mature trees that we have. CONCLUSION Thank you in advance for your due consideration of our request for a variance. Sincerely, Elise Bruner and Brian Bruner BRUNER RESIDENCE VARIANCE APPLICATION DRAWINGS DECEMBER 18. 2020 L000 PROJECT INFORMATION N/A SKeet #TitOe IssXeG PRELIMINARY PRICING SET PERMIT BID SET CD SET LANDSCAPE REVISIONS L000 PROJECT INFORMATION Ɣ L001 GENERAL NOTES Ɣ L009 EXISTING INCOMING SURVEY Ɣ L010 EXISTING CONDITIONS  REMOVALS PLAN Ɣ L011 OVERLAY DIAGRAM Ɣ L101 SITE PLAN Ɣ L102 SURFACING AND WALLS PLAN L103 SITE FURNISHINGS AND LIGHTING PLAN L201 GRADING PLAN Ɣ L401 LANDSCAPE PLAN Ɣ L501 WALL ELEVATIONS Ɣ L601 WALL, DOCK,  DECK DETAILS Ɣ L602 PAVING DETAILS Ɣ L603 LIGHTING AND DRAINAGE DETAILS Ɣ L607 PLANTING DETAILS Ɣ L608 EROSION CONTROL DETAILS Ɣ L700 SCHEDULES AND SPECIFICATIONS SHEET INDEX LOCATION MAP SITE ADDRESS: 6609 HORSESHOE CURVE CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 LOT SIZE: SEE EXISTING SURVEY INFORMATION LEGAL DESCRIPTION: SEE EXISTING SURVEY INFORMATION ZONING: SEE EXISTING SURVEY INFORMATION BUILDING SETBACK REQUIREMENTS SEE EXISTING SURVEY INFORMATION AND VARIANCE APPLICATION FOR PROJECT JURISDICTION: CITY OF CHANHASSEN, MN OWNER: BRIAN AND ELISE BRUNER 6609 HORSESHOE CURVE CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 GENERAL CONTRACTOR: SURVEY INFO PROVIDED BY: EGAN, FIELD & NOWAK, INC. 1229 TYLER STREET NE #100 MINNEAPOLIS, MN 55413 T 612 466 3300 PROJECT INFO: PROJECT SITE 7 5 A ABV ABOVE AD AREA DRAIN ADA AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT ADJ ADJACENT AGG AGGREGATE ALGN ALIGNMENT ALUM ALUMINUM ANOD ANODIZED APPROX APPROXIMATE ARCH ARCHITECT, ARCHITECTURE AVG AVERAGE B BB BALLED AND BURLAPPED BC BACK OF CURB BFFE BASEMENT FINISHED FLOOR ELEVATION BLDG BUILDING BOC BOTTOM OF CURB BOP BOTTOM OF POOL BOR BOTTOM OF RAMP BOS BOTTOM OF STAIR BOT BOTTOM BOW BOTTOM OF WALL BTWN BETWEEN C CAL CALIPER CAP CAPACITY CB CATCH BASIN CHAM CHAMFER CIP CAST IN PLACE CIVIL CIVIL ENGINEER CJ CONTROL JOINT CL CENTER LINE CLR CLEAR, CLEARANCE CM CENTIMETER CMU CONCRETE MASONRY UNIT CO CLEAN OUT COL COLUMN COMP COMPOSITE, COMPACTED CONC CONCRETE COND CONDITION CONIF CONIFEROUS CONST CONSTRUCTION CONT CONTINUOUS CNTR CENTER CF CUBIC FEET CU CUBIC CY CUBIC YARDS D (D)DEEP, DEPTH DBL DOUBLE DECID DECIDUOUS DEMO DEMOLISH, DEMOLITION DET DETAIL DIA DIAMETER DIM/S DIMENSION/S DN DOWN DR DRAIN DWG/S DRAWING/S E E EAST EA EACH EJ EXPANSION JOINT EL ELEVATION ELEC ELECTRICAL EQ EQUAL EQUIP EQUIPMENT EST ESTIMATE ETR EXISTING TO REMAIN E.W.EACH WAY EXP EXPOSED EXT EXTERIOR EXTG EXISTING F FDN FOUNDATION F.F.FILTER FABRIC FFE FINISHED FLOOR ELEVATION FG FINISHED GRADE FIN FINISH FL FLOOR FOB FACE OF BRICK FOC FACE OF CONCRETE FOW FACE OF WALL FT FEET, FOOT FTG FOOTING FURN FURNISHING FUT FUTURE G GA GAUGE GALV GALVANIZED GC GENERAL CONTRACTOR GEN GENERAL, GENERATOR GEO GEO-TECHNICAL GL GLASS, GLAZING H (H)HIGH/HEIGHT HB HOSE BIB HC HANDICAP HDCP HANDICAP, HANDICAPPED HDWD HARDWOOD HDWR HARDWARE HORIZ HORIZONTAL H.P.HIGH POINT HR HANDRAIL HT HEIGHT I I.D.INSIDE DIAMETER, INSIDE DIMENSION I.E.INVERT ELEVATION IN INCH, INCHES INCL INCLUDED INSUL INSULATION INT INTERIOR INV INVERT ELEVATION J JST JOIST JT JOINT K K.O.KNOCK OUT L (L)LENGTH L.A.LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT LB POUND L.F.LINEAR FOOT LOCN LOCATION LOD LIMITS OF DISTURBANCE L.P.LOW POINT LT LIGHT M MAINT MAINTAIN, MAINTENANCE MAS MASONRY MAT MATERIAL MAX MAXIMUM MECH MECHANICAL MEMB MEMBRANE MFR MANUFACTURER MH MANHOLE MIN MINIMUM MISC MISCELLANEOUS MTL METAL N N NORTH N/A NOT APPLICABLE N.F.C.NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION N.I.C.NOT IN CONTRACT No.NUMBER NOM NOMINAL NTS NOT TO SCALE O OA OVERALL O.C.ON CENTER O.D.OUTSIDE DIAMETER, OUTSIDE DIMENSION OFD OVERFLOW DRAIN OH OVERHEAD OHW ORDINARY HIGH WATER MARK OPNG OPENING OPP OPPOSITE ORNM ORNAMENTAL P PA PLANTED AREA PAR PARALLEL PC POINT OF CURVATURE, PRECAST PERF PERFORATED PERP PERPENDICULAR PL PLATE, PROPERTY LINE PLYWD PLYWOOD PNT PAINT POB POINT OF BEGINNING POI POINT OF INTERSECTION POT POINT OF TANGENCY PSF POUNDS PER SQUARE FOOT PSI POUNDS PER SQUARE INCH PT POINT, PRESSURE TREATED PU POLYURETHANE PVC POLYVINYL CHLORIDE PVMT PAVEMENT PVR PAVER Q QTR QUARTER QTY QUANTITY R R RISER, RELOCATE (R)RISER HEIGHT RAD RADIUS RD ROOF DRAIN REBAR REINFORCING BAR RECEPT RECEPTACLE RECT RECTANGULAR REF REFERENCE REINF REINFORCED, REINFORCEMENT REM REMOVE REQD REQUIRED RET RETAINING, RETURN REV REVISION RO ROUGH OPENING ROW RIGHT OF WAY RP RADIUS POINT RT RIGHT S S SOUTH SCHED SCHEDULE SECT SECTION SD STORM DRAIN S.F.SQUARE FEET SHT SHEET SIM SIMILAR SLR SEALER SPEC SPECIFICATION SPP SPECIES SQ SQUARE SS SANITARY SEWER SST STAINLESS STEEL ST STORM SEWER STA STATION STD STANDARD STL STEEL STRUCT STRUCTURE, STRUCTURAL SURF SURFACE, SURFACING S.Y.SQUARE YARD SYM SYMMETRICAL T (T)THICK T&B TOP AND BOTTOM TBC TOP OF BACK OF CURB TBD TO BE DETERMINED THR THRESHOLD TOC TOP OF CURB, TOP OF CONCRETE TOD TOP OF DECK TOF TOP OF FOOTING TOP TOP OF PAVING TOPO TOPOGRAPHY TOR TOP OF RAMP TOS TOP OF STAIR TOW TOP OF WALL TRANS ELECTRICAL TRANSFORMER TSL TOP OF SLAB TVLS TRAVIS VAN LIERE STUDIO TYP TYPICAL U UTIL UTILITY V VAR VARIABLE, VARIES VEH VEHICLE VIF VERIFY IN FIELD VERT VERTICAL VOL VOLUME W W WEST (W)WIDE, WIDTH W/WITH W/O WITHOUT WD WOOD WL WATER LEVEL WP WATERPROOF, WORK POINT WS WATER SUPPLY WT WEIGHT WTR WATER WWF WELDED WIRE FABRIC WWM WELDED WIRE MESH Y YD YARD SYMBOLS &AND ∠ANGLE ⌒ARC LENGTH @ AT ℄CENTER LINE Ø DIAMETER °DEGREE #NUMBER, POUND /PER ±PLUS/MINUS ⅊PROPERTY LINE ℄SF X X X X LOD OHW SS ST LANDSCAPE LINE LEGENDLANDSCAPE SYMBOL LEGENDLANDSCAPE ABBREVIATIONS EXISTING SPOT ELEVATION000.00 PROPOSED SPOT ELEVATION DET SHT DET SHT TRAFFIC FLOW X EXISTING TREES TO BE REMOVED EXISTING TREES TO BE SAVED AND PROTECTED NEW DECIDUOUS TREE NEW CONIFEROUS TREE NEW SHRUB NEW PERENNIAL/ANNUAL CB RD AD AIR CONDITIONER UNIT CATCH BASIN, ROOF DRAIN, OR AREA DRAIN GAS METER WATER METER S P.E. GEN.GENERATOR HOSE BIB EXTERIOR ELECTRICAL OUTLET EXTERIOR LIGHT SWITCH AC HB WTR GAS LIGHT FIXTURES TRASH CONTAINER PLANTER POT SWING GATE SHT SHT PUP-UP EMITTER -XP -XW -XE -XS -XL -XR -XF X XXX XXX.XX LOCN POT CONTOUR ELEVATION DATUM ELEVATION TRAFFIC FLOW ARROW KEY NOTE SHEET NOTE EDGING TYPE FENCING TYPE LIGHTING TYPE PAVING TYPE REMOVAL SITE ELEMENT WALL TYPE GROUNDCOVER TYPE PLANTING REFERENCE ALGN POB 000.00 TOW X POINT OF BEGINNING POINT OF ENTRY AT BUILDING 1 REVISION CLOUD REVISION NUMBER PARALLEL ALIGNMENT QTY SPP ELEVATION CALLOUT DETAIL CALLOUT SECTION CALLOUT MATCH LINE / CONTROL LINE STRUCTURAL GRID LINE AREA OF ENLARGEMENT SYMMETRY SPRINKLER HEADS BREAK LINE PAVING HATCH LEGEND G X X DET SHT PLANT HATCH LEGEND SECTION/DETAIL HATCH LEGEND XXX PROPERTY LINE RIGHT-OF-WAY EASEMENT SETBACK CENTER LINE SILT FENCE TREE PROTECTION FENCE LIMITS OF DISTURBANCE ORDINARY HIGH WATER MARK DRAIN TILE SANITARY SEWER STORM SEWER EXISTING CONTOURS PROPOSED CONTOURS XX X 90°180°270°360° SLOPE-AT-SURFACE/ DRAINAGE FLOW ARROW X.XX STAIRDN UP ASPHALT SURFACING UNIT PAVER (RUNNING BOND) UNIT PAVER (HERRINGBONE) DRY-SET UNIT PAVER FLAGSTONE PAVING AGGREGATE SURFACING PAVING/SITE ELEMENT TO BE REMOVED GRASSPAVE POUROUS PAVER RIPRAP TURFSTONE PAVERS MORTAR-SET UNIT PAVER CONCRETE ASPHALT STONE, TYPE 1 STONE, TYPE 2 MORTAR GRANULAR FILL COMPACTED AGGREGATE METAL WOOD DIMENSIONAL LUMBER (SECTION) PLANTING SOIL EARTH (DISTURBED) EARTH (COMPACTED OR UNDISTURBED) GRASSPAVE POROUS GRASS PAVER TURFSTONE STONE, TYPE 3 NETLON ADVANCED TURF SYSTEM TURF PLANTING AREA GROUNDCOVER TYPE 1 GROUNDCOVER TYPE 2 GROUNDCOVER TYPE 3 CONCRETE SURFACING SAND SURFACING SAND SEEDING TYPE 2 SEEDING TYPE 1 FESCUE creation Gate:11/19/2020fiOepatK:/Users/EretZieseOer/DropEo[ (TVLS)/PROJECTS (DROPBOX)/BRUNER RESIDENCE/2. DWG/1. DRAWINGS/5. VARIANCE/L000.GZJOast saveG:EretZieseOer DecePEer 16, 2020 5:11 PMTKe GesiJns sKoZn anG GescriEeG Kerein incOXGinJ aOO tecKnicaO GraZinJs, JrapKics anG specifications tKereof, are proprietar\ anG cannot Ee copieG, GXpOicateG or coPPerciaOO\ e[pOoiteG, in ZKoOe or in part, ZitKoXt tKe e[press Zritten perPission of Travis Van Liere StXGio, LLC. TKese are avaiOaEOe for OiPiteG revieZ anG evaOXation E\ cOients, consXOtants, contractors, JovernePent aJencies, anG venGors onO\ in accorGance ZitK tKis notice. ‹ Cop\riJKt 2020Travis Van Liere StXGio, LLC. AOO riJKts reserveG. Oicense no: I KereE\ certif\ tKat tKis pOan, specification, or report Zas prepareG E\ Pe or XnGer P\ Girect sXpervision anG tKat I aP a GXO\ LicenseG LanGscape ArcKitect XnGer tKe OaZs of tKe State of Minnesota. 43728 T R A V I S V A N L I E R E Gate:1/23/2018 6 6 0 9 H O R S E S H O E C U R V E C H A N H A S S E N , M I N N E S O T A 5 5 3 1 7 B R U N E R R E S I D E N C E DraZn B\: Date: ScaOe: DraZinJ: SKeet: 12/18/2020 DJ Rev #Description Date VARIANCE APPLICATION 12/18/2020 N O T F O R C O N S T R U C T I O N 211 1ST STREET NORTH, SUITE 350 MINNEAPOLIS, MN 55401 t 612 345 4275 L001 GENERAL NOTES N/A GENERAL NOTES 1.USE OF THE WORD 'CONTRACTOR' IN THE DRAWINGS INDICATES BOTH THE GENERAL CONTRACTOR AND ALL SUBCONTRACTORS ON THE PROJECT. 2.THE CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE ALL MATERIALS AND LABOR TO COMPLETE THE SCOPE OF WORK AS INDICATED IN THE DOCUMENTS. 3.ALL CONTRACTORS AND SUB-CONTRACTORS ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR COORDINATING THEIR WORK WITH THE WORK OF OTHERS. NEITHER THE OWNER NOR THE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT IS RESPONSIBLE FOR COORDINATION OF THE WORK. NO ADDITIONAL COMPENSATION WILL BE MADE TO ANY CONTRACTOR FOR EXTRA WORK RESULTING FROM FAILURES OF COORDINATION. 4.THE CONTRACTOR MUST ASSURE COMPLIANCE WITH ALL APPLICABLE CODES, REGULATIONS, AND PERMITS AND INSPECTIONS GOVERNING THE WORK OR MATERIALS SUPPLIED. 5.THE CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR APPLYING FOR, OBTAINING, AND PAYING FOR ALL NECESSARY PERMITS, APPROVALS AND INSPECTIONS, UNLESS OTHERWISE INDICATED IN THE CONTRACT DOCUMENTS. 6.THE CONTRACTOR SHALL HAVE A COPY OF ALL DRAWINGS WITH THEM ON SITE AT ALL TIMES AND SHALL RECORD ALL MODIFICATIONS/CHANGES TO THE WORK ON THE DRAWINGS. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE A COMPLETE AS-BUILT SET OF DRAWINGS TO THE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT AT PROJECT COMPLETION. 7.EXCEPT FOR ITEMS SPECIFICALLY MARKED AS 'BY OTHERS' OR 'NOT IN CONTRACT', IT IS THE INTENT OF THESE DRAWINGS TO DESCRIBE A COMPLETE PROJECT. THE CONTRACTOR MUST THOROUGHLY REVIEW THE DRAWINGS PRIOR TO SUBMITTING A BID AND IMMEDIATELY NOTIFY THE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT OF ANY ERRORS OR OMISSIONS DISCOVERED. NO ADDITIONAL COMPENSATION WILL BE MADE FOR ITEMS OF WORK NOT SHOWN OR DESCRIBED ON THE DRAWINGS THAT COULD BE REASONABLY INFERRED FROM THE DRAWINGS IN PROVIDING THE OWNER WITH COMPLETE SYSTEMS AND A COMPLETE PROJECT. 8.EXISTING CONDITIONS SHOWN ON THE DRAWINGS ARE FROM A SURVEY PERFORMED BY OTHERS. EXISTING TOPOGRAPHIC FEATURES MAY NOT BE EXACT AS TO THEIR LOCATION, CHARACTER, OR NUMBER. THE CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR VERIFYING THE CONDITIONS OF THE SITE PRIOR TO BIDDING AND CONSTRUCTION AND FOR IMMEDIATELY NOTIFYING THE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT OF ANY DISCREPANCIES OR VARIATIONS FROM THE DRAWINGS. 9.THE CONTRACTOR MUST MAINTAIN AND PROTECT ALL BENCH MARKS, SURVEY MONUMENTS, PROPERTY IRONS, LAYOUT STAKES AND OTHER REFERENCE POINTS. ALL FINES AND REPLACEMENT COSTS FOR DAMAGE TO ANY OF THESE ITEMS THAT IS DUE TO THE CONTRACTOR'S ACTS OR NEGLIGENCE ARE THE CONTRACTOR'S RESPONSIBILITY AT NO COST TO THE OWNER. 10.THE CONTRACTOR SHOULD EXPECT TO FIND TELEPHONE, ELECTRIC, GAS, CABLE TELEVISION, AND FIBER OPTIC LINES, IRRIGATION SYSTEMS, AND OTHER PUBLIC AND PRIVATE UTILITIES. THE CONTRACTOR, IN COOPERATION WITH THE APPROPRIATE UTILITY COMPANY, IS RESPONSIBLE TO VERIFY THE LOCATION, SIZE, AND DEPTH OF ALL UTILITIES PRIOR TO ANY CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITY. AT LEAST 48 HOURS PRIOR TO ANY CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITY, THE CONTRACTOR MUST CONTACT GOPHER STATE ONE CALL AT 800 252 1166 OR TO NOTIFY THE APPROPRIATE UTILITY COMPANIES AND VERIFY THE EXACT LOCATION, SIZE, AND DEPTH OF ALL UTILITIES WITH THE APPROPRIATE UTILITY COMPANIES. 11.ANY RELOCATION OF PUBLIC UTILITIES SHALL BE CONDUCTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH ANY AND ALL REQUIREMENTS OF THE UTILITY COMPANY, INCLUDING FEES, BONDS, PERMITS REQUIRED FOR SUCH WORK. 12.PRIOR TO ANY WORK WITHIN THE PUBLIC RIGHT OF WAY, THE CONTRACTOR MUST OBTAIN ALL NECESSARY PERMITS AND SUBMIT A TRAFFIC CONTROL PLAN COMPLYING WITH THE LATEST EDITION OF THE MNDOT ROADWAY REQUIREMENTS. 13.DO NOT PROCEED WITH ANY PORTION OF WORK AS INDICATED IN THE DOCUMENTS IF OBSTRUCTIONS, DISCREPANCIES OR UNKNOWN CONDITIONS ARE ENCOUNTERED. NOTIFY LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT IMMEDIATELY ON HOW BEST TO PROCEED. 14.CONTRACTOR TO PROVIDE AND MAINTAIN A SAFE AND SECURE SITE THROUGHOUT THE PROJECT IN ACCORDANCE WITH NATIONAL, STATE, AND LOCAL SAFETY ORDINANCES. 15.UPON SUBSTANTIAL COMPLETION OF PROJECT THE CONTRACTOR SHALL REQUEST IN WRITING, A FINAL ACCEPTANCE INSPECTION WITH THE OWNER AND LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT. CODES 1.ALL WORK SHALL CONFORM TO THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE LOCAL CODES AND ALL OTHER GOVERNING AUTHORITIES HAVING JURISDICTION. 2.APPLICABLE CODES: THIS PROJECT IS TO COMPLY WITH THE CITY OF CHANHASSEN MUNICIPAL CODE AND SUB-CODE REQUIREMENTS AND STATE OF MINNESOTA CODE REQUIREMENTS. 3.VERIFY IF THIS PROJECT WILL REQUIRE SPECIAL REVIEW AND APPROVALS FROM THE RILEY PURGATORY BLUFF CREEK WATERSHED DISTRICT. SUBMITTALS / SHOP DRAWINGS / SITE MOCK-UPS 1.CONTRACTOR IS TO PROVIDE SHOP DRAWINGS AND FIELD MOCKUPS TO THE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT FOR FINAL REVIEW AND APPROVAL PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION FOR THE FOLLOWING ITEMS: PAVING, WALLS, FENCES, SPECIAL METAL FABRICATIONS & CONNECTIONS, SPECIAL FINISHES, SPECIALTY DETAILS, AND LIGHTING. 2.MOCK-UPS WILL ESTABLISH EXPECTATIONS FOR QUALITY NAD WORKMANSHIP. 3.MOCK-UPS WILL BE SET UP IN A SECURED PORTION OF THE SITE FOR REFERENCE THROUGHOUT CONSTRUCTION AND REMAIN UNTIL PROJECT SITE CONSTRUCTION COMPLETION. 4.CONTRACTOR SHALL REVIEW, STAMP, SIGN AND DATE ALL SUBMITTALS PRIOR TO FORWARDING TO ARCHITECT/ENGINEER. THE ENGINEER¶S REVIEW IS FOR CONFORMANCE WITH THE DESIGN CONCEPT AND GENERAL COMPLIANCE WITH THE RELEVANT CONTRACT DOCUMENTS. THE ARCHITECTS REVIEW DOES NOT RELIEVE THE CONTRACTOR OF THE SOLE RESPONSIBILITY TO REVIEW, CHECK AND COORDINATE THE SUBMITTALS THE CONTRACTOR REMAINS SOLELY RESPONSIBLE FOR ERRORS AND OMISSIONS IN THE SUBMITTALS. 5.ALL CONTRACTORS SHALL SUBMIT SHOP DRAWINGS AS REQUIRED FOR APPROVAL PRIOR TO COMMENCING WITH ANY WORK. 6.SHOP DRAWINGS SHALL BE IN THE FORM OF BLACK-LINE PRINTS OR PORTABLE DOCUMENT FORMAT (PDF) FOR REVIEW. EXISTING CONDITIONS / REMOVALS NOTES 1.VERIFY AND STAKE ALL PROPERTY LINES AND STRUCTURE LOCATIONS PRIOR TO COMMENCING WITH CONSTRUCTION. MAINTAIN PROPERTY LINE STAKES, CONTROL POINTS, BENCH MARKS, AND OFFSET STAKES THROUGHOUT CONSTRUCTION. ANY LOST SURVEY MARKERS TO BE REPLACED BY THE CONTRACTOR AT THE CONTRACTORS EXPENSE. 2.THE LIMITS OF WORK INDICATED ON DRAWINGS, ARE GENERAL IN NATURE AND ARE INTENDED TO DEFINE THE GENERAL VICINITY IN WHICH THE SCOPE OF WORK EXISTS. ACTUAL LIMITS OF WORK SHALL INCLUDE AREAS NECESSARY TO COMPLETE THE SCOPE OF DESIGN INTENT. 3.THE CONTRACTOR MUST REVIEW THE LIMITS OF WORK WITH THE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT PRIOR TO STARTING WORK. ANY WORK OUTSIDE THE LIMITS OF WORK AS SHOWN ON THE DRAWINGS OR AS MODIFIED IN THE FIELD BY THE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT WILL BE DONE AT CONTRACTORS EXPENSE UNLESS THE CONTRACTOR NOTIFIES THE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT OF THE NEED FOR THE WORK IN WRITING AND IS DIRECTED TO PERFORM THE WORK BY LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT OR OWNER BEFORE PERFORMING THE WORK. RESTORATION OR REPLACEMENT OF ANY PAVEMENTS, CURB, GUTTER, PLANT MATERIALS, TURF, UTILITIES, OR OTHER SITE ELEMENTS OUTSIDE THE LIMITS OF WORK THAT ARE DAMAGED DUE TO THE CONTRACTOR'S ACTS OR NEGLIGENCE WILL BE AT THE CONTRACTOR'S EXPENSE. THE EXTENT AND ACCEPTABILITY OF THE REPLACEMENT WILL BE DETERMINED BY THE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT. 4.A TREE PERMIT MAY BE REQUIRED FOR CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITY. THE CONTRACTOR MUST SIGN ALL PERMITS AND PAY THE PERMIT FEE BEFORE STARTING WORK AND MUST COMPLY WITH ALL THE REQUIREMENTS OF ALL GOVERNING AGENCIES IN PERFORMING THE WORK OF THIS PROJECT. 5.THE CONTRACTOR MUST MEET AND IMPLEMENT ALL NPDES, SWPPP, AND EROSION CONTROL REQUIREMENTS IN EFFECT AT THE TIME OF CONSTRUCTION 6.ALL TEMPORARY EROSION CONTROL MEASURES MUST BE IN PLACE PRIOR TO ANY REMOVAL WORK AND MUST BE MAINTAINED UNTIL PERMANENT EROSION CONTROL MEASURES HAVE BEEN COMPLETELY IMPLEMENTED AND ESTABLISHED. 7.INSTALL SILT FENCING AROUND THE PERIMETER OF THE LIMITS OF WORK AND MAINTAIN UNTIL PERMANENT EROSION CONTROL IS ESTABLISHED. ALL SILT FENCE MUST HAVE GEO-TEXTILE FABRIC WITH STEEL POSTS. MACHINE SLICING OF SILT FENCE AROUND OR UNDER TREES WILL NOT BE PERMITTED. SILT FENCE AROUND OR UNDER TREES MUST BE HAND PLACED AND FASTENED TO THE GROUND WITH STAPLES. 8.THE CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR REVIEWING THE EROSION CONTROL REQUIREMENTS OF THE SITE AND FOR INSTALLING AND MAINTAINING EROSION CONTROL MEASURES WHERE NEEDED, EVEN IF THEY ARE NOT INDICATED ON THE DRAWINGS. 9.INLET PROTECTION (SILT FENCE BARRICADES, SILT SACKS, RISER PIPES, OR FILTER FABRIC AND GRAVEL) MUST BE INSTALLED IN ALL EXISTING AFFECTED CATCH BASINS PRIOR TO ANY REMOVAL WORK AND IN ALL NEW CATCH BASINS IMMEDIATELY AFTER CATCH BASIN INSTALLATION. 10.ADJACENT STREETS, ALLEYS, AND PROPERTIES MUST BE SWEPT TO KEEP THEM FREE OF SEDIMENT AND MATERIALS TRACKED, BLOWN, OR WASHED FROM THE SITE. CONTRACTOR MUST MONITOR CONDITIONS AND SWEEP AS NEEDED OR WITHIN 24 HOURS NOTICE BY THE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT. SWEEPING IS INCIDENTAL TO THE PROJECT. 11.CONTRACTOR MUST MAINTAIN DUST CONTROL FOR THE SITE AT ALL TIMES AND PROVIDE WATERING TRUCKS AS NEEDED OR WITHIN 24 HOURS NOTICE BY THE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT. DUST CONTROL IS INCIDENTAL TO THE PROJECT. 12.WHERE DISTURBED SOILS WILL LAY EXPOSED FOR MORE THAN 21 DAYS, THE CONTRACTOR MUST SEED WITH A TEMPORARY COVER CROP TO PREVENT EROSION. TEMPORARY SEED MIX MUST BE APPROVED BY THE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT. TEMPORARY SEEDING IS INCIDENTAL TO THE PROJECT. 13.THE CONTRACTOR IS SOLELY RESPONSIBLE FOR SECURING THE SITE AND PROVIDING PROTECTION FROM THE WORK FOR THE PUBLIC. ALL OPEN EXCAVATIONS AND OTHER HAZARDS MUST BE FENCED. 14.THE RELOCATION AND/OR PROTECTION OF ALL EXISTING UTILITIES MUST BE COORDINATED BY THE CONTRACTOR AND ANY COSTS FOR SUCH WORK IS THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE CONTRACTOR. NO ADDITIONAL COMPENSATION WILL BE ALLOWED FOR EXTRA TIME AND EFFORT OR PROVISIONS NECESSARY TO WORK AROUND ANY UTILITIES. 15.IT IS THE CONTRACTOR'S RESPONSIBILITY TO REPORT ANY EXISTING DAMAGE OR FAULTY CONDITION OF ANY UTILITIES TO THE UTILITY OWNER AND LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION AS, ONCE WORK HAS COMMENCED, IT WILL BE ASSUMED THAT ALL DAMAGE TO UNDERGROUND OR ABOVE GROUND INSTALLATIONS HAS BEEN CAUSED BY THE CONTRACTOR'S OPERATIONS AND IT WILL BE THE CONTRACTOR'S RESPONSIBILITY TO MAKE THE NECESSARY REPAIRS. UPON COMPLETION OF THE PROJECT, CONTACT ALL UTILITY OWNERS AND MAKE ARRANGEMENTS FOR A FIELD INSPECTION TRIP BY A REPRESENTATIVE OF THE CONTRACTOR AND REPRESENTATIVES OF THE UTILITY OWNERS TO CONFIRM THAT ALL DAMAGE CAUSED BY THE CONTRACTOR'S OPERATIONS HAVE BEEN REPAIRED TO THE SATISFACTION OF THE OWNERS 16.THE CONTRACTOR MUST PROTECT ALL EXISTING ROADS, CURB, STRUCTURES, TREES, AND SITE ELEMENTS NOT DESIGNATED FOR REMOVAL. ANY DAMAGE SHALL BE REPAIRED OR REPLACED AT CONTRACTOR'S EXPENSE TO THE SATISFACTION OF THE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT. 17.ITEMS SHALL REMAIN UNTIL DESIGNATED FOR REMOVAL. REMOVE DESIGNATION ITEMS SHOWN ON THE PLAN TO THE FULL DEPTH OF THEIR CONSTRUCTION UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. 18.VERIFY THE LOCATION AND DIMENSION OF ITEMS TO BE REMOVED PRIOR TO COMMENCEMENT OF WORK. 19.ALL CONCRETE AND ASPHALT REMOVAL SHALL BE SAW CUT. EDGES OF MATERIALS TO REMAIN SHALL BE SHORED UP AND PROTECTED DURING CONSTRUCTION TO PRESERVE EDGE INTACT. REPAIRS TO DAMAGED EDGES TO BE DONE WITH CARE AND AT NO COST TO THE OWNER. 20.ITEMS ENCOUNTERED BELOW GRADE AND NOT SHOWN ON THE DRAWINGS SHALL BE BROUGHT TO THE ATTENTION OF THE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT. 21.SALVAGE EXISTING MATERIALS AS INDICATED ON THE PLANS. REMOVE SALVAGED MATERIALS AS INDICATED WITH CARE AND STORE ON SITE IF APPLICABLE, CLEAN ALL DEBRIS AND CONSTRUCTION MATERIAL FROM SALVAGED ITEMS AND REUSE AS DIRECTED BY LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT. 22.REMOVE DEMOLISHED MATERIALS FROM SITE. DISPOSAL BY BURNING AND/OR BURYING IS PROHIBITED. ALL UNSUITABLE MATERIAL AND DEBRIS MUST BE DISPOSED OF IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE REQUIREMENTS OF ANY AND ALL GOVERNMENTAL AUTHORITIES HAVING JURISDICTION OVER THIS PROJECT. 23.RELOCATE / TRANSPLANT EXISTING PLANT MATERIAL AS INDICATED IN THE DRAWINGS AS DIRECTED BY THE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT. MAINTAIN TRANSPLANTED PLANT MATERIAL THROUGHOUT CONSTRUCTION. 24.EXCAVATIONS SHALL BE ADEQUATELY SHORED, BRACED AND SHEETED SO THAT EARTH WILL NOT SETTLE AND SO THAT EXISTING IMPROVEMENTS OF ANY KIND WILL BE FULLY PROTECTED FROM DAMAGE. ANY DAMAGE RESULTING FROM LACK OF SHORING, BRACING AND SHEETING SHALL BE THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE CONTRACTOR AND SHALL BE REPAIRED TO THE SATISFACTION OF THE OWNER. TREE PRESERVATION 1.PROTECT ALL TREES DESIGNATED TO BE SAVED AND ALL HARDWOOD TREES 6 INCHES OR GREATER IN DIAMETER THAT ARE NOT SPECIFICALLY DESIGNATED FOR REMOVAL. 2.PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION, CONTACT LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT TO VISIT SITE AND VERIFY TREES TO BE SAVED. CONTRACTOR MUST REVIEW THE DRAWINGS AND DAILY WORK SCHEDULE SO THAT, SHOULD PROPOSED GRADES POSE A HAZARD TO A 'TREE TO BE SAVED', THE CONTRACTOR'S WORK IS NOT IMPEDED AND THERE WILL BE TIME TO STUDY THE ISSUE. 3.WHERE EXISTING TREES AND/OR SIGNIFICANT SHRUB MASSINGS ARE FOUND ON SITE, WHETHER SHOWN ON THE EXISTING CONDITIONS PLAN OR NOT, THEY SHALL BE PROTECTED AND SAVED UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE OR UNLESS DIRECTED BY LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT TO BE REMOVED AND/OR ARE IN AN AREA TO BE GRADED. ANY QUESTION REGARDING WHETHER PLANT MATERIAL SHOULD REMAIN OR NOT SHALL BE BROUGHT TO THE ATTENTION OF THE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT PRIOR TO REMOVAL. 4.ALL TREES TO BE PRESERVED AS INDICATION ON LANDSCAPE EXISTING CONDITIONS AND REMOVALS PLAN SHALL BE PROTECTED BY 6¶ HEIGHT CHAIN LINK FENCING. THE FENCE SHALL BE LOCATED AT A MINIMUM AROUND THE CRITICAL ROOT ZONE FOR ALL TREES (SEE TREE PROTECTION FENCING DETAILS). THE FENCE SHALL BE FIRMLY ANCHORED INTO THE GROUND AND SHALL REMAIN UPRIGHT AND INTACT UNTIL ALL CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITY IS COMPLETE. BARRIER FENCES MAY BE USED TO PROTECT TREES OUTSIDE OF THE MAIN CONSTRUCTION AREAS. BARRIER FENCES SHALL CONSIST OF SAFETY-CAPPED REBAR POSTS PLACED NO MORE THAN 8 FEET ON CENTER WITH 4 FOOT HIGH ORANGE SQUARE MESH BARRIER FENCING, RESINET SLM40, OR EQUAL, ATTACHED TO POSTS. BARRIER FENCE MUST BE INSTALLED AT THE LIMITS OF THE DRIP-LINE PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION AND MUST NOT BE REMOVED UNTIL FINAL LANDSCAPING IS TO BE COMPLETED. 5.CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES OR STORAGE SHALL NOT OCCUR WITHIN THE TREE PROTECTED AREAS. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL STAKE OR MARK OUT ALL TREE PROTECTION FENCING LOCATIONS ON SITE FOR APPROVAL BY LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT PRIOR TO COMMENCING WITH CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES ON SITE. 6.THE CONTRACTOR IS REQUIRED TO WATER, FERTILIZE AND ATTEND TO OTHER MAINTENANCE NEEDS OF THE EXISTING TREES AS NEEDED PER THE ARBORIST¶S RECOMMENDATIONS TO MAINTAIN HEALTHY GROWTH THROUGHOUT THE CONSTRUCTION PERIOD. PROVIDE 6´ PROTECTIVE LAYER OF HARDWOOD MULCH AROUND ALL EXISTING TREES WITHIN CRITICAL WORK AREAS. SPREAD CHIPS USING HAND TOOLS ONLY, SUCH AS SHOVELS AND WHEEL BARRELS. 7.WHEN EXCAVATION IS TO OCCUR NEAR A TREE THAT IS TO BE PROTECTED MUST BE CARRIED OUT, DAMAGE CAN BE LIMITED BY ROOT PRUNING. ROOT PRUNING SHALL BE COMPLETED BEFORE GRADING HAS STARTED AND SHALL OCCUR BENEATH THE PROTECTIVE FENCING AS SHOWN ON THE PLANS. 8.ROOT PRUNING FOR PROTECTED TREES SHALL BE PERFORMED WITH A TRENCHING MACHINE PRIOR TO ADJACENT EXCAVATION COMMENCES. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL STAKE THE LIMIT OF ROOT PRUNING AS INDICATED ON THE PLANS. LIMITS OF TRENCHING SHALL BE APPROVED BY LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT PRIOR TO ANY TRENCHING IN THE FIELD. DO NOT TRENCH FOR IRRIGATION OR ELECTRICAL WITHIN DRIP LINES OF EXISTING TREES. COORDINATE ALL TRENCHING REQUIRED FOR UTILITY WORK WITH LANDSCAPE PLANS. IF ROOTS OF TREES DESIGNATED TO BE SAVED ARE EXPOSED, CUT OR OTHERWISE BROKEN AND DISTURBED BY CONSTRUCTION OPERATIONS, THEY MUST BE IMMEDIATELY AND CLEANLY ROOT PRUNED WITH A SHARP AXE OR PRUNER. NOTIFY LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT OF ANY EXPOSED ROOTS THAT REQUIRE PRUNING PRIOR TO COMMENCING WITH WORK. NO ROOTS OVER 3´ IN DIA. SHALL BE PRUNED WITHOUT REVIEW BY ARBORIST AND LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT. 9.LIMIT SOIL COMPACTION BY LIMIT CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITY AROUND EXISTING PRESERVED TREE CRITICAL ROOT ZONES. THIS INCLUDES RESTRICTING ALL TRAFFIC AND STORAGE OF MATERIALS FROM UNDER THESE AREAS. 10.ANY PRUNING OF EXISTING PROTECTED TREES SHALL BE PERFORMED BY A CERTIFIED ARBORIST AS DIRECTED BY THE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT. SOIL PREPARATION NOTES 1.SOIL PREPARATION IS CRITICAL IN CREATING A HEALTHY AND LONG-LASTING LANDSCAPE. REMOVE EXISTING TOPSOIL AND STOCKPILE ON SITE FOR USE AT A LATER DATE. 2.CONDUCT A SOIL EVALUATION OF EXISTING STOCKPILED TOPSOIL TO BE USED TO DETERMINE THE SOILS COMPOSITION, COMPACTION RATE, NUTRIENT QUALITIES, ORGANIC CONTENT, PH LEVELS AND WATER HOLDING CAPABILITIES. THE IDEAL PARTICLE SOIL MIX IS APPROXIMATELY 45 SAND, 40 SILT, 10 CLAY, AND 5 ORGANIC MATERIALS WITH A PH LEVEL NEAR SEVEN. 3.PRIOR TO INSTALLATION OF LANDSCAPE AND IRRIGATION SYSTEM, CONTRACTOR TO PREPARE SOIL TO ENSURE A PROPER ENVIRONMENT FOR PLANT ROOT DEVELOPMENT. 4.CONTRACTOR TO DECOMPACT SOILS IN PLANTING AREAS BY ROTO-TILLING, DISC OR RIPPING SOIL TO A MINIMUM DEPTH OF 12´. DECOMPACTING OF SMALLER PLANTING AREAS SUCH AS PARKING AREAS AND AROUND STRUCTURES, MAY REQUIRE THE REMOVAL OF COMPACTED SOILS TO A DEPTH OF 18´ OR MORE AND THEN REPLACEMENT WITH NEW OR AMENDED SOILS. REMOVAL ALL DEBRIS 2´ OR GREATER FROM NEW OR AMENDED SOILS. 5.WHEN PERFORMING SOIL DECOMPACTION, MULTIPLE PASSES ACROSS THE AREA MAY BE REQUIRED. WHEN POSSIBLE VARY DIRECTIONS OF DECOMPACTION TO ENSURE ADEQUATE COVERAGE. WHEN USING A DISC OR RIPPING EQUIPMENT, IT IS REQUIRED THAT THE FINAL PASSES OVER THE ARE BE MADE WITH A ROTO-TILLER TO BREAK UP ANY LARGE CLUMPS TO MAKE FINAL GRADING EASIER. 6.AFTER INITIAL SOIL DECOMPACTION PROCEDURES ARE PERFORMED, SOIL AMENDMENTS SHOULD BE ADDED. THE ADDITION OF SOIL AMENDMENTS SHALL BE DETERMINED FROM SOIL TESTING CONDUCTED PRIOR TO COMMENCING WITH CONSTRUCTION. SOIL AMENDMENT MAY INCLUDE INORGANIC MATERIAL SUCH AS SAND, SILT OR CLAY, WHICH HELP IMPROVE SOIL TEXTURE. ORGANIC MATERIAL SUCH AS COMPOST, MANURE, AND PEAT MOSS MAY ALSO BE USED AND HELP IMPROVE SOIL STRUCTURE. OTHER AMENDMENTS SUCH AS FERTILIZER IMPROVE NUTRIENT CONTENT AND SULFUR ADJUSTS THE SOIL PH LEVEL. SULFUR SHALL BE INCORPORATED AT THE RATE OF ONE POUND OF SULFUR PER 100 SQUARE FEET. 7.ALL AMENDMENTS SHOULD BE MIXED THOROUGHLY WITH EXISTING SOIL. AN ADDITIONAL SOIL TEST SHALL BE TAKEN TO ENSURE PROPER SOIL CONDITIONS PRIOR TO PLANTING. 8.DURING THE REMAINDER OF THE LANDSCAPE INSTALLATION, VARIOUS AREAS OF THE SITE MAY BE RE-COMPACTED DUE TO THE USE OF EQUIPMENT AND CONSTRUCTION TRAFFIC. DECOMPACT ANY AREAS THAT BECOME RE-COMPACTED PRIOR TO INSTALLATION OF FINAL LANDSCAPING COMMENCES. LAYOUT NOTES 1.THE CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE TO ACCURATELY SURVEY AND LAYOUT THE PROPOSED WORK FOR CONSTRUCTION. THE CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE TO VERIFY GRADES, LINES, LEVELS, DIMENSIONS PRIOR TO COMMENCING WITH WORK. NOTED DIMENSIONS TAKE PRECEDENT OVER SCALED DIMENSION, LARGER SCALE OVER SMALLER SCALE, ADDENDA AND CLARIFICATION OVER PREVIOUS DOCUMENTS. 2.CONTRACTOR TO LAY OUT PROPOSED LOCATIONS FOR ALL HARDSCAPE, WALLS, AND SITE ELEMENTS AND VERIFY LAYOUT WITH LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. HARDSCAPE, WALLS AND SITE ELEMENTS ARE DIMENSIONED ON THE LAYOUT PLAN. ANY DISCREPANCIES OR CONFLICTS WITH THE EXISTING CONDITIONS OR OTHER DRAWINGS SHALL BE REPORTED TO THE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT IMMEDIATELY FOR CLARIFICATION AND/OR ADJUSTMENT. 3.FOR DIMENSIONS OF EXISTING BUILDINGS, PROPOSED BUILDING IMPROVEMENTS AND RELATED WORK, REFER TO ARCHITECTURAL DRAWINGS 4.WHERE DIMENSIONS ARE CALLED AS ³EQUAL,´ SPACE REFERENCED ITEMS EQUALLY, MEASURED TO CENTERLINE. 5.MEASUREMENTS ARE TO FACE OF BUILDING, WALL, FIXED SITE ELEMENT, GRID LINE OR DEFINED PROPERTY LINE IRON / BENCH MARKS. DIMENSIONS TO CENTER LINE ARE AS INDICATED. 6.INSTALL INTERSECTING ELEMENTS AT 90 DEGREE ANGLES TO EACH OTHER UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. 7.PROVIDE EXPANSION JOINTS WHERE CONCRETE FLAT WORK MEETS VERTICAL STRUCTURES SUCH AS WALLS, CURBS, STEPS AND BUILDING ELEMENTS. 8.PROPOSED SURFACES SHALL MEET EXISTING SURFACES WITH A SMOOTH AND CONTINUOUS TRANSITION AND FLUSH ALONG ENTIRE EDGE 9.EXPANSION JOINTS IN CONCRETE WALKS SHALL BE LOCATED NOT MORE THAN TWENTY FEET (20¶-0´ O.C.) MAXIMUM OR AS INDICATED ON THE PLANS. 10.VERIFY ALL JOINTING LAYOUTS FOR CONCRETE IN FIELD PRIOR TO IMPLEMENTATION. ALL CONTROL JOINTS IN CONCRETE TO SAW CUT UNLESS APPROVED BY LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT. 11.LAYOUT OF PROPOSED TRAILS TO BE STAKED OUT BY CONTRACTORS AND APPROVED BY LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT IN FIELD. GRADING NOTES 1.EXCAVATION, BACKFILL AND COMPACTION SHALL BE DONE IN ACCORDANCE WITH GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING REPORT RECOMMENDATIONS. 2.PROVIDE AND MAINTAIN POSITIVE DRAINAGE AWAY FROM ALL STRUCTURES AT ALL TIMES. 3.ALL DESIGN CONTOURS AND PROPOSED ELEVATIONS INDICATED ARE TO FINISH GRADE UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED 4.THE CONTRACTOR SHALL ACCOUNT FOR ALL IMPORTED SURFACE AND PLANTING MATERIALS IN DETERMINING EARTHWORK REQUIREMENTS 5.GRADING OPERATIONS MUST MINIMIZE THE POTENTIAL FOR EROSION. 6.NO GRADING, STOCKPILING OF MATERIALS, OR STAGING IS PERMITTED OUTSIDE THE LIMITS OF WORK. 7.PRIOR TO ROUGH GRADING THE SITE, THE CONTRACTOR MUST REMOVE ALL TOPSOIL IN AREAS TO BE DISTURBED AND STOCKPILE ON SITE FOR FUTURE USE. EXCESS TOPSOIL MUST BE REMOVED FROM THE SITE AFTER FINISH GRADING AT THE CONTRACTOR'S EXPENSE. 8.IF THE EARTHWORK FOR THE SITE IS ANTICIPATED TO PRODUCE AN EXCESS OF MATERIAL, THE CONTRACTOR MUST REMOVE ALL EXCESS MATERIAL FROM THE SITE AND DISPOSE OF IT AT THE CONTRACTOR'S EXPENSE. 9.NO TOPSOIL SHALL BE REMOVED FROM SEEDING AND/OR RESTORATION AREAS WITHOUT APPROVAL FROM THE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT. 10.TOPSOIL COMPACTED BY CONSTRUCTION TRAFFIC IN SEEDING AND/ OR RESTORATION AREAS OF THE PROJECT SHALL BE LOOSENED UNDER THE DIRECTION OF THE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT. 11.COMPOST SHALL BE MECHANICALLY INTEGRATED INTO THE TOP 6" OF EXISTING SOIL BY MEANS OF ROTO-TILLING AFTER CROSS-RIPPING. GROUND COVER & PERENNIAL BED AREAS SHALL BE AMENDED AT A RATE OF 8 CUBIC FEET PER THOUSAND SQUARE FEET OF NITROGEN STABILIZED ORGANIC AMENDMENT AND 10 LBS. OF 12-12-12 FERTILIZER PER CU. YD., ROTO-TILLED TO A DEPTH OF 8". NO MANURE OR ANIMAL-BASED PRODUCTS SHALL BE USED FOR ORGANIC AMENDMENTS. 12.THE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT MAY DIRECT ON SITE CHANGES TO THE GRADING TO SUIT ACTUAL FIELD CONDITIONS AND TO ACHIEVE DESIGN INTENT. SUCH CHANGES SHALL BE DONE AT THE NO INCREASE TO THE PRICE OF THE CONTRACTED WORK. 13.THE TOPS OF EXISTING MANHOLES, INLET STRUCTURES AND SANITARY CLEANOUTS MAY BE ADJUSTED AS NECESSARY TO MATCH PROPOSED GRADES IN ACCORDANCE WITH ALL APPLICABLE STANDARDS. 14.STORM WATER ROOF DRAIN LOCATIONS ARE BASED UPON PRELIMINARY ARCHITECTURAL PLANS. CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE TO AND FOR VERIFYING LOCATIONS ON FINAL ARCHITECTURAL PLANS. SEEDING NOTES 1.ALL SEEDED AREAS SHALL BE WARRANTED BY THE CONTRACTOR FOR A PERIOD OF TWO YEARS AFTER OWNER ACCEPTANCE. ANY ACTS OF VANDALISM OR DAMAGE WHICH MAY OCCUR PRIOR TO THE OWNER'S WRITTEN ACCEPTANCE SHALL BE THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE CONTRACTOR. 2.SEED ALL DISTURBED AREAS NOT SPECIFICALLY DESIGNATED AS STRUCTURE, HARD SURFACE, PLANTING AREAS OR LAWN. 3.THE SEEDING CONTRACTOR MUST NOTIFY THE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT OF THE PROPOSED SEEDING START DATE A MINIMUM OF ONE WEEK PRIOR TO SEEDING. 4.METHOD OF SEEDING AND SEEDING RATE SHALL BE AS LISTED ON SEEDING KEY. 5.NO SEEDING MATERIAL SUBSTITUTIONS WILL BE ACCEPTED UNLESS THE CONTRACTOR, PRIOR TO THE SUBMISSION OF A BID AND/OR QUOTATION, REQUESTS APPROVAL OF THE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT. 6.THE SEEDING / RESTORATION CONTRACTOR SHALL KEEP NEWLY SEEDED AREAS WATERED FOR A MINIMUM OF 4 WEEKS OR UNTIL SEED IS 80 ESTABLISHED. SPRING SEEDING COMPLETED AFTER MAY 15TH MUST BE WATERED BY THE CONTRACTOR FOR AT LEAST 4 WEEKS, OR UNTIL AUGUST 15TH, WHICHEVER IS LONGER. THE SEEDING / RESTORATION CONTRACTOR MUST ALSO PROVIDE THE OWNER WITH A BID FOR INDIVIDUAL WATERING APPLICATIONS WITHIN THE TWO YEAR WARRANTY PERIOD FOR POTENTIAL WATERING DURING UNUSUALLY DRY PERIODS. 7.EROSION CONTROL MATTING MUST BE USED ON ALL SLOPES GREATER THAN 3:1. 8.SEEDING IN RESTORATION AREAS WILL FOLLOW PROCEDURES LISTED IN ³RESTORATION NOTES.´ 9.EROSION CONTROL MATTING IS REQUIRED IN RESTORATION AREAS SHALL BE INSTALLED BY THE SEEDING / RESTORATION CONTRACTOR. PLANTING NOTES 1.EXACT LOCATION OF PLANT AREAS AND MATERIALS TO BE APPROVED BY LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT PRIOR TO INSTALLATION. LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT RESERVES THE RIGHT TO ADJUST PLANTINGS TO EXACT LOCATIONS IN THE FIELD. 2.VERIFY PLANT COUNTS AND SQUARE FOOTAGES: QUANTITIES ARE PROVIDED FOR REFERENCE ONLY. IF QUANTITIES ON PLANT LIST DIFFER FROM GRAPHIC INDICATIONS ON PLANS, THEN THE GREATER NUMBER / QUANTITY SHALL PREVAIL. CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR QUANTITY TAKE OFFS AND SHALL PROVIDE FULL COVERAGE OF PLANTING AREAS AS INDICATED ON DRAWINGS. NOTIFY LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT OF ANY PLANTING DISCREPANCIES. 3.ALL PLANT MATERIAL SHALL BE WARRANTED BY THE CONTRACTOR FOR A PERIOD OF ONE YEAR AFTER OWNER'S WRITTEN ACCEPTANCE. ANY ACTS OF VANDALISM OR DAMAGE WHICH MAY OCCUR PRIOR TO THE OWNER'S WRITTEN ACCEPTANCE SHALL BE THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE CONTRACTOR. 4.LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT MUST APPROVE THE DECOMPACTED SUBGRADE AFTER DECOMPACTION WORK IS COMPLETE AND PRIOR TO TOPSOIL PLACEMENT. 5.PROVIDE 4 INCHES OF TOPSOIL FOR ALL LAWN TURF AREAS. PROVIDE A MINIMUM OF12 INCHES OF PLANTING SOIL MIX CONSISTING OF 1/3 TOPSOIL, 1/3 SAND, AND 1/3 COMPOST IN ALL SHRUB AND PERENNIAL BEDS. WHERE SHRUBS OR PERENNIALS ARE GROUPED, CREATE ONE CONTINUOUS PLANTING BED. LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT TO APPROVE TOPSOIL PRIOR TO SPREADING. CONTRACTOR MUST SUBMIT TESTING RESULTS AND FERTILIZER RECOMMENDATIONS. 6.ALL NEW TREE PLANTINGS AND EDGED PLANTING BEDS TO RECEIVE 3 INCH DEPTH OF DOUBLE- SHREDDED HARDWOOD MULCH. ALL NEW EDGED GROUNDCOVER PLANTING BEDS TO RECEIVE 3 INCH DEPTH OF PINE BARK MULCH. LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT TO APPROVE MULCH PRIOR TO INSTALLATION. 7.ALL PLANTING BEDS NOT CONTAINED BY STRUCTURES, CURB, OR PAVING MUST BE EDGED WITH METAL EDGING (ALUMINUM OR STEEL). 8.WHERE LAWN / SOD ABUTS PAVED SURFACES, FINISHED GRADE OF SOD MUST BE HELD 1 INCH BELOW THE SURFACE ELEVATION OF THE PAVED SURFACE. 9.SOD SHALL BE LAID PARALLEL TO THE CONTOURS AND SHALL HAVE STAGGERED JOINTS. 10.STAKE ALL PROPOSED TREE LOCATIONS IN FIELD FOR APPROVAL PRIOR TO INSTALLATION. LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT RESERVES RIGHTS TO MAKE ADJUSTMENTS TO LOCATIONS PRIOR TO PLANTING. 11.ALL PROPOSED PLANTS SHALL BE STAKED AS SHOWN ON THE DRAWINGS AND/OR AS DIRECTED IN THE FIELD BY THE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT. THE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT MUST APPROVE ALL STAKING LOCATIONS OF PLANT MATERIAL PRIOR TO ANY DIGGING. LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT SHALL BE NOTIFIED AT LEAST 48 HOURS IN ADVANCE OF THE DELIVERY DATE FOR ALL PLANT MATERIAL. 12.PAINT OR STRING ALL NEW PLANTING AREAS AND LOCATIONS IN FIELD FOR LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT APPROVAL. ADJUSTMENT IN LOCATION OF PROPOSED PLANT MATERIAL MAY BE NEEDED IN THE FIELD. SHOULD AN ADJUSTMENT BE ADVISED, THE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT MUST BE NOTIFIED. 13.ALL PLANT MATERIAL SHALL BE CLEARLY IDENTIFIED (COMMON OR LATIN NOMENCLATURE) WITH A PLASTIC TAG WHICH SHALL NOT BE REMOVED PRIOR TO THE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT'S APPROVAL. 14.ALL PLANTING STOCK SHALL MEET AND CONFORM TO ³THE AMERICAN STANDARDS FOR NURSERY STOCK´, ANSI, LATEST WRITTEN STANDARDS AND CONSTITUTE MINIMUM QUALITY REQUIREMENTS FOR ALL PLANT MATERIAL. 15.AN INSPECTION TO APPROVE PLANT MATERIAL AT THE NURSERY SHALL OCCUR PRIOR TO INSTALLATION. CONTRACTOR TO PROVIDE 48 HOUR NOTIFICATION TO LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT. 16.ALL PLANT MATERIAL SHALL BE FERTILIZED UPON INSTALLATION WITH DRIED BONE MEAL OR OTHER FERTILIZER AS INDICATED MIXED IN WITH THE PLANTING SOIL PER THE MANUFACTURER'S INSTRUCTIONS. 17.ALL PLANT MATERIALS TO BE INSTALLED PER PLANTING DETAILS. 18.WRAP ALL DECIDUOUS TREES FROM THE GROUND TO THE FIRST BRANCH. WRAPPING MATERIAL SHALL BE QUALITY, HEAVY WATERPROOF CREPE PAPER MANUFACTURED FOR THIS PURPOSE. WRAP ALL DECIDUOUS TREES PLANTED IN THE FALL PRIOR TO DECEMBER 1ST, AND REMOVE ALL WRAPPING BETWEEN MAY 1ST AND JUNE 1ST, OR AS INSTRUCTED BY THE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT. 19.IF THE LANDSCAPE CONTRACTOR PERCEIVES ANY DEFICIENCIES IN THE PLANT SELECTIONS, SOIL CONDITIONS, OR ANY OTHER SITE CONDITIONS WHICH MIGHT NEGATIVELY AFFECT PLANT MATERIAL ESTABLISHMENT, SURVIVAL, OR GUARANTEE, LANDSCAPE CONTRACTOR SHALL BRING THESE DEFICIENCIES TO THE ATTENTION OF THE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT 20.NO PLANT MATERIAL SUBSTITUTIONS WILL BE ACCEPTED UNLESS APPROVAL IS REQUESTED OF THE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT BY THE LANDSCAPE CONTRACTOR PRIOR TO THE SUBMISSION OF A BID AND/OR QUOTATION. ANY SUBSTITUTION IS REQUIRED TO APPROVED IN WRITING BY THE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT. 21.PROVIDE MATCHING FORMS AND SIZES FOR PLANT MATERIALS WITHIN EACH SPECIES AND SIZE DESIGNATED ON THE PLANS. ALL PLANT MATERIAL SHALL MEET SIZE AND QUALITY STANDARDS AS INDICATED IN DOCUMENTS AND SHALL BE OF TOP QUALITY AND VIGOROUS HEALTH. LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT RESERVES THE RIGHT TO REJECT PLANTS NOT MEETING THESE STANDARDS. 22.ALIGN AND EQUALLY SPACE PLANTINGS IN ALL DIRECTIONS AS DESIGNATED ON THE PLANS. 23.FINISH GRADE OF PLANTING AREAS SHALL BE 1´ BELOW ADJACENT PAVING OR SURFACING AREAS UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED 24.ALL TREES PLANTED ADJACENT TO PUBLIC AND/OR PEDESTRIAN WALKWAYS SHALL BE PRUNED CLEAR OF ALL BRANCHES BETWEEN GROUND AND A HEIGHT OF EIGHT (8) FEET FOR THAT PORTION OF THE PLAN LOCATED OVER THE SIDEWALK AND/OR ROAD. 25.PRUNE NEWLY PLANTED TREES AND SHEAR NEWLY PLANTED HEDGES AS DIRECTED BY LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT. 26.PROTECT ALL NEW EVERGREEN PLANTINGS FROM WINTER BURN BY WRAPPING NEW PLANTINGS WITH BURLAP. MAINTAIN THROUGHOUT WARRANTY PERIOD. 27.TREE ROOT BARRIERS SHALL BE INSTALLED WHERE TREES ARE PLACED WITHIN 5 FEET OF EXISTING OR NEW PAVEMENT SURFACES. THE ROOT BARRIER SHALL BE PLACED ON THE SIDE OF THE TREE PIT CLOSEST TO THE IMPROVEMENTS. DO NOT ENCLOSE ROOT BALL FOR TREES WITH ROOT BARRIER. 28.ALL PLANTING AREAS ON SLOPES OVER 4:1 SHALL RECEIVE COCONUT FIBER EROSION CONTROL NETTING FROM ROLLS. NETTING SHALL BE #CT-125, AS MANUFACTURED BY NORTH AMERICAN GREEN (OR EQUAL). INSTALL AND STAKE PER MANUFACTURER'S SPECIFICATIONS. 29.CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE A WRITTEN REQUEST FOR THE OWNER ACCEPTANCE INSPECTION UPON COMPLETION OF ALL PLANTING WORK 30.PLANTING IN SEEDING AND/OR RESTORATION AREAS WILL FOLLOW PROCEDURES LISTED IN ³SEEDING NOTES´ AND ³RESTORATION NOTES.´ 31.CONTRACTOR SHALL BE REQUIRED TO MAINTAIN ALL NEW PLANTING AREAS OF PROJECT UNTIL SUBSTANTIAL COMPLETION OF PROJECT. 32.AT THE TIME OF FINAL INSPECTION ALL PLANT MATERIAL SHALL BE IN HEALTHY, VIGOROUS GROWING CONDITION, PLANTED IN FULL ACCORDANCE WITH THE DRAWINGS AND SPECIFICATIONS. IRRIGATION NOTES 1.IRRIGATION SYSTEM TO BE DESIGN / BUILD. AN AUTOMATIC IRRIGATION SYSTEM SHALL BE INSTALLED TO PROVIDE COVERAGE FOR ALL PLANTING AREAS SHOWN ON THE PLAN. LOW VOLUME EQUIPMENT SHALL PROVIDE SUFFICIENT WATER FOR PLAN GROWTH WITH A MINIMUM WATER LOSS DUE TO WATER RUN OFF. IRRIGATION SYSTEM SHALL USE HIGH QUALITY, AUTOMATIC CONTROL VALVES, CONTROLLERS AND OTHER NECESSARY IRRIGATION EQUIPMENT. ALL COMPONENTS SHALL BE NON-CORROSIVE MATERIALS. ALL DRIP SYSTEMS SHALL BE ADEQUATELY FILTERED AND REGULATED PER THE MANUFACTURER¶S RECOMMENDED DESIGN PARAMETERS. CONTRACTOR TO SUBMIT SHOP DRAWINGS FOR APPROVAL OF SYSTEM PRIOR TO INSTALLATION. 2.IRRIGATION SYSTEM WILL OPERATE ON POTABLE WATER, AND THE SYSTEM WILL HAVE APPROPRIATE BACKFLOW PREVENTION DEVICES INSTALLED TO PREVENT CONTAMINATION OF THE POTABLE SOURCE. 3.IRRIGATION SYSTEM SHALL BE DESIGNED AND INSTALLED, TO THE MAXIMUM EXTENT POSSIBLE, TO CONSERVE WATER BY USING THE FOLLOWING DEVICES AND SYSTEMS: MATCHED PRECIPITATION RATE TECHNOLOGY ON ROTOR AND SPRAY HEADS (WHEREVER POSSIBLE), RAIN SENSORS, AND MULTI-PROGRAM COMPUTERIZED IRRIGATION CONTROLLERS FEATURING SENSORY INPUT CAPABILITIES. 4.ALL LAWN, PLANTING AREAS AND NEW TREE PLANTINGS WITHIN PROPERTY LIMITS MUST BE IRRIGATED, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. NEW SEEDING AND / OR RESTORATION AREAS TO BE IRRIGATED SEPARATELY AS INDICATED ON DRAWINGS. 5.ALL NEW PLANTING BEDS, NEW TREE PLANTINGS, GREEN ROOFS AND CONTAINER PLANTINGS TO RECEIVE DRIP LINE EMITTER IRRIGATION. ALL TURF / LAWN, SEEDED AND / OR RESTORATION AREAS TO RECEIVE OVERHEAD SPRAY IRRIGATION. 6.PROPOSED IRRIGATION LAYOUTS AND MATERIAL LISTS MUST BE SUBMITTED WITH BIDS. ACCEPTABLE PRODUCT MANUFACTURERS INCLUDE RAINBIRD, TORO, AND NETAFIM. THE IRRIGATION CONTROLLER SHALL BE SIZED TO ACCOMMODATE ALL PROPOSED ZONES, INCLUDING ANY AREAS INDICATED AS FUTURE IRRIGATION, AND SHALL BE FULLY AUTOMATIC WITH A VOLATILE MEMORY CHIP. 7.IRRIGATION CONTRACTOR MUST VERIFY THE LOCATION OF ALL IRRIGATION SLEEVES. IF ADDITIONAL SLEEVING IS REQUIRED, IRRIGATION CONTRACTOR SHALL NOTIFY THE GENERAL CONTRACTOR AND THE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT. ONLY TRENCHLESS METHODS WILL BE APPROVED AFTER PAVING IS COMPLETED. 8.THE IRRIGATION CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR PROVIDING A COMPLETE IRRIGATION SYSTEM FROM THE POINT OF CONNECTION AT THE COLD WATER STUB OUT LINE(S) FROM THE BUILDING. THE STUB OUT(S) FROM THE BUILDING, THE BACKFLOW PREVENTER, AND OTHER CODE REQUIRED PLUMBING ELEMENTS MUST BE PROVIDED BY A LICENSED MECHANICAL CONTRACTOR. 9.THE IRRIGATION CONTRACTOR MUST INSTALL THE IRRIGATION CONTROL PANEL IN THE LOCATION INDICATED ON THE DRAWINGS OR AS APPROVED BY THE OWNER / LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT. COORDINATE LOCATION W/ APPLICABLE TRADES. 10.THE IRRIGATION CONTRACTOR MUST PROVIDE OPERATIONS AND MAINTENANCE MANUALS AND ON-SITE INSTRUCTION TO THE OWNER IN THE SYSTEM OPERATION. THE IRRIGATION CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR INITIAL SYSTEM STARTUP, WINTERIZATION FOR THE FIRST WINTER, AND STARTUP THE FOLLOWING SPRING. 11.IRRIGATION CONTRACTOR SHALL INCLUDE IRRIGATION COVERAGE FOR ALL SEEDING / RESTORATION AREAS UNLESS OTHERWISE INDICATED.IRRIGATION CONTRACTOR SHALL COORDINATE WITH SEEDING / RESTORATION CONTRACTOR REGARDING IRRIGATION SYSTEM SCHEDULE AND IRRIGATION NEEDS IN RESTORATION AREAS. 12.ALL SPRAY AND ROTOR HEAD LOCATIONS SHALL BE STAKED, FLAGGED AND/OR OTHERWISE CLEARLY MARKED ON THE GROUND PRIOR TO INSTALLATION. SPRINKLER HEAD STAKING SHALL BE INSPECTED AND APPROVED BY THE OWNER'S REPRESENTATIVE OR THE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT BEFORE INSTALLATION. STAKED LOCATIONS SHALL BE SPACED TO PROVIDE HEAD-TO-HEAD COVERAGE. 13.SET SPRINKLER HEADS PERPENDICULAR TO FINISH GRADE OF AREAS TO BE IRRIGATED UNLESS OTHERWISE INDICATED. 14.ADJUST IRRIGATION SYSTEM LAYOUT FOR ANY VERTICAL OBSTRUCTIONS OR INTERFERENCE. DO NOT OVERSPRAY ONTO WALKS, ROADWAYS, WALLS, FENCES AND / OR BUILDING STRUCTURES. 15.IRRIGATION SYSTEM SHALL BE BASED ON MINIMUM PRESSURE AND MAXIMUM FLOW DEMAND. VERIFY WATER PRESSURE BEFORE START OF CONSTRUCTION. REPORT ANY DIFFERENCES IN WATER PRESSURE READINGS AT IRRIGATION POINT OF CONNECTION PRIOR TO COMMENCING WITH IMPLEMENTATION OF IRRIGATION SYSTEM. 16.IF EXISTING IRRIGATION SYSTEM IS TO BE RETAINED FOR REUSE, CONTRACTOR SHALL PROPOSE ALL REQUIRED ADDITIONS TO EXISTING SYSTEM NECESSARY TO OBTAIN FULL COVERAGE OF ALL LANDSCAPE WORK AS INDICATED ON DRAWINGS AND PROVIDE A DESIGN BUILD DRAWING IDENTIFYING EXISTING AND PROPOSED IRRIGATION SYSTEM COMPONENTS FOR INSTALLATION. 17.PROVIDE AS-BUILT DRAWING OF FINAL IRRIGATION SYSTEM TO OWNER / LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT FOR THEIR RECORDS. UPON COMPLETION OF INSTALLATION OF IRRIGATION SYSTEM, IRRIGATION CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE THE FOLLOWING: ā ACCURATE AND COMPLETE "AS BUILT" PLANS OF IRRIGATION SYSTEM INCLUDING 8-1/2"[11" ZONE MAP TO BE PLACED INSIDE EACH CONTROLLER BOX. ā A LOG ON ALL WATER WINDOWS, RUN SCHEDULE TIMES, AND OTHER CHANGES AND/OR MODIFICATIONS TO THE IRRIGATION SYSTEM SINCE INSTALLATION. ā ONE HOUR OF TRAINING TO OWNER ON IRRIGATION SYSTEM AND CONTROLLER OPERATION. ā THREE OF EACH TYPE OF HEAD AND EMITTER INSTALLED. ā ONE OF EACH TYPE OF VALVE INSTALLED. ā REVIEW WINTERIZATION PROCEDURES FOR IRRIGATION SYSTEM WITH OWNERS REPRESENTATIVE. SITE LIGHTING NOTES 1.THE LIGHTING PLAN IS INTENDED TO SHOW THE LOCATIONS AND TYPE OF LUMINAIRE FIXTURES ONLY. POWER SYSTEMS, CONDUIT, WIRING, VOLTAGES AND OTHER ELECTRICAL COMPONENTS ARE THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE CONTRACTOR. EXTERIOR LIGHTING TYPES SHALL CONSIST PRIMARILY OF LOW VOLTAGE LANDSCAPE LIGHTING UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. 2.ALL LANDSCAPE LIGHTING AND THEIR COMPONENTS SHALL MEET THE UL1838 GOVERNING STANDARDS. 3.CONTRACTOR TO NOTIFY LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT OF ANY LIGHTING LOCATIONS THAT CONFLICT WITH DRAINAGE, UTILITIES OR OTHER STRUCTURES. 4.COORDINATE PROPOSED POWER SOURCES FOR ALL SITE LIGHTING ELEMENTS AND THEIR LOCATIONS. 5.COORDINATE SWITCHING AND CONTROLS SYSTEMS FOR EXTERIOR LIGHTING WITH OWNER, LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT. VERIFY ALL SWITCH LOCATIONS ON SITE PRIOR TO INSTALLATION. 6.INSTALL LIGHT FIXTURES PER MANUFACTURER¶S RECOMMENDATIONS AND PER LOCAL, STATE, AND NATIONAL REGULATIONS. 7.ALL LIGHTING IN PAVEMENT AND HARDSCAPE TO BE CORE DRILLED. VERIFY FINAL LOCATIONS IN HARDSCAPE AREAS PRIOR TO DRILLING.. 8.ALL LIGHT POLE BASES SHALL BE DESIGNED AND SIGNED OFF BY A STRUCTURAL ENGINEER. 9.ALL ELECTRICAL JUNCTION BOXES FOR EXTERIOR LIGHTS SHALL BE LOCATED IN PLANTING AREAS OR OTHER DISCRETE LOCATIONS AND APPROVED BY LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT PRIOR TO INSTALLATION. 10.ALL TRANSFORMERS SHOULD BE SIZED TO ALLOW FOR ANY FUTURE INCREASE IN SYSTEM LOAD, AS WELL AS THE RESISTIVE VALUES ASSOCIATED WITH LONGER CABLE RUN DISTANCES AND THE USE OF VOLTAGE TAPS GREATER THAN 12-VOLT. INSTALL TRANSFORMERS PER MANUFACTURER¶S RECOMMENDATIONS. 11.ALL 120-VOLT ELECTRICAL WORK SHOULD BE PERFORMED BY A LICENSED ELECTRICIAN UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED BY LAW. REFER TO ALL NEC AND ALL LOCAL CODES FOR ADDITIONAL DETAILS. 12.ALL EXTERIOR RECEPTACLE BOXES SHOULD BE G.F.C.I.-PROTECTED FOR USE WITH TRANSFORMERS THAT UTILIZE A PLUG-IN CORD. ALL RECEPTACLE BOXES SHOULD UTILIZE AN ³IN-USE´ OR ³BUBBLE´ TYPE RECEPTACLE COVER TO PROTECT IT FROM WATER ENTRY. 13.ALL RECEPTACLES, LOW VOLTAGE TRANSFORMERS, AND FIXTURES CANNOT BE LOCATED WITHIN 10 FEET OF ANY WATER SOURCE THAT WOULD BE NORMALLY OCCUPIED BY HUMANS. 14.EXTERIOR LIGHTING SYSTEM SHALL CONNECT TO EITHER PHOTOCELL OR ASTRONOMICAL TIMER. VERIFY FINAL LIGHTING CONTROLS WITH OWNER AND LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT PRIOR TO INSTALLATION. RESTORATION NOTES 1.ALL EXOTICS, INVASIVE AND UNDESIRED TALL NATIVE SPECIES TARGETED FOR REMOVAL WILL BE REMOVED BY HAND OR SPRAYED WITH APPROVED HERBICIDE. THIS WORK SHALL BEGIN DURING THE FIRST STAGES OF CONSTRUCTION AND EXTEND THROUGH THE MANAGEMENT PERIOD. 2.LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT MUST APPROVE MANAGEMENT STRATEGY OF NATIVE SPECIES TO BE LEFT AND MANAGED ON SITE. 3.RESTORATION PLANTING AND SEEDING SHALL BEGIN AFTER ALL CONSTRUCTION AND TREE PLANTING WORK IS COMPLETE AND THE IRRIGATION SYSTEM INSTALLED BY OTHERS IS IN PLACE. 4.RESTORATION CONTRACTOR SHALL NOTIFY THE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT OF THE PLANTING AND SEEDING START DATE A MINIMUM OF ONE WEEK PRIOR TO SEEDING AND PLANTING. 5.SALVAGED TOPSOIL APPROVED BY THE RESTORATION CONTRACTOR WILL BE SPREAD ONLY ON AREAS CLEARED OF TOPSOIL DURING CONSTRUCTION. APPROVED TOPSOIL WILL ONLY BE SPREAD TO THE ORIGINAL GRADE OR GRADE APPROVED BY THE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT. 6.SEVERELY COMPACTED SOIL CAUSED BY CONSTRUCTION TRAFFIC SHALL BE LOOSENED TO ORIGINAL GRADE BY OTHERS. MINOR COMPACTION SHALL BE LOOSENED BY RESTORATION CONTRACTOR TO ORIGINAL GRADE OR GRADE APPROVED BY THE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT. 7.SEEDING SHALL BE HAND BROADCAST AND RAKED EITHER BY HAND OR WITH A DRAG HARROW. 8.ALL PLANT MATERIAL SHALL BE WARRANTED BY THE RESTORATION CONTRACTOR FOR A PERIOD OF ONE YEAR AFTER OWNER'S WRITTEN ACCEPTANCE. ANY ACTS OF VANDALISM OR DAMAGE WHICH MAY OCCUR PRIOR TO THE OWNER'S WRITTEN ACCEPTANCE SHALL BE THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE CONTRACTOR. 9.SEEDED AND SODDED AREAS SHALL BE WATERED WITH THE IRRIGATION SYSTEM (INSTALLED BY OTHERS) FOR A MINIMUM OF FOUR WEEKS OR UNTIL SEED IS ESTABLISHED. ALL WATERING ASSUMES A SYSTEM COVERING ALL RESTORATION AREAS IS IN PLACE AND RESTORATION CONTRACTOR HAS CONTROL OVER WATERING SCHEDULE FOR RESTORATION AREAS. 10.PLANTINGS SHALL BE PLACED ACCORDING TO SPECIFIC ZONE SECTION NEEDS AND NOT ACCORDING TO A FIXED PATTERN. ON-CENTER GOALS ARE ON AVERAGE. 11.LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT MUST APPROVE ALL SEEDING LOCATIONS PRIOR TO SEEDING. 12.NO FERTILIZER OR SOIL AMENDMENTS ARE REQUIRED IN THE RESTORATION AREAS UNLESS DEEMED NECESSARY BY THE RESTORATION CONTRACTOR. 13.RESTORATION CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE A WRITTEN REQUEST FOR THE OWNER ACCEPTANCE INSPECTION UPON COMPLETION OF ALL RESTORATION SEEDING AND PLANTING WORK. WARRANTY 1.ALL HARDSCAPE AND PAVING AREAS TO BE WARRANTED FOR 1 YEAR AFTER OWNER ACCEPTANCE. 2.ALL PLANT MATERIAL TO BE WARRANTED FOR 1 YEAR AFTER OWNER ACCEPTANCE. AN INSPECTION OF PLANT MATERIAL WILL OCCUR AFTER THE FIRST YEAR FOLLOWING SUBSTANTIAL COMPLETION / OWNER ACCEPTANCE. THE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT SHALL NOTIFY THE CONTRACTORS OF INSPECTION DATE. REPLACEMENTS MAY BE REQUIRED AT THIS TIME. REPLACEMENTS SHALL BE PLANTED WITHIN 30 DAYS FROM THE DATE OF INSPECTION UNLESS OTHERWISE DIRECTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH ACCEPTED HORTICULTURAL PRACTICES. LANDSCAPE STRUCTURAL NOTES 1.BUILDING CODE: CONFORM TO LATEST EDITION OF STATE BUILDING CODE AND INTERNATIONAL BUILDING CODE (IBC). 2.CONTRACTOR SHALL BE SOLELY RESPONSIBLE FOR THE MEANS AND METHODS OF CONSTRUCTION AND FOR THE SAFETY OF PERSONS AND PROPERTY. CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR COMPLYING WITH ALL SAFETY PRECAUTIONS AND REGULATIONS DURING THE WORK. THE ENGINEER WILL NOT ADVISE ON NOR ISSUE DIRECTION AS TO SAFETY PRECAUTIONS AND PROGRAMS. 3.THE DRAWINGS HEREIN REPRESENT THE FINISHED STRUCTURE. DURING ERECTION OF THE STRUCTURE, THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE SOLELY RESPONSIBLE FOR TEMPORARY SHORING, BRACING, FORMING, ETC. TO HOLD THE STRUCTURE IN PROPER ALIGNMENT AND TO WITHSTAND ALL LOADS TO WHICH THE STRUCTURE MAY BE SUBJECTED. SUCH MEASURES SHALL BE LEFT IN PLACE AS LONG AS REQUIRED FOR SAFETY AND UNTIL ALL FRAMING AND CONNECTIONS ARE IN PLACE. 4.FOOTINGS AND SOIL DATA: 4.1.SOIL PARAMETERS ARE ASSUMED FOR THE DESIGN OF THE RETAINING WALLS FOR THE FOLLOWING: 4.1.a.MAXIMUM ALLOWABLE SOIL BEARING CAPACITY = 2000 PSF. 4.1.E.LATERAL SOIL PRESSURES (EQUIVALENT FLUID PRESSURE) 45 PCF. 4.2.FOOTINGS SHALL BEAR ON NATURAL UNDISTURBED SOIL OR ON COMPACTED, ENGINEERED FILL. ALL SUBGRADE SHALL BE PREPARED AND COMPACTED ACCORDING TO THE RECOMMENDATIONS PROVIDED BY A GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEER. 5.ALL TOPSOIL, FILL AND OTHER UNSUITABLE BEARING MATERIAL SHALL BE REMOVED. A GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEER SHALL INSPECT THE EXCAVATED AREA TO ENSURE ALL MATERIALS REQUIRING REMOVAL HAVE BEEN REMOVED AND TO VERIFY THE SOIL BEARING CAPACITY USED FOR DESIGN PRIOR TO CONCRETE PLACEMENT. 6.EMBEDMENT DEPTH FROM EXTERIOR GRADE TO BOTTOM OF FOOTING SHALL NOT BE LESS THAN 5¶-0´. BOTTOM OF FOOTING ELEVATION SHALL BE LOWERED AS REQUIRED TO MEET THIS MINIMUM. 7.ALL RETAINING WALLS SHALL HAVE A MINIMUM OF 12 INCHES OF FREE-DRAINING GRANULAR BACKFILL, FULL HEIGHT OF WALL, UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE. PROVIDE CONTROL JOINTS IN RETAINING WALLS AT APPROXIMATELY EQUAL INTERVALS NOT TO EXCEED 40 FEET OR 3 TIMES THE WALL HEIGHT. PROVIDE EXPANSION JOINTS AT EVERY FOURTH CONTROL JOINT UNLESS OTHERWISE INDICATED. 8.MUD SLABS, FOOTINGS OR SLABS SHALL NOT BE PLACED ONTO OR AGAINST SUBGRADE CONTAINING FREE WATER, FROST OR ICE. CONTRACTOR SHALL TAKE ALL NECESSARY PRECAUTIONS TO PREVENT ANY FROST OR ICE FROM PENETRATING ANY FOOTING OR SLAB SUBGRADE BEFORE AND AFTER PLACING CONCRETE UNTIL SUCH SUBGRADES ARE FULLY PROTECTED BY THE PERMANENT BUILDING STRUCTURE OR PROPER DEPTH OF BURY. 9.DO NOT UNDERMINE EXISTING FOUNDATIONS. 10.REINFORCED CONCRETE: 10.1.DESIGN CODE: USE BUILDING CODE REQUIREMENTS FOR STRUCTURAL CONCRETE (ACI 318), LATEST ADOPTION 10.2.CONCRETE MIXES SHALL BE DESIGNED PER ACI 301 USING THE FOLLOWING PARAMETERS: 10.2.a.PORTLAND CEMENT CONFORMING TO ASTM C150 OR C595. 10.2.E.AGGREGATE CONFORMING TO ASTM C33. 10.2.c.ADMIXTURES CONFORMING TO ASTM C494, C1017, AND C260. DO NOT USE CALCIUM CHLORIDE OR ADMIXTURES CONTAINING CALCIUM CHLORIDE. 10.2.G.CONCRETE SHALL BE READY-MIXED IN ACCORDANCE WITH ASTM C94. 11.REINFORCING STEEL 11.1.BARS -ASTM A615, GR. 60 11.2.PLACEMENT OF CONCRETE AND REINFORCEMENT SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH ACI AND CRSI STANDARDS. 11.3.DO NOT FIELD BEND BARS PARTIALLY EMBEDDED IN HARDENED CONCRETE UNLESS SPECIFICALLY INDICATED OR ACCEPTED BY THE ENGINEER. 11.4.PROVIDE CORNER BARS EQUAL IN SIZE AND SPACING TO WALL HORIZONTAL REINFORCEMENT UNLESS OTHERWISE DETAILED. 12.COLD WEATHER CONCRETING SHALL FOLLOW PROCEDURES IN ACI 306. 13.HOT WEATHER CONCRETING SHALL FOLLOW PROCEDURES IN ACI 305. 14.PROVIDE 32 BAR DIAMETER LAP LENGTHS FOR WALL FOOTINGS UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE. FOR OTHER LAP LENGTHS PROVIDE CLASS B LAP SPLICES IN ACCORDANCE WITH ACI 318. 15.BAR SUPPORTS AND HOLDING BARS SHALL BE PROVIDED FOR ALL REINFORCING STEEL TO ENSURE COMPLIANCE WITH MINIMUM CONCRETE COVER. BAR SUPPORTS SHALL BE PLASTIC, PLASTIC TIPPED, EPOXY COATED OR STAINLESS STEEL FOR UNCOATED STEEL. BAR SUPPORTS FOR COATED STEEL SHALL BE PLASTIC, PLASTIC COATED OR EPOXY COATED. 16.CONCRETE MIX DESIGN(S) SHALL BE SUBMITTED TO ENGINEER/ARCHITECT FOR REVIEW. 17.PROVIDE REINFORCING STEEL SHOP DRAWINGS TO ENGINEER / LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT FOR REVIEW / APPROVAL. 18.MATERIAL STRENGTHS: LANDSCAPE CONSTRUCTION NOTES DESCRIPTION COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH (fc) AT 28 DAYS MAX AGGREGAT E SIZE SLUMP MAX WATER TO CEMENT RATIOS (W/C)3/ FOOTINGS 3,000 PSI 1 1/2"4" ± 1"0.57 RETAINING WALLS (5 AIR ENTRAINED) 4,000 PSI 3/4"4" ± 1"0.45 1 / TOLERANCE ON AIR CONTENT AS DELIVERED SHALL BE ± 1.5 2/ PRIOR TO THE ADDITION OF PLASTICIZER OR HIGH-RANGE WATER-REDUCER 1 / TOLERANCE ON AIR CONTENT AS DELIVERED SHALL BE ± 1.5creation Gate:11/19/2020fiOepatK:/Users/EretZieseOer/DropEo[ (TVLS)/PROJECTS (DROPBOX)/BRUNER RESIDENCE/2. DWG/1. DRAWINGS/5. VARIANCE/L001.GZJOast saveG:EretZieseOer DecePEer 4, 2020 11:14 AMTKe GesiJns sKoZn anG GescriEeG Kerein incOXGinJ aOO tecKnicaO GraZinJs, JrapKics anG specifications tKereof, are proprietar\ anG cannot Ee copieG, GXpOicateG or coPPerciaOO\ e[pOoiteG, in ZKoOe or in part, ZitKoXt tKe e[press Zritten perPission of Travis Van Liere StXGio, LLC. TKese are avaiOaEOe for OiPiteG revieZ anG evaOXation E\ cOients, consXOtants, contractors, JovernePent aJencies, anG venGors onO\ in accorGance ZitK tKis notice. ‹ Cop\riJKt 2020Travis Van Liere StXGio, LLC. AOO riJKts reserveG. Oicense no: I KereE\ certif\ tKat tKis pOan, specification, or report Zas prepareG E\ Pe or XnGer P\ Girect sXpervision anG tKat I aP a GXO\ LicenseG LanGscape ArcKitect XnGer tKe OaZs of tKe State of Minnesota. 43728 T R A V I S V A N L I E R E Gate:1/23/2018 6 6 0 9 H O R S E S H O E C U R V E C H A N H A S S E N , M I N N E S O T A 5 5 3 1 7 B R U N E R R E S I D E N C E DraZn B\: Date: ScaOe: DraZinJ: SKeet: 12/18/2020 DJ Rev #Description Date VARIANCE APPLICATION 12/18/2020 N O T F O R C O N S T R U C T I O N 211 1ST STREET NORTH, SUITE 350 MINNEAPOLIS, MN 55401 t 612 345 4275 HORS E S H O E C U R V E 6609 H O R S E S H O E C U R V E LOTUS LAKE EXISTING INCOMING SURVEY1 L009 EXISTING INCOMING SURVEY N 1" = 16' SCALE: 1 incK = 0 16'32'8' 16 feet creation Gate:11/19/2020fiOepatK:/Users/EretZieseOer/DropEo[ (TVLS)/PROJECTS (DROPBOX)/BRUNER RESIDENCE/2. DWG/1. DRAWINGS/5. VARIANCE/L009.GZJOast saveG:EretZieseOer DecePEer 4, 2020 11:28 AMTKe GesiJns sKoZn anG GescriEeG Kerein incOXGinJ aOO tecKnicaO GraZinJs, JrapKics anG specifications tKereof, are proprietar\ anG cannot Ee copieG, GXpOicateG or coPPerciaOO\ e[pOoiteG, in ZKoOe or in part, ZitKoXt tKe e[press Zritten perPission of Travis Van Liere StXGio, LLC. TKese are avaiOaEOe for OiPiteG revieZ anG evaOXation E\ cOients, consXOtants, contractors, JovernePent aJencies, anG venGors onO\ in accorGance ZitK tKis notice. ‹ Cop\riJKt 2020Travis Van Liere StXGio, LLC. AOO riJKts reserveG. Oicense no: I KereE\ certif\ tKat tKis pOan, specification, or report Zas prepareG E\ Pe or XnGer P\ Girect sXpervision anG tKat I aP a GXO\ LicenseG LanGscape ArcKitect XnGer tKe OaZs of tKe State of Minnesota. 43728 T R A V I S V A N L I E R E Gate:1/23/2018 6 6 0 9 H O R S E S H O E C U R V E C H A N H A S S E N , M I N N E S O T A 5 5 3 1 7 B R U N E R R E S I D E N C E DraZn B\: Date: ScaOe: DraZinJ: SKeet: 12/18/2020 DJ Rev #Description Date VARIANCE APPLICATION 12/18/2020 NOTE: GENERAL NOTES 1.SEE SHEET L001 FOR GENERAL NOTES. 2.REFER TO ARCHITECTURAL DRAWINGS FOR BUILDING INFO. 3.ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR, MECHANICAL CONTRACTOR, AND IRRIGATION CONTRACTOR TO COORDINATE W/ PAVING, CONCRETE, AND WALL CONTRACTORS ON SLEEVE LOCATIONS UNDER DRIVEWAYS, WALKS, AND WALLS.4.REFER TO SHEET L010, EXISTING CONDITIONS PLAN FOR BOUNDARY INFORMATION. ALL CONSTRUCTION STAKING MUST BE PERFORMED BY A REGISTERED LAND SURVEYOR 5.DO NOT SCALE THE DRAWINGS. WRITTEN DIMENSIONS ARE TO BE USED FOR ALL LAYOUT WORK. 6.THE CONTRACTOR SHALL IMMEDIATELY NOTIFY THE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT OF ANY LAYOUT DISCREPANCIES. 7.ALL SITE ELEMENTS SHALL BE STAKED IN THE FIELD AND APPROVED BY LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. 8.AUTOCAD FILE AVAILABLE TO CONTRACTOR UPON REQUEST FOR FIELD LAYOUT. KEYNOTES 1.EXISTING SIGNIFICANT TREE(S) TYP. - SAVE AND PROTECT 2.EXISTING NEIGHBORING PROPERTY/SITE FEATURE - SAVE AND PROTECT 3.EXISTING CITY STREET/ALLEY - SAVE AND PROTECT, REPAIR ANY DAMAGED AREAS PER CITY STANDARDS 4.EXISTING DOCK BY OWNER, REORIENT TO ALIGN WITH PATH, STAIRS 5.FOOTPRINT OF EXISTING LAKESIDE PAVING AND DECK N O T F O R C O N S T R U C T I O N 211 1ST STREET NORTH, SUITE 350 MINNEAPOLIS, MN 55401 t 612 345 4275 EXISTING GARAGE REFER TO ARCH 936.33 HORSESHOE CURVE LOTUS LAKE O.H.W.: 896.30PROPERTY LINEPROPERTY LINE5' SIDE YARD SETBACKTRAFFIC FLOW TRAFFIC FLOW PROPERTY LINE 5' SIDE YARD SETBACKNEIGHBORING STRUCTURE NEIGHBORING STRUCTURE 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 3 10' FRONT YARD SETBACK DN926.90 BFFE EXISTING PORCH ABOVE EXISTING HOUSE 937.08 FFE REFER TO ARCH TYP. TYP. TYP. 4 10' OH W S E T B A C K 5 5 -1R -1R -2R -2R -2R -2R -3R -4R -5R -5R -2R -5R EXISTING CONDITIONS AND REMOVALS PLAN1 L010 EXISTING CONDITIONS ANDREMOVALS PLAN N 1" = 16' SCALE: 1 incK = 0 16'32'8' 16 feet REMOVALS KEY R1 EXISTING BITUMINOUS DRIVE TO BE REMOVED R2 EXISTING SITE WALL TO BE REMOVED R3 EXISTING PAVING TO BE REMOVED R4 EXISTING DECK TO BE RECONFIGURED AND REALIGNED R5 EXISTING TREE TO BE REMOVED -R creation Gate:11/19/2020fiOepatK:/Users/EretZieseOer/DropEo[ (TVLS)/PROJECTS (DROPBOX)/BRUNER RESIDENCE/2. DWG/1. DRAWINGS/5. VARIANCE/L010.GZJOast saveG:EretZieseOer DecePEer 4, 2020 11:33 AMTKe GesiJns sKoZn anG GescriEeG Kerein incOXGinJ aOO tecKnicaO GraZinJs, JrapKics anG specifications tKereof, are proprietar\ anG cannot Ee copieG, GXpOicateG or coPPerciaOO\ e[pOoiteG, in ZKoOe or in part, ZitKoXt tKe e[press Zritten perPission of Travis Van Liere StXGio, LLC. TKese are avaiOaEOe for OiPiteG revieZ anG evaOXation E\ cOients, consXOtants, contractors, JovernePent aJencies, anG venGors onO\ in accorGance ZitK tKis notice. ‹ Cop\riJKt 2020Travis Van Liere StXGio, LLC. AOO riJKts reserveG. Oicense no: I KereE\ certif\ tKat tKis pOan, specification, or report Zas prepareG E\ Pe or XnGer P\ Girect sXpervision anG tKat I aP a GXO\ LicenseG LanGscape ArcKitect XnGer tKe OaZs of tKe State of Minnesota. 43728 T R A V I S V A N L I E R E Gate:1/23/2018 6 6 0 9 H O R S E S H O E C U R V E C H A N H A S S E N , M I N N E S O T A 5 5 3 1 7 B R U N E R R E S I D E N C E DraZn B\: Date: ScaOe: DraZinJ: SKeet: 12/18/2020 DJ Rev #Description Date VARIANCE APPLICATION 12/18/2020 NOTE: GENERAL NOTES 1.SEE SHEET L001 FOR GENERAL NOTES. 2.REFER TO ARCHITECTURAL DRAWINGS FOR BUILDING INFO. 3.ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR, MECHANICAL CONTRACTOR, AND IRRIGATION CONTRACTOR TO COORDINATE W/ PAVING, CONCRETE, AND WALL CONTRACTORS ON SLEEVE LOCATIONS UNDER DRIVEWAYS, WALKS, AND WALLS.4.REFER TO SHEET L010, EXISTING CONDITIONS PLAN FOR BOUNDARY INFORMATION. ALL CONSTRUCTION STAKING MUST BE PERFORMED BY A REGISTERED LAND SURVEYOR 5.DO NOT SCALE THE DRAWINGS. WRITTEN DIMENSIONS ARE TO BE USED FOR ALL LAYOUT WORK. 6.THE CONTRACTOR SHALL IMMEDIATELY NOTIFY THE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT OF ANY LAYOUT DISCREPANCIES. 7.ALL SITE ELEMENTS SHALL BE STAKED IN THE FIELD AND APPROVED BY LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. 8.AUTOCAD FILE AVAILABLE TO CONTRACTOR UPON REQUEST FOR FIELD LAYOUT. KEYNOTES 1.EXISTING SIGNIFICANT TREE(S) TYP. - SAVE AND PROTECT 2.EXISTING NEIGHBORING PROPERTY/SITE FEATURE - SAVE AND PROTECT 3.EXISTING CITY STREET/ALLEY - SAVE AND PROTECT, REPAIR ANY DAMAGED AREAS PER CITY STANDARDS 4.EXISTING DOCK BY OWNER, REORIENT TO ALIGN WITH PATH, STAIRS 5.FOOTPRINT OF EXISTING LAKESIDE PAVING AND DECK N O T F O R C O N S T R U C T I O N 211 1ST STREET NORTH, SUITE 350 MINNEAPOLIS, MN 55401 t 612 345 4275 5' SIDE YARD SETBACK5' SIDE YARD SETBACK1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 3 10' FRONT YARD SETBACK DN4 10' OH W S E T B A C K 5 5 OVERLAY DIAGRAM1 L011 OVERLAY DIAGRAM N 1" = 16' SCALE: 1 incK = 0 16'32'8' 16 feet EXISTING HARDCOVER EXISTING HOUSE 2,985 s.f. EXISTING DRIVEWAY 2,684 s.f. EXISTING PAVING 305 s.f. EXISTING WALLS 403 s.f. AREA OF PROPERTY 27,878 s.f. EXISTING HARDCOVER AREA 6,377 s.f. EXISTING HARDCOVER 23 HARDCOVER / PROPERTY AREA RATIO ALLOWED BY CODE 25 PROPOSED HARDCOVER EXISTING HOUSE 2,985 s.f. PROPOSED DRIVEWAY  AUTOCOURT 2,550 s.f. PROPOSED AGGREGATE EDGING 178 s.f. AREA OF PROPERTY 27,878 s.f. PROPOSED HARDCOVER AREA 5,713 s.f. PROPOSED HARDCOVER 21 HARDCOVER / PROPERTY AREA RATIO ALLOWED BY CODE 25creation Gate:11/19/2020fiOepatK:/Users/EretZieseOer/DropEo[ (TVLS)/PROJECTS (DROPBOX)/BRUNER RESIDENCE/2. DWG/1. DRAWINGS/5. VARIANCE/L011.GZJOast saveG:EretZieseOer DecePEer 4, 2020 11:34 AMTKe GesiJns sKoZn anG GescriEeG Kerein incOXGinJ aOO tecKnicaO GraZinJs, JrapKics anG specifications tKereof, are proprietar\ anG cannot Ee copieG, GXpOicateG or coPPerciaOO\ e[pOoiteG, in ZKoOe or in part, ZitKoXt tKe e[press Zritten perPission of Travis Van Liere StXGio, LLC. TKese are avaiOaEOe for OiPiteG revieZ anG evaOXation E\ cOients, consXOtants, contractors, JovernePent aJencies, anG venGors onO\ in accorGance ZitK tKis notice. ‹ Cop\riJKt 2020Travis Van Liere StXGio, LLC. AOO riJKts reserveG. Oicense no: I KereE\ certif\ tKat tKis pOan, specification, or report Zas prepareG E\ Pe or XnGer P\ Girect sXpervision anG tKat I aP a GXO\ LicenseG LanGscape ArcKitect XnGer tKe OaZs of tKe State of Minnesota. 43728 T R A V I S V A N L I E R E Gate:1/23/2018 6 6 0 9 H O R S E S H O E C U R V E C H A N H A S S E N , M I N N E S O T A 5 5 3 1 7 B R U N E R R E S I D E N C E DraZn B\: Date: ScaOe: DraZinJ: SKeet: 12/18/2020 DJ Rev #Description Date VARIANCE APPLICATION 12/18/2020 NOTE: GENERAL NOTES 1.SEE SHEET L001 FOR GENERAL NOTES. 2.REFER TO ARCHITECTURAL DRAWINGS FOR BUILDING INFO. 3.ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR, MECHANICAL CONTRACTOR, AND IRRIGATION CONTRACTOR TO COORDINATE W/ PAVING, CONCRETE, AND WALL CONTRACTORS ON SLEEVE LOCATIONS UNDER DRIVEWAYS, WALKS, AND WALLS.4.REFER TO SHEET L010, EXISTING CONDITIONS PLAN FOR BOUNDARY INFORMATION. ALL CONSTRUCTION STAKING MUST BE PERFORMED BY A REGISTERED LAND SURVEYOR 5.DO NOT SCALE THE DRAWINGS. WRITTEN DIMENSIONS ARE TO BE USED FOR ALL LAYOUT WORK. 6.THE CONTRACTOR SHALL IMMEDIATELY NOTIFY THE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT OF ANY LAYOUT DISCREPANCIES. 7.ALL SITE ELEMENTS SHALL BE STAKED IN THE FIELD AND APPROVED BY LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. 8.AUTOCAD FILE AVAILABLE TO CONTRACTOR UPON REQUEST FOR FIELD LAYOUT. KEYNOTES 1.EXISTING SIGNIFICANT TREE(S) TYP. - SAVE AND PROTECT 2.EXISTING NEIGHBORING PROPERTY/SITE FEATURE - SAVE AND PROTECT 3.EXISTING CITY STREET/ALLEY - SAVE AND PROTECT, REPAIR ANY DAMAGED AREAS PER CITY STANDARDS 4.EXISTING DOCK BY OWNER, REORIENT TO ALIGN WITH PATH, STAIRS 5.FOOTPRINT OF EXISTING LAKESIDE PAVING AND DECK N O T F O R C O N S T R U C T I O N 211 1ST STREET NORTH, SUITE 350 MINNEAPOLIS, MN 55401 t 612 345 4275 EXISTING GARAGE REFER TO ARCH 936.33 HORSESHOE CURVE LOTUS LAKE O.H.W.: 896.30PROPERTY LINEPROPERTY LINE5' SIDE YARD SETBACKTRAFFIC FLOW TRAFFIC FLOW PROPERTY LINE 5' SIDE YARD SETBACKW.W NEIGHBORING STRUCTURE NEIGHBORING STRUCTURE 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 3 10' FRONT YARD SETBACK DN926.90 BFFE EXISTING PORCH ABOVE EXISTING HOUSE 937.08 FFE REFER TO ARCH TYP. TYP. TYP. 4 10' OH W S E T B A C KPOBDN DN DN DN DN DN DN 5 5 40'-6"12'49'-10"12'8'-8"2' 3' 12'-7"4'4'-6"TYP.2'TYP.11'-7" 6'-9"12'6 EQ.6' 37' 13' R6'R6'2'13'R12'ALGNALGN1'1 1 2 2 6'6'4'41'4'3', TYP.11 SP. EQ.4' 4'86'-6"3 6 EQ.36'77'-3"12 EQ.1', TYP.9', TYP.2 EQ.19'12'63'-5"ALGN 3'-3"11'20'-6" PROPERTY LINE OHW ORDINARY HIGH WATER MARK SITE PLAN1 L101 SITE PLAN 1" = 16' SCALE: 1 incK = 0 16'32'8' 16 feet SHEET NOTES 1.REPLACE CURB-CUT FOR EXISTING DRIVE APRON 2.INSTALL NEW CURB CUT FOR DRIVEWAY PER CITY STANDARDS 3.SLOT DRAIN @ GARAGE THRESHOLD CONTOUR ELEVATIONXXX POB POINT OF BEGINNING PROPOSED CONTOURSXXX EXISTING CONTOURSXX X TRAFFIC FLOW TRAFFIC FLOW ARROW EXISTING TREE TO BE SAVED AND PROTECTED DECID.CONIF.ORNM. PROPOSED NEW TREE DECID.CONIF.ORNM. SETBACK EXISTING SPOT ELEVATION000.00X LEGEND N creation Gate:12/4/2020fiOepatK:/Users/EretZieseOer/DropEo[ (TVLS)/PROJECTS (DROPBOX)/BRUNER RESIDENCE/2. DWG/1. DRAWINGS/5. VARIANCE/L101.GZJOast saveG:EretZieseOer DecePEer 4, 2020 11:34 AMTKe GesiJns sKoZn anG GescriEeG Kerein incOXGinJ aOO tecKnicaO GraZinJs, JrapKics anG specifications tKereof, are proprietar\ anG cannot Ee copieG, GXpOicateG or coPPerciaOO\ e[pOoiteG, in ZKoOe or in part, ZitKoXt tKe e[press Zritten perPission of Travis Van Liere StXGio, LLC. TKese are avaiOaEOe for OiPiteG revieZ anG evaOXation E\ cOients, consXOtants, contractors, JovernePent aJencies, anG venGors onO\ in accorGance ZitK tKis notice. ‹ Cop\riJKt 2020Travis Van Liere StXGio, LLC. AOO riJKts reserveG. Oicense no: I KereE\ certif\ tKat tKis pOan, specification, or report Zas prepareG E\ Pe or XnGer P\ Girect sXpervision anG tKat I aP a GXO\ LicenseG LanGscape ArcKitect XnGer tKe OaZs of tKe State of Minnesota. 43728 T R A V I S V A N L I E R E Gate:1/23/2018 6 6 0 9 H O R S E S H O E C U R V E C H A N H A S S E N , M I N N E S O T A 5 5 3 1 7 B R U N E R R E S I D E N C E DraZn B\: Date: ScaOe: DraZinJ: SKeet: 12/18/2020 DJ Rev #Description Date VARIANCE APPLICATION 12/18/2020 NOTE: GENERAL NOTES 1.SEE SHEET L001 FOR GENERAL NOTES. 2.REFER TO ARCHITECTURAL DRAWINGS FOR BUILDING INFO. 3.ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR, MECHANICAL CONTRACTOR, AND IRRIGATION CONTRACTOR TO COORDINATE W/ PAVING, CONCRETE, AND WALL CONTRACTORS ON SLEEVE LOCATIONS UNDER DRIVEWAYS, WALKS, AND WALLS.4.REFER TO SHEET L010, EXISTING CONDITIONS PLAN FOR BOUNDARY INFORMATION. ALL CONSTRUCTION STAKING MUST BE PERFORMED BY A REGISTERED LAND SURVEYOR 5.DO NOT SCALE THE DRAWINGS. WRITTEN DIMENSIONS ARE TO BE USED FOR ALL LAYOUT WORK. 6.THE CONTRACTOR SHALL IMMEDIATELY NOTIFY THE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT OF ANY LAYOUT DISCREPANCIES. 7.ALL SITE ELEMENTS SHALL BE STAKED IN THE FIELD AND APPROVED BY LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. 8.AUTOCAD FILE AVAILABLE TO CONTRACTOR UPON REQUEST FOR FIELD LAYOUT. KEYNOTES 1.EXISTING SIGNIFICANT TREE(S) TYP. - SAVE AND PROTECT 2.EXISTING NEIGHBORING PROPERTY/SITE FEATURE - SAVE AND PROTECT 3.EXISTING CITY STREET/ALLEY - SAVE AND PROTECT, REPAIR ANY DAMAGED AREAS PER CITY STANDARDS 4.EXISTING DOCK BY OWNER, REORIENT TO ALIGN WITH PATH, STAIRS 5.FOOTPRINT OF EXISTING LAKESIDE PAVING AND DECK N O T F O R C O N S T R U C T I O N 211 1ST STREET NORTH, SUITE 350 MINNEAPOLIS, MN 55401 t 612 345 4275 CB CB CB CB CB CB CB CB CB EXISTING GARAGE REFER TO ARCH 936.33 HORSESHOE CURVE LOTUS LAKE O.H.W.: 896.30PROPERTY LINEPROPERTY LINE5' SIDE YARD SETBACKTRAFFIC FLOW TRAFFIC FLOW PROPERTY LINE 5' SIDE YARD SETBACKW.W NEIGHBORING STRUCTURE NEIGHBORING STRUCTURE 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 3 P.E. 10' FRONT YARD SETBACK 1.50 2.42 2 : 1 19DN926.90 BFFE EXISTING PORCH ABOVE EXISTING HOUSE 937.08 FFE REFER TO ARCH TYP. TYP. TYP. 4 10' OH W S E T B A C K CB DN DN DN DN DN DN DN 927928930932926 925 931934933935936937938939953 952 952 951 950 949 948 947 946 945 944 943 942 941 940 939 926 924 922 920 918 916929926.75 924.58 BOS 933.50 TOW 936.92 TOS 929.33 BOW 935.00 TOS 927.75 BOS 900.00 TOD 5 5 926.75 936.33 RIM 931.00 BOW 933.00 BOW 934.50 TOW 926.75 TOS 926.75 933.00 BOW 931.50 TOW 935.50 936.33 938.50 935.50 926.75 926.75 926.17 BOS 926.17 BOS 926.17 BOS 924.50 TOS 922.75 TOS 921.00 TOS 925.75 RIM 925.75 RIM 925.75 RIM 925.75 RIM 925.75 RIM 926.75 RIM 936.33 RIM 917.50 TOS 919.25 TOS 908.33 TOS 915.75 TOS 914.00 TOS 912.25 TOS 910.50 TOS 908.75 TOS 907.00 TOS 905.25 TOS 903.50 TOS 901.75 TOS 4 4 4 4 BEYOND BEYOND 2 1 1 3 1 GRADING AND DRAINAGE PLAN1 L201 GRADING AND DRAINAGEPLAN N 1" = 16' SCALE: 1 incK = 0 16'32'8' 16 feet PROPERTY LINE OHW ORDINARY HIGH WATER MARK CONTOUR ELEVATIONXXX SLOPE-AT-SURFACE/DRAINAGE FLOW ARROWX.XX POB POINT OF BEGINNING DRAIN TILE PROPOSED CONTOURSXXX XX X EXISTING CONTOURS NEW PERENNIAL/ANNUAL PERENNIAL GRASS POINT OF ENTRY AT BUILDING TRAFFIC FLOW TRAFFIC FLOW ARROW EXISTING TREE TO BE SAVED AND PROTECTED DECID.CONIF.ORNM. PROPOSED NEW TREE DECID.CONIF.ORNM. PROPOSED SPOT ELEVATIONXXX.XX LOCN SETBACK EXISTING SPOT ELEVATION000.00X STAIRDN UP LEGEND SHEET NOTES 1.12" NDS CATCH BASIN 2.SLOT DRAIN 3.POP-UP EMITTER 4.DRAIN TILE, TYPICAL CB RD AD CATCH BASIN, ROOF DRAIN, OR AREA DRAIN creation Gate:11/19/2020fiOepatK:/Users/EretZieseOer/DropEo[ (TVLS)/PROJECTS (DROPBOX)/BRUNER RESIDENCE/2. DWG/1. DRAWINGS/5. VARIANCE/L201.GZJOast saveG:EretZieseOer DecePEer 4, 2020 11:37 AMTKe GesiJns sKoZn anG GescriEeG Kerein incOXGinJ aOO tecKnicaO GraZinJs, JrapKics anG specifications tKereof, are proprietar\ anG cannot Ee copieG, GXpOicateG or coPPerciaOO\ e[pOoiteG, in ZKoOe or in part, ZitKoXt tKe e[press Zritten perPission of Travis Van Liere StXGio, LLC. TKese are avaiOaEOe for OiPiteG revieZ anG evaOXation E\ cOients, consXOtants, contractors, JovernePent aJencies, anG venGors onO\ in accorGance ZitK tKis notice. ‹ Cop\riJKt 2020Travis Van Liere StXGio, LLC. AOO riJKts reserveG. Oicense no: I KereE\ certif\ tKat tKis pOan, specification, or report Zas prepareG E\ Pe or XnGer P\ Girect sXpervision anG tKat I aP a GXO\ LicenseG LanGscape ArcKitect XnGer tKe OaZs of tKe State of Minnesota. 43728 T R A V I S V A N L I E R E Gate:1/23/2018 6 6 0 9 H O R S E S H O E C U R V E C H A N H A S S E N , M I N N E S O T A 5 5 3 1 7 B R U N E R R E S I D E N C E DraZn B\: Date: ScaOe: DraZinJ: SKeet: 12/18/2020 DJ Rev #Description Date VARIANCE APPLICATION 12/18/2020 NOTE: GENERAL NOTES 1.SEE SHEET L001 FOR GENERAL NOTES. 2.REFER TO ARCHITECTURAL DRAWINGS FOR BUILDING INFO. 3.ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR, MECHANICAL CONTRACTOR, AND IRRIGATION CONTRACTOR TO COORDINATE W/ PAVING, CONCRETE, AND WALL CONTRACTORS ON SLEEVE LOCATIONS UNDER DRIVEWAYS, WALKS, AND WALLS.4.REFER TO SHEET L010, EXISTING CONDITIONS PLAN FOR BOUNDARY INFORMATION. ALL CONSTRUCTION STAKING MUST BE PERFORMED BY A REGISTERED LAND SURVEYOR 5.DO NOT SCALE THE DRAWINGS. WRITTEN DIMENSIONS ARE TO BE USED FOR ALL LAYOUT WORK. 6.THE CONTRACTOR SHALL IMMEDIATELY NOTIFY THE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT OF ANY LAYOUT DISCREPANCIES. 7.ALL SITE ELEMENTS SHALL BE STAKED IN THE FIELD AND APPROVED BY LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. 8.AUTOCAD FILE AVAILABLE TO CONTRACTOR UPON REQUEST FOR FIELD LAYOUT. KEYNOTES 1.EXISTING SIGNIFICANT TREE(S) TYP. - SAVE AND PROTECT 2.EXISTING NEIGHBORING PROPERTY/SITE FEATURE - SAVE AND PROTECT 3.EXISTING CITY STREET/ALLEY - SAVE AND PROTECT, REPAIR ANY DAMAGED AREAS PER CITY STANDARDS 4.EXISTING DOCK BY OWNER, REORIENT TO ALIGN WITH PATH, STAIRS 5.FOOTPRINT OF EXISTING LAKESIDE PAVING AND DECK N O T F O R C O N S T R U C T I O N 211 1ST STREET NORTH, SUITE 350 MINNEAPOLIS, MN 55401 t 612 345 4275 EXISTING GARAGE REFER TO ARCH 936.33 HORSESHOE CURVE LOTUS LAKE O.H.W.: 896.30PROPERTY LINEPROPERTY LINE5' SIDE YARD SETBACKTRAFFIC FLOW TRAFFIC FLOW PROPERTY LINE 5' SIDE YARD SETBACKW.W NEIGHBORING STRUCTURE NEIGHBORING STRUCTURE 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 3 10' FRONT YARD SETBACK DN926.90 BFFE EXISTING PORCH ABOVE EXISTING HOUSE 937.08 FFE REFER TO ARCH TYP. TYP. TYP. 4 10' OH W S E T B A C K DN DN DN DN DN DN DN 5 5 13 PM 1 PM G 1 G 1 36 EQ 1 1 1 2 L608 7L608LANDSCAPE PLAN1 L401 LANDSCAPE PLAN N 1" = 16' SCALE: 1 incK = 0 16'32'8' 16 feet PROPERTY LINE OHW ORDINARY HIGH WATER MARK SHEET NOTES 1.4' MOWED PATH, TYPICAL CONTOUR ELEVATIONXXX POB POINT OF BEGINNING PROPOSED CONTOURSXXX XX X EXISTING CONTOURS POINT OF ENTRY AT BUILDING TRAFFIC FLOW TRAFFIC FLOW ARROW EXISTING TREE TO BE SAVED AND PROTECTED DECID.CONIF.ORNM. PROPOSED NEW TREE DECID.CONIF.ORNM. SETBACK EXISTING SPOT ELEVATION000.00X STAIRDN UP LEGEND PLANT SCHEDULE TREES KEY NAME QTY SIZE PM PseXGotsXJa Pen]eisii DOUGLAS FIR 14 EA.14' (H) BB PERENNIALS KEY NAME QTY SIZE EQ ETXisetXP HORSETAIL 36 EA.#4 CONT. TURF, GROUND COVERS, AND SEED MIXES HATCH KEY NAME QTY SIZE TAG QTY G1 NOW-MOW 21,810 s.f.N/AFESCUE creation Gate:12/4/2020fiOepatK:/Users/EretZieseOer/DropEo[ (TVLS)/PROJECTS (DROPBOX)/BRUNER RESIDENCE/2. DWG/1. DRAWINGS/5. VARIANCE/L401.GZJOast saveG:EretZieseOer DecePEer 4, 2020 12:36 PMTKe GesiJns sKoZn anG GescriEeG Kerein incOXGinJ aOO tecKnicaO GraZinJs, JrapKics anG specifications tKereof, are proprietar\ anG cannot Ee copieG, GXpOicateG or coPPerciaOO\ e[pOoiteG, in ZKoOe or in part, ZitKoXt tKe e[press Zritten perPission of Travis Van Liere StXGio, LLC. TKese are avaiOaEOe for OiPiteG revieZ anG evaOXation E\ cOients, consXOtants, contractors, JovernePent aJencies, anG venGors onO\ in accorGance ZitK tKis notice. ‹ Cop\riJKt 2020Travis Van Liere StXGio, LLC. AOO riJKts reserveG. Oicense no: I KereE\ certif\ tKat tKis pOan, specification, or report Zas prepareG E\ Pe or XnGer P\ Girect sXpervision anG tKat I aP a GXO\ LicenseG LanGscape ArcKitect XnGer tKe OaZs of tKe State of Minnesota. 43728 T R A V I S V A N L I E R E Gate:1/23/2018 6 6 0 9 H O R S E S H O E C U R V E C H A N H A S S E N , M I N N E S O T A 5 5 3 1 7 B R U N E R R E S I D E N C E DraZn B\: Date: ScaOe: DraZinJ: SKeet: 12/18/2020 DJ Rev #Description Date VARIANCE APPLICATION 12/18/2020 NOTE: GENERAL NOTES 1.SEE SHEET L001 FOR GENERAL NOTES. 2.REFER TO ARCHITECTURAL DRAWINGS FOR BUILDING INFO. 3.ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR, MECHANICAL CONTRACTOR, AND IRRIGATION CONTRACTOR TO COORDINATE W/ PAVING, CONCRETE, AND WALL CONTRACTORS ON SLEEVE LOCATIONS UNDER DRIVEWAYS, WALKS, AND WALLS.4.REFER TO SHEET L010, EXISTING CONDITIONS PLAN FOR BOUNDARY INFORMATION. ALL CONSTRUCTION STAKING MUST BE PERFORMED BY A REGISTERED LAND SURVEYOR 5.DO NOT SCALE THE DRAWINGS. WRITTEN DIMENSIONS ARE TO BE USED FOR ALL LAYOUT WORK. 6.THE CONTRACTOR SHALL IMMEDIATELY NOTIFY THE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT OF ANY LAYOUT DISCREPANCIES. 7.ALL SITE ELEMENTS SHALL BE STAKED IN THE FIELD AND APPROVED BY LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. 8.AUTOCAD FILE AVAILABLE TO CONTRACTOR UPON REQUEST FOR FIELD LAYOUT. KEYNOTES 1.EXISTING SIGNIFICANT TREE(S) TYP. - SAVE AND PROTECT 2.EXISTING NEIGHBORING PROPERTY/SITE FEATURE - SAVE AND PROTECT 3.EXISTING CITY STREET/ALLEY - SAVE AND PROTECT, REPAIR ANY DAMAGED AREAS PER CITY STANDARDS 4.EXISTING DOCK BY OWNER, REORIENT TO ALIGN WITH PATH, STAIRS 5.FOOTPRINT OF EXISTING LAKESIDE PAVING AND DECK N O T F O R C O N S T R U C T I O N 211 1ST STREET NORTH, SUITE 350 MINNEAPOLIS, MN 55401 t 612 345 4275 L501 WALL ELEVATIONS 1" = 16' 940' 0" 935' 0" 930' 0" 925' 0" 933.50 TOW 6"940' 0" 935' 0" 930' 0" 925' 0" 933.50 TOW 940' 0" 935' 0" 930' 0" 925' 0" 933.50 TOW6"2'-6"6"931.50 TOW931.00 BOW 933.00 TOW WALL RETURNS BEYOND C.I.P. CONCRETE WALL FACE OF BUILDING DECK ABOVE - SEE ARCH. DWGS. FINISHED GRADE BEYOND WALL RETURNS BEYOND DECK ABOVE - SEE ARCH. DWGS. FINISHED GRADE BEYOND C.I.P. CONCRETE WALL 931.00 BOW 1L601WALL RETURNS BEYOND C.I.P. CONCRETE WALL FACE OF BUILDING DECK ABOVE - SEE ARCH. DWGS. FINISHED GRADE BEYOND SCALE:1/2" = 1'-0" WALL 1 - NORTH FACING ELEVATION1 SCALE:1/2" = 1'-0" WALL 1 - WEST FACING ELEVATION2 SCALE:1/2" = 1'-0" WALL 1 - SOUTH FACING ELEVATION3 creation Gate:11/19/2020fiOepatK:/Users/EretZieseOer/DropEo[ (TVLS)/PROJECTS (DROPBOX)/BRUNER RESIDENCE/2. DWG/1. DRAWINGS/5. VARIANCE/L501.GZJOast saveG:GanieOOeMXricKNo NovePEer 19, 2020 8:11 PMTKe GesiJns sKoZn anG GescriEeG Kerein incOXGinJ aOO tecKnicaO GraZinJs, JrapKics anG specifications tKereof, are proprietar\ anG cannot Ee copieG, GXpOicateG or coPPerciaOO\ e[pOoiteG, in ZKoOe or in part, ZitKoXt tKe e[press Zritten perPission of Travis Van Liere StXGio, LLC. TKese are avaiOaEOe for OiPiteG revieZ anG evaOXation E\ cOients, consXOtants, contractors, JovernePent aJencies, anG venGors onO\ in accorGance ZitK tKis notice. ‹ Cop\riJKt 2020Travis Van Liere StXGio, LLC. AOO riJKts reserveG. Oicense no: I KereE\ certif\ tKat tKis pOan, specification, or report Zas prepareG E\ Pe or XnGer P\ Girect sXpervision anG tKat I aP a GXO\ LicenseG LanGscape ArcKitect XnGer tKe OaZs of tKe State of Minnesota. 43728 T R A V I S V A N L I E R E Gate:1/23/2018 6 6 0 9 H O R S E S H O E C U R V E C H A N H A S S E N , M I N N E S O T A 5 5 3 1 7 B R U N E R R E S I D E N C E DraZn B\: Date: ScaOe: DraZinJ: SKeet: 12/18/2020 DJ Rev #Description Date VARIANCE APPLICATION 12/18/2020 N O T F O R C O N S T R U C T I O N 211 1ST STREET NORTH, SUITE 350 MINNEAPOLIS, MN 55401 t 612 345 4275 L601 WALL, STAIR, AND SURFACINGDETAILS 1" = 16' 1/2" PREMOLDED EXPANSION JOINT #3 SMOOTH BAR DOWELS 12" O.C. CAST IN PLACE CONCRETE AS SPECIFIED - SEE SURFACING PLAN FOR FINISH 1/4" X 3/4" HAND TOOLED CONTROL JOINT. SEE LAYOUT PLAN FOR JOINTING. CAST IN PLACE CONCRETE AS SPECIFIED - SEE SURFACING PLAN FOR FINISH. 1/4" X 3/4" HAND TOOLED CONTROL JOINT. SEE LAYOUT PLAN ON SHEET L5 FOR JOINTING. CONSTRUCTION JOINT AS SPECIFIED AND NEEDED. CAST IN PLACE CONCRETE AS SPECIFIED - SEE SURFACING PLAN FOR FINISH. 1/2" PREMOLDED EXPANSION JOINT. SILICONE JOINT W/ 1 2"Ø BACKER ROD CAST IN PLACE CONCRETE AS SPECIFIED - SEE SURFACING PLAN FOR FINISH. EXPANSION JOINT CONTROL JOINT CONSTRUCTION JOINT SILICON EXPANSION JOINT1"1 2" 1 8"3/4"1 8"3/4"1 2"VARIESVARIESVARIESVARIESSCALE:1 1/2" = 1'-0" CONCRETE SURFACING @ PLANTING BED7 SCALE:N/A CONCRETE JOINTING, TYPICAL8 SCALE:1 1/2" = 1'-0" AGGREGATE SURFACING, TYPICAL9 TOP OF PAVING ELEVATION VARIES C.I.P. CONCRETE SURFACING W/ 6 [ 6 W.W. MESH. EXPOSED FINISH. SEE PLANS FOR JOINTING. EXPANSION JOINTS AS NEEDED.5"118"6" MIN.1'1"COMPACTED, CRUSHED AGGREGATE BASE, COMPACT TO 98 SPD COMPACTED OR UNDISTURBED SUBGRADE, AS RECOMMENDED BY GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEER. EXTEND BASE BEYOND EXTENTS OF UNIT PAVERS. 6" MIN. SNOW MELT SYSTEM, SEE MECH. DWGS.5"118"6" MIN.1'1"TOP OF PAVING ELEVATION VARIES C.I.P. CONCRETE SURFACING COMPACTED, CRUSHED AGGREGATE BASE, COMPACT TO 98 SPD COMPACTED OR UNDISTURBED SUBGRADE, AS RECOMMENDED BY GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEER. EXTEND BASE BEYOND EXTENTS OF UNIT PAVERS.12" MIN. LOOSENED AND AMENDED PLANTING SOIL AS SPECIFIED. VEGETATED AREA AS SPECIFIED. GEOFABRIC TYP. SNOW MELT SYSTEM, SEE MECH. DWGS. TOP OF PAVING ELEVATION VARIES ALL JOINTS ARE TO BE SAW CUT UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. JOINTS SHALL BE STRAIGHT, CLEAN AND NEAT. STONE VENEER, SEE L102, L700 C.I.P. CONCRETE SURFACING W/ #4 BAR @ 12"O.C. EW. SEE PLANS FOR JOINTING. EXPANSION JOINTS AS NEEDED. COMPACTED, CRUSHED AGGREGATE BASE, COMPACT TO 98 SPD COMPACTED OR UNDISTURBED SUBGRADE, AS RECOMMENDED BY GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEER.5"1'GEOFABRIC TYP. SNOW MELT SYSTEM, SEE MECH. DWGS. SCALE:1 1/2" = 1'-0" CONCRETE SURFACING @ DRIVEWAY AND AUTOCOURT5 SCALE:1 1/2" = 1'-0" CONCRETE SURFACING @ LAWN6 AGGREGATE SURFACING 8"3"GEOFABRIC UNDERNEATH, TYP. COMPACTED OR UNDISTURBED SUBGRADE AS RECOMMENDED BY GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEER TOP OF PAVING ELEVATION VARIES 1' , TYP.7"TYP.5/4[6 IPE DECKING, TYP.T.O.S. SEE PLAN 3'-3" O.C., TYP.3'-3" O.C., TYP. 4'-01 2" 1 2" GAP., TYP. 2[6 P.T. JOIST @ 16" O.C., TYP.2" MIN.HELICAL PIER TO FROST, TYP. 2[12 P.T. STAIR STRINGER, TYP. 5/4[6 IPE DECKING ON TREAD AND RISER, TYP. 2[6 P.T. SLEEPER, TYP. FINISHED GRADE BEYOND 1', TYP.2' TYP.2'-6" MAX.SCALE:1 1/2" = 1'-0" WOOD STAIRCASE SECTION, TYPICAL34'-4"8" 1'-3"9"4'TO FROST929.33 6" MIN.VARIESBOW VARIES SEE PLANS 933.50 TOW C.I.P. CONCRETE WALL W/ BOARD FORM FINISH SURFACING AS SPECIFIED - SEE PLANS COMPACTED GRANULAR BACKFILL - WRAP W/ GEO-FABRIC COMPACTED GRANULAR BACKFILL- WRAP W/ GEO-FABRIC #5 VERT @ 12" O.C. #5 HORZ @ 12" O.C. 4" DIA. CORRUGATED PVC DRAINTILE WITH SLEEVE. DRAIN TO DAYLIGHT. (VERIFY DAYLIGHT LOCATIONS IN FIELD) REINFORCED CONCRETE SPREAD FOOTING #4 @ 12" O.C. EA WAY, TOP AND BOTTOM COMPACTED OR UNDISTURBED SUBGRADE GEOFABRIC, TYP. INFILL SOILS, COMPACT PER ENGINEER REQUIREMENTS COMPACTED GRANULAR BACKFILL - WRAP W/ GEO-FABRIC GEOFABRIC, TYP. INFILL SOILS, COMPACT PER ENGINEER REQUIREMENTS AGGREGATE SURFACING GEOFABRIC UNDERNEATH, TYP. OUTSIDE EDGE OF HOUSE AND WINDOW CASING- V.I.F.3"8"2 MIN. CATCH BASIN. DRAIN TO DAYLIGHT. (VERIFY DAYLIGHT LOCATIONS IN FIELD) WALL RETURN BEYOND 7"TYP.314"6"8"1' BURY BELOW GRADE GEO-FABRIC UNDERNEATH, TYP. COMPACTED OR UNDISTURBED SUBGRADE AS RECOMMENDED BY GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEER SURFACING BEYOND - SEE PLANS COMPACTED CRUSHED CLASS 5 BASE. COMPACT TO 100 SPD SURFACING BEYOND - SEE PLANS 914"8"ALUMINUM EDGING 1' T.O.S. SEE PLAN 2[6 P.T. FRAMING, TYP. 5/4[6 IPE DECKING ON TREAD AND RISER, TYP. SCALE:1 1/2" = 1'-0" WOOD LANDSCAPE TREAD - SECTION, TYPICAL2 7", TYP.1', TYP.612"6" MIN.4"6"8"COMPACTED OR UNDISTURBED SUBGRADE AS RECOMMENDED BY GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEER 1/2" WASHED DRESSER TRAP ROCK BENEATH DECK EXTENTS 926.75 TOD 924.42 BOS SURFACING BEYOND - SEE PLANS GEO-FABRIC UNDERNEATH, TYP. COMPACTED CRUSHED CLASS 5 BASE - COMPACT TO 100 SPD SLOPE ALUMINUM EDGING 5/4[6 IPE DECKING, TYP. 2[12 P.T. STAIR STRINGER, TYP. 5/4[6 IPE DECKING ON TREAD AND RISER, TYP. SCALE:1 1/2" = 1'-0" DECK STAIRS - SECTION4SCALE:3/4" = 1'-0" C.I.P. CONC. WINDOW WELL1 creation Gate:12/4/2020fiOepatK:/Users/EretZieseOer/DropEo[ (TVLS)/PROJECTS (DROPBOX)/BRUNER RESIDENCE/2. DWG/1. DRAWINGS/5. VARIANCE/L601.GZJOast saveG:EretZieseOer DecePEer 4, 2020 12:29 PMTKe GesiJns sKoZn anG GescriEeG Kerein incOXGinJ aOO tecKnicaO GraZinJs, JrapKics anG specifications tKereof, are proprietar\ anG cannot Ee copieG, GXpOicateG or coPPerciaOO\ e[pOoiteG, in ZKoOe or in part, ZitKoXt tKe e[press Zritten perPission of Travis Van Liere StXGio, LLC. TKese are avaiOaEOe for OiPiteG revieZ anG evaOXation E\ cOients, consXOtants, contractors, JovernePent aJencies, anG venGors onO\ in accorGance ZitK tKis notice. ‹ Cop\riJKt 2020Travis Van Liere StXGio, LLC. AOO riJKts reserveG. Oicense no: I KereE\ certif\ tKat tKis pOan, specification, or report Zas prepareG E\ Pe or XnGer P\ Girect sXpervision anG tKat I aP a GXO\ LicenseG LanGscape ArcKitect XnGer tKe OaZs of tKe State of Minnesota. 43728 T R A V I S V A N L I E R E Gate:1/23/2018 6 6 0 9 H O R S E S H O E C U R V E C H A N H A S S E N , M I N N E S O T A 5 5 3 1 7 B R U N E R R E S I D E N C E DraZn B\: Date: ScaOe: DraZinJ: SKeet: 12/18/2020 DJ Rev #Description Date VARIANCE APPLICATION 12/18/2020 N O T F O R C O N S T R U C T I O N 211 1ST STREET NORTH, SUITE 350 MINNEAPOLIS, MN 55401 t 612 345 4275 L602 DRAINAGE AND LIGHTINGDETAILS 1" = 16' SCALE:1 1/2" = 1'-0" SQUARE CATCH BASIN IN PLANTING AREA5 SCALE:1 1/2" = 1'-0" POP-UP EMITTER8 NDS POLYOLEFIN POP-UP DRAINAGE EMITTER - OR APPROVED EQ. NDS 1/4 BEND SEWER DRAIN ELBOW - OR APPROVED EQ. SURFACING AS SPECIFIED - SEE PLANS COMPACTED TOPSOIL 1 4" LEACH HOLE DRAIN TILE, TYP. GRANULAR FILL WHERE APPLICABLE UNDISTURBED SUBGRADEVARIES6" MIN.SLOPE TO DRAINSLOPE TO DRAIN RIM ELEV. ELEV. VARIES, SEE L2012" MIN.16" DIA. MIN. COVER TOP OF CATCH BASIN WITH 2" OF 2-3" DIA BLACK MEXICAN BEACH PEBBLES GEO FABRIC, TYP. NDS GALV. STEEL GRATE, SEE L700 NDS RISER IF REQUIRED NDS 12" OR 18" SQUARE CATCH BASIN AS SPECIFIED NDS UNIVERSAL OUTLET INVERT ELEVATION GRANULAR FILL GEO FABRIC, TYP. SCALE:1 1/2" = 1'-0" UPLIGHT IN MONOLITHIC STAIR2 TOP OF SURFACING ELEVATION VARIESSEE MANUFACTURERRECOMMENDATIONUP LIGHT. SEE MANUFACTURER'S SPECIFICATIONS. SURFACING AS SPECIFIED, SEE PLANS FLEXIBLE CONDUIT SCALE:1 1/2" = 1'-0" UPLIGHT IN LPLANTING AREAS3 1" MAX BOLLARD LIGHT, SEE L103 BOLLARD FLANGE MOUNT TO CONCRETE PIER, SEE MANUFACTURER'S SPECIFICATIONS. SURFACING BEYOND, SEE L401 FLEXIBLE CONDUIT TO LIGHT FIXTURE. SCALE:1 1/2" = 1'-0" BOLLARD4 FACE OF HOUSE P.T. 2[6 LEDGER BOARD CONNECTION @ HOUSE 912"3"3"3"6" V.I.F. (2) P.T. 2[6 BEAM, TYP. 5 4"(t) IPE DECKING, TYP. 9" NDS GRATE, GALV. STEEL GRATE NDS 9" SQUARE CATCH BASIN - USE RISERS AS REQUIRED NDS UNIVERSAL OUTLET DRAIN PIPE, CONNECT TO SITE DRAINAGE SYSTEM INVERT ELEVATION GRANULAR FILL, TYP. GEOFABRIC, TYP. HOUSE FOUNDATION BEYOND - V.I.F. 926.75 RIM 1/2" WASHED DRESSER TRAP ROCK BENEATH DECK EXTENTS SLOPE SLOPE WRAP W/ GEOFABRIC DECK FRAMING ABOVE 9" NDS GRATE, GALV. STEEL GRATE NDS 9" SQUARE CATCH BASIN - USE RISERS IF REQUIRED NDS UNIVERSAL OUTLET DRAIN PIPE, CONNECT TO SITE DRAINAGE SYSTEM INVERT ELEVATION GRANULAR FILL, TYP. GEOFABRIC, TYP. 1/2" WASHED DRESSER TRAP ROCK BENEATH DECK EXTENTS 925.75 RIM SCALE:1 1/2" = 1'-0" SQUARE CATCH BASIN BENEATH DECK6 SCALE:1 1/2" = 1'-0" SQAURE CATCH BASIN IN DECK7 SCALE:1 1/2" = 1'-0" SLOT DRAIN @ GARAGE THRESHOLD9 SCALE:NTS TYPICAL SLOPETAME2 ASSEMBLY AND ANCHORAGE (FOR REFERENCE ONLY)1 SLOPETAME2 UNITS PLAN SPECIFICATIONS UNIT SIZE - 50 CM X 50 CM X 2.5 CM (20" X 20" X 1") UNIT WEIGHT - 558 GRAMS (19 OZ.) STRENGTH - 402 KG/CM (5720 PSI) COLOR - BLACK (STANDARD) RESIN - 95 POST-CONSUMER 2 OR 2.2 KG (4.8 POUNDS) RECYCLED HDPE/LDPE UNITS FABRIC WEIGHT - 2.25 OZ./SY( 76.3 GM/M )2 TENSILE - 65 [ 40 LB/FT (585 KG/M )2 8.3 CM (3.3") 2.3 CM (0.9") 6 CM (2.4") 25 CM (9.8")16.7 CM (6.6")  50 CM (19.7") 2.5 CM 15 CM TYPICAL ANCHOR PIN FACE OF SLOPE SLOPE CROSS SECTION START AT TOP OF SLOPE WITH HOLES IN UPPER RIGHT CORNER. TOP OF SLOPE FOLD OVER TOP OF SLOPE AND ANCHOR TYPICAL ANCHOR PIN LOCATION TOE OF SLOPETOP OF SLOPESLOPETAME 2 SLOPETAME2 FABRIC TOE OF SLOPE ANCHOR PIN SLOPETAME2 CROSS-BRACING AVAILABLE IN 9 STANDARD ROLL SIZES PLACE ROLLS GOING DOWN THE SLOPE WITH CROSS-BRACING RUNNING ACROSS THE SLOPE 1600 JacNson St., SXite 310 GoOGen, CoOoraGo 80401 800-233-1510 OR 303-233-8383 FAX: 303-233-8282 rev. 08/04 InvisiEOe StrXctXres, Inc. FOR REFERENCE ONLY - SEE MANUFACTURER'S FULL SPECIFICATIONS FOR INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS EQ'EQ' 12" TOP OF CANISTER SHALL BE FLUSH WITH FINISHED GRADE. SEE MANF. SPECS. 16" WIDE X 6" THICK MONOLITHIC STONE STAIR, TYP. COMPACTED CRUSHED CLASS 5 BASE. COMPACT TO 100 SPD. GEOFABRIC SLEEVE LIGHTS INTO PVC BASE FLEXIBLE CONDUIT TO LIGHT CANISTER 18"7 8" CAULK JOINT 6"6"5"VERIFY DIMS. PER MAFR. SPECS.6"5" THICK CONCRETE SURFACING W/ SNOW-MET SYSTEM BRICKSLOT 100 SST. SLOT DRAIN BY ACO - OR APPROVED EQ. C.I.P. CONCRETE SURROUND W/ (4) #4 BARS COMPACTED CRUSHED AGG. BASE, COMPACT TO 98 SPD GEOFABRIC COMPACTED OR UNDISTURBED SUBGRADE GARAGE DOOR - SEE ARCH. DWGS. GARAGE THRESHOLD - V.I.F. VERIFY DIMS. PER MAFR. SPECS. EXPANSION JOINT creation Gate:11/19/2020fiOepatK:/Users/EretZieseOer/DropEo[ (TVLS)/PROJECTS (DROPBOX)/BRUNER RESIDENCE/2. DWG/1. DRAWINGS/5. VARIANCE/L602.GZJOast saveG:EretZieseOer DecePEer 4, 2020 12:31 PMTKe GesiJns sKoZn anG GescriEeG Kerein incOXGinJ aOO tecKnicaO GraZinJs, JrapKics anG specifications tKereof, are proprietar\ anG cannot Ee copieG, GXpOicateG or coPPerciaOO\ e[pOoiteG, in ZKoOe or in part, ZitKoXt tKe e[press Zritten perPission of Travis Van Liere StXGio, LLC. TKese are avaiOaEOe for OiPiteG revieZ anG evaOXation E\ cOients, consXOtants, contractors, JovernePent aJencies, anG venGors onO\ in accorGance ZitK tKis notice. ‹ Cop\riJKt 2020Travis Van Liere StXGio, LLC. AOO riJKts reserveG. Oicense no: I KereE\ certif\ tKat tKis pOan, specification, or report Zas prepareG E\ Pe or XnGer P\ Girect sXpervision anG tKat I aP a GXO\ LicenseG LanGscape ArcKitect XnGer tKe OaZs of tKe State of Minnesota. 43728 T R A V I S V A N L I E R E Gate:1/23/2018 6 6 0 9 H O R S E S H O E C U R V E C H A N H A S S E N , M I N N E S O T A 5 5 3 1 7 B R U N E R R E S I D E N C E DraZn B\: Date: ScaOe: DraZinJ: SKeet: 12/18/2020 DJ Rev #Description Date VARIANCE APPLICATION 12/18/2020 N O T F O R C O N S T R U C T I O N 211 1ST STREET NORTH, SUITE 350 MINNEAPOLIS, MN 55401 t 612 345 4275 L603 SITE ELEMENT DETAILS 1" = 16' SCALE:1/4" = 1'-0" DECK - SURFACING PLAN2 CB CB CB CBCB 926.75 926.75 926.17 BOS 926.17 BOS 926.17 BOS55'-5" 1'-3" O.C. 55'-8" 49'-9"5'-6" O.C.5'-6" O.C.9 SP. EQ.6' O.C.6' O.C.8" O.C.4'-9" O.C.11'-8"24'-512"1" 5'-8" 11 2" ALGN 6'-8" O.C., TYP.8"5"1'-4" O.C. TYP.5'-9"5'-9"5'-3"5'-3"112"1'-4" O.C. TYP. 55'-10"12'24'-9"2'ALGN6' FACE OF HOUSE, TYP. - V.I.F. P.T. 2[6 LEDGER BOARD CONNECTION @ HOUSE, TYP. 925.75 RIM 925.75 RIM 925.75 RIM 925.75 RIM 925.75 RIM P.T. 2[6 RIM JOIST, TYP. (2) P.T. 2[6 BEAM, TYP. P.T. 2[6 RIM JOIST, TYP. HELICAL PIER FOOTING BEYOND, TYP. 9 L602 10L602CATCH BASIN BEYOND, TYP. - CONNECT TO SITE DRAINAGE SYSTEM AND DRAIN TO DAYLIGHT FACE OF HOUSE, TYP. - V.I.F. DECK FRAME BEYOND, TYP. 5/4[6 IPE DECKING, TYP. 5/4[6 IPE SKIRT BOARD ON ALL EXPOSED EDGES HELICAL PIER FOOTING BEYOND, TYP.BBA A SCALE:1/4" = 1'-0" DECK - FOOTING AND FRAMING PLAN1 SCALE:3/4" = 1'-0" DECK - SECTION A-A9 SCALE:3/4" = 1'-0" DECK - SECTION B-B10 SLOPE SLOPE FACE OF HOUSE 5'-6" O.C.5'-6" O.C. 51 2" , TYP. 1 4" GAP, TYP. HOUSE FOUNDATION BEYOND- V.I.F. HOUSE FOUNDATION BEYOND- V.I.F. 4'-9" O.C. 5'-3"5'-3"8" P.T. 2[6 LEDGER BOARD CONNECTION @ HOUSE FACE OF HOUSE P.T. 2[6 LEDGER BOARD CONNECTION @ HOUSE 926.75 TOD 926.17 BOS 926.75 TOD 926.17 BOS FINISHED GRADE AS SPECIFIED - SEE PLANS HELICAL PIER FOOTING, TYP. - SIZE AND DEPTH AS SPEC'D. BY GEOTECHNICAL ENG. CATCH BASIN - CONNECT TO SITE DRAINAGE SYSTEM AND DRAIN TO DAYLIGHT GEOFABRIC, TYP. COMMERCIAL LANDSCAPE EDGING 5/4[6 IPE DECKING, TYP. (2) P.T. 1[6 RIM JOIST 5/4[6 IPE SKIRT BOARD ON ALL EXPOSED EDGES (2) P.T. 2[6 BEAM, TYP. P.T. 2[6 JOIST, TYP. JOIST HANGER, TYP. 6'3"3"12' JOIST HANGER, TYP.3"3"5/4[6 IPE DECKING, TYP. (2) P.T. 1[6 RIM JOIST 5/4[6 IPE SKIRT BOARD ON ALL EXPOSED EDGES P.T. 2[6 JOIST, TYP. (2) P.T. 2[6 BEAM, TYP. JOIST HANGER, TYP. COMPACTED OR UNDISTURBED SUBGRADE, AS SPEC'D. BY GEOTECHNICAL ENG. SLOPE SLOPE 1/2" WASHED DRESSER TRAP ROCK BENEATH DECK EXTENTS FINISHED GRADE AS SPECIFIED - SEE PLANS HELICAL PIER FOOTING, TYP. - SIZE AND DEPTH AS SPEC'D. BY GEOTECHNICAL ENG. CATCH BASIN - CONNECT TO SITE DRAINAGE SYSTEM AND DRAIN TO DAYLIGHT GEOFABRIC, TYP. COMMERCIAL LANDSCAPE EDGING COMPACTED OR UNDISTURBED SUBGRADE, AS SPEC'D. BY GEOTECHNICAL ENG. 1/2" WASHED DRESSER TRAP ROCK BENEATH DECK EXTENTS 6 L6026 L602 creation Gate:11/19/2020fiOepatK:/Users/EretZieseOer/DropEo[ (TVLS)/PROJECTS (DROPBOX)/BRUNER RESIDENCE/2. DWG/1. DRAWINGS/5. VARIANCE/L603.GZJOast saveG:GanieOOeMXricKNo NovePEer 19, 2020 8:10 PMTKe GesiJns sKoZn anG GescriEeG Kerein incOXGinJ aOO tecKnicaO GraZinJs, JrapKics anG specifications tKereof, are proprietar\ anG cannot Ee copieG, GXpOicateG or coPPerciaOO\ e[pOoiteG, in ZKoOe or in part, ZitKoXt tKe e[press Zritten perPission of Travis Van Liere StXGio, LLC. TKese are avaiOaEOe for OiPiteG revieZ anG evaOXation E\ cOients, consXOtants, contractors, JovernePent aJencies, anG venGors onO\ in accorGance ZitK tKis notice. ‹ Cop\riJKt 2020Travis Van Liere StXGio, LLC. AOO riJKts reserveG. Oicense no: I KereE\ certif\ tKat tKis pOan, specification, or report Zas prepareG E\ Pe or XnGer P\ Girect sXpervision anG tKat I aP a GXO\ LicenseG LanGscape ArcKitect XnGer tKe OaZs of tKe State of Minnesota. 43728 T R A V I S V A N L I E R E Gate:1/23/2018 6 6 0 9 H O R S E S H O E C U R V E C H A N H A S S E N , M I N N E S O T A 5 5 3 1 7 B R U N E R R E S I D E N C E DraZn B\: Date: ScaOe: DraZinJ: SKeet: 12/18/2020 DJ Rev #Description Date VARIANCE APPLICATION 12/18/2020 N O T F O R C O N S T R U C T I O N 211 1ST STREET NORTH, SUITE 350 MINNEAPOLIS, MN 55401 t 612 345 4275 L607 PLANTING DETAILS NTS 2 [ DIA. OF BALL MIN. REFER TO PLANTING PLANS FOR QUANTITY AND SIZE WRAP AND PROTECT TREES THROUGHOUT CONSTRUCTION, REMOVE TREE WRAPPING AFTER 1-YEAR WARRANTY WALK THROUGH ROOT BALL. REMOVE ALL WIRE. SCORE ROOT BALL AND PULL BACK TOP 1 3 OF BURLAP AND TWINE SHREDDED HARDWOOD MULCH. @ 3" DEPTH. APPROVED PLANTING SOIL MIX AS SPECIFIED 4" TOPSOIL MIN, FINE GRADE AND SOD PREPARED OR UNDISTURBED SUBGRADE NOTES: 1.ALL BARE ROOT PLANTINGS TO FOLLOW NURSERY BEST PRACTICE STANDARDS 2.SOAK ROOTS IN WATER FOR LEAST ONE HOUR BUT NOT MORE THAN 24 HOURS PRIOR TO PLANTING. 3.SCARIFY ROOTS AND THE BOTTOM OF THE HOLE. 4.APPLY CORRECTIVE PRUNING OF BRANCHES AND ROOTS IF NECESSARY. 5.TRANSFER PLANT DIRECTLY FROM WATER TO HOLE. SET PLANT SO ROOT FLARE IS AT THE FINISHED SOIL ELEVATION. 6.WATER THOUROUGHLY WITHIN 2 HOURS TO SETTLE PLANTS AND FILL VOIDS 7.BACKFILL VOIDS AND WATER A SECOND TIME 8.PLACE MULCH WITHIN 4 HOURS OF THE SECOND WATERING UNLESS SOIL MOISTURE IS EXCESSIVE. 9.REFER TO IRRIGATION PLANS FOR IRRIGATION INFORMATION. 6" MIN. 2 [ DIA. OF BALL MIN. SHREDDED HARDWOOD MULCH @ 3" DEPTH. APPROVED PLANTING SOIL MIX AS SPECIFIED 4" TOPSOIL MIN, FINE GRADE AND SOD PREPARED OR UNDISTURBED SUBGRADE REFER TO IRRIGATION PLANS FOR IRRIGATION INFORMATION. REFER TO PLANTING PLANS FOR QUANTITY AND SIZE PROTECT TREES DURING TRANSPORTATION AND THROUGHOUT CONSTRUCTION - REMOVE PROTECTION AFTER TREE HAS BEEN PLANTED ROOT BALL. REMOVE ALL WIRE. SCORE ROOT BALL AND PULL BACK TOP 1 3 OF BURLAP AND TWINE 4" TOPSOIL MIN, FINE GRADE AND SOD PREPARED OR UNDISTURBED SUBGRADE SUBGRADE - SCARIFY WALLS OF TREE PIT TO ENSURE GOOD WATERING PERCOLATION REFER TO IRRIGATION PLANS FOR IRRIGATION INFORMATION. 3" SHREDDED HARDWOOD MULCH COVER, PLANTING, TURF OR APPROVED EQUAL. VERIFY W/ LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT FINAL MULCHING REQUIREMENTS 4" HIGH WATERING RING, DIAMETER TO MATCH ROOT BALL AREA - FOR CONSTR. PHASE ONLY, REMOVE MULCH RINGS PRIOR TO FINAL WALK THRU REFER TO PLANTING PLANS FOR QUANTITY AND SIZE PROTECT TREES DURING TRANSPORTATION AND THROUGHOUT CONSTRUCTION - REMOVE PROTECTION AFTER TREE HAS BEEN PLANTED REFER TO PLANTING PLANS FOR ADDITIONAL TREE INFORMATION WRAP AND PROTECT TREES THROUGHOUT CONSTRUCTION, REMOVE TREE WRAPPING AFTER 1-YEAR WARRANTY WALK THROUGH 4" TOPSOIL MIN, FINE GRADE AND SOD PREPARED OR UNDISTURBED SUBGRADE 3" SHREDDED HARDWOOD MULCH COVER, PLANTING, TURF OR APPROVED EQUAL. VERIFY W/ LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT FINAL MULCHING REQUIREMENTS 4" HIGH WATERING RING. DIAMETER TO MATCH ROOT BALL AREA - FOR CONSTR. PHASE ONLY, REMOVE MULCH RINGS PRIOR TO FINAL WALK THRU SUBGRADE - SCARIFY WALLS OF TREE PIT TO ENSURE GOOD WATERING PERCOLATION REFER TO IRRIGATION PLANS FOR IRRIGATION INFORMATION. 2 [ DIA. OF BALL MIN. REFER TO IRRIGATION PLANS FOR IRRIGATION INFORMATION. REFER TO PLANTING PLANS FOR QUANTITY AND SIZE WRAP AND PROTECT TREES THROUGHOUT CONSTRUCTION, REMOVE TREE WRAPPING AFTER 1-YEAR WARRANTY WALK THROUGH ROOT BALL. REMOVE ALL WIRE. SCORE ROOT BALL AND PULL BACK TOP 1 3 OF BURLAP AND TWINE SHREDDED HARDWOOD MULCH. @ 3" DEPTH. APPROVED PLANTING SOIL MIX AS SPECIFIED 4" TOPSOIL MIN, FINE GRADE AND SOD PREPARED OR UNDISTURBED SUBGRADE VARIES REFER TO IRRIGATION PLANS FOR IRRIGATION INFORMATION. UNDISTURBED SUBGRADE PLANTING SOIL MIX PROPOSED PLANTING BED, REFER TO PLANTING AREAS. DRESS BED WITH 3" OF FINELY SHREDDED HARDWOOD MULCH 12" MIN.AS SHOWN, SEE L401SECONDARY EDGE OFPLANTING BEDDD D NOTES: 1.D = TYPICAL ON CENTER (O.C.) SPACING AS INDICATED IN THE PLANTING SCHEDULE 2.REFER TO IRRIGATION PLANS FOR IRRIGATION INFORMATION. PLANT CENTER, TYP. PLANT MATERIAL, SEE SHEET L401 MULCH, AS SPECIFIED PREPARED OR UNDISTURBED SUBGRADE PLANTING SOIL MIX 1/2 D 1/2 D PRIMARY EDGE OF PLANTING BEDD Xref /Users/GanieOOeMXricKNo/DropEo[ (TVLS)/AUTOCAD/DETAILS/PLANTING/PLANTINGS ON SLOPE.GZJ 2 X DIAMETER OF ROOT BALL 6" MIN.REFER TO IRRIGATION PLANS FOR IRRIGATION INFORMATION. UNDISTURBED SUBGRADE PREPARED PLANTING SOIL, AS SPECIFIED SHREDDED HARDWOOD MULCH, 3" DEPTH ROOT BALL. REMOVE ALL WIRE, SCORE, AND PULL BACK TOP 1/3 OF BURLAP AND TWINE SCALE:1" = 1'-0" DECIDUOUS BALL AND BURLAP TREE PLANTING, TYPICAL1 SCALE:1" = 1'-0" CONIFEROUS BALL AND BURLAP TREE PLANTING, TYPICAL2 SCALE:1" = 1'-0" DECIDUOUS SPAYED TREE PLANTING, TYPICAL3 SCALE:1" = 1'-0" CONIFEROUS SPAYED TREE PLANTING, TYPICAL4 SCALE:1" = 1'-0" SHRUB PLANTING, TYPICAL6 SCALE:1" = 1'-0" GARDEN PLANTINGS, TYPICAL7 SCALE:1" = 1'-0" GROUNDCOVER PLANTINGS, TYPICAL8 SCALE:1" = 1'-0" DECIDUOUS BARE-ROOT PLANTING, TYPICAL5 SCALE:1" = 1'-0" PLANTINGS ON SLOPE9 creation Gate:11/17/2020fiOepatK:/Users/EretZieseOer/DropEo[ (TVLS)/PROJECTS (DROPBOX)/BRUNER RESIDENCE/2. DWG/1. DRAWINGS/5. VARIANCE/L607.GZJOast saveG:GanieOOeMXricKNo NovePEer 17, 2020 5:05 PMTKe GesiJns sKoZn anG GescriEeG Kerein incOXGinJ aOO tecKnicaO GraZinJs, JrapKics anG specifications tKereof, are proprietar\ anG cannot Ee copieG, GXpOicateG or coPPerciaOO\ e[pOoiteG, in ZKoOe or in part, ZitKoXt tKe e[press Zritten perPission of Travis Van Liere StXGio, LLC. TKese are avaiOaEOe for OiPiteG revieZ anG evaOXation E\ cOients, consXOtants, contractors, JovernePent aJencies, anG venGors onO\ in accorGance ZitK tKis notice. ‹ Cop\riJKt 2020Travis Van Liere StXGio, LLC. AOO riJKts reserveG. Oicense no: I KereE\ certif\ tKat tKis pOan, specification, or report Zas prepareG E\ Pe or XnGer P\ Girect sXpervision anG tKat I aP a GXO\ LicenseG LanGscape ArcKitect XnGer tKe OaZs of tKe State of Minnesota. 43728 T R A V I S V A N L I E R E Gate:1/23/2018 6 6 0 9 H O R S E S H O E C U R V E C H A N H A S S E N , M I N N E S O T A 5 5 3 1 7 B R U N E R R E S I D E N C E DraZn B\: Date: ScaOe: DraZinJ: SKeet: 12/18/2020 DJ Rev #Description Date VARIANCE APPLICATION 12/18/2020 N O T F O R C O N S T R U C T I O N 211 1ST STREET NORTH, SUITE 350 MINNEAPOLIS, MN 55401 t 612 345 4275 ROOT ZONE ROOT PRUNING LIMITS PRUNING CUT, TYP., PER ARBORIST RECOMMENDATIONS BASE OF TREE GROUND PLANE PLAN VIEW MAXIMUM 25" ON ONE SIDE OR 33 OF TOTAL ROOT SYSTEM NO MORE THAN HALF THE CROWN OF THE TREE AT END OF SLOPE SECURE BLANKET MATERIAL BY INSERTINGSTAPLES ABOUT 20" APART THROUGH THE FABRIC EXTEND MATERIAL ABOUT 40" ON TOP OF THE GROUND AND RANDOMLY INSERT STAPLES THROUGH THE MATERIAL ABOUT 20" APART NOTES: 1.EROSION CONTROL BLANKET TO BE CATEGORY 4-COCONUT 2S FOR SLOPES GREATER THAN 5:1 AND SIDES AND BOTTOM OF ALL DRAINAGE SWALES AND PONDING AREAS AND CATEGORY 2-STRAW 2S FOR ALL SLOPES LESS THAN 5:1 PER MNDOT SPEC. SECTION 3885. 2.INSTALL PER MNDOT SPEC. SECTION 2575 LONGITUDINAL SEAMS: BLANKET MATERIAL MUST OVERLAP AT LEAST 6" AND STAPLES INSERTED THROUGH BOTH FABRICS AT A MAXIMUM SPACING OF 40" APART TRANSVERSE SEAMS: BLANKET MATERIAL MUST OVERLAP AT LEAST 6" AND STAPLES INSERTED THROUGH BOTH FABRICS AT A MAXIMUM SPACING OF 20" APART STAPLES AT 3' O.C. STAPLES MUST BE INSERTED THROUGH OVERLAP MATERIAL SLOPE LENGTH LESS THAN 50 ' 1.BEFORE INSTALLATION APPLY TOPSOIL, FERTILIZER AND SEED TO SURFACE. 2.BEGIN AT THE TOP OF THE CHANNEL, INSTALL MATS BY ANCHORING IN A 6" DEEP BY 6" WIDE TRENCH WITH APPROXIMATELY 12" OF MAT EXTENDED BEYOND THE UP-SLOPE PORTION OF THE TRENCH. ANCHOR WITH A ROW OF STAPLES APPROXIMATELY 12" APART IN THE BOTTOM OF THE TRENCH. BACKFILL AND COMPACT THE TRENCH AFTER STAPLING. APPLY SEED TO COMPACTED SOIL AND FOLD REMAINING 12" PORTION OF MAT BACK OVER SEED AND SOIL. SECURE MATS WITH A WITH A ROW OF STAPLES SPACED APPROXIMATELY 12" APART ACROSS THE WIDTH OF THE MATS. 3.ROLL CENTER MATS IN DIRECTION OF WATER FLOW IN BOTTOM OF CHANNEL. 4.PLACE CONSECUTIVE AND ADJACENT MATS END OVER END (SHINGLE STYLE) WITH A MINIMUM 6" OVERLAP. USE A DOUBLE ROW OF STAPLES STAGGERED 4" APART AND 4" ON CENTER TO SECURE OVERLAPPED MATS. 5.FULL LENGTH EDGE OF MATS AT TOP OF SIDE SLOPES MUST BE ANCHORED WITH A ROW OF STAPLES APPROXIMATELY 12" APART IN A 6" DEEP BY 6" WIDE TRENCH. 6.THE TERMINAL END OF MATS MUST BE ANCHORED WITH A ROW OF STAPLES APPROXIMATELY 12" APART IN A 6" DEEP BY 6" WIDE TRENCH. 7.BACKFILL AND SEED AFTER STAPLING. 8.FOLLOW MANUFACTURER'S RECOMMENDATIONS FOR PROPER INSTALLATION. FABRIC ANCHORAGE TRENCH BACKFILL WITH TAMPED NATURAL SOIL WIRE MESH REINFORCEMENT, ATTACH FABRIC TO WIRE MESH WITH HOG RINGS, PER MNDOT SPEC. SECTION 3886 B1. SILT FENCE FABRIC DIRECTION OF RUNOFF FLOW METAL (OR WOOD) POST OR STAKE NATURAL SOIL 1.SILT FENCES SHOULD BE INSTALLED ON THE CONTOUR (AS OPPOSED TO UP AND DOWN A HILL) AND CONSTRUCTED SO THAT FLOW CANNOT BYPASS THE ENDS. 2.ENSURE THAT THE DRAINAGE AREA IS NO GREATER THAN 1/4 ACRE PER 100 FT OF FENCE. 3.MAKE THE FENCE STABLE FOR THE 10-YEAR PEAK STORM RUNOFF. 4.WHERE ALL RUNOFF IS TO BE STORED BEHIND THE SILT FENCE, ENSURE THAT THE MAXIMUM SLOPE LENGTH BEHIND THE FENCE DOES NOT EXCEED THE SPECIFICATIONS SHOWN IN TABLENOTE: SILT FENCE SHALL FOLLOW MNDOT SPEC. SECTION 3886. DESIGN RECOMMENDATIONS FIGURE 1: TYPICAL INSTALLATION FOR SILT FENCE 6" MIN 6"MINPLAN VIEW NOTES: 1.ALL TREE PROTECTION FENCING AND EROSION CONTROL FENCING SHALL BE INSTALLED ACCORDING TO THE PLANS PRIOR TO ANY DEMOLITION. AFTER DEMOLITION OR AS NECESSARY, TREE PROTECTION FENCING MAY BE RELOCATED WITH APPROVAL FROM THE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT. ALL TREE PROTECTION FENCING AND EROSION CONTROL DEVICES SHALL BE MAINTAINED FOR THE DURATION OF THE CONSTRUCTION PERIOD. 2.TREE PROTECTION FENCING SHALL CONSIST OF TEMPORARY METAL WIRE CHAIN LINK MESH FENCING OR APPROVED EQUAL. 3.CONTRACTOR SHALL NOT STORE ANY MATERIALS OR PARK ANY VEHICLES IN TREE PROTECTION ZONES. THE FENCE SHALL PREVENT TRAFFIC MOVEMENT AND THE PLACEMENT OF TEMPORARY FACILITIES, EQUIPMENT, STOCKPILES AND SUPPLIES FROM HARMING VEGETATION WITHIN THE LIMITS OF PROTECTION. 4.THE CONTRACTOR SHALL CLEANLY CUT ALL ROOTS EXPOSED BY GRADING AS DIRECTED BY THE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT. 5.THE CONTRACTOR SHALL USE DESIGNATED CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCES AND STAGING AREAS. 6' MAX 6' MAX. POST SPACING 3' MINIMUM 6' IDEAL FROM DRIPLINE DRIPLINE 2/3 OFLOGDRIPLINE INSTALL SHREDDED HARDWOOD MULCH (MNDOT TYPE 6). EQUIVALENT MATERIAL MAY BE SUBSTITUTED AT THE DISCRETION OF THE ENGINEER. STAKE DRIVEN THROUGH LOG MESH COIR LOG 6"-7" MINIMUM DIAMETER SOIL WEDGE OR 2"X2" STAKE PRE-DRILLED HOLES 0.5"X0.5" OPENING IN NET 1/3 OFLOG10' MIN LENGTH 2" WASHED COURSE AGGREGATE, 12" THICK, OVER GEOFABRIC 50' M I N 20' MI N EDG E O F P U B LI C R O A D O R P A V E M E N T TABLE 1: MAXIMUM SLOPE LENGTH AND SLOPE FOR WHICH SILT FENCE IS APPLICABLE BY CALCULATION BY CALCULATION BY ACCEPTED DESIGN PRACTICES SLOPE (H:V)SILT FENCE STORAGE EQUALS 2 FT FOR A 100-YEAR EVENT SILT FENCE STORAGE EQUALS 2 FT FOR A 2-YEAR EVENT OR 3 FT FOR A 100-YEAR EVENT MAXIMUM SLOPE LENGTH 100:1 1400 FT 900 FT 100 FT 50:1 2200 FT 450 FT 75 FT 25:1 4100 FT 225 FT 75 FT 20:1 580 FT 180 FT 75-50 17:1 667 FT 150 FT 50 FT 12.5:1 850 FT 112 FT 50 FT 10:1 1040 FT 90 FT 50-25 FT 5:1 2020 FT 45 FT 25-15 FT 4:1 2516 FT 36 FT 15 FT 3:1 3312 FT 27 FT 15 FT 2:1 508 FT 18 FT 15 FT L609 EROSION CONTROL DETAILS 1" = 16'creation Gate:11/19/2020fiOepatK:/Users/EretZieseOer/DropEo[ (TVLS)/PROJECTS (DROPBOX)/BRUNER RESIDENCE/2. DWG/1. DRAWINGS/5. VARIANCE/L609.GZJOast saveG:GanieOOeMXricKNo NovePEer 19, 2020 8:10 PMTKe GesiJns sKoZn anG GescriEeG Kerein incOXGinJ aOO tecKnicaO GraZinJs, JrapKics anG specifications tKereof, are proprietar\ anG cannot Ee copieG, GXpOicateG or coPPerciaOO\ e[pOoiteG, in ZKoOe or in part, ZitKoXt tKe e[press Zritten perPission of Travis Van Liere StXGio, LLC. TKese are avaiOaEOe for OiPiteG revieZ anG evaOXation E\ cOients, consXOtants, contractors, JovernePent aJencies, anG venGors onO\ in accorGance ZitK tKis notice. ‹ Cop\riJKt 2020Travis Van Liere StXGio, LLC. AOO riJKts reserveG. Oicense no: I KereE\ certif\ tKat tKis pOan, specification, or report Zas prepareG E\ Pe or XnGer P\ Girect sXpervision anG tKat I aP a GXO\ LicenseG LanGscape ArcKitect XnGer tKe OaZs of tKe State of Minnesota. 43728 T R A V I S V A N L I E R E Gate:1/23/2018 6 6 0 9 H O R S E S H O E C U R V E C H A N H A S S E N , M I N N E S O T A 5 5 3 1 7 B R U N E R R E S I D E N C E DraZn B\: Date: ScaOe: DraZinJ: SKeet: 12/18/2020 DJ Rev #Description Date VARIANCE APPLICATION 12/18/2020 N O T F O R C O N S T R U C T I O N 211 1ST STREET NORTH, SUITE 350 MINNEAPOLIS, MN 55401 t 612 345 4275 Bruner Residence - Chanhassen, Minnesota December 17, 2020 VARIANCE DOCUMENTS DECEMBER 18, 2020 Bruner Residence - Chanhassen, Minnesota December 17, 2020 AERIAL PHOTOGRAPH SURROUNDING CONTEXT 1” = 200’ LOTUS LAKE 6609 HORSESHOE CURVE CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 N Bruner Residence - Chanhassen, Minnesota December 17, 2020 AERIAL PHOTOGRAPH 2016 - PRE-REMODEL 1” = 40’ LOTUS LAKE N Bruner Residence - chanhassen, minnesota PREVIOUS EXISTING SITE PLAN + NOTES PRE-CHRISTIAN DEAN ARCHITECTURE Bruner Residence - Chanhassen, Minnesota December 17, 2020 EXISTING SITE PHOTOS PRE-CHRISTIAN DEAN ARCHITECTURE Bruner Residence - chanhassen, minnesota December 17, 2020 EXISTING SITE PHOTOS PRE-CHRISTIAN DEAN ARCHITECTURE Bruner Residence - Chanhassen, Minnesota December 17, 2020 EXISTING SITE PHOTOS PRE-CHRISTIAN DEAN ARCHITECTURE Bruner Residence - Chanhassen, Minnesota December 17, 2020 EXISTING SITE PHOTOS POST-CHRISTIAN DEAN ARCHITECTURE Bruner Residence - Chanhassen, Minnesota December 17, 2020 EXISTING SITE PHOTOS POST-CHRISTIAN DEAN ARCHITECTURE Bruner Residence - Chanhassen, Minnesota December 17, 2020 EXISTING SITE PHOTOS POST-CHRISTIAN DEAN ARCHITECTURE Bruner Residence - Chanhassen, Minnesota December 17, 2020 EXISTING SITE PHOTOS POST-CHRISTIAN DEAN ARCHITECTURE Bruner Residence - Chanhassen, Minnesota December 17, 2020 EXISTING SITE PHOTOS POST-CHRISTIAN DEAN ARCHITECTURE Bruner Residence - Chanhassen, Minnesota December 17, 2020 EXISTING SITE PHOTOS POST-CHRISTIAN DEAN ARCHITECTURE Bruner Residence - Chanhassen, Minnesota December 17, 2020 EXISTING SITE PHOTOS POST-CHRISTIAN DEAN ARCHITECTURE Bruner Residence - Chanhassen, Minnesota December 17, 2020 EXISTING SITE PHOTOS POST-CHRISTIAN DEAN ARCHITECTURE Bruner Residence - Chanhassen, Minnesota December 17, 2020 EXISTING SITE PHOTOS POST-CHRISTIAN DEAN ARCHITECTURE Bruner Residence - Chanhassen, Minnesota December 17, 2020 EXISTING SITE PHOTOS POST-CHRISTIAN DEAN ARCHITECTURE Bruner Residence - Chanhassen, Minnesota December 17, 2020 EXISTING SITE PHOTOS POST-CHRISTIAN DEAN ARCHITECTURE Bruner Residence - Chanhassen, Minnesota December 17, 2020 EXISTING SITE PHOTOS POST-CHRISTIAN DEAN ARCHITECTURE Bruner Residence - Chanhassen, Minnesota December 17, 2020 3D MODEL RENDERINGS PROPOSED LANDSCAPE DESIGN (TVLS) WALK-OUT TERRACE 2 1 3 5 6 4 PROPOSED GATHERING SPACE: Creates habitable + enjoyable family gathering space BLUFF SETBACK AREA ENCROACHMENT VARIANCE REPLACE / RECONFIGURE EXISTING BOULDER RETAINING WALL VARIANCE REPLACE / RECONFIGURE EXISTING BOULDER RETAINING WALL VARIANCE PROPOSED SLOPETAME 3 EROSION CONTROL SYSTEM: Controls slope and adds natural + sustainable character PROPOSED LAKESIDE STAIRCASE: Creates safe + easy access down to lakeshore with slope mitigation PROPOSED LAKESIDE DECK: Fits within the footprint of existing concrete patio + maintains alignment with plan layout PROPOSED NEW DRIVEWAY: Facilitates access to property + maintains alignment with plan layout PROPOSED LOW MAINTENANCE GRASS: Naturalizes and covers full property ground cover EROSION CONTROL LAKESIDE STAIRCASE LAKESIDE DECK DRIVEWAY GROUNDCOVER 1 2 3 5 6 4 Bruner Residence - Chanhassen, Minnesota December 17, 2020 3D MODEL RENDERINGS PROPOSED LANDSCAPE DESIGN (TVLS) WALK-OUT TERRACE PROPOSED GATHERING SPACE: Creates habitable + enjoyable family gathering space BLUFF SETBACK AREA ENCROACHMENT VARIANCE REPLACE / RECONFIGURE EXISTING BOULDER RETAINING WALL VARIANCE PROPOSED SLOPETAME 3 EROSION CONTROL SYSTEM: Controls slope and adds natural + sustainable character EROSION CONTROL REPLACE / RECONFIGURE EXISTING BOULDER RETAINING WALL VARIANCE PROPOSED LAKESIDE STAIRCASE: Creates safe + easy access down to lakeshore with slope mitigation LAKESIDE STAIRCASE PROPOSED LAKESIDE DECK: Fits within the footprint of existing concrete patio + maintains alignment with plan layout PROPOSED LOW MAINTENANCE GRASS: Naturalizes and covers full property ground cover LAKESIDE DECK GROUNDCOVER Bruner Residence - Chanhassen, Minnesota December 17, 2020 3D MODEL RENDERINGS PROPOSED LANDSCAPE DESIGN (TVLS) WALK-OUT TERRACE PROPOSED GATHERING SPACE: Creates habitable + enjoyable family gathering space BLUFF SETBACK AREA ENCROACHMENT VARIANCE REPLACE / RECONFIGURE EXISTING BOULDER RETAINING WALL VARIANCE PROPOSED SLOPETAME 3 EROSION CONTROL SYSTEM: Controls slope and adds natural + sustainable character EROSION CONTROL REPLACE / RECONFIGURE EXISTING BOULDER RETAINING WALL VARIANCE PROPOSED LAKESIDE STAIRCASE: Creates safe + easy access down to lakeshore with slope mitigation LAKESIDE STAIRCASE PROPOSED LAKESIDE DECK: Fits within the footprint of existing concrete patio + maintains alignment with plan layout LAKESIDE DECK Bruner Residence - Chanhassen, Minnesota December 17, 2020 3D MODEL RENDERINGS PROPOSED LANDSCAPE DESIGN (TVLS) PROPOSED NEW DRIVEWAY: Facilitates access to property + maintains alignment with plan layout DRIVEWAY PROPOSED LOW MAINTENANCE GRASS: Naturalizes and covers full property ground cover GROUNDCOVER Bruner Residence - Chanhassen, Minnesota December 17, 2020 3D MODEL RENDERINGS PROPOSED LANDSCAPE DESIGN (TVLS) PROPOSED NEW DRIVEWAY: Facilitates access to property + maintains alignment with plan layout DRIVEWAY PROPOSED LOW MAINTENANCE GRASS: Naturalizes and covers full property ground cover GROUNDCOVER MEMORANDUM TO: MacKenzie Young-Walters, Associate Planner, AICP FROM: Jill Sinclair, Environmental Resources Specialist DATE: January 19, 2021 SUBJ: 6609 Horseshoe Curve, Variances from Bluff Setback The property is a fully wooded site of mainly native deciduous trees. The proposed landscaping changes will require the removal of 7 trees on the site. No replanting has been proposed. A fescue mix will be seeded over the disturbed areas and is appropriate for the conditions. The plans show perimeter erosion control fencing which will protect most trees on the property, but there are a number shown for preservation that will be inside of the grading limits. The native trees on site, maples, lindens, oaks, and such, are sensitive to root compaction and root severance. More so for the older trees that may have less ability to recover from root damage. Grade changes, whether adding soil or removing it, can damage important feeder roots causing the death of a portion of the root system. Given enough damage, the trees will die. Staff recommends that the applicant add tree protection for all preserved trees located within the grading limits. Recommendation: 1. The applicant shall install tree protection fencing at the furthest point from the trunk as possible around all trees within the grading limits. Memorandum To: MacKenzie Young-Walters, Associate Planner From: Matt Unmacht, Water Resources Coordinator CC: Charles Howley, Public Works Director/City Engineer Ryan Pinkalla, Water Resources Technician Erik Henricksen, Project Engineer Date: January 6, 2021 Re: 6609 Horseshoe Curve Variance - City Planning Case No. 2021-07 The Water Resources Department has reviewed variance request located at 6609 Horseshoe Curve. These comments are divided into two categories: general comments and propo sed conditions. General comments are informational points to guide the applicant in the proper planning of any water resources issues or stormwater infrastructure fo r this project, to inform the applicant of possible extraordinary issues and/or to provide the basis for findings. Proposed conditions are requirements that Water Resources recommends be formally imposed on the applicant in the final order. General Comments/Findings 1. The applicant is requesting two variances. One bluff setback variance and one variance to replace and reconfigure the existing boulder retaining wall. The applicant went through multiple rounds of submittals and revisions with City staff in order to better accommodate City ordinances and staff recommendations. 2. The property is located on Lotus Lake. According to the Riley-Purgatory Bluff Creek Watershed District, water quality on Lotus Lake has improved in some parameters, such as water clarity and phosphorus, but degraded in others, such as chlorophyll-a, in recent years. The project is proposing construction very close to the lake and on the steep slopes on the project. 3. The applicant has one existing Water Oriented Accessory Structure (WOAS) on the property, which consists of pavers and a deck. This WOAS is considered non-conforming because it encroaches beyond the 10-foot Ordinary High Water Level (OHWL) setback and is over the allowable 250 square feet. The applicant is proposing to remove and replace this existing WOAS with one that is 220 square feet of deck patio. This means that the existing WOAS, which is considered impervious surface, would be replaced with non-impervious surface. The proposed WOAS would still encroach beyond the 10-foot OHWL setback, however there is no way for the applicant to orient this structure without encroaching into other setbacks such as side yard and bluff setbacks. Overall, the applicant is proposing to reduce the intensity of the existing non-conformity. Additionally, hardcover on the entire property (due, in part, to the removal of the existing WOAS) would be decreasing from 23% to 21%. 4. The existing property currently has no easy access down to the lake. The applicant is proposing to construct a staircase from the lower-level deck patio to the lakeshore. This proposed staircase meets the standard set forth in Sec. 20-481(e)(3) Stairway, lifts, and landings. 5. The applicant proposing the installation of a “Living Wall” and fescue that is called “Low Grow No Mow.” This is intended to reduce erosion potential on the retaining wall area and on steep slopes on the property. The City feels this approach can be effective. 6. As for other water resources issues: outside of Lotus Lake, there are no wetlands on this property. In addition, this project does not involves any City owned stormwater infrastructure. As such, there are no concerns or conditions to place on the project based on these conditions. 7. It is the opinion of the Water Resources Department that this variance request can be granted in accordance with the requirements of the Chanhassen Code of Ordinances (as it pertains to Water Resources requirements) and City Standards, provided it fully addresses the comments and conditions contained herein, if applicable, and can be approved. Proposed Conditions 1. There are no proposed conditions associated with a review by the Water Resources department. Given the sensitive nature of Lotus Lake, the proximity of the proposed work to the lake, and the steep slopes on site, extra care and review will be undertaken during the building permit process to ensure that proper erosion and sediment control measures are undertaken during construction to protect the lake. Memorandum To: MacKenzie Young-Walters, Associate Planner From: Erik Henricksen, Project Engineer CC: Charles Howley, Public Works Director/City Engineer George Bender, Assistant City Engineer Kevin Crooks, Utility Superintendent Matt Unmacht, Water Resources Coordinator Ryan Pinkalla, Water Resources Technician Steve Lenz, Engineering Technician Date: January 7, 2021 Re: Setback Variance at 6609 Horseshoe Curve – Planning Case #2021- 07 The Engineering Department has reviewed the Variance submittal for 6609 Horseshoe Curve. These comments are divided into two categories: general comments and proposed conditions. General comments are informational points to guide the applicant in the proper planning of public works infrastructure for this project, to inform the applicant of possible extraordinary issues and/or to provide the basis for findings. Proposed conditions are requirements that Engineering recommends be formally imposed on the developer in the final order. Note that references to the “City Standards” herein refer to the City of Chanhassen Standard Specifications and Detail Plates. General Comments/Findings 1. Any and all grading, utility and transportation plans submitted with this application have been reviewed only for the purpose of determining the feasibility of the plans and providing utility and transportation facilities for the project in accordance with City Standards. A recommendation of variance approval does not constitute final approval of details, including but not limited to alignments, materials and points of access, connection or discharge, that are depicted or suggested in the application. The applicant is required to submit detailed construction drawings and/or plat drawings for the project, as applicable. The City of Chanhassen Engineering and Public Works Department will review plans, in detail, when they are submitted and approve, reject or require modifications to the plans or drawings based upon conformance with City Standards, the Chanhassen Code of Ordinances and the professional engineering judgment of the City Engineer. 2. It is the opinion of the Engineering Department that the proposed project can be developed in accordance with the requirements of the Chanhassen Code of Ordinances (as it pertains to Engineering and Public Works requirements) and City Standards, provided it fully addresses the comments and conditions contained herein, an d can be approved. 3. The applicant is proposing the reconfiguration and realignment of an existing driveway to the property. The provided survey indicates that the proposed driveway will be constructed with a 19% grade oriented from Horseshoe Curve right-of-way to the existing home. While city ordinance requires driveways to be constructed with a grade not to exceed 10%, the subdivision (Alicia Heights) received approved variances allowing for a maximum of 20% grades on driveways due to the topographic constraints of the development. As such, the proposed driveway grade can be approved, however the applicant will be required to file for a Driveway Replacement permit as work will impact Horseshoe Curve right-of-way. 4. The applicant is proposing the reconfiguration and realignment of an existing Water Oriented Structure (WOAS). The existing WOAS consists of stone pavers and wood decking which will be removed and replaced with a modular wood decking WOAS. The WOAS lies within a public drainage and utility easement (DUE) that was recorded with the Alicia Heights plat in 1999. Additionally, the city owns and maintains a public sanitary sewer main constructed in 1975 that is located within the DUE and located directly under the existing and proposed WOAS. As such, the applicant will be required to enter into an encroachment agreement for the WOAS, and the WOAS shall be constructed so that it is removable to allow for access to and for the proper maintenance of the public sanitary sewer main. See proposed condition 1 and 2. 5. The applicant is proposing the construction of stairs to gain lake access from the proposed lower level deck patio to the proposed WOAS. While this proposed staircase meets the standards set forth in Sec. 20 -481(e)(3) and Sec. 20-1402, they will encroach into a 5’ side yard DUE. See proposed condition 1. Proposed Conditions 1. The applicant shall file for an encroachment agreement with the city for any encroachments within public drainage and utility easements. 2. The water oriented structure shall be constructed of modular, removable d ecking for review and approval by the city prior to issuance of a building permit. CITY OF CHANHASSEN AFFIDAVIT OF MAILING NOTICE STATE OF MINNESOTA) ( ss. COTJNTY OF CARVER ) I, Kim T. Meuwissen, being first duly swom, on oath deposes that she is and was on January 7,2021,the duly qualified and acting Deputy Clerk ofthe City of Chanhassen, Minnesota; that on said date she caused to be mailed a copy ofthe anached notice ofa Public Hearing to consider a request for a variance to replace/rebuild retaining walls, add a walk- out terrace, add a stairway to lake, and reconfigure lakeside deck/patio located at 6609 Horseshoe Curve. Zoned Single-Famity Residential (RSF), Planning Case No. 2021-07 to the persons named on attached Exhibit "A", by enclosing a copy ofsaid notice in an envelope addressed to such owner, and depositing the envelopes addressed to all such owners in the United States mail with postage fully prepaid thereon; that the names and addresses of such owners were those appearing as such by the records ofthe County Treasurer, Cawer County, Minnesota, and by other appropriate records. J Subscribed and thislt- dav o Kim T.euwissen, Deputy Cl (Seal) JEAil M SiIECKLIIIG NdryPlnbffinstsry*tE+..btr,l4a s to before me <a^^ 2021. Notary Public Disclaianer This map is neither a legally Ecorded map nor a survey and i3 not intended to be used as one. ihis map is a compilalion of records. information and alata located in vadous city. county. sliate and fede.al offices and other sources regarding the arca shown, and as to be used br reference pumo6es o.lly. The cny does nol war.ant that the Geog6phic lnbrmation System (GlS) Data used to prepare this map are eror free, and lhe City does not represeni ulat the Gls Data can te used for navigational trackino or any other porpose requanng exactng measurement of dEliance or directlon or pleosion in the deficton of geographic Catures. The precedang disdairier is provided pursuant to Minnesota Statnes S466.03, Subd. 2l (2000). and the user of trlas map acknowledges fiat lhe City shall not be liable tor any damages. and expressly waives all daims. and agrees to d;iend, indemnily, and hold harmless the City fom any ard all claims b(ought b, user, its employees or agents. or third parties which aise out of the us€/s access or use of data provrcled <TAX_NAMET <TAX_ADD_LI r rTAX ADD L2r <Next Record>(TAX-NAMED <TAX_ADD-Llr <TAX ADD L2tr Diaclelmer This map is neither a legally recorded map nor a suoey and is not intended to be used as one This map is a @mpilation of records. information and daia located in vadous city count, state and lederal off@s and other sources regardang the area shown, and is to be us€d lor reference purposes only. The Cjty does not war.ant that the Geographic lnformalion System (GlS) Dala used to prepare this map are eror f.ee, and the City does not represent that the GIS oata can be used for navigallonal, tracking oa any other purpose requiring exactjng measuemenl of distrance or dhection or precasaon in the depiction of geographic ieatures. The prececlang disclaimer is provided puBuant to Minnesota Statutes 5466.03, Subd 21 (2000), and the user ol this map acknowjedges that the City shall not be liable fo. any damages, and exPressly waives all claims and agrees to debnd, indemnat, and hold harmless the Caty from any and all claims brought by Ljser. ils employees or agents, or third parties wllich adse out ot the use/s access or use of data provided. Subject Parcel \'\ -il -/Z\ K \ ., -')\ .t#)>2 h-I I I ! n r ,/ .A ll 2?'., ) aI \ \.\:! 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Prepared By Jean Steckling, Senior Admin. Support Specialist File No:  PROPOSED MOTION: The Chanhassen Planning Commission recommends approval of the verbatim minutes from its January 5, 2021 meeting. ATTACHMENTS: Planning Commission Verbatim Minutes dated January 5, 2021 CHANHASSEN PLANNING COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING JANUARY 5, 2021 Chairman Weick called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. MEMBERS PRESENT: Steven Weick, Mark Randall, Laura Skistad, Eric Noyes, and Mark Von Oven, Michael McGonagill MEMBERS ABSENT: Doug Reeder STAFF PRESENT: Kate Aanenson, Community Development Director; MacKenzie Young- Walters, Associate Planner; Bob Generous, Senior Planner; Erik Henricksen, Project Engineer, Matt Unmacht, Water Resources Coordinator, Matt Kerr, IT Support Specialist; Alison Vance, Admin. Support Specialist PUBLIC PRESENT: Todd Simning TPS Holdings, LLC, 2160 Paisley Path, Excelsior, MN and 350 Hwy. 7, Suite 218, Excelsior, MN Kathleen Jorfee (spelling??) 1341 Powers Ridge, Chanhassen Brian & Keri Colvin 825 Flying Cloud Drive, Chaska, MN Tim Erhart Black Cherry Dev., LLC, 14500 Martin Dr., Ste. 3000, Eden Prairie, MN Dan Blake Black Cherry Dev., LLC, 14500 Martin Dr., Ste. 3000, Eden Prairie, MN Ethan Kindseth Alma Homes, LLC, 2500 Shadywood Rd., Ste. 750, Orono, MN Weick: Good evening, everybody, calling to order tonight’s Planning Commission meeting. Tonight is Tuesday, January 5, 2021 and happy new year to everyone here and my fellow Commissioners and anyone listening. May this be bountiful and pleasant of a new year. I will conduct a quick roll call just to make sure who’s here to vote evening. So when I say your name, just say here for me to I know you are present. Commissioner Randall? Randall: Present. Weick: Gotcha. Commissioner Reeder? Reeder: [No answer] Weick: I will skip Commissioner Reeder for a minute. Commissioner McGonagill? McGonagill: Present. Chanhassen Planning Commission – January 5, 2021 2 Weick: OK great. Commissioner Skistad? Skistad: Present. Weick: Hello, good evening. Commissioner Noyes? Noyes: Here. Weick: Gotcha. And Commissioner Von Oven? Von Oven: Here. Weick: All right. I’ll try Commissioner Reeder? Reeder: [No answer] Weick: If he is able to join later, we will certainly welcome him in. We do have a quorum this evening with six of the Planning Commission members. We do have a busy agenda this evening. We have five public hearings on tonight’s agenda. We will present them as we normally do although this is a Zoom meeting again I would implore my fellow Commissioners please don’t test each other or hold private chats on the side through the Zoom application. Everything we talk about needs to be public for the record. Thanks for that. Again we have five items on the agenda tonight. Staff will present the item and Commission members will have an opportunity to ask questions. At that time the applicant may make a presentation if they would like and also is available for questions from the Commission members. After that we will open the public hearing. Because we are electronic, electronically meeting, we will summarize any email we’ve received on the item; we will take in person comment as appropriate here is the Chambers, and we have a telephone number for phone calls if you would like to call in and get your opinion on the record. Once we’ve appropriately heard from everybody, through the different medium, we will close the public hearing it will be open for Planning Commission comments, open for a motion and we will take a roll call vote at that time. As I did mention, we do have several items on the agenda tonight. I hope we don’t have to, I hope we can move real quickly but we do have a 10:30 p.m. curfew. I would imagine will not have to enforce that this evening but keep that in minds as we discuss and move to vote on some of these items. We do want to keep the process moving this evening. With that I will introduce the first item on the agenda. PUBLIC HEARING: CONSIDER A REQUEST FOR A SITE PLAN REVIEW AND VARIANCE FOR A 110- UNIT APARTMENT BUILDING FOR SENIOR LIVING LOCATED AT 1361 LAKE DRIVE WEST (POWERS RIDGE APARTMENTS) Generous: Thank you Chairman. Commissioners, I’ll go through the powerpoint. Planning Case 2021-04 is Lake Place at Powers Ridge. Tonight is a public hearing. This item goes forward to Chanhassen Planning Commission – January 5, 2021 3 City Council on January 25, 2021. The applicant is TPS Holding LLC. As stated they are requesting a site plan approval with variance for the building height for 110-unit, three-story independent living senior residential development. The property is located at 1361 Lake Drive West; it’s part of the Powers Ridge development. It’s zoned Planned Unit Development Residential. The Lake Susan Hills Planned Unit Development was approved in 1987. As part of the development, it was a mixed housing project; it included 411 single-family homes, approximately 100 townhouse units and up to 375 multi-family units within this multi-family area. It’s approximately 21 acres total in the multi-family portion of the development. The Lake Susan Hills multi-family development came in in two parts. Phase 1 was Building A and it consisted of 100 units. Phases 2-4 had a total of 244 units that were approved. The first building was completed in 2000. The second building, the B Building, was completed in 2003. The D Building was constructed in 2016 and 2017 and was completed and now finally, the fourth Building C is coming in. Originally it had been approved as part of the site plan for 88 units. The applicant has revised that plan and that’s why we have a new site plan review and they’re coming in with 110 units. It’s still a three-story building with underground parking, however, it’s an independent senior living building so there are some different standards required for parking that will need to reduce the total amount of site coverage. Ah, the site plan, the currently building again is a three-story apartment with underground parking. 110 parking stalls are provided underneath. It has additional surface parking that provides the one for, the one stall per four units for visitor parking and it provides parking on the east end for, there’s a community building that’s part of the entire association and development. Architecturally, the building has significant architectural variation. It has multiple plains and multiple building materials. It includes masonry, and either they haven’t finalized the number for either block or a brick finish or a cultured stone. If we could go to the overhead picture the materials sample board is on, it also has horizontal lap siding fiber cement which is very consistent throughout, there we are, developments within Chanhassen. It also has vertical board and batten in a white artic white color that provides some lightness. It has gray asphalt shingles on the roof. It has a standing seamed metal canopy over the entranceway and it has either and they’re waiting for final pricing on either a bronze or a white window finish, framing so they provided us both those architectural drawings so that we can see what each looks like. Again the final pricing will determine what the final elevation is. Again, you see the articulation on the north side, north and west side of the buildings. Most but not all of the units have either decks or patio areas of them. The building itself has an outdoor patio on the west end as well as one on the northeast corner of the property. Floor plans again. 110 parking units are in the underground parking area. Each floor has a mix of one, two, one, one with a den, two and two with a den units on them. The entrance area is a canopy or is a common area. There’s also an outdoor deck which leads down to a lower patio area that includes a pickle ball court for residents of the development. The second and third floors again repeat the layout of the individual units, a concourse and an elevator system. The third floor has additionally has common area, a community area. They are providing an alternative where a portion of this common area would be a recessed roof-type deck area where people could go out and get some fresh air. Again, they’re waiting on final pricing to determine whether that’ll go forward. Erik will review the utilities and grand and stormwater operations. Chanhassen Planning Commission – January 5, 2021 4 Henricksen: Thanks, Bob. Just checking here. Everybody hear me ok? [Sounds in background acknowledging]. So I will be going over some of the stormwater, grading and drainage on this slide and then continue on to the utilities and access to the site. The applicant for stormwater is proposing the use of two stormwater BMPs. One on the northwest portion of the site is an at- grade filtration basin and the one on the southeast side is an underground filtration basin to treat the stormwater. The information provided in their stormwater management report does indicate that the approach is feasible and they are going to be meeting total suspended solids and total phosphorus reductions along with volume and rate controls. However, these storm systems as you can see through the red arrows do discharge into the public systems. There’s a public stormwater system to the north that they’re proposing to tie into off of Lake Drive West which connects to a stormwater pond that the city owns and maintains and to the south they’ll also be discharging their stormwater into a public system, another pond to the south. As such, we are requesting that the applicant through the condition analyze and ensure, confirm essentially that the volumes can be handled and accounted for within the public storm system. There’s not too much concern about that from staff however, you know, we do want to see that taken into account in their modeling to ensure that those systems are sized appropriately. Additionally on some of the grading plans and the stormwater plans we would and we will be requiring on the updated final construction plan submittal some drainage arrows and emergency overflow routes. There is a low point at the southeast area of the site that’s adjacent to the current clubhouse. With low points, yep right there, there’s going to be emergency overflow routes and we just want to ensure that the stormwater won’t be directed towards that clubhouse so plans will have to be updated accordingly and will be reviewed on the final construction plans. Utilities, there’s nothing too exciting about utilities on this site. It is adequately served by public sanitary and water main. The applicant is looking to tap into these mains although there are existing stubs and apparently it doesn’t fit into their site plan so they will be abandoning those per city standards and then tapping the two new mains, or the two new laterals, excuse me. The water is begin proposed as an eight inch. It’s going to be a dual domestic and a fire main to the apartment complex. Sanitary sewer is going to be eight inches as well. There just going to core drill into an existing manhole which is actually already located on the property. The only extraordinary kind of condition, even if extraordinary, is that the monument sign that they’re proposing, the location, is actually right on top of one of our sanitary mains so we will require that to be located outside of the drainage and utility easement, a D&U a size for appropriate spacing for maintenance and possible reconstruction of the line if that’s ever to occur. That’s really the only condition. They will have to get an encroachment agreement if they do kind of go into the…. Access to the site, this site as Bob had kind of mentioned has been built out over several phases of the PUD. During 2000, the site access one through four were built out to access the site based on previous site plans. The applicant has elected to eliminate access one but still utilize two, three and four. Access two and four are utilized to get to the above-ground parking and also the main entrance to the apartment complex while access three is going to be for the underground parking. Staff did review and we did receive public comment that when, if you imagine using access three to go in and out of the parking, when you’re exiting the parking ramp is going to require users to kind of look over their shoulder and to the left down that serpentine street to ensure there’s no cars oncoming. So, one of the thoughts was if it was relocated to the east side, Chanhassen Planning Commission – January 5, 2021 5 or the west side rather than the east side, maybe that would help but essentially the layout of the access or this private drive would the same affect where vehicular users would still have to look over their left shoulder so staff recommended in the report to have the developer just reassess kind of their site circulation; take a look at possible alternatives to locations of maybe underground parking. While not required at this time, it’s something that they should take into account just to try to make the site….. It was already built out as such so their kind of just using what’s there but it can hurt to take another look at that. Lastly, pedestrian access on the site. So as you can see there are throughout the phases and the buildout of this PUD, there have been concrete sidewalks being installed which Bob was kind of showing there; the existing ones are kind of gray. There are some gaps that will be created so the applicant will be required to kind of fill those pedestrian access routes for circulation within the site. Additionally, there an existing trail to the west of the development that was extended from Phase, I believe, 1 and the applicant will be required or the developer to extend the public trail system just to continue that route, eventually getting all the way over to Sunrise Park, I believe is the name, just east. And with that, Bob, I can turn it back over to you. Generous: Staff review of the landscaping plans show that there was some deficiencies in their plan. There are deficits in the boulevard plantings that are required as part of any development and that’s one of the conditions of approval. There’s a deficit in the parking lot landscaping. They need to add additional trees and they want to change their species diversity as part of the tree inventory so that they meet city standards so we don’t have too many of one genial. Finally, we also recommend that additional landscaping be provided along this easterly access to provide some screening for the lower, first level units on that side of the building so they can revise that as part of their building permit process. As part of the application, the applicant is requesting a variance for the building height. Our ordinance defines building height as the height from grade to the midpoint of the roof and as they showed on their architectural plan, they are about 42 feet in height. The R12 zoning district limits height to 35 feet so they are requesting a variance. The primary reasons we believe that they meet all the criteria in the variance operations and specifically they are looking at their…they will be in harmony….consistent with the comp plan, they’re providing a multi-family development on a multi-family guided site and zoned appropriately. The practical difficulties are they’re trying to build to current design standards, building standards. They’re going with 10- and nine-foot ceiling heights and they’re using a foot-and-a half mechanical joists between floors so they can run all of the mechanical equipment within that. Additionally, because of the steepness of the slope, they’ve made the roof height taller to that it sheds the snow in the winter. Staff is recommending approval the variance. As part of this project, the city is looking at requiring that they provide affording senior housing for the community. Kate will address that briefly. Aanenson: I just wanted to let you know that you will see this project back if it goes forward, is approved by you and for the City Council and that would be via a tax increment financing district. The City Council started discussing this with the applicant last summer, in July and through August and September, just to talk about the potential for a senior affordable project. As you know, in the comprehensive plan, we did identify that affordable senior housing is in need in Chanhassen Planning Commission – January 5, 2021 6 the city of Chanhassen. The other project on this site was built for seniors but there’s not an affordability component. So in order to make that happen, the Council is contemplating doing a tax increment district so this will come back to you as part of the process but I just wanted to briefly inform you kind of, of the process. It’s kind of truncated in a couple different components. Our financial consultants…once this goes through the City Council, they will have to set a public hearing, there’s a 30-day comment period the school district, everybody gets to weigh in on this but it will come back to you because you will have to say that the zoning of this this property is consistent with the comprehensive plan. You don’t get to weight in to the financial component but you will see this again. So I just wanted to let the Planning Commission be aware of that. Again, as Bob stated, there is a requirement that the Council set a TIF district of 50% of the units have to be affordable at the 60% median income. So that was a proposal that was presented but they’ll go through that whole process, the Council will, and then again you’ll have another opportunity to weigh in on the consistence to the comprehensive plan. So just wanted to share that with you. Generous: Finally, staff is recommending approval of the site plan with the variance. We are also requesting to add planning condition no. 6 that the developer shall record cross parking and cross access agreements with the parcels in the Powers Ridge development. Originally, this development had been under one owner and platted together and so the city attorney at the time said that we could record these cross access and cross parking agreements as part of each site plan and so that was one of the items missed as part of my review and so I’m bringing that forward that that be added before we go forward to City Council. With that, I’d be happy to answer any questions. Weick: Wonderful. Thank you. Any Commission members with questions of either Kate or Bob? [Someone is speaking but cannot understand] Weick: Is that Commissioner Von Oven? I can’t quite tell what you’re…pretty muffled. Von Oven: Nope, not me. McGonagill: Commissioner McGonagill. Can you hear me now? Weick: No. McGonagill: Can you hear me now? Weick: Better. McGonagill: OK, very good. We’ll try it this way. Weick: Go for it. Chanhassen Planning Commission – January 5, 2021 7 McGonagill: Bob this is a question for the Engineering staff. When I look at the original plan on Page 3, they did show parking going out of…to the building. And when they go to Page 5, and they actually have a site plan, they only have one way in. That fact that is almost an S shape inside of that I am concerned about traffic in the parking area and again not having the….. from the garage on the west end as well. I understand that when you leave on the west end, you have to look over your left shoulder but you’re not crossing traffic, you’re turning into traffic where as if you go out of the east end and go to the left, you’re actually having to cross over traffic. And I ….and I’ve got to go. The original design made a lot more sense to me that this one when there’s only one way out of that long parking garage. There’s my question. Why is that OK? Weick: I’m just going to repeat the question as I understood it. The question is, I think, why not have exits out of, why not have three and four as entrances and exits? Generous: I believe the applicant’s architect and engineer would be better to answer that one, however, as part of the city review, there is no concern expressed by either the fire marshal or the building official with the design itself. Weick: So having only one exit point isn’t an issue? Generous: Right. That’s a vehicle exit. There’s multiple pedestrian exits out of there but the applicant’s engineer or architect would be a resource in answering that. Weick: OK McGonagill: Bob, I appreciate that. My point on that is where they have the exit point, you’re asking senior….to go out the cross traffic at that point and I believe that’s more unsafe that going out the….you follow me? Generous: I believe we haven’t thrown out the prospects of having that 2nd access point into it, as a matter of fact, as part of my initial comments to the architect, I was asking if they were going to access point also. Yes, it would be a better resource. McGonagill: OK Weick: Are there any other questions from the planning commissioners at this point? Skistad: I have a question. Weick: Sure Skistad: If you look on Page 13, under the Grading, the groundwater. It looks like the groundwater is only 10 feet from the bottom of the parking garage. That seems like that’s a concern. And also, sounds like it could change the height of the building if they hit groundwater Chanhassen Planning Commission – January 5, 2021 8 earlier than expect to hit it? Because all of our water in Chanhassen is basically well water so we’ve got to protect that groundwater, so that’s a concern for me. I mean, are we endangering the city wells by building so close, a large apartment building with all the parking down there, even though it says we’re supposed to catch it before it goes down there. You know cars are going to be bringing down material when they park in the garage. Aanenson: Erik Henricksen, do you want to answer that question? Henricksen: Ya, 10 feet for our review would be adequate separate from groundwater to bottom floor elevation of a foundation. City Code as it currently stands is three feet separation. Anything less than three feet would require grade adjustment. Based on our review of the borings, there was one location that had it within two feet. Again, based on those borings and the groundwater sampling, there really wasn’t any concern of those elevations. There are certain subdivisions that go in, for instance, where you have house pads that are within four feet but it’s still allowable by city ordinance. As that is adequate separation from the bottom of the foundation to the groundwater tables. It was addressed in our review and it is conditioned I believe that, if groundwater is, they have to have a geotechnical engineer on site at all times during grading operations and if groundwater is encountered, the grading plan would have to adjusted but it does have to come under review by city staff prior to that being adjusted. Weick: Commissioner Skistad, does that answer your question or do you have a follow up on that? Skistad: Well, I understand what he’s saying but it’s still a concern and I think also if you look at it, what was allowed here via the 2040 plan was only 59 apartments, 59 units and so now we’re going to basically double the units which is part of the reason why I’m assuming the parking garage needs to be the way it is, is for that reason so we’re trying to, I think we’re building too much building too much building for the land as per our 2040 plan and I understand that it’s possible for us to increase but I’m not sure that the land here actually supports that in this instance, despite the fact that we would like to have more senior living. Generous: Commissioner, as part of the site plan that was approved for this, the original approval was for an 88-unit apartment building which is Building C which had more underground parking requirements because it was not a senior building so it had one and a half parking spaces per unit had to be underground so the footprint’s almost exactly the same what was originally approved. They were able to reduce it because they’re going to a senior building and have less parking requirements. Skistad: Well, just because it’s approved doesn’t mean it was a good idea. The other concerns that I have are the, you look at all of the very end, there’s like 40 recommendation points when you go through this one. I think we need to go back and nail some of this down a little bit more specifically. Chanhassen Planning Commission – January 5, 2021 9 Weick: And your primary concern is around size relative to groundwater… Skistad: I think it’s the 40 points, you’ve got, you’re doubling the housing for the 2040 maximum density plan, you’ve got 51 additional subsidized housing for taxpayers, you’ve got an additional traffic light, potentially, and if we’re doing a TIF, aren’t we really pay for that traffic light anyway. There’s additional city services needed for the additional building units and there’s no, I don’t see any tax offsetting that and the project won’t pay for itself which is why they want a TIF also would be my expectation. The driveway is an issue and with the letter that we received, there’s the underground lot which potential is too close to the groundwater. There are grading changes that are required. I don’t know, I just feel like there are too many variances for the project when you need three pages if we’re going to do this, we recommended if this. I think that’s too many. Weick: OK. Thank you for sharing those. I think those are all good points. Von Oven: So question for staff. Are we still on that portion of the… Weick: Please. Von Oven: Thanks. Should be an easy one. Is the only variance that we are looking at here the difference between 35 and 42 feet? Is that the entire reason that this issue is in front of us? Generous: That’s the only variance as part of the plan. It’s site plan approval because they’re increasing the number of units on this one site from what was previously approved. Von Oven: Right. The increase of the units which leads to a decrease of the parking spaces because it’s a senior unit. Right? Generous: Correct. Von Oven: Then just out of pure curiosity, I think there’s a potential picture of the front of it on Page 8. I’m that point at the top of the gable is the 42 feet. Can I assume that the rest of the building is lower than 35 feet at the highest point of the roof, to the right? Generous: It’s actually the midpoint of that gable, approximately here that we measure the building height to. So the top will be higher than that. I looked at one number, I think it was 39 feet. Weick: I don’t know if you have report in front of you Commissioner Von Oven, I had the same thought and I was able to kind of expand the picture on Page 6. I’ll just finish my thought. If you kind of look at the visually, you can see that the roofline of the entire building is actually in line with the top of that…you know what I mean? Chanhassen Planning Commission – January 5, 2021 10 Von Oven: Let see. Did you blow up that picture that’s on the right-hand side? Weick: I did. Von Oven: OK got it. Weick: When you do that it actual brings, the whole building actually peaks pretty darn close to the top of that peak. It’s a visual, when you look at it just from the front, it’s a funny visual. Von Oven: Yep. Thank you. Weick: Other questions? Hearing none, I would invite the applicant to talk about the project and do keep in mind we did have one specific regarding the parking 3 and 4 if you are able to answer that question, that would be wonderful. Simning: Yes, I am. Todd Simning, 2166 Paisley Path. Long-time local resident of Chanhassen. Thank you Bob, Erik and Kate for a good introduction on the overall project. First, just want to say that I’m excited to bring this project to the city. I’ve done a lot developments in the city, a lot of market rate, higher end homes. This really is the first time that we’re able to bring a project to Chanhassen that brings an affordable complex to the city. It’s something that I’ve been talking to Kate, the Mayor Elise Ryan, and other staff about for quite some time about what does the city need and how can we actually bring it to the city. This is actually something personal to me. I’ve been building a lot of really nice houses for a long time. This is the first time that we’re actually looking to do something long term to actually help the city. One of the most important things that we want to do for any municipal, any city, and particularly the one you live in, is to try to make certain that you can keep aging residents back into the community so that their not forced to go out west or to areas that their families are at and they’ve been here a long time and it’s one of the reasons why we are bring this project to the city of Chanhassen. One of the Planning Commission members was stating that there are 40 recommendations and this isn’t paying for itself and granted, it’s not. If it was 100% market rate again, yes, it would probably pay for itself but when you’re looking at trying to bring an affordable complex to any development, it’s very difficult to make the numbers work. As Kate knows, and City Councilmembers, we had two or three planning sessions along with working with the city financial consultant, Ahlers, and really analyzed what it was going to cost to do this. Is the city going to recoup their costs? Is it going to cost the city anything, and I think, Kate, you can back me up on that, that it actually wasn’t going to cost the city anything. It was more of what can we do to bring the affordable housing into the city of Chanhassen but almost more importantly, if you look at our structure, you look at the units, you look at the amenities that we have. In most municipalities, people are a little reluctant to have “affordable” come into their neighborhoods because it means that they’re going to have a nice building. It’s going to be downgraded. Well, in this case, when you look at the pickle ball, gardens on the west-hand side, again, somebody has brought up why aren’t you using both of the entrances/exits for the garage. One of the biggest reasons why we’re not using the west entrance, is that we actually wanted to create a garden over there. We want to create an area where the Chanhassen Planning Commission – January 5, 2021 11 elderly can actually have a garden, can actually have a nice area to sit down and enjoy. There will probably be a dog run over in that area. It really sets itself up to be an optimal spot for sunshine, relaxation for those that are in our community. With that, with you look at the east side driveway, number 1, it was already predesigned, so we’re not creating anything new. I actually went out to the site and I would encourage all of you to go to the site and review that. I actually backed up onto our property and set myself up exactly where our driveway where our driveway was going to exit and you’ll notice that, in the staff report, it said you’re going to be looking back to your left and in reality, you’re not going to be looking back to your left. We’re actually sitting at the high point where the road from Lake Drive W. come up, it actually plateaus well before our entrance into our garage, which is straight across from the other one, and you just naturally look to your left and you have a very, very good visible and then secondarily, on your right-hand side, it’s actually coming down and you have another really good visible area. So our intent, and I want to go on the record and I want to Council to also know this, our intent really is not to utilize both exits, particularly the on the west-hand wide because, again, we’re trying to create something that is different in the city of Chanhassen where we’re actually creating garden space for people that actually live there and then, secondly, the area on the east side, again, I’ll encourage you to go there, you are sitting so high up and you’re really at a plateau that you really have good visibility at that area. So, I just really want to make sure that hit that. For me personally, I have a vested interest in this project. I do very high quality projects. I’ve numerous developments in Chanhassen. I think probably at least a dozen or so over the last 34 years. In this case with this senior project, I’m not only going to be the developer but I’m going to be one of four owners. There are five of us that are going to own it long term. We have a vested interest in producing a high quality project similarly to what I have actually created in the city of Chanhassen from my single-family development. I’ve never done a multi-family here. This will be the first one but super excited to actually bring the affordable component into the city of Chanhassen. One thing I wanted to know, and I know Kate had noted that she had thought she thought that 50% of the units were going to be affordable and I’m pretty sure, Kate, according to Ahler’s report it was going to be 45% of the building which would be 50 units. So not 50% but I think it was 50 units and can make certain that we go through that but I just wanted to make certain that I hit that. So, number 1, the relocation of the garage. We are planning on using the east entrance. Secondly, with the trail system, I was going to make a comment that I didn’t think the trail behind our building, along Lake Drive W. was going to be important because our sidewalks are going to interconnect and there are two pedestrian crossings on the east and west side that actually go across the road and connect with the trail system along Lake Drive W. but I heard Erik state that they are planning on actually trying to get this connection all the way down to the local park which is just to the west of us and if that’s the case, then it does make sense that we do construct that trail all the way along the back side and eventually it’s connect with the park system. I don’t know if that’s a city project that’s going to do that or local because it looks like it’s city property from the west there. What else did I have? I think that was pretty much it on my side as a developer. I look at 40 recommendations and I spoke with both of my architects this morning about the architecture and I also spoke with Matt from Civil Site Group today about, “hey is there anything that’s giving you any hesitation that we can’t accomplish what Erik and Bob and staff has kind of recommended that we change” and neither one of them gave me Chanhassen Planning Commission – January 5, 2021 12 any indication that there was anything out of the ordinary, so of the 40 points on there, it might seem onerous that there’s 40 items, but from our standpoint, it didn’t seem like it was, they were all very small very small items for the 40. So, with that I will open it up to any questions. If there’s something technical, I will open it up to either, Even, my architect or, Matt, my civil engineer. Thank you. Weick: Thank you and I appreciate your openness and candor about the project. I think that perspective is helpful. I would open it to my fellow commissioners if you have any follow up questions, directly. You may do so now. Any questions for the applicant? Yes. Well, thank you and thank you for providing that level of detail about the project. At least for myself, that was helpful. So thanks for doing that. At this time I will open the public hearing. The number, 952- 227-1630, if you’d like to be heard. We are watching the phones. Where there any emails sent in on this one? Generous: The one letter that we included as part of the packet with the concern about the entrance to the parking lot. I had several people call. Young-Walters: We have a call… Weick: Let’s do it. Kathleen Jorfee: 1341 Powers Ridge. I just have a question because 110 units and you have 110 parking places, I feel there are…will rent and maybe have two cars. I know the building at 1351, they have very little parking for visitors and if you have a couple with two cars, they’re going to take up the parking lot and you know with snow removal piled up, that takes up space. I don’t know, is this a concern? Weick: Thank you for the question. I think we would have city…[someone speaking in background]…was that your only question? Young-Walters: I believe we have another call and then I believe staff will respond to the question. If you could please state your name for the record. Sherm Bile: Hi my name is Sherm Bile and I live at 1321 Lake Drive W. which is Powers Ridge. We’ll be a neighbor to the new building coming up. A good neighbor I hope and we’re looking forward to it but I wanted to ask or remind the Commission that they have a letter of mine in their packet, or at least they should and it’s regarding the exit to the building on the east side. I’ve heard a lot of flowery talk about that tonight but I would also ask the Commission to come out here and park right where the presenter parked and give us your opinion on how you think that driveway is. It’s a narrow S curved driveway that is quite narrow even now with the snow coming in from the side. It faces the east then coming up, we’re trying to accommodate seniors and I’m a senior, I’m 83 years old, nimble as a catfish but I’m telling you, I pay very close attention when I’m driving out the S curve and that’s literally what it is, it’s an S curve and I Chanhassen Planning Commission – January 5, 2021 13 don’t think we need to challenge our seniors like that going in and out of their home. Now the west end has none of those concerns. It’s very close to Lake Drive W., it’s got a much wider driveway. I paced it off, it’s at least five or six feet wider, it’s much shorter and you turn right and that’s very important for you to remember, exiting the east, you turn left and if you’re a driver, you know what a challenge left turn always are. You’ve got to cross two lanes of traffic, get in the right lane, make sure there’s nothing coming from both directions. That exit on the east end exits directly across from the 1321 building which is needless hassle for seniors coming in and out. So I ask you to just give it your best judgement. Pretend your mom and dad were driving in and out of that day in and day out and ask yourself, which driveway would you rather have them driveway out of, the west end or the east end. I think you commission members for your service. You guys are really good and you deserve to be recognized. Chanhassen has a good bunch of people in their local government and I support you all the way. The planners, the commissioners, the Council and Godspeed to you all. Just read my memo, read my email and assess for yourself. Thank you very much for listening. Bye. Weick: Thank you so much. Can’t see, do we have other calls? Young-Walters: We do not have any other calls. Weick: OK. So we had two calls which is exciting because we haven’t had a call before so I apologize if I got a little flustered. The first question I would prefer if staff would try and speak to what the Code is for the number of parking spaces and I guess I’ll just leave it at that. Generous: The applicant actually exceeds Code requirements. They need to provide 128. That would be the 110 for the units themselves and then 28 for that additional parking. They need a total of 128; they’re providing a total of 155 parking spaces on their property and so that again is part of the reason that we’re doing the cross access and cross parking agreement because, within the entire development, there is some cross connection that are taking place. Additionally, if you look at the driveway on the westerly side of this entire development, it’s all on this lot. So there must be some that must have previously been recorded but we want to make sure that those are in place for perpetuity. Weick: OK Aanenson: I would just add. I think Bob pointed out earlier that there are different parking ratios depending on number of bedrooms. That’s a factor that’s weighed in too, whether it’s senior housing or two or three bedrooms all based on that. Weick: OK. So it exceeds what the Code is. I do understand the caller’s concern with potential visitors and multi-car families, assuming that the Code takes that into consideration when trying to weigh how many spots are required vs. the space that they take up. So that’s helpful at least knowing what the minimum numbers are for that space and certainly the commissioners can form their own opinions on that. And then the second call, and again, we’ve talked about it, but I Chanhassen Planning Commission – January 5, 2021 14 do appreciate the interest of the caller and although we read the emails that come in, it’s always nice to from people in their own voices in their own passion what their opinion is about an item so thank you very much for calling in on that. I think we’ve addressed it, it’s certainly out there for commissioner consideration as we move forward. Are there any other calls that came in while I was babbling, MacKenzie? No, OK. So I will close the public hearing portion of this item and open up for Planning Commission comment, motion, votes, all of the above. Thoughts and considerations regarding this item? McGonagill: Mr. Chairman, can you hear me better now? Weick: Oh wonderful. That is so much better. McGonagill: I had to reset my speakers. Weick: Not a problem. McGonagill: That was my error. I think it’s a beautiful project. I appreciate the developer and what he’s doing and I like the things he’s putting in place. I am hung up though, still, on the west end egress. I think it needs to be there. I think it’s just too long. I think there needs to be two outlets on a parking garage that long and I agree with the last caller with the comments of going in and out of crossing traffic. That was a concern I looked just myself. I haven’t been to the site but I was just looking at the plans. So outside of that issue of the west exit. I do appreciate the gardens because I do love to garden but I’d rather have safe access to the building than gardens so outside of the parking deal, I mean the driveway, I’m okay. I just don’t know how we deal with that because it’s not the variance their asking but it’s the only concern I have with the application, Mr. Chairman. Thank you. Weick: OK and that’s certainly a part of the record that’s passed to City Council really no matter which we vote on the item so certainly that I think is obvious in the record at this point and something they would certainly consider regardless of what’s passed to them. Other thoughts? I know there were some concerns and questions. Any final thoughts on those? Skistad: Well I think I don’t have any problem with the building, I think the building is beautiful and the use is beautiful but I still stand on my other comments and concerns I have overall and I will not be supporting this. Weick: OK. Thank you. I certainly would entertain a motion. I’m not trying to cut anyone’s thoughts off though so if you do have comment, please do so. I think the motion is up on, at least I can, is up on the screen. I guess I would ask if there aren’t comments and there isn’t a motion at this point, can you guys hear me? Voice: Yes Chanhassen Planning Commission – January 5, 2021 15 Weick: I would just say that if there are things that are preventing you to make a motion, we would certainly discuss that and you’re certainly able to make any motion you’d like. You are not limited to what is on the screen in front of you. If there was a different opinion that you wanted the Commission to vote on, you can certainly do that as well. Von Oven: I was sitting, enjoying the uncomfortable silence because I did have a ton to add. Weick: I wasn’t. Von Oven: Yes I know. I’m watching you squirm. I will say a couple of things. One, I thoroughly appreciate the thoroughness of my fell Planning Commissioners. This is one of those where I went in and read through this whole thing and I didn’t see any huge issues with it. I think there’s one reason for that when I read through the 30 points and everything that was here and that is that if there were major safety concerns or major sort of bad stuff in here, I don’t think it would make it through our city staff. I don’t think city staff would be recommending to approve this. That made me feel better about the long list and Mr. Generous addressed it. The second one is, I have not sat and looked out of my window the way Mr. Bile did so I have not had that experience and I appreciate the caller coming in. I also believe if there were truly a safety concern, city staff would be calling it out and I’m strengthened by the fact that Mr. Simning is an investor in this property himself so if there truly is a danger there, he is putting himself at risk. So with that I am happy to make the motion that the Chanhassen Planning Commission recommends approval of the site plan for a 110-unit, three-story apartment building with a variance for the building height to allow 42 feet to the midpoint of the roof subject to the Conditions of Approval and adoption of the Findings of Fact and Recommendation. The developer shall record cross parking and cross access agreements with the other parcels in the Powers Ridge development. Weick: We have a valid motion from Commissioner Von Oven. Do we have a second? Noyes: Chairman, Commissioner Noyes. I’ll second. Weick: Thank you, Commissioner Noyes. With that, before we vote, any final comment? I will conduct a roll call vote. Commissioner Von Oven? Von Oven: Aye Weick: In favor. Commissioner Noyes? Noyes: In favor. Weick: Thank you. Commissioner Skistad? Skistad: No Chanhassen Planning Commission – January 5, 2021 16 Weick: Thank you. Commissioner McGonagill? McGonagill: Aye Weick: Thank you. I will call Commission Reeder. I’m not sure he joined though. I don’t think so. No? OK. And Commissioner Randall? Randall: Aye. Weick: In favor. I also vote in favor. The motion passes, five in favor, one opposed and will go to City Council with all comment attached. Thank you again everybody. Bob, thanks for your presentation. Thank you to the applicant for being available and thank you to the commissioners as always, important and educated input. Von Oven moved, Noyes seconded that the Chanhassen Planning Commission recommends that the City Council approve the site plan for a 110-unit, three-story apartment building with a variance for the building height to allow 42 feet to the midpoint of the roof subject to the Conditions of Approval and adoption of the Findings of Fact and Recommendation. The developer shall record cross parking and cross access agreements with the other parcels in the Powers Ridge development. The motion passes with a vote of five in favor and one opposed and will go to City Council with all comment attached. PUBLIC HEARING: CONSIDER A REQUEST FOR SETBACK VARIANCES FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF A DECK ON PROPERTY LOCATED AT 3616 RED CEDAR POINT Young-Walters: Thank you. This is Planning Case 2021-01. It is a variance to expand an existing nonconforming deck at 3616 Red Cedar Point Road. As a reminder, if the Planning Commission does not pass this or denies this by at ¾ majority vote, it will go to the City Council on January 25, 2021. Additional, anyone aggrieved by decision of the Planning Commission, may appear the decision and they will have four days to register an appeal with staff in writing which would also then move it to the City Council. With that being said, I’ll jump into it. The location is Red Cedar Point. We have had quite a few variances over the years in this area. This is 3616 Red Cedar Point here. It’s zoned Residential Single-Family. This is technically a corner lot due to the presence of right-of-way (ROW) here. The zoning district requires a 20,000-square foot minimum lot area, 30-foot setbacks from any street frontage so that would be 30 feet from the east as well as the southern lot line and then 10-foot setbacks for the side yard and a 75-foot shoreland setback. Properties in this area are limited to 25% lot cover, are permitted one water- oriented accessory structure with a 10-foot setback from the lake and that structure would be limited to 250 square feet in size. The existing conditions on this site. The lot is 7,206 square feet. It has only 77½ feet of the required 90 feet of lot frontage along the south and only 45 of the required 90 feet of lot frontage along the lake. The house has a nonconforming 72.8-foot shoreland setback and the deck has a nonconforming 62-foot shoreland setback. It has a Chanhassen Planning Commission – January 5, 2021 17 nonconforming 15.3-foot front yard setback on the east and at 15-foot nonconforming setback on the south. As a side note, the house does not meet the ordinance’s minimum size. No two-car garage is present and the parking pad that services the property is located in the city’s ROW. So quite a few nonconformities on the property. The applicant is proposing to expand the deck out from the east and west walls of the home out to the edge of the existing deck stairs. This would maintain the existing nonconforming lake setback. They are not proposing any new impervious surface. They’ve stated that the existing deck does not provide a usable outdoor area. The existing deck is right around 100 square feet. Surrounding properties have received variances to allow for updates and improvements. Other properties in the area have decks that are similarly sized to what they are proposing and the substandard lot size and existing home placement does not allow for any improvement to the property without a variance. Staff did our usual assessment. This is a very constrained parcel in an area where nearly every property is operating under a variance or has an existing nonconformity. The proposed deck expansion would be 300 feet, about 28x10 and then with another 16 feet or so for a stairway. This seems to be pretty reasonable given the size of decks and patios present on the surrounding properties. They aren’t proposing any new lot cover and all of the improvements are still set quite a bit back from the lake. Initially, the applicant had proposed having the stairs come off here, in red, which would have increased the setback, I’m sorry decreased the setback to the lake by approximately an additional five feet. Staff looked it over and didn’t see any reason to why the stairs couldn’t come off the side. We contacted the applicant and asked if they’d be amendable to relocating the stairs. They agreed so they will not be increasing the nonconformity. Regarding the east lot line setback, this is an extremely unique corner lot. The ROW of the road along the east terminates about half way down the property line and then becomes essentially a private drive serving five houses. It’s extremely low traffic. Where the deck would be would not be interfering with the road sight line. There is no property across the street that would have to look at it. It’s only four feet above grade. It’s open construction. In this unique instance, staff does not see any concern with granting a variance to allow that to go down to a 12-foot setback. So for these reasons, staff would recommend that the Planning Commission grant the variance to permit the deck’s expansion but require that the stairs be relocated to maintain the existing setback. I would be happy to answer questions you may have. Weick: Great, thank you, MacKenzie. Any questions for MacKenzie regarding this item? Von Oven: I guess just real quick. You said there are a bunch of other variances in the area, are they all basically the same, imposing on the setbacks of the lake, given that this is such a thin strip of land? Young-Walters: Yes, there are 16 of the properties within 500 feet have received variances and 25 different variances have been given to those. They run the gambit. There’s a lot of lot cover variances due to the small size of the lots; there’s quite a few front yard setback variances, I want to say 11 but I’m not checking my notes. I think I have that number in the staff report. Similar number of variances from the shoreland. Staffs’ general rule has been for the shoreland to try to hold properties to the extent of their existing nonconformity, so to not let them go closer to the Chanhassen Planning Commission – January 5, 2021 18 lake then the original house was built. I hope that answers your questions, if not I can look up the numbers quick for you. Von Oven: No that was perfect. Thank you. Skistad: MacKenzie, this is Laura. So if they move the stairs, there’s room to do that and still maintain the setback and it doesn’t run into another one of the setback? Young-Walters: Nope, great question. Because this is a corner lot, any of the setbacks that aren’t facing the street is reduced to a 10-foot. So if you look here, you’ll see there is a 20½-foot distance from the edge of the house to that lot line. Even assuming they went with a five- or six- foot wide stair which is wider than the typical four-foot you’d see, they’d still have 16 feet, I’m sorry, 14 feet on that side which would give them four fee to spare off that 10-foot side setback so should be plenty of room. Skistad: OK. Thank you. Weick: Thanks, everyone. I’m not sure if the applicant is on the line but if you are you are welcome to speak about this project. Simning: You guys get me again. Weick: Hey, alright! Simning: Todd Simning, this time representing Dave Melin and Adore Homes. Anyway, MacKenzie, we’ve been working through this for the last month or so and obviously, Dave and I are onboard to move the staircase over. Honestly, unless anybody has any other questions, we don’t have a whole lot to add to the conversation. Weick: OK, thank you. Any questions, from the commissioners? As has been noted, I don’t like the silence at all so just start talking randomly. Thank you very much. I think it’s pretty straight forward from the staff report and from what MacKenzie presented already. With that I would open the public hearing portion of this item. The call-in number is on your screen at 952-227- 1630. While people are dialing, did we have any email? Young-Walters: We received one email initially expressing concern about the potential for impervious surface to be added. Once it was explained that it was decking and would pervious, they were not concerned. That was the only contact we had. Weick: OK. Plus they are well under the lot cover, are they not? Young-Walters: They’re only at a little over 14%. Chanhassen Planning Commission – January 5, 2021 19 Weick: OK. Thank you. No one is here in Chambers with us today, I did not hear the telephone ring. With that I will close the public hearing portion of this item and open for commissioner comment, motion, and uncomfortable silence. Skistad: I’ll go ahead and make a motion unless I’m interrupting someone who wants to comment. Weick: Go ahead Commissioner Skistad. Skistad: OK. The Chanhassen Board of Appeals and Adjustment appeal 13-foot shoreline and 18-foot east front yard setback variances to replace and expand the deck subject to the Conditions of Approval and adopts the attached Findings of Facts and Decision. Weick: Thank you, Commissioner Skistad. We have a valid motion. Do we have a second? Noyes: Chairman, I’ll second. Commissioner Noyes. Weick: Thank you, Commissioner Noyes. Any final comment before we vote? With that I will conduct a roll call vote. Commissioner Randall? Randall: Aye. Weick: In favor. Commissioner McGonagill? McGonagill: Aye. Weick: Thank you. Commissioner Skistad? Skistad: Aye. Weick: Thank you. Commissioner Noyes? Noyes: Aye. Weick: Thank you. Commissioner Von Oven? Von Oven: Aye. Weick: Thank you and I also vote in favor. Skistad moved, Noyes seconded that the Chanhassen Board of Appeals and Adjustment approve the 13-foot shoreline and 18-foot east front yard setback variances to replace and Chanhassen Planning Commission – January 5, 2021 20 expand the deck subject to the Conditions of Approval and adopts the attached Findings of Facts and Decision. The motion passes unanimously with a vote of 6-0. Weick: Jumping, leaping over our ¾ hurdle. Thank you everybody and thank you, MacKenzie, for your presentation. PUBLIC HEARING: CONSIDER A REQUEST FOR AN INTERIM USE PERMIT TO OPERATE A GOLF DRIVING RANGE ON PROPERTY LOCATED AT 825 FLYING CLOUD DRIVE (GOLF ZONE) Young-Walter: This is Planning Case 2021-02 and the Chairman said, this is a request for an Interim Use Permit (IUP) resume operating a golf driving range on a property that is zoned Agricultural Estate. Because this is an IUP, it will go before the City Council on January 25, 2021 with the recommendation that the Planning Commission at this time. This is an overview of the site. As was mentioned, the present zoning is Agricultural Estate. The city’s 2040 Land Use Plan calls for the northern section that is outside of the flood plane to be guided for office use and the rest of it to be agriculture. The site is a little over 97 acres. Currently, it is not in use, however, it was a golf driving range from 1998 to 2018 and the applicant is essentially proposing to resume operations. They are not proposed any change or alteration to the site of expansion of facilities. A little bit of background. There are quite a few different case numbers associated with this. Site Plan 98-8, Interim Use Permit 98-2, Conditional Use Permit (CUP) 98-2 and Wetland Alteration Permit (WAP) 98-1. The verify brief background on those is that in July of 1998, the city approved the site plan and IUP, CUP and WAP to allow the initial driving range to begin operation. The next year, they amended that site plan to allow a second story to be constructed over the driving dens and then they also amended the City Code to allow the service 3.2% malt liquor on the site. In October 2006, the owner at that time requested a site plan amendment and variances to allow an 11,100-square foot additional to the site so they significantly expanded the club house and in 2018 then the driving range closed. Under our City Code, an IUP, if inactive for six months and is no longer valid which is why the new owner of the site is requesting a new IUP. The applicant’s proposal to resume operation of the golf driving range, as I noted earlier, they will be using the existing facilities. They are not proposing the construction of any new buildings, they’re not proposing any grading or alterations or expansion of the site. They will be conducting obviously, any needed repairs and maintenance to get the building up to Code and inviting and well-kept again, but they are proposing substantially the same business model and scope of operations that were present on the original golf driving range. This is a very interesting site and it has a lot of environmentally-sensitive features. I just pulled up a quick GIS map. These are all preserved-class wetlands and this is the Minnesota River floodplain. So as you can see, a portion of the driving range is within the floodplain but the building itself is out of the 100- year or 1% annual flood chance region and golf driving ranges are a permitted use within the floodplain under our City Code. Because they aren’t proposing any alterations within these areas; the driving range is well clear of the wetlands and it’s allowed in the floodplain and the buildings are clear, neither the Watershed District nor Department of Natural Resources (DNR) have Chanhassen Planning Commission – January 5, 2021 21 contacted us with any concerns about the resumption of activities nor does staff have significant concerns. When determining whether or not to grant an IUP, the City Code lists basically three standards that need to be met. I go through these point by point in the staff report, however, in summary Section 20-232’s goal is to just to ensure the use is not going to be detrimental to surrounding properties, that it won’t be detrimental to the environment, that it will not be detrimental to the city, and that it’s adequately served by infrastructure, so access and utilities. Staff believes that this proposal meets these standards. Section 20-322’s goal is to ensure that the use meets the zoning requirements, will not incur a public cost at a future date, and has an identifiable end date. A little segway, this section particularly deals with interim uses. Interim uses are different than pretty much any other use in the city in that they are by nature, temporary. They have a definite end date. So when the Planning Commission issues a CUP, that conditional use will endure in perpetuity. It doesn’t end as long as that use is maintained. In order to grant and IUP, we have to have a specific event that will cause the permit to close to allow the property to be used for a different in conformance with the future land use plan. In this case, that event would be the extension of city sewer and water service to the site, at which point, staff is proposing there would be a one-year grace period and then this permit would expire. The applicant has been made aware of this and staff believes that their proposal meets the requirements of the interim use ordinance. The final Section is 20-259 and that is the specific performance standards for a golf driving range that’s designed to prevent them from negatively impacting the surrounding properties. Again, the applicant’s proposing essentially the exact same scope of operations that were in place for 20 years. There were no issues with the previous operation and staff believes the use as proposed will not create issues and meets those standards as well. I would like to call out a couple of the conditions that will be imposed on this IUP. The first I got into a little earlier and that’s the IUP will terminate 12 months after municipal services are extended to the site. That’s required as part of issuing the IUP that there is a fixed end date. The site will be required to pass building, fire, and septic compliance inspections to ensure it’s safe to resume operations. The site will not be allowed to be altered beyond what was allowed in previous permits. They will need to restore the rain garden and meet the old site plan’s landscaping requirements. The driving range nets are required to protect the wetlands to prevent stray balls from flying off into them. If the applicant chooses to use pesticides and fertilizers, they will need to provide a plan to the city and chemicals cannot be stored in the floodplain. Obviously, there is a lot of environmental impacts that can happen if that condition was not in place. And if they do for any reason decide to expand or alter the site or it’s grading, they must receive the appropriate permits from the relevant agencies. With that, I would be happy answer any questions you may have. Weick: Thanks, MacKenzie. I actually have one question. Has anyone from the city or environmental department or parks I guess, gone out and looked at the site since it closed? Young-Walters: Yep. Myself, Jill Sinclair the Environmental Resources Coordinator, and Matt Unmacht the Water Resources Specialist. All three of walked the site and did an evaluation. That’s part of how we determine that the landscaping was deficient and would need to be Chanhassen Planning Commission – January 5, 2021 22 brought up to Code and that the rain garden wasn’t in place. We also looked around for golf balls to see if there were any still lying around and couldn’t find any. We did do a site visit. Weick: And I assume, especially Jill Sinclair, would have noted, what I’m thinking specifically about is, the only thing I can think of with a golf driving range is retrieving the golf balls. You’re using some type of machine which over the years, if you use is it when the ground’s really wet, you could mess up the ground. I would assume she would have seen something had it been present, some damage, or.. Young-Walters: I would defer to Matt on that. I believe he observed where he felt the wetlands started with relation to the driving range and might be able to comment on if he felt there was any concern with that. Matt, are you on the call? Unmacht: Yes, can everyone hear me? Weick/Others: Yes, barely. Unmacht: We stopped out a few weeks again, MacKenzie, Jill and myself and I don’t have any concerns about any sort of machinery, specifically with regards to the wetlands. The wetland boundary is located well off where most people are capable of hitting the golf ball. I would hope so. I’m not too concerned about any use of machinery that’s going to impact the wetlands. I didn’t notice any sort of residual ground impacts or vegetative impacts outside of the wetland area sort of where these machines would normally operate. MacKenzie, maybe you did, but I didn’t notice anything that called to my attention, that “hey this is going to be really impactful to this area”. Long answer to I would say I’m not concerned about it. Weick: Great and that’s exactly what I was wondering about. Any other questions from fellow commissioners? Great. That was a thorough report, MacKenzie. With that, if the applicant is on the line, you are welcome to tell us a little bit about your project. Brian Colvin: Absolutely. Thank you, MacKenzie. Thank you, everyone. My wife, Keri, and I are very excited to reopen the Golf Zone for the community. We want to bring a positive environment to the surrounding families, surrounding communities, all the local schools, and then the instructors that have been coming out there for years just to instruct students and adults and teach the game of golf. As far as the driving range comment about the wetlands, the ball pickers are staying the right vicinity of the driving range and I think where the balls go are roughly anywhere from 50 to 100 yards or more before the wetlands so we don’t even come to the wetlands with the ball picker or any machinery of any type. Weick: Great. Thank you for that explanation. Any questions for the applicant from the commissioners? Well, thank you again for taking the time… Chanhassen Planning Commission – January 5, 2021 23 Brian Colvin: I did also, can I mention one other thing? As far as the inspection, we do already have lined up later this week, we have a licensed HVAC service will be coming out this Thursday and Friday to go through all of the heating and ventilation and they’re going to go through everything and make sure everything is up to par and up to Code and then next week we also have a licensed electrician who will be doing the same and then after that we will be following up the fire marshal and city inspection to have them come out and give us a punch list if there any and if there is, we will take care of that in an ample amount of time. Weick: Fantastic. Thank you for taking the time to meet with us this evening. Brian Colvin: Thank you. Weick: Ya. With that and hearing no questions from commissioners, I will open the public hearing portion of tonight’s item. The telephone number is on your screen, 952-227-1630. Did we receive any email? Young-Walters: No. Weick: No email correspondence on this one. There is no one in Chambers to make comment and I do not believe the phone is ringing. Young-Walters: It is not. Weick: Fair enough. With that I will close the public hearing portion of tonight’s item and open for commission comments and we’ll get the motion up there on the screen as well. I can speak for myself to say that do miss having Golf Zone and… Brian Colvin: Thank you and with that being said, I’ve heard that more times than none in the last couple months. For example, I had the UPS driving show up to my personal house the other day and thank me for trying to open it back up. Weick: That’s awesome. Those are good stories. Brian Colvin: [Laughter] We’re very excited. Skistad: This is Commissioner Skistad. I’ll go ahead and make a motion. Weick: Thanks. Skistad: The Chanhassen Planning Commission recommends approval of an Interim Use Permit for a golf driving range subject to the Conditions of Approval and adopts the attached Findings of Fact and Recommendation. Weick: Thank you, Commissioner Skistad. We have a valid motion. Do we have a second? Chanhassen Planning Commission – January 5, 2021 24 Von Oven: I’ll second. Weick: We have a second from Commissioner Von Oven. Any final Commission comments? McGonagill: The only question I have, Chairman, is why would anybody want to play golf? OK I just wanted to go there with that. So no, I have no questions. [Laughter] Weick: Man, that’s on the record now. Von Oven: Because at the new Golf Zone, they have a promotion where you can hit your ball to Shakopee. McGonagill: Oh there you go. I heard the deal about lessons so I think I’m probably in good shape to go there. Keri Colvin: You can come to the putt putt. McGonagill: There you go. That’s my game. Weick: Alright. We will do a roll call vote and I will start with you Commissioner McGonagill. McGonagill: Aye. Weick: In favor. Commissioner Von Oven? Von Oven? Aye. Weick: In favor. Commissioner Skistad? Skistad: Aye. Weick: In favor. Commissioner Noyes? Noyes: Aye. Weick: In favor. And Commissioner Randall? Randall: Aye. Weick: In favor. I also vote in favor. The motion passes unanimously 6-0 and I wish the applicant all the luck in the world with the new business. Chanhassen Planning Commission – January 5, 2021 25 Skistad moved, Von Oven seconded that the Chanhassen Planning Commission recommends approval of an Interim Use Permit for a golf driving range subject to the Conditions of Approval and adopts the attached Findings of Fact and Recommendation. The motion passes unanimously with a vote of 6-0. Brian Colvin: Thank you, Commissioner. Weick: With that, we’re 3/5 of the way through tonight’s items. PUBLIC HEARING: CONSIDER A REQUEST FOR AN INTERIM USE PERMIT FOR EXCAVATION OF EXISTING WETLAND ALONG WITH EXCAVATED BORROW BEING PLACED ON A LOCATION WITHIN THE PARCEL Weick: I don’t have the address of the item. Generous: There’s no address, unfortunately. Weick: Okay. That’s why I don’t have an address then. Generous: It’s three PIDs. Weick: Great. With that, I will hand it over to Mr. Generous for the staff report. Generous: Thank you, Chairman. McGonagill: Mr. Chairman? Before you get into it I’m going to have to recuse myself from this because I know the applicants. Weick: Okay. Thank you, Commissioner McGonagill. Commissioner McGonagill has recused himself. McGonagill: I did want to thank staff for the report. It’s a fairly simple thing but they went through a lot of detail. I just want to tell you, Bob, you did a nice job, so thank you. Generous: You can thank the engineers for that one. Weick: Just for the record, we do have a quorum with the remaining five commissioners. Generous: Planning Case 2021-03, Black Cherry Development is the applicant. The public hearing is tonight. This goes to the City Council on January 25. They’re requesting an interim use permit for the excavation of an existing wetland along with the excavated borrow being relocated onto the property and stored. There’s no address for this so it’s hard to explain. It’s Chanhassen Planning Commission – January 5, 2021 26 west of Great Plains Boulevard and east of Eagle Ridge Road. There’s three properties that are actually involved in this. The big one, the property is zoned Agricultural Estate District (A2), and it’s guided for residential low density development. We will see the rest of the site developing sometime in the future except for the city portion which is permanent open space and part of a trail connection out to Highway 101. The existing site, again, consists of three parcels. Outlot E, Foxwood Subdivision is a city-owned property. It is 1.66 acres. It’s this little piece on the corner. Outlot A, Butternut Ridge is 113 acres of property that runs all the way out to Powers Boulevard and includes the majority of the site, and 9197 Eagle Ridge Road which is the property to the north. It actually accesses via a private street off of Eagle Ridge Road. There is one single-family home on it. The applicant purchased that property recently. We are a co-applicant. There’s some trees up in this portion of the wetland that the City is requiring to be preserved and taken out of excavation plans. There are two large wetlands within this area. This one is a reed canary grass. They are proposing to excavate it to turn it into an open water type wetland. There’s a second wetland down to the south. There’s some open water but then there’s a lot of reed canary grass and more natural features around it. The existing farmstead is part of the Butternut Ridge Development. It is located here approximately 2.5 acres. The rest of the Butternut Ridge Development is outlots. There is a state-owned and maintained stormwater pond that was built in conjunction with the Trunk Highway 101 upgrade that went to four lanes. This is the wetland that they are looking at doing the excavation in and then I’ll be turning this over to Matt. Originally, we thought there would be a wetland permit included in it but it’s not. Matt will go through that. Unmacht: This summer the applicant came in with a wetland delineation to delineate the whole site, both that Wetland 2 that you see on that photo there along with the larger wetland that Bob mentioned, and then actually there is some more wetlands on the site. They just delineated the entire site. That was approved in July of 2020. On November 19, 2020 the applicant came in with what’s called a no-loss application. That’s submitted through the Wetland Conservation Act process. Basically, a no-loss is applicant coming in and saying these activities won’t result in any loss of wetland function or value. Because the excavation is only proposed in wetland types of 1, 2, and 6, the Wetland Conservation Act doesn’t even regulate these types of activities so it wouldn’t regulate excavation and wetland types 1, 2, and 6. That key there on the bottom isn’t super clear but you can see the pink area Type 3, that area. That area is not allowed to be excavated. That’s Type 3. That is regulated by WCA and would need wetland replacement if it was going to be excavated, so the excavation will not be happening I that area there. Like I said, as long as the excavation is limited to wetland types 1, 2, and 6 and does not exceed 6.5 feet in depth, the project is not regulated by WCA so the technical evaluation panel for the Wetland Conservation Act met about this as well. They concurred with the determination that a no-loss can be issued for this project. That was issued on December 22, 2020. Relatedly, to the wetland alteration permit, originally we thought a wetland alteration permit would be necessary in this case, but after talking with the City Attorney, because a no-loss determination was issued there’s a section in our code that reads that activities exempted by Minnesota Rules, Chapter 8420.0122, which is the wetland conservation act, or determined to result in no net loss of wetland, shall be Chanhassen Planning Commission – January 5, 2021 27 exempted from the provisions of the article. They don’t need a wetland alteration permit for this work, is kind of the summary. With that, I will turn it over to Erik. Henricksen: Thanks again, Mr. Chair and Commissioners. Looking at the grading plan or this wetland dredging I would call it to create that, as Bob mentioned, an open-water feature, the applicant has expressed that this is desirable for mainly visual aesthetics of the wetland, having that open water rather than the canary reed grass. The work entailed would result in approximately 21,000 cubic yards of material being excavated from the wetland. With an interim use permit for earthwork, if you go over the threshold of 1,000 cubic yards you do need an interim use permit. That’s why we are here today looking at this. The plan, as Matt indicated, is to work around that Classification 3 wetland so there dealing with the no-loss area. They are looking to complete and do the work during winter conditions. It’s fairly similar to what the City does when we do stormwater pond cleanouts. We want kind of the frozen conditions for access and it limits dewatering, it’s just more feasible at that time. They aren’t proposing any increase or decrease in the footprint of the wetland. Hence, the no-loss excavation is adjacent to an existing neighborhood which was briefly touched on. Foxwood Development abuts this wetland and where the work is going to be conducted so staff recommended the condition that the hours of operation align with your major land development or subdivision buildout, which is essentially 7-6 Monday through Friday, Saturday is 9-5, and no work on Sundays or holidays, to be consistent with this type of work. The land disturbance does exceed one acre so the applicant will be required to get the MPCA’s general construction permit on this where they will involve the SWPPP, which one was provided. There are some minor updates that staff is recommending that be approved as a condition that the applicant’s engineer and applicant work with staff to kind of shore up some loose ends…erosion control. Just real quick, I guess we have the plan up. You can see on the plan view the extent of the footprint but below that is the actual cross section. From the plan view you can see the arrows that are indicating the cross section extends, yup right there. BB. The idea is I think they want to create essentially a three to four-foot deep open water feature wetland. This is kind of a more holistic look of the overall plan. We were looking at the north section that’s highlighted in green here, that’s the excavation area. The proposed plan as provided shows a haul route as indicated as Bob is highlighting. Thank you for that. Then a stockpile area down to the south. All of this contained within the applicant’s property so they are not hauling anything off site. Staff would have recommended an alternative route. The only reason is because the applicant and the property owner in entering into pre-application meetings for a potential future subdivision in the area, staff would have recommended rather than taking the route shown which right now ghost platted as backlots kind of go a little more to the west and through where the area would have been developed. That’s where roads would be constructed, building pads, that kind of thing. Trees would have cleared in that area. Streets would have been compacted and all that kind of stuff so it wouldn’t of minimized the impact overall to the site. However, there was some pre-clearing by the applicant prior to us receiving the application so the haul route is kind of already cleared so in essence, staff can approve it but it will just add a couple more conditions which I will discuss at the next slide. Additionally, with the pre-clearing of the trail there were some spoils from that. Essentially trees, trunks, limbs and stuff like that that were actually placed in Wetland 3. That’s that larger wetland to the south. A part of this IUP Chanhassen Planning Commission – January 5, 2021 28 we are going to want to see that the plan is updated to remove those trees from the wetland on to alongside of the wetland. The proposed haul route as you can see is adjacent to wetlands. There is a haul route section located at the bottom of the slide where they do show, they’re thinking about where future buffers are going to be. Their putting in BMPs getting away from the wetland which is good but there’s certain, like I had mentioned, amendments to the erosion control plan we are going to see when you are next to a wetland or a water feature or any kind of water body the State, we need to see double row of BMPs, essentially two silt fence separated by five feet. That’s actually a requirement also in the general construction permit which, once we receive the updated plans, we have a robust review process to ensure every part of that permit is adhered to. Lastly, the location of the stockpile. It is on the applicant’s property; however, because the area is proposed to be subdivided and there is potential for public streets to be located in the area, housing pads, things of that nature, and coupled with the idea that you’re dredging out a wetland which has hydric soils or really organic finds and basically soils that are typically not suitable for engineering fill or any kind of structural foundation. We’re requesting the condition that prior to the stockpile being placed and afterwards it be surveyed so we can delineate the extents of this kind of, we’ll call it topsoil muck peat. Just so we know where its location is so that way in the future if roads are extended and we can account for that for any kind of public utilities or transportation that goes through that area. That was brought up to the applicant and their engineer and they found that to be acceptable knowing what kind of material is at the bottom of a wetland. Here are some images from a site visit that was conducted by our Environmental Specialist, Bob, and myself. It was found that there was some, with the pre-clearing of the haul route, some of the pre-clearing extended into wetland buffer area along with the haul route area so these pre-cleared areas will be required to be incorporated into a restoration plan in association with this IUP. It’s kind of outlined in the staff report for environmental review and listed out as conditions in the environmental review as well. Essentially, we can kind of get everything restored…on the applicant. With that, I can turn it back to you, Bob. Generous: And with that, staff is recommending approval of the interim use permit subject to the conditions in our staff report as well as adoption of the findings of fact and recommendation. With that, we would be happy to answer any questions you have. Weick: Great. Thanks, everyone involved in that report. Very thorough. I do have a question. It probably could be answered by the applicants as well, but there is a version of it that I think maybe you guys can address. Since this isn’t, the reason for this is an aesthetic, to create I assume some kind of pleasing pond look, is there any portion of this that the applicant is requesting any type of devices or anything to maintain that look? The reason I ask is that the City did something pretty similar in our neighborhood and it was pretty for about two months and then all the same weeds grow right back, right? It ends up looking just like it did before. I guess my question is there, is this, do they have the opportunity to continue to dredge it in the future? To maintain the look? Have they asked to put pumps in or anything to maintain any kind of aesthetic for this? Or is this just a simple dredge? Chanhassen Planning Commission – January 5, 2021 29 Henricksen: As currently proposed on the plans there were no other kind of novel proprietary devices like aerators or pumps or anything like that that we saw so essentially this is a dredge. Getting rid of the canary grass. Create that depth in the pond to have that open water feature. I know that on the plans they are working with environmental scientists and wetland specialists as well so overall I think the short answer, there weren’t anything that we saw on the plans that would indicate… Weick: Okay. That’s the only question I had. I would open to fellow Commissioners comments or questions for staff. Noyes: Mr. Chairman? I do have a question for staff. One of the attached artifacts was the letter from Terry Jeffery of the Watershed District. If you go through his letter, basically you get to the end it seems like he’s against this mostly due to some loss unrelated to the plant communities and some of the diversities associated with that plant community. How is that factored into this? Is it relevant? How are we responding to that letter that was dated December 23? I think the timing is relevant so I would love to hear from planners on how we factor this in. Generous: I think Matt would be the best person to respond to this one. Unmacht: Yes. Terry’s letter certainly brings up some valid points and they are items that were discussed in the Wetland Conservation Act process when the technical evaluation panel met. I’m just not sure what the extent of the City’s ability to necessarily mitigate against some of his concerns were. We certainly weighed the possibility of some of the concerns he brought up, but ultimately, given that it’s not governed by the Wetland Conservation Act and a wetland alteration permit is not needed, we did not end of necessarily including some of those concerns in our final review. Generous: If I may, there was one condition, at least on the city-owned property, that the wooded wetland area be preserved and not graded out and dredged out. We did encourage on some of the other locations on the property so they could reevaluate that and see if they would to preserve more of that wooded wetland type to provide that wildlife habitat diversity. Weick: Does that help you out, Commissioner Noyes or did you have a follow-up on that? Noyes: No, I think it helps me out. I’m not sure that I’m in agreement with it given what the intent of this whole project is. It’s more aesthetic than anything but it does help answer my question so thank you. Von Oven: I’m pretty unfamiliar with this type of project. I think one of the things that surprised me is, this will result in a question, the pre-clearing. Is that normal in this kind of a project or did the applicant jump the gun? It seems like there is a whole lot of sort of mistakes that were made that now need to be fixed. Is that a normal thing or was this just a wait, you’ve gone too far? Chanhassen Planning Commission – January 5, 2021 30 Henriksen: I guess I’m not familiar with when this project was thought of to dredge and all of that. All I know is that whenever we get a development application review it’s always beneficial for staff to go and take a look at the property and the plan and just to get a sense of kind of the surroundings and get an idea. I mean you can look at plans and you can glean so much from them, but when you’re actually on the ground it can really help. We wanted to take a look at the proposed haul route just to see, you know, it’s feasibility with slope, sensitive areas and that kind of stuff. It was only at that time that I was aware and I think all the staff that went out there that it was pre-cleared. I don’t know if there were discussions at any point previously with staff. I know I wasn’t apprised of those meetings so it really was kind of the property owner’s purview to remove trees from their property essentially albeit… Again, their property, their purview. That’s kind of how staff reacted or evaluated based on the plans provided with the conditions for restoration of the areas and making right what environmentally we see as kind of future land use based on these ghost plats and whatnot. I know Jill Sinclair, our Environmental Specialist, took a great look at that and kind of conditioned as such to kind of remediate some… Von Oven: Great. Thank you. Weick: Any other questions for staff on this one? Hearing none, I would invite the applicant if they are on the line to join us and maybe either answer some of the questions that you heard or just tell us about the project. Tim Erhart: One of the applicants, Dan Blake, is on the line with us here. He’s a partner in Black Cherry and doing the engineering work for our effort here. Thank you, Chairman for the opportunity. I feel like I’m becoming a regular on the Planning Commission agenda now. I also want to thank Bob, Matt and Erik for their work to get us to this point. We’re very excited about it. Something that I’ve been, being the property owner all this here. It’s been something that I’ve had a vision for many years. Obviously, there’s one big question that needs to be answered. Why are we doing this? If I could have a little patience and kind of go back a little bit of history here. Some 20 years ago, I purchased this property in 1980 and sometime after that the City saw fit to purchase the land just north of my property which was owned by Frank Fox. It was a unique area of old growth woods and very steep hills and they wanted to preserve that for future generations for a park. That project is online today. It’s called Foxwoods Preserve. It’s got some really nice trails in there and a lot people from the Foxwoods Development use it as well as other people that park over on my property on Powers Boulevard walk the area. Our vision for this area was expanded when the freeway was built from the original 40 acres to 75 acres as more land was added to the north. Our vision is to add another 25 acres to the east including this pond, this basin we are talking about, and all the other ponds that Bob had referred to, ultimately bringing Foxwoods to approximately 100 acres of wilderness and ponds and trails. The goal initially and first of all is to protect the old growth forest that sits in these areas. Also to, there is a number of wetland basins either in it or adjacent to it on my property that have either been restored into open water wetlands and there’s another four or five if we can expand the park to 100 acres to be added to it. As you can see from this map there is a whole area of environmental resource for Chanhassen citizens to use including 8 or 9 wetlands ultimately, old growth forest and a lot of Chanhassen Planning Commission – January 5, 2021 31 trails. Another goal was to again reestablish some of these wetlands back to pre-ag conditions. I’ll get into that next. What’s the history of the basin we’re talking about here, or all the basins in the entire I would metropolitan area of the Twin Cities. Back in the 1800s as settlement was occurring in the area, the wetland level was established by deep beaver dams throughout the state. When settlements occurred, these beaver dams were destroyed or cut, dredged, and the basins drained for cutting hay for winter food for the cattle that they were starting to grow herds of that in their farms. During the 1900s as the woods were cleared and hearty alfalfa was introduced, the hay that was taken from these basins was then replaced with alfalfa for winter food and the basins were left empty because nobody restore the beaver dikes and the beavers didn’t come back. What we find is literally tens of thousands of these basins around that have been degraded and basically are grass. What we are trying to do here is to restore this basin as well as the other ones here to pre-ag conditions. That’s one of the objectives of that. To do that, we have to, our proposal is to, and what we have done in the past, is excavate. Well, either replace the beaver dam which we have in some of these basins. In this case it’s not practical because the elevations is already controlled by the state’s new settling pond so he only option here is to excavate this one. To answer your question, Mr. Chairman, to avoid regrowth of simple more weeds, you have to excavate somewhere between four and six feet deep. Then you will have a very long-term open water pond. If you look at that pond in the west area, Bob can you point that out? We excavated that in 1988 to approximately five feet deep and it has remained open the entire time so that’s some over 30 years. That’s what we’re trying to do here. The goal is to accomplish that by dredging it to that depth. By doing so, we will attempt to create resting and nesting areas for waterfowl and marine animals like muskrats, otters, beavers and so forth. We want to create, if we’re looking at the 100-acre park, is that this becomes a dramatic entrance from anybody coming on the trail from Bandimere Park area on 101 going west into Foxwoods Preserve. Rather than just viewing a degraded bottom basin of reed canary grass, now you can see open water with ducks, geese, swans, and so forth. A second goal of all this was to create, the applicant made a complete a trail system from Bandimere Park. The trail system that envisioned for Foxwoods Preserve and by doing this is to make everything connected. We also want to allow a future paved bike trail system from 101 to Powers Boulevard through my property when it develops which will be very, very pleasurable for people who want to use their bikes, but primarily the trails that are in the park today are nature trails, wood chipped and so forth. What we envision now is basically wood chip trails until the hill area is developed which we can then upgrade to bike trails. We want to improve the aesthetics of the Foxwood Development itself by creating more open water. There’s one nice pond on the south end of the Foxwood Development that we created going back 25 years ago and in this case, we were able to reestablish the beaver dike by putting a culvert there and rebuilding the surface of that. Adding a second pond will increase the nice view from Eagle Ridge Road as you drive through. It will also improve the views from 101, people driving up and down 101. We want to eliminate invasive and undesirable woody plants and materials from the basin including buckthorn, box elders, unstable laying trees and numerous dead trees and branches which now kind of encompass the basin. It’s basically a jumble mumble of nests of reed canary grass and a lot of dead weedy stuff. Part of that we want to identify, mark and preserve high-value trees such as oaks, maples, basswoods, hackberry, elms, ash and black cherry to allow the eventual domination of these old-growth species in this Chanhassen Planning Commission – January 5, 2021 32 entire 100-acre park. We have that in the western part today. Our vision would be to get that over the entire park eventually. The only way to do that is to eliminate undesirable species to allow desirable species to take root and flourish. Actions we’ve taken to date so far is that, as Matt has said, we’ve delineated the wetland boundaries, we’ve worked with the city to try to identify the ponding area where the excavation is which Bob showed you. We’ve marked all the wetland buffer areas where the clearing was to occur. We identified and marked valuable trees in the haul road area. We cleared undesirable trees and underbrush allowing us to see where we can put the final road. Trees that were marked as desirable species were not removed and you can see them in the pictures. They still remain. There is a tremendous amount of trees still in this area but now it’s cleared of all the underbrush. You literally could not walk through this area prior to us clearing this out. Now we can kind of see where we can put the haul road which will have minimum impact on these nice trees that are remaining. Again, what’s remaining are all species that can eventually turn into a big woods growth forest. To get the trail route through we had a very large obstacle in the previous owner of that property on 101 to the north there was owned by Blanski and he wasn’t in a position to allow the City to finish the trail from 101 west. It turns out Mr. Blanski was moving so we purchased that property so we could remove that obstacle from our project here and now I believe next week Dan and Jill and Matt and maybe Erik will be going out and try to locate where that trail is going to so. That’s action items that are continuing. The last is that we, in the staff report there is a number of issues that quite frankly because of the timing of this and that this excavation has to be done by the end of February because it has to be done while it’s all frozen. Moving along we haven’t really had the time to have a meeting with Bob and the other staff people to kind of work through these issues and some of the requirements so that’s why it’s a little, might be a little bit confusing at this point. We are looking forward to that. I believe that’s been scheduled for next week. With that, I open it up to any questions you might have. Weick: Thank you, and thank you for offering the history of the area. It’s a beautiful area. Any questions for the applicant from my fellow Commissioners? And thank you for answering the question about regrowth. Erhart: I love to give that answer. Weick: That helped, thanks. Von Oven: Mr. Erhart, thanks for being here. I have one simple question. It’s going to sound strange but are you building a park? Erhart: You know I was on the Planning Commission a few years ago and I’ve been involved with the City and Todd Hoffman and Jerry and I think we’ve all been building this park since 1980. I see it as a community effort. I play one little small role in it but I think in the end we’re going to have just a beautiful asset for the community for hundreds of years. Chanhassen Planning Commission – January 5, 2021 33 Von Oven: Is this the end state when this wetland has been dredged and it looks like the one on the left. That was super helpful by the way because I heard Commissioner Weick’s question. I got to clear weeds from my property every year. I can’t imagine that’s going to stay but that’s cool. What’s the next step beyond this dredging? Once it looks this way and you’ve got the trail from Bandimere, is the vision now complete? Or are there more steps that, I’m not putting all the pieces together. Erhart: I’ve kind of declared my vision for it. Maybe we should hear from the City. We’ve been working together on this. Maybe they have some more input on this something. Bob or Kate? Do you have something you might add? Aanenson: I’m not sure there’s a question in there. Von Oven: I think Mr. Erhart actually just answered the question which is once this is done, he’s done. Is that fair to say? Aanenson: I think as Bob indicated already the next step is that he’s going to come in for another phase of development so in order to plat the lots around this, this is kind of the first phase which he needs to do in a timely manner as he state while the ground is still frozen. It’s just kind of sequencing things so he can move forward with the next phase, the development on his property. Erhart: You can see on this map here there’s a small development that we’re talking to the City about right now to take advantage some of the existing infrastructure and it would be in this area. I guess that’s probably why we initiated this action at this time. If that’s what you mean by next step yeah, we’re working on that and I think that’s very exciting. Aanenson: I didn’t know if that, I thought we talked about that that was your intent so yeah. Erhart: Yeah. Aanenson: That this was the sequence to making that happen. Von Oven: Super helpful. That clears it up for me. Thank you. Weick: Isn’t the area to the north of the proposed trail developed? Aanenson: That’s Foxwood. Weick: So we’re taking about the area, the light green to the south… Aanenson: Correct. Weick: Which is not yet developed but could be. Chanhassen Planning Commission – January 5, 2021 34 Aanenson: Yes. Generous: And the rest of the… Weick: Right. Sure. Aanenson: One of the things that we did ask Mr. Erhart to do as planners. We always like to see ahead so you don’t, so we asked him to show how the road would connection because that’s in our comprehensive plan to just layout that out. You can see the existing roads that are off of Pioneer Road which is the Homestead area. That’s a large lot subdivision and then you’ve got the other subdivision that has the horse property that would be coming off of 101. So this shows the existing streets but it was always contemplated that this road coming off from the north off of Foxwoods would eventually tie down where we will have a future lift station and the potential. I know Mr. Erhart has talked about a trail head there that would connect into that trail. Doing this wetland kind of lays the groundwork to move to the next step of platting additional property up there. I believe I stated that correctly, Mr. Erhart. Didn’t I? Erhart: Yeah. I think ultimately on this map the slanted areas, I don’t know what would you call that area there. That’s what we envisioned to be ultimately part of Foxwoods Preserve and that’s as the land is developed. Weick: Does that help you out, Commissioner von Oven? Von Oven: It does. Thank you very much. Erhart: I also want to point out there’s no particular schedule for developing this land either so don’t have the expectation that somehow during the next 12-24 months that all of sudden this is all going to be developed. That’s not the vision today. We just happen to have this area up here that lends itself to be what I am calling a Foxwood addition because it’s there and the lift station and water in the area. If we can use that then we can do that now and get some more people in there. It’s a very nice development. Nice homes. Another asset to the community and we will do that and if we can’t use those assets then we won’t do that at this point. Weick: Mr. Erhart, I do have a follow-up question. Commissioner Noyes mentioned the letter that we received from Riley Purgatory Bluff Creek and I just wanted to give you an opportunity to sort of give us your perception of sort of a before and after of that area. I think their concern was that there’s a little bit of diversity there, albeit maybe it’s not the most aesthetically pleasing but there is some diversity to the sort of wildlife plant community there and be taking all of that out it sort of makes it a single type of area. Could you give us your perspective of sort of the before and after of what this area will mean? Erhart: Sure. I worked with Terry. Actually in some of the construction of these ponds we had a great time. I appreciate his love and passion for the outdoors as much as I have. I think Terry is Chanhassen Planning Commission – January 5, 2021 35 the kind of a guy that’s kind of a show me kind of a guy. I’m going to express my ideas and show me how you are going to fix it. I think in this case here I don’t know exactly how much open water. If you take the whole 100-acre park in the future, I don’t know how many acres of water we might have there, but let’s say it’s 25%. The rest of it will all be, will either be a big area of cattails out by 101 and the rest will be wooded. I think all combined with the open water, the wetlands, the cattails, old growth forest, I think it offers a tremendous diversity for wildlife in this area. Even today, I’ve got guys that hunt deer with bow and arrow on my property and I get my share of them. I’ve got a freezer full of venison right now. It’s a great wildlife area. And they all have to drink water. Weick: That’s fair. Thank you. Any other questions or comments from the Commissioners for Mr. Erhart at this time? Well, thank you and again, thank you. I know we all appreciate the history that you bring and the passion that you bring for this area. I certainly appreciate it as a citizen, a resident of Chanhassen. With that, I will open the public hearing portion of tonight’s item. Generous: No emails were received regarding this project. I did have two or three calls of people who saw the development sign and asked what was going and when I told them that it was a creation of an open water wetland they said oh, that’s very nice. Weick: Okay. Erhart: If I can point out there, we did meet, Dan did meet with the neighbors there. There are five different homes that are directly adjacent to the water and he basically gave them a tour and explanation of what we were trying to do so that occurred about a week ago. Weick: Great. Thank you. Again, there’s no one present in chambers this evening and no one has called in so with that I will close the public hearing portion of this item and open for Commissioner discussion and consideration of a motion that will pop on the screen here shortly. I will say that for myself, Commissioner Noyes you sort of hit on something that I noticed and I’ve worked with Terry in the past as part of this commission and have grown to respect his opinion quite a bit so when I read his letter I was a little concerned, to be honest. Because he seemed to have a pretty strong opinion about disturbing that area and I think it’s really just a question of, and again I’m not an environmental specialist, it sort of as it is now I’m sure there are certain flora and fauna and animals that thrive in sort of that environment and the way it is going to be in the future it will certainly allow a different additional type of flora and fauna and animal to thrive in that area. To me, it’s a question of what is it that we want that area to look like because I think you could argue whether it’s truly detrimental to the area pretty convincingly on either side, at least from what I’ve heard. I’d love to hear, Commissioner Noyes, if you had any further follow up or opinion on that. Noyes: I agree with you. I just wanted to make sure that that opinion was being factored into this. I think the applicant’s explanation of what’s going on helped give me a better appreciation for Chanhassen Planning Commission – January 5, 2021 36 what’s being disturbed and what it’s going to look like in the future so I have a better feeling for it now. I appreciate the follow up. Weick: Okay. Cool. Dan Blake: Mr. Commissioner, if I may interject? This is Dan Blake. Tim’s partner at Black Cherry. Weick: Sure. Blake: For whatever it’s worth, we still need a watershed permit so we will be going before Terry and the Watershed board with basically the same application so they’ll get their say and we’ll have to convince the... Weick: Well I’m glad you spoke up. That is helpful information. Thank you. Other comments? Von Oven: This is a tough one. I started off with my question earlier with this is the first time I’ve seen this kind of project come through. The transparent thought when I read this a few days ago when I saw allow excavation wetland and I thought, wait a minute. My whole time on the Planning Commission has been all about protecting wetlands but they’re going to dig one up. So that doesn’t feel right and Terry’s letter didn’t help with that, just to be perfectly honest. On the other hand, there’s a lot of good here. It is quite the site in terms of a park, next to a park and the walking trails and all of that and obviously having more of that in Chanhassen and combined with the ability for some development in there that will overlook a nice pond versus what it is today. It doesn’t help me make the case either way. I’m dying to hear from other commissioners to see how they’re feeling about this because I honestly feel like I can be swayed right now. The other comment I’ll make is whoever that was that just spoke. Mr. Blake. Mr. Blake, that was a very helpful comment because you’re right. The people who help us with the wetlands, somebody help me here. Weick: The Riley Purgatory Creek? Von Oven: Thank you. Bluff Creek. Yes, that is comforting to know that there is still a decision to be made on that side of the argument. Commissioner Skistad looks like she wants to say something. Skistad: Actually, I don’t on this one. I listened through all of it and I’ve sat through a lot of wetland conversations in the past and I’ve walked through many of ours now and this one makes sense to me, surprisingly. It didn’t at first but with the explanation I’ve feel comfortable with what’s happening here. Von Oven: Can I ask you what makes it make sense to you? Chanhassen Planning Commission – January 5, 2021 37 Skistad: Well I think going back to the original wetlands instead of just a wetter area…this is to me more of an actual wetland which is a little bit deeper with the reeds on the outside. If I look at over by the Chanhassen High School area, what that has become now versus what it was when they did more of the restoration there. I feel like this is more of a restoration project to what it originally should be versus what it currently is. Von Oven: Cool. Thank you. Weick: Commissioner Von Oven, you just said something that made me realize I can’ see anybody. You can see all the people in the squares and you know when they’re thinking and ready to talk. I just want to for the record state that I’m completely blind here. I cannot see anybody so when you shake your head or look like you’re about to speak I don’t know that. Does that help at all with my own comfortableness? Von Oven: It does. And also for the record because we can see each other doesn’t mean that we have developed some language that we can speak to each other. Weick: Which would not be appropriate. Von Oven: Which would not be appropriate. Noyes: Chairman, it sounds like you’re both blind and jealous tonight. Weick: Yes, yes. Thank you so much. I wish we were all together, then we wouldn’t have to worry about any of this. I can see you. Skistad: You need another screen I guess. Weick: I definitely digress and I apologize for that. Back to this item at hand. Really good thought behind this and I really do appreciate as I share a lot of the same questions and this is a good one. A good discussion, that is. Skistad: I’ve seen like the ducks come back and a lot of the wildlife that you would expect and the wetlands to come back over behind the Chanhassen High School area? That was something I really noticed living in that area and walking through it for so many years after they, I don’t even remember exactly what they did, but they basically in my mind did the same thing and dug it out and repopulated it with plants that fit the area. There’s definitely still the reed areas are still there because they are around the outside of it. It just now can house more wildlife than it did before. So I guess I’ll just go ahead and make a motion. Weick: I will second the motion. We have a motion and second. Any comment before we vote? I’ll jump in again and only to say that there was some question raised regarding the pre-clearing of the haul route and I would only point out for the record in the recommendation under Chanhassen Planning Commission – January 5, 2021 38 environmental resources, there’s point number three and there’s point number seven and both of those very specifically lay out recommendations from our environmental resources group about a restoration plan around the haul route as well as the buffer area that have potentially already been disturbed. I just wanted to make a note of that that is a stipulation in the recommendation that we are approving. Commissioner Skistad moved, Commissioner Weick seconded to recommend that the City Council approve the interim use permit to allow site grading subject to the conditions of approval, and adoptions of the findings of fact and recommendation. The motion passed unanimously with a vote of 5-0 and one recusal by Commissioner McGonagill. Weick: Thank you, again everyone for your presentations as well as Mr. Erhart and Mr. Blake for really insightful comments and perspective. Good luck with this project which I assume hopefully is going to start pretty soon for you as we are in the deep of winter. With that, we will move to our final item on tonight’s agenda. PUBLIC HEARING: CONSIDER A REQUEST FOR VARIANCES TO MODIFY A NONCONFORMING STRUCTURE BY ADDING A SECOND STORY TO AN EXISTING HOME LOCATED AT 9243 LAKE RILEY BOULEVARD Young-Walters: This is Planning Case 2021-05, Request to intensify an existing, nonconforming structure at 9243 Lake Riley Boulevard. The is a variance so if it’s not approved by a ¾ majority vote for denied by a ¾ majority vote, it will go to the City Council. Similarly, any resident aggrieved with the decision can appeal to staff in writing within four days and it will then move to the Council for consideration. That being said, I will jump into it. The property is located at 9243 Lake Riley Boulevard. This is zoned Residential Single-Family. It is a shoreland property and it is riparian. This district requires a 20,000-square foot lot area, 30-foot front and 30-foot rear setbacks, 10-foot side yard setbacks and a 75-foot shoreland setback. Properties are limited to 25% lot cover, are permitted to have a water-oriented accessory structure 10 feet from the ordinary high water level (OHWL). That structure would be limited to 250 square feet in size. The site’s existing conditions: The lot is 12,569 square feet. It’s currently at 24.4% lot cover so very close to its maximum. It has a nonconforming 64-foot shore setback for the house and that is 66.9 feet shoreland setback for the deck. It has a front setback of 19.1 feet. The east side is a nonconforming 9.6-foot setback and there is also a 2½-foot encroachment into a sanitary sewer easement along the west side. I would note that variances were issued for the front and shore setbacks in 1977 and 1993, respectively. The house was built a little off those, likely due to errors in construction or improvements in surveying technology so there are minor differences from the location of the actual house building pad from the variances given at those time. However, they applied for all the permits, they went through the process and that’s why we treat this as a legal nonconforming. So the applicant is proposing to a story on to the existing rambler. They have stated that they will maintain the existing footprint and that they will not be increasing any of the nonconforming setbacks, and that they will not be adding any lot cover to the Chanhassen Planning Commission – January 5, 2021 39 property. In the pictures, this is a shot I took from Google Maps of the house and then this is the rendering they provided of what the façade will look like once the renovations are complete. They’ve stated the existing home doesn’t provide adequate space for their family and needs to be modernized and expanded. The existing home is two bed, two bath with approximately 1,700 square feet of living area. They’ve observed that the lot size and the existing home placement, I mean there’s no expansion possible without a variance and that expanding vertically is the least impactful option. They believe that their proposed home renovation is consistent with the neighborhood character and will represent an improvement to the existing home and property values. Staff looked it over and one of the first things we did is we looked at what the yard setbacks essentially left in terms of areas that could be improved without a variance. This green line is the approximate 10-foot side yard setback, 30-foot front yard setback and 10-foot side yard setback and then the blue line is the shoreland setback. Again to the best of staff’s ability to sketch it out in Paint. This doesn’t really any option for improving the house without a variance. Any other variance the applicant requested would involve increasing lot cover which would put the property over its 25% lot cover limit and that would obviously have a greater impact on the lake and environmental resources. It would also an additional setback, either moving closer to the front yard or the side yard or the lake, again, which would have a bigger impact on the surrounding homes. Going up is the most logical and least impactful way to improve the property. Staff did investigate the possibility of doing a second story without variances. Given the constraints, they would be limited to a 16-foot wide second story. Staff felt that was pretty constrained in terms of providing reasonable living area. The applicant’s proposed maximum height is well under the 35-foot maximum. It would be 22.8 feet, measured at the midpoint of the highest gable. So, again, they’re not pushing the envelope. They’re not doing incredibly steep roofs that would have the chance to obstruct site lines across the street. They’re not proposing increases to the setbacks. Staff does not believe this will negatively impact any of the surrounding properties. One thing that staff looks at with the nonconforming use ordinance is its intent to essentially remove nonconforming structures and uses. In this case, staff doesn’t believe there’s any possible scenario where a house could be built on this property meeting all setbacks and requirements and the existing use of a single-family home is the desired us for the zoning area. We don’t believe that allowing the nonconformity be intensified, it runs counter to the intent of the ordinance in this case. For these reasons, staff would recommend that the Planning Commission grant the variance to permit the addition of a second story to the nonconforming structure. I’d be happy to answer any questions you have. Weick: Thanks, MacKenzie. With that I will opening to commissioner questions. Must have been one heck of a report, MacKenzie. Hearing none, I would invite the applicant, if you are still on the line and you’d like to mention anything about your project to the commissioners, you may do so at this time. Ethan Kindseth: Good evening, Ethan here with Alma Homes. We are working with the Galleger’s on this project. Thank you, MacKenzie. I think that did a great job of summing up the constraints we’ve been dealing with and coming with a solution on this. I don’t have a great deal Chanhassen Planning Commission – January 5, 2021 40 to add. I think we’ve looked at any possible scenarios that we could to make this work within the confines of what the lot came to us with. If anyone has questions, I’m happy to answer anything. Weick: Thank you for sticking with us here. Based on the renderings, it’s going to be a beautiful home and I do appreciate that is stays within the existing nonconformities in that area and areas like that. That’s a really big deal and so in my opinion, it’s nice to see that someone can upgrade and improve their home and still store of maintain what was there before from at least a footprint standpoint. Any questions for the applicant or builder from any of the other commissioners? Hearing none, thank you again for joining us and sticking with us this evening. With that I will open the public hearing portion of tonight’s item. The phone lines are open and I don’t believe we received any comment. There was nothing in the packet. Young-Walters: No, staff did not receive any questions or emails on this subject and we are not receiving any phone calls. Weick: I’m going to go ahead and close the public hearing portion of this item and open for commissioner comments and the motion’s coming up there on the screen so certainly would entertain a motion or comments on this item. McGonagill: Chairman, this is Commissioner McGonagill. The only comment I have is my complements to the applicant. They’re trying to build a beautiful home for themselves but they are taking with the lot gave them and they’re working with it and not trying to force it. You know what I’m saying? Weick: Oh ya. McGonagill: I agree with you. The hardcover is staying the same, staying within the variances and not trying to ask for a ton of things so I appreciate the applicants’ going that. That’s what we like to see in the city and you are to be complemented for that. Weick: I agree. Thank you for that. McGonagill: So if there are no other comments, I will give you a motion. Weick: That would be great. McGonagill: The Chanhassen Board of Appeals and Adjustments approves the variance request to intensify a nonconforming structure by adding a second story meeting the existing nonconforming front, side and shoreland setback, subject to the Conditions of Approval and adopts the attached Findings of Facts and Decision. Weick: We have a valid motion from Commissioner McGonagill. Do we have second? Chanhassen Planning Commission – January 5, 2021 41 Noyes: I’ll second, Commissioner Noyes. Weick: We have a second from Commissioner Noyes, I believe. Thank you. Any other comment before we vote? Hearing none, we will have a roll call vote. I will start with Commissioner Randall. Randall: Aye. Weick: In favor. Commissioner McGonagill? McGonagill: Aye. Weick: In favor. Commissioner Skistad? Skistad: Aye. Weick: Thank you. Commissioner Noyes? Noyes: Aye. Weick: Thank you. And Commissioner Von Oven? Von Oven: Aye. Weick: And I also vote in favor. The motion passes unanimously, 6 votes to 0 and another one hurdles over the ¾ barrier in fine fashion, I must say. A great way to end the evening. Thank you, MacKenzie. Thank you, again, to the applicant/builder for sticking with us to this last item and good luck with your project. With that, if someone would please note the Planning Commission minutes dated December 1, 2020. McGonagill moved, Noyes seconded that the Chanhassen Board of Appeals and Adjustments approves the variance request to intensify a nonconforming structure by adding a second story meeting the existing nonconforming front, side and shoreland setback, subject to the Conditions of Approval and adopts the attached Findings of Facts and Decision. The motion passes unanimously with a vote of 6-0. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: So noted the verbatim Minutes of the Planning Commission meeting dated December 1, 2020. ADMINISTRATIVE PRESENTATIONS. Weick: Kate do you have an update for us? Chanhassen Planning Commission – January 5, 2021 42 Aanenson: At the last City Council meeting, actually there are two since you last met. December 7. MacKenzie’s been hard at work continuing on the Code amendments. There was some addressing, some street administrative, septic and earthwork. Those were all approved. I just want to add, I know Matt Unmacht our Water Resources Coordinator, you’ll be seeing that here. He’s still waiting for some comments from other Watershed Districts. You’ll be seeing kind of a big lift on the stormwater changes going forward. Then on Monday, December 14, the Island property was approved that you saw and then the final plat for the 3rd Addition. You didn’t see that one; final plats just go to the City Council so that’s the 3rd Addition of The Park that Lennar is working on. Not the top part. The request for the Gateway, the auto repair, that was also approved by the City Council and the Outdoor Storage of Boats, Trailers and Recreational Vehicles, let’s just say, hit a bump. And do, that’s tabled until further notice. There are strong feelings on both sides so we’ll where that goes. Weick: From the Council? Aanenson: From the residents. I would never say that about the Council. So strong feelings from the residents so I think people felt like maybe there wasn’t a good opportunity to share their feelings and a lot of other feelings. We’ll probably kinds of revisit that in a few months. I know that’s been asked on Facebook a little bit too so we’re following up on that. I do want to think the Planning Commission. We had a heavy lift here because we didn’t have a meeting. Our last one was the first part of December so I appreciate everybody hanging in there. We have people that want to get to work which is great on projects and their businesses and in addition to that, I do want to remind you that we do have two items on for your next meeting in two weeks. So we’ll kind of taper back and those just happen to be variances. With that, that’s all I had. Again, thank you to the Commission’s insightful detail to reviewing the applications. Appreciate that. Weick: Thanks, Kate. I’m really, my head is spinning about the storage, I’d love to hear more but I think that is our final item on tonight’s agenda and as you all hear about a half hour ago, my bedtime alarm went off so I would accept a motion to adjourn. Young-Walters: They know they can go to 10:30. Weick: Ya, it’s killing you. Oh shoot. Von Oven: It’s like the best part of my day. [Laughter] Von Oven: I’ll motion to adjourn. Weick: All those in favor? All: Aye. Chanhassen Planning Commission – January 5, 2021 43 Weick: We are adjourned. McGonagill: See Mr. Chairman, we’re all home and you’re not so we really don’t care. Weick: This is a tough crowd. Good night. Von Oven: Take care. Skistad: Night. Von Oven moved to adjourn the meeting. All voted in favor and the motion carried unanimously with a vote of 6 to 0. The Planning Commission meeting was adjourned at 9:45 p.m. Submitted by Kate Aanenson Community Development Director Prepared by Jean Steckling & Kim Meuwissen PLANNING COMMISSION STAFF REPORT Tuesday, January 19, 2021 Subject City Council Action Update Section ADMINISTRATIVE PRESENTATIONS Item No: D.1. Prepared By Jean Steckling, Senior Admin. Support Specialist File No:  ATTACHMENTS: City Council Action Update City Council Action Update MONDAY, JANUARY 11, 2021 Approve a Request for a Rezoning and a Four-Lot Subdivision (Deer Haven) with Variances Located at 6480 Yosemite – Ordinance Rezoning and Preliminary Plat - Approved Minutes for these meetings can be viewed and downloaded from the city’s website at www.ci.chanhassen.mn.us, and click on “Agendas and Minutes” from the left-side links. g:\plan\forms\development forms\city council action update.docx