Affidavit of MailingCITY OF CHANHASSEN STATE OF MINNESOTA) (ss cor.JNTY OF CARVER ) I, Kim T. Meuwissen, being first duly swom, on oath deposes that she is and was on Jantary 21,2021, the duly qualified and acting Deputy Clerk ofthe City of Chanhassen, Minnesota; that on said date she caused to be mailed a copy ofthe attached notice ofa Public Hearing to consider a request for variances, including exceeding the 1,O00-square foot, detached accessarT structure size limit, to construct a detached garage and adding a bathroom to an existing detached structure on a property located at 10151 Great Plains Boulevard. Zoned Agricultural Estate (A2), Planning Case No. 2021-08 to the persons named on attached Exhibit "A", by enclosing a copy ofsaid notice in an envelope addressed to such owner, and depositing the envelopes addressed to all such owners in the United States mail with postage fully prepaid thereon; that the names and addresses ofsuch owners were those appearing as such by the records ofthe County Treasurer, Carver County, Minnesot4 and by other appropriate records. Kim T eu n, Deputy Cl (Seal) JEAI{ M SIECKLTT{G i Subscribed and tti*Q [6laa, o S m to before me ,2021. Notary Public nGyPttfoemloom r|rtrSIlA,rco. AFFIDAVIT OF MAILING NOTICE Subject Parcel DllcLlm.r This map is neilher a legally reco.ded map nor a suNey and as not inlended to be used a3 one. Th6 map is a @tnprlaton ot recods, informalion and data located in vatio!3 city, county. staie and federal offces and other sources r€gardin! the a.ea 3ho m, and is to be used for lebrence purp€es only. The CiV doe3 not t€rrant that the Geoglaphic ln ormaton System (GlS) Oata used to prepaE this map are enor free. and the City does nol represont tl:tt tlE Gls Data can be used to. navEatonal, tracking oa any o$er purpoce equinng exacting fireasurement of distance or diectoo or p.ecision in the dedciion of geogaphic bafules. The preceding disdaimet i9 provialed puBuant to Minnesota Statl,Ites y66.03, Subd. 21 (20m), and the user of this map acknowtedoes tEt lhe City rhall not be liable for any damag€., and e)9ressly waives all claims, and agEes to debnd, indemnify, and hold hatmless the Ci9 fro.n any ard all claim3 b.ooght by User. it5 ernployees or aleots, or lhird panjes wttici alise out of lhe usefs access or use of data plovided. Dbchtnar Thb mep is neither a legally Ecorded map nor e sudey and is nol inlended to be lrsed as one. Thi6 map is a comF,ilalion ot reco.ds. inlo.matoo and data located in vadqjs oty, county, state and federal ofice3 and other sources reoarding the area 3hoen, aM is lo be used for reblence purposes onv. The Cily does rlot warant that the Geo06phic lnformaton SFlem (GlS) Oata used to pEpare this map ale eror tree, aM the City does nol represent thal the GIS Oata can be used lor navi€atonal, tracling oa any olher purposo requidno o€ctno mea3uemenl of distance or direclion or precision in the depitlion of g€o€raphic ,eatrEs. The preceding dirdainler is provirod pu6uant to Minn6ota StraMes Y66.03, Subd. 21 (2000), and the user of thi3 map acknowledges fBt f|e City shall not be liaue ior any damages. and expressly waives all daims, and a€re€a to debnd, indemnify. and hold harml€ss the Cily frorn any and all daims brought by U3er, its employees or agents, o. third pani€J wttach atu6 out of the uscfs access or u9e of data povided tTAX_NAMEI <TAX_ADD_LI l (TAX ADD L2) sNext RccordrrTAX_NAMET <TAX_ADD_LI r rTAX_ADD_L2r I L_ s r, F l!0 t 4 i Subiect Parcel tT I I \:, l,o {)EOEP ;<o- 0,'C^EEgE Ao cr, = ga =:6I 9-:i :i;E -.5 sEln o x (,€sEaBeEE:EHES EE EEEEiE;IgE;g:g_sEgq65 9cE Y.9q< = (, > o, ^ ; 9E=;38 E FogXE=ah'E SEgTfiEEFE E $€'a. " ". i e 3l Bx-g =5 EI=EE€E iiaiBlsiiiE 6EEEc.r3FpEOc!5H3F- .9(uENgo-,Noj-.9NC oo _o-o)-t!bj6(5= E- Of.fs ol(l)tolEIolol()lclelol6tflE E c(, (E coi: ;a; ol= o<Fe9or 5.= N O>E 3* E9 -o+iDiio(l)cE CBE :' t, U)f CE_EM$E,i8tsfiB I9,,Ho !u i'= o 6ij(E-! 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