Affidavit of PublicationAffidavit of Publication Southwest News Media State of Minnesota) )ss. County of Carver ) Vera Kehl. b€ing duly swom on oath says that she is an aulhorized cmployee for the newspapers known as the Chaska Herald and the Chanhassen Villager and has full knowledge ofthe facts herein staled as follows: (A) These newspapers havc complied with the requirements constiluting qualification as a legal nervspaper, as pioiided by Miimesota Statute 331A.02- 331A.07, and other applicable laws. as amendcd, (B) The prirfed public notice that is anached to this Amdavit and id "ntin"a *No. Ll c/TQ was pubiished on the date or dates and in the newspaper staled in the anached Nolicb aDd said Notiie is hereby incorporaled as part ofthis Amdavil- Said notice was cut from the columns of the nervspaper specifi;d. Printed below is a copy of the lower case alphabet fiom A to Z, bolh irclusive, aid is hereby acknowledged as being fte kind and size oflypc used in the composition and publicalion of the Notice: abcdefghiiklmnoPqrstuvwxyz B]..: Vera Kehl Subscribed and srvom heforc me on -+l^'this l' dav of 202t LAURIE A HARTMANN NOTARY PUBUC - MINNESOTA MY CoMMtSStoIi UPTRES 018125 Notat-1' Public RATE INFORMATION Lorvcst classifed mte paid b1 commercial users for comparable spacc.... $31.20 per column inch MDiimum late allowed by law for the above matler-....-...,,,..,...............-.. $31.20 per columo inch Rate actualll charged for the above matter....... ..... 514.74 per column inch CITY OF CEANHASSEN CAR}'ER & IIENNEPIN COUNTIES NOTICE OF PUBLIC EEARING PTIINNING CASE NO. 202T{6 NOIICE IS IIEREBY GTVEN that the Chadlassetr Planbi[e Com-EissioD will hold a Dublic hearitrg ott Tu€sday January 19. 2021 at ?:m p.m. in the CouEcil Chambers in Chanhassen Citv Hall, ?700 Market Blvd. Th; purpose of this hearing is to consider a rEquest for a variance to allow construction of an accessory dwelling unit within a proposed single-family resideuc€ on property located at 10029 Trails Ehd Road. Zoned Single-Famil]. Residential (RSF). Appticant: Michael & Juliana Sylvia. A plah showins the locationof the proposal ls available for public review on the citlfs web site at w[rw.ci.chanhassen_ mn.us,/2021.06 or at Citv Halt during regular business hours- All interested persons are iwited lo attend this public hearirs and eYpress their opiniohs wlth respect to this prcposal. lllacKenzie Young-llhlters Associate PlannerEmailr mi\.alters i1 ci.chanhassen.mn.us Phone: 952,2r-1t32(Published in rhe Chanhasse! on Thusday,Jaruary 7,mrl -4q8n)