CC Minutes 1-25-21Chanhassen City Council – January 25, 2020 38 Mayor Ryan: I don’t either. With no questions, I would entertain a motion? Resolution 2021-03: Councilman McDonald moved and Councilman Campion seconded that the City Council adopts a resolution approving a grant application for funding from the Carver County Community Development Agency for Lake Place, Powers Ridge Apartments Building C. All voted in favor and the motion carried unanimously with a vote of 5-0. Mayor Ryan: Thank you for taking care of that, Kate. I appreciate it. That was 2, 3 and 4. NEW BUSINESS: APPROVE A REQUEST FOR AN INTERIM USE PERMIT TO OPERATE A GOLF DRIVING RANGE ON PROPERTY LOCATED AT 825 FLYING CLOUD DRIVE (GOLF ZONE) Aanenson: This application also went to the Planning Commission on January 5. It did get unanimous support and the applicant, after reviewing the conditions of the approval, wanted some relief from one of those conditions. Otherwise, typically we would put these on Consent. The applicants are Brian and Keri Colvin with a request for an interim use for the golfing driving range on property zone A-2. This used to be the RSS [Rain, Snow & Shine]. I worked on this project a long time ago. It has been inoperable for a few years. It was approved in1998. Since that time, the update of 61, there’s a signal there. As you may or may not know, we looked at a different land use in the future. It may be a number of years before we get sewer and water down there so this provides reasonable use of the property and a great entertainment place for our community. Again, the history of 1998. Site plan was approved in 1999. They allowed a second story for the driving range and then they also allowed them to have 3.2 malt liquor. In 2006 they amended the site plan and granted variances to allow square foot addition so they could have some interior entertainment. In 2018, the driving range was closed and after six months the IUP (Interim Use Permit). Again, the interim use permit has a specific time to it and I’ll go through that in a minute because we do anticipate that when sewer and water becomes available that a higher and better use would go there. In short, they are planning to use the driving range how it was used. Use the existing facilities. They are not planning on grading or expanding or doing any other alterations. It does need the inspections from the Fire and Building Code so that will be accomplished, and planning on running on the business. Again, some context. Most of the property is in the 100-year flood plain. You can see the area. This is an old farmstead that the driving range is in the upland. Compliance with the code to make sure it is not detrimental to surrounding uses and, this is part of the interim use, that it meets the zoning requirements. It does. The goal is to create the performance standards for golf and driving ranges without negatively impacting the surrounding area. It will terminate 12 months after municipal services become available. That’s when sewer and water is in close proximity and that would be a discussion that would come back before the City Council. You have the ability review that. As I stated, they have to pass the fire inspection and septic compliance. It does have a septic system down there. And then no alterations beyond what was previously allowed, restore some of the Chanhassen City Council – January 25, 2020 39 rain gardens, and the landscaping plans, and then the driving range which we talked about and I’ll go through that in a little more detail. Then, pesticides and storage, the chemicals that are out there and any future operations do require a permit. The condition that the nets go up is the reason this is before you tonight. The applicant’s have stated that they cannot do the nets before spring so we agreed to a compromise. We are going to allow them to put them up by June 14 and then they will put an escrow in place. It is quite a ways out there and people think they don’t, but there’s a lot of people that like to see how far they can hit it out there. So you’re into the wetlands which is a discussion when this originally went up, we wanted to make sure the nets weren’t too low allowing for wildlife to travel back and forth. It is in a fly away plus the navigation for animals. I think we’re meeting both parties figuring out a way to make this work so we are excited that they are restoring it. We are very happy to have them here. I think they are on the line if they waited up this late, but we are recommending approval with those modifications. There they are! Mayor Ryan: Oh, there they are. You made it! You survived! Aanenson: So we are recommending approval with those changes. Mayor Ryan: So, just for clarification, when it came to the Planning Commission it got approved with the old requirements, and then since the Planning Commission you have worked with them and agreed that you will give them until June 14 to put up the nets and that’s what they were asking is they couldn’t do it with the snow and the conditions, correct? Aanenson: Correct. Mayor Ryan: Mr. and Mrs. Colvin, did you want to add anything? Brian Colvin: No, I just wanted to thank everybody. Thank you, Mayor, Council, Kate. I just wanted to start by saying, you know my wife and I, we had a pretty good idea that the surrounding community would be excited for the Golf Zone to reopen but the overwhelming response that we have had in the last couple of weeks, it’s really showed us how much the community has missed this place and right now we are on track with all of our inspections. We’ve been working diligently the last couple of months to really clean the inside up. Clean the outside up. The next step is just getting the doors open and getting established while we have a few peak revenue months. We just wanted to thank the City for working with us here on the nets and we are always willing to work with them, too. That being said, I’ll leave it to you. Mayor Ryan: Great. Thank you for those comments. With everybody working from home they can sneak out and hit a few balls. Colvin: That’s right! Chanhassen City Council – January 25, 2020 40 Mayor Ryan: I get the interest so that’s fantastic. Thank you for that and thank you for working with the applicant on meeting in the middle. I appreciate that. Colvin: Yep. We do, too. Mayor Ryan: Thank you for saying that. Council, any questions or a motion? The motion is on the screen. Councilman McDonald moved, Councilwoman Schubert seconded that the Chanhassen City Council approves an interim use permit for a golf driving range subject to the conditions of approval, adopts the attached findings of fact and recommendation, and amends Condition 9 to read “Driving range nets comply with previous recommendations from the DNR shall be installed by June 14, 2021. A $2,500 escrow shall be provided to ensure that the nets are installed and that all stray golf balls are collected from the flood plain.” All voted in favor and the motion carried unanimously with a vote of 5-0. Mayor Ryan: Congratulations! Thank you. And again staff thank you for making that work. I appreciate it. Good luck! Colvin: Thank you. Thank you so much. COUNCIL PRESENTATIONS – None ADMINISTRATIVE PRESENTATIONS – None CORRESPONDENCE DISCUSSION – None Mayor Ryan: With that, we will meet back in the Fountain Conference Room to continue our conversation about the city manager. With that, I would entertain a motion to adjourn. Councilman Campion moved, Councilwoman Schubert seconded to adjourn the meeting at 9:34 pm. All voted in favor and the motion carried unanimously with a vote of 5-0. Submitted by Heather Johnston Interim City Manager Prepared by Kim Meuwissen