Affidavit of Publication- crTrotrcrtrElssEN CTR\r'ER & IIENNEPIN COI'NTIES NOTICE OT PUBIJC EEA.RING PI,IINNING CASE NO. M2T.O8 EI.ECIRONIC MEEflNG NOTICE IS HEREBY GIvEN that the Chanhassen Plaming Commission will hold a public hearing on Tuesday, February 2,2021 at 7:00 p.m. The purpose of this hearing is to consider a request for variances, including exceeding the 1,000-squate foot, detached accessary s8ucture size limit, to construct a detachd Sarage and adding a bathroom to an existing detached structue on a Eoperty located at t0l5l Great Plains Boulevard. Zoned Agxicultural Estate (A2). Applicant: Ed Myslivecek A plan showing the tocationof the proposal is available for public review on the city's s,ebsite at wlrr.ci.chanhassen. mn,us/2021-08. All interested persons are invited to express their opinioos with respect to this proposal. ELECTRONIC MEETING INTORMAI'ION SoEe or all members of tte ?lanning Commissior wltl participate in this meeting via web conference or telephone rather thar by being personaUy pr€sent at its leSular Eeeting place in the Council Chambers, Tlm Marhet Boulevard, Chanhassen, MN 5$r?. The city has deterrriued thrt itr-person Deeti[gs are trotpractical or prudent because of a health pandoDic .t thi8 tiDe. M€ob€!,:E of thc Irublic canEoitor tLiu retirg vtdeo ad audio hv watching the rD€eting oD Mediacom Cable Chrnnel 1072 or liir!froln oo tb city's rebsite at rrwr.ci.c}rhh'<;n- D!-uE/agend$. l+oc rho rish--t6-Drovide comEents durinE the public hearing portion of tlle EeetiDa can do 3o bY.-tlinggd}-m-L6,J. Cdls rttr bG blen and heard by the Planning Conmission in the order receiad. Comments can also be ernailed to pccomments@ci.chanhassen. ttrn.us until 6:00 p.E. on the day of the meeting and will be indud€d as a part of the Planning CorDmission meeting CTtris is the PlarDirrg Commission's pllferled method of public participation.) Maclcllzie Yormg-walters Associate PlannerEmail: mwalters@ ci.chaDha6seD-mn.us Phone: 952-2C7-1132 (Published in the Charrhassenvillager ol! January 21, n21No.494) this dav of (2t )^ Affidavit of Publication Southwest News Media Stale of Minnesota) )SS. County ol Carver ) Vera Kehl, being duly swom on oath says that she is an authorized cmployce for the ncwspapers krown as the Chaska Herald and the Chanhassen Villager and has full knowledge ofthe facts herein slated as follows: (A) Thesc lewspapers have complied with the requiremc[ts constitutinS qualification as a legal newspapcr, as provided by Minlesota Statute 3314.02, 331.4.07, and other applicable laws. as amended. (B) The printed public notice that is attached to this Affidavit and ia"rt n"d *No. rl? I 'y' ivas puUiished oir the aate or dates and in lhe newspaper stared in the anached Norii;adEid Notice is hereby incorporatcd as part ofthis Affidavil Said notice was cut f.om the columns of the newspaper specified. Printed below is a copy ofthe lower case alphab€t ftom A to Z, both iaclusivg and is hereby achowledged as being the kind and size oftype used in thc composition and publication ofthe Noticr: abcdefghij klmnopqrstuvwxyz //., Vera Kehl t1u o L,t -/ ,-1/,tytrrt,LAUBIE N hiARIMANN NoTARY PUBLTC MTNT,IESOTA MY C0MM|SS|0[ Ex qE-s 01i 3,.p5 ) 'Jv!,\,wwvvvvwwwwwwwwgvvvrywvw\ RATE INFORMATION Lowestclassified rate paid by commercialusers for comparahle space Ma\imum rate allowed by law for lhe above maner....................-.-...... Rate actuall! charged lbr the abovc maner....... $31.20 percolumn inch $31.20 per column inch $ 14.74 percolumn inch Subscribed and swom before me on Notar),Public