Affidavit of PublicationCTIY OF CEANIIAS|IIBN CARVER & IIENNEPIN COT'NTIES NOfiCE OF PUBLIC EEAruNC PII\NNING CASE NO. 202147 NOI]ICE IS HEREBY GIVENthat the CbaDhassen planninp Comrhission will hold a Duhti; hearinS on Tuesday Janu;rv f9-Arll at 7jm p.m. in the CodncilChaEbers iE Chanhassen C vHalt. 7?00 Market Btvd. ihipurpose of tbis hearing is tocoDsrder a rEquest for a t,arian.lrto -r-sl|l.ccl rehui.k! relrbirqEatts. add a walk-out terrace:add a stairway lo lake. andrecoDfigure takeside deck/ Datio located at 6609 Horseshoe Cirrve. Zoned Sindefb-Edly Residehrirt(RsF). Applicant Briar T Brurer: Esq. property OwDer: Elise R.t runeE Esq. A ptran showitrg the locationof the proposal is avallable tor. p_ublic r€view on the city's weD srte at wwE ci.chalhassen. mD.us/2021-07 or at city Hallountrg regular business hou_rs.AI inter€sted persors are invitedto attend this public hearins and erpress their opinions witfr respect to this proposal. Mactrenzie youlg.Walters Aaseiate PlannerEEtail: Ewaltersfa ci.ctrantassen-Drn.us Pboie: r6ZrZZT-tW,(Pubtish€d iD the Chanhassenvilla8Er on thursday Januarv z.AI2l: IrIc 4St) Affidavit of Publication Southwest News Media State of Minnesota) )ss. County of Carver ) Vera Kehl. being duly swom on oath says lhat she is an authorizcd employee for the newspapers krown as the Chaska Herald and the Chanbassen Villager and has full knowledge of the facts herein stated as follows: (A) These newspapers have complied with lhe requirements constiluting qualification as a legal newspaper, as provided by Minnesota Statute 331A.02, 331A.07, and othcr applicable laws. as am€nded- (B) The printed public notice that is attached to this Affidavit and id"n tO"O * *o. I ? F / was published on the date or dates and in the newspaper statcd in the attached Notice and said Notice is heieby incorporated as pan ofrhis Amdavit. Said notice was cut fiom the columns of the nervspaper specified. Printed below is a copy of the lower case alphabet fiom A lo Z, both itrclusive, atrd is hereby acknolyledged as being the kind and sizc ofg pe used in the composition and publication of the Notice: abcdefghijkl]nnopqrstuvrMxYz B):/o /- Vera Kehl Subscribed and sworn betbrc mc on ^rhthis ,l ' dav of ilL,\^il --t. i-; t<z'"' .2021 Notar].Public RATE INFORMATION Lo$estclassifred rate paid b} commercial users for comparable space Ivla\imum rate allo$ed b]., la$ tbr the above matler............................. Rare actuall-r charged for the above matter..-...- I.AURIE A HARTMANN NOTARY PUELIC MINNESOTA MY COMMISSION EXPIBES fi Nl25L $31.20 percolumn ioch $31.20 per column inch $14.7.1 percolumn inch