CC Minutes 1-25-21Chanhassen City Council – January 25, 2020 4 McDonald: So moved. CONSENT AGENDA: Councilman McDonald moved and Councilman Campion seconded to approve the following consent agenda items pursuant to the City Manager’s recommendations: 1. Approve City Council Minutes dated January 11, 2021 2. Approve City Council Special Meeting Minutes dated January 7, 2021 (City Council Interviews) 3. Receive Planning Commission Minutes dated January 5, 2021 4. Approve a Request for an Interim Use Permit for Excavation of Existing Wetland Along with Excavated Borrow Being Placed on a Location within the Parcel 5. Award Contract for Installation of Influent Flow Meter at East Water Treatment Plant (EWTP) All voted in favor and the motion carried unanimously with a vote of 5 to 0. Mayor Ryan: Thank you, everyone. VISITOR PRESENTATIONS: SOUTHERN VALLEY ALLIANCE Mayor Ryan: Visitor Presentations are included with each of our regularly scheduled Council meetings. Anyone wishing to address the Council on a matter that is not specifically on the agenda may step to the podium. Please provide your name and address for the record and then please address the Council. You will have five minutes to present your item. If your request includes an action item from staff or Council, please complete a Citizen Action Request Form so that we may appropriately follow up with your request. However, if you are simply making a comment with no required action, a form does not need to be completed. We have one scheduled tonight from Southern Valley Alliance. Are they joining us via Zoom? Katie Schaumann: Yes, I am here via Zoom. Can you hear me? Mayor Ryan: Yes, we can. Welcome! Schaumann: Thank you. I am just wondering do you want me to put my video on? Can you see me? I also have a presentation I could share my screen. Mayor Ryan: If you want to share your screen that would be great. We can’t see you but we would love to see your presentation. We would love to see both, but…