CC Staff Report 1-25-21CITY COUNCIL STAFF REPORT Monday,January 25,2021 Subject Approve a Request for a Site Plan Review and Variance for a 110-Unit Apartment Building for Senior Living Located at 1361 Lake Drive West Powers Ridge Apartments) Section NEW BUSINESS Item No:J.3. Prepared By Bob Generous,Senior Planner File No:Planning Case No.2021-04 PROPOSED MOTION Chanhassen City Council approves the site plan for a 110-unit,three-story apartment building with a variance for the building height to allow 42 feet to the midpoint of the roof subject to the Planning Commission staff report conditions of approval and adoption of the Findings of Fact and Recommendation. Approval requires a Simple Majority Vote of members present. SUMMARY The applicant is requesting Site Plan Review and Variance for building height for a 110-unit apartment building for senior living Lake Place). BACKGROUND In 1987,the City approved a PUD agreement for Lake Susan Hills.The PUD permitted up to 411 single-family units, created three outlots for medium density units and one outlot for high density units.The single-family lots have been platted in nine additions continuously since PUD approval.One of the outlots Outlot C)designated for medium density units was platted in April of 1993 for 24 units.The second outlot Outlot B),also designated for medium density units was platted on April 10,1995 for 48 units.The third outlot Oultot D)was platted in May of 1995 for 48 units.The fourth outlot Outlot A),designated for high density,was platted on April 4,2000. Outlot A was designated as Multiple-Family High Density Residential).The PUD agreement stated that the development shall provide a minimum of 21.5 acres of high-density,multiple-family residential units.The total number of dwelling units of high-density multiple family residential property shall not exceed 375,or a density greater than 17.4 units/acre.Except as modified within the agreement,the development of the high-density,multiple-family residential shall be in accordance with the uses,standards,and requirements of the R-12 Zoning District. On March 13,2000,City Council approved the preliminary plat of 21.34 acres into four lots SUB 99-14)and Site Plan Review 99-19,approval of Phase I Building A),100 units.City Council approved a PUD amendment to allow a 35%hard surface coverage of the multi-family site.On April 10,2000,the City Council approved the final plat for Subdivision 99-14 to replat 21.34 acres into one lot and one outlot for Powers Ridge Apartment Homes. On June 26,2000,City Council granted site plan approval for the construction of the three remaining phases of CITY COUNCIL STAFFREPORTMonday,January 25,2021SubjectApproveaRequest for a Site Plan Review and Variance for a 110-Unit Apartment BuildingforSeniorLivingLocatedat1361LakeDriveWestPowersRidgeApartments)Section NEW BUSINESS Item No:J.3.Prepared By Bob Generous,Senior Planner File No:Planning Case No.2021-04PROPOSEDMOTIONChanhassenCityCouncilapprovesthesiteplanfora110-unit,three-story apartment building with a variance forthebuildingheighttoallow42feettothemidpointoftheroofsubjecttothePlanningCommissionstaffreportconditionsofapprovalandadoptionoftheFindingsofFactandRecommendation.Approval requires a Simple Majority Vote of members present.SUMMARYTheapplicant is requesting Site Plan Review and Variance for building height for a 110-unit apartment buildingforseniorlivingLakePlace).BACKGROUNDIn1987,the City approved a PUD agreement for Lake Susan Hills.The PUD permitted up to 411 single-family units,created three outlots for medium density units and one outlot for high density units.The single-family lots havebeenplattedinnineadditionscontinuouslysincePUDapproval.One of the outlots Outlot C)designated formediumdensityunitswasplattedinAprilof1993for24units.The second outlot Outlot B),also designated formediumdensityunitswasplattedonApril10,1995 for 48 units.The third outlot Oultot D)was platted in May of 1995 for48units.The fourth outlot Outlot A),designated for high density,was platted on April 4,2000.Outlot A was designated as Multiple-Family High Density Residential).The PUD agreement stated thatthedevelopmentshallprovideaminimumof21.5 acres of high-density,multiple-family residential units.The totalnumberofdwellingunitsofhigh-density multiple family residential property shall not exceed 375,or a density greater than 17.4units/acre.Except as modified within the agreement,the development of the high-density,multiple-familyresidentialshallbeinaccordancewiththeuses,standards,and requirements of the R-12 Zoning District.On March 13,2000,City Council approved the preliminary plat of 21.34 acres into four lots SUB 99-14)andSitePlanReview99-19,approval of Phase I Building A),100 units.City Council approved a PUD amendment toallowa35%hard surface coverage of the multi-family site.On April 10,2000,the City Council approved the final platforSubdivision99-14 to replat 21.34 acres into one lot and one outlot for Powers Ridge Apartment Homes. On June 26,2000,City Council granted site plan approval for the construction of the three remaining phases of Powers Ridge Apartment Homes.The total number of units including Phase I was 344.Phase I,which included 100 units,was approved on March 13,2000.The remaining 244 units and community space constitute the remaining phases. DISCUSSION The proposed development meets the requirements of the Lake Susan Hills Development agreement and completes the development of the overall project.The applicant is requesting site plan approval for a 110-unit,three-story apartment building with a variance for a building height of 42 feet.A previous site plan for the parcel was approved for a three-story,88-unit apartment building.Due to the limitation of the building to seniors,the parking requirements are reduced.This site plan will supersede and replace the previous site plan for this parcel. The Planning Commission held a public hearing on January 5,2021,to review the proposed development.The Planning Commission voted 5 1 to recommend approval of the project.The one negative vote was due to the number of conditions of approval.The Planning Commission minutes for January 5,2021,are included in the City Council Consent Agenda for January 25,2021. There are no extraordinary issues from Engineering’s review of the site plan.The only two items that warranted discussion were the analysis of downstream public stormwater systems,which they are addressing now,and the internal site circulation.These are not believed to be insufficient enough in design to deem anything incomplete or ultimately hazardous to public welfare,hence recommendation of approval by staff ultimate approval will lie in the building permit review,things like missing EOF routes are being tracked). One resident was concerned about the access to the garage on the east end of the building.While staff believes that this access is adequate and safe,we are requiring that the applicant analyze internal site circulation. RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends that City Council approve the site plan for a 110-unit,three-story apartment building with a variance for the building height to allow 42 feet to the midpoint of the roof subject to the conditions of the Planning Commission staff report and adoption of the Planning Commission's Findings of Fact and Recommendation. ATTACHMENTS: Staff Report Findings of Fact and Recommendation Development Plans Sheets 1 7 Development Plans Sheets 4.1 SW 1.0 Development Plans Sheets SW 1.1 Context Aeriel 03 Development Plans Sheet SP 04 Deck Option 11 Letter from Shermen Beyl Affidavit of Mailing CITY OF CHANHASSEN PC DATE: January 5, 2021 CC DATE: January 25, 2021 REVIEW DEADLINE: February 2, 2021 CASE #: 2021-04 BY: RG, EH, DN, JS, ET, MU SUMMARY OF REQUEST: The applicant is requesting Site Plan Review and Variance for a 110-unit apartment building for senior living (Lake Place). LOCATION: Lot 2, Block 1, Powers Ridge Apartment Homes 2nd Addition (PID 25.360020) 1361 Lake Drive West APPLICANT: TPS Holding LLC 350 Highway 7, Suite 218 Excelsior, MN 55331 todd@ador-homes.com PRESENT ZONING: Planned Unit Development - Residential (PUD-R) 2020 LAND USE PLAN: Residential High Density ACREAGE: 3.68 acres DENSITY: 29.89 units per acre (17.15 units per acre over the entire multi-family development) PROPOSED MOTION: The Chanhassen Planning Commission recommends approval of the site plan for a 110-unit, three-story apartment building with a variance for the building height to allow 42 feet to the midpoint of the roof subject to the Conditions of Approval and adoption of the Findings of Fact and Recommendation.” Planning Commission 1361 Lake Drive West – Lake Place January 5, 2021 Page 2 of 24 LEVEL OF CITY DISCRETION IN DECISION-MAKING: The city’s discretion in approving or denying a Site Plan is limited to whether or not the proposed project complies with Zoning Ordinance requirements. If it meets these standards, the city must then approve the site plan. This is a quasi-judicial decision. The city’s discretion in approving or denying a Variance is limited to whether or not the proposed project meets the standards in the Zoning Ordinance for a variance. The city has a relatively high level of discretion with a variance because the applicant is seeking a deviation from established standards. This is a quasi-judicial decision. Notice of this public hearing has been mailed to all property owners within 500 feet. PROPOSAL/SUMMARY Site Plan Review and Variance for a 110-unit, three-story apartment building for senior living Lake Place). Initially, it was anticipated that a Planned Unit Development (PUD) amendment would be required. However, the project complies with all the requirements of the PUD Agreement so no amendment is required. APPLICABLE REGULATIONS Chapter 20, Article II, Division 3, Variances Chapter 20, Article II, Division 6, Site Plan Review Chapter 20, Article VIII, Planned Unit Developments Chapter 20, Article XV, High Density Residential Districts, Division 1, “R-12” District Chapter 20, Article XXIII, Division 9, Design Standards for Multi-family Developments Lake Susan Hills PUD Agreement standards. BACKGROUND In 1987, the city approved a PUD agreement for Lake Susan Hills. The PUD permitted up to 411 single-family units, created three outlots for medium density units and one outlot for high density units. The single-family lots have been platted in nine additions continuously since PUD approval. One of the outlots (Outlot C) designated for medium density units was platted in April 1993 for 24 units. The second outlot (Outlot B), also designated for medium density units was platted on April 10, 1995 for 48 units. The third outlot (Outlot D) was platted in May of 1995 for 48 units. The fourth outlot (Outlot A), designated for high density was platted on April 4, 2000. Outlot A was designated as Multi-Family (High Density Residential). The PUD agreement stated that the development shall provide a minimum of 21.5 acres of high density, multi-family residential units. The total number of dwelling units of high density multi-family residential property shall not exceed 375, or a density greater than 17.4 units/acre. Except as modified within Planning Commission 1361 Lake Drive West – Lake Place January 5, 2021 Page 3 of 24 the agreement, the development of the high density multi-family residential shall be in accordance with the uses, standards, and requirements of the R-12 Zoning District. On March 13, 2000, City Council approved the preliminary plat of 21.34 acres into 4 lots (SUB-99- 14) and Site Plan Review #99-19, approval of Phase I (Building A), 100 units. City Council approved a PUD amendment to allow a 35% hard surface coverage of the multi-family site. On April 10, 2000, City Council approved the Final Plat for Subdivision #99-14 to replat 21.34 acres into 1 lot and 1 outlot for Powers Ridge Apartment Homes. On June 26, 2000, City Council granted site plan approval for the construction of the three remaining phases of Powers Ridge Apartment Homes. The total number of units including Phase I was 344. Phase I, which included 100 units, was approved on March 13, 2000. The remaining 244 units and community space constitute the remaining phases. DISCUSSION The applicant is requesting site plan approval for a 110-unit, three-story apartment building with a variance for a building height of 42 feet. A previous site plan for the parcel was approved for a three-story, 88-unit apartment building. Due to the limitation of the building to seniors, the parking requirements are reduced. This site plan will supersede and replace the previous site plan for this parcel. Planning Commission 1361 Lake Drive West – Lake Place January 5, 2021 Page 4 of 24 COMPREHENSIVE PLAN The 2040 Comprehensive Plan designates this parcel for residential high density use which permits a net density of 8 – 16 units per acre. This density would permit a maximum of 59 units on the site. The city may increase the density permitted with the development through approval of a bonus density. The “bonus” units must meet affordable housing criteria as defined by the city. Developers shall be required to enter into an agreement ensuring the affordability of the units. In a discussion with the City Council last fall, the applicant requested consideration of tax increment financing for the density bonus/affordability for senior housing. In this case, a minimum of 51 of the 110 units must meet the affordable housing criteria of 60% Area Median Income (AMI). The proposed development meets the following Comprehensive Plan policies and goals: Land Use The Comprehensive Plan encourages development within the MUSA, and supports the planned and efficient expansion of urban services to increase the amount of developable land. Designate sufficient land to provide for a wide spectrum of housing. Adequate land should be set aside for medium and high-density land uses. The city will discourage the conversion of these areas to lower density uses in order to ensure that city’s goals of providing a variety of housing options can be met. Development should be commensurate with the ability of the city to provide services. Areas where services are available should be developed before services are extended to new areas. Housing Provide housing opportunities for all residents, consistent with the identified community goals: Balanced housing supply with housing available for people of all income levels. Accommodation of all racial and ethnic groups in the purchase, sale, rental and location of housing within the community. A variety of housing types for all people in all stages of the life cycle. The city will continue to encourage the development of affordable housing; the city may increase the permitted net density of a project by 25 percent. The “bonus” units must meet affordable housing criteria as defined by the city. Developers shall be required to enter into an agreement ensuring the affordability of the units. Subsidized housing should be given equal site and planning considerations to non-subsidized housing units and should not be placed in inferior locations or in areas that do not provide necessary urban services including transit and commercial services. Planning Commission 1361 Lake Drive West – Lake Place January 5, 2021 Page 5 of 24 The city will continue to provide alternative types of homes including smaller lot homes, townhouses, etc. that will supplement the conventional single-family homes. SITE PLAN Site Constraints Wetland Protection There are no wetlands on the site. Bluff Protection There are no bluffs present on the site. Bluff Creek Primary Zone The property is not located within the Bluff Creek corridor. Shoreland Management The property does not lie within a shoreland overlay district. Floodplain Overlay Planning Commission 1361 Lake Drive West – Lake Place January 5, 2021 Page 6 of 24 This property does not lie within a federally designated floodplain. EXISTING CONDITIONS SURVEY The applicant provided an existing conditions survey which is used to supplement construction plans and site design. Based on review of the existing conditions survey, it appears that the entire extents of the site were not surveyed nor was the area abutting the site. This information is important as it can impact design considerations such as emergency overflow (EOF) paths and the effects of stormwater drainage, e.g. there is a proposed low point just north of the Powers Ridge HOA’s clubhouse that may have an EOF path directed towards it, however it is difficult to discern without adequate survey information. Additionally, public utility lines were not located and surveyed, but were taken from “plans” which were not identified on the survey. Other general requirements of existing conditions survey’s that were not provided are: location of buildings and easements to a distance 150 feet beyond the site’s boundaries; topographic data 150 feet beyond the property boundary, with associated contours; the public right-of-way and the utilities to an extent of at least 150 feet beyond the property line, etc. In order to show the proper extents, the scale of the survey may need to be increased. The applicant shall submit an updated survey upon submittal of final construction plans illustrating these missing features, which are enumerated in the proposed conditions. ARCHITECTURAL COMPLIANCE Unit Types and Sizes Unit Type Number Sizes (sq. ft.) Small one bedroom 12 686 - 744 One bedroom 29 747 - 817 One bedroom plus den 27 917 – 1,002 Two bedroom 36 965 – 1,072 Two bedroom plus den 6 985 – 1,157 Total 110 Planning Commission 1361 Lake Drive West – Lake Place January 5, 2021 Page 7 of 24 Planning Commission 1361 Lake Drive West – Lake Place January 5, 2021 Page 8 of 24 Size Portion Placement The main entry is located on the south side of the building. The main entrance is highlighted with a bronze colored, metal canopy. A pedestrian area with bicycle racks are to the side of the entrance. A one-way drop off area accesses the entrance. Material, Color and Detail The applicant is proposing multiple building materials and is providing a significant amount of building articulation with recessed and projecting building facades, changes in building angles, patios, decks and varied building heights to provide an interesting architectural view. The building materials consist of masonry, either Black Hills Velour brick or cultured stone (grey in either Ashlar Fresco or Winter); three types of horizontal lap siding fiber cement in expresso, gray slate and Artic white; vertical board and batten in artic white; architectural asphalt shingles in Georgetown gray; standing seam metal canopy in dark bronze; and either dark bronze or white window and entrance framing. Height and Roof Design The building height is 42 feet to the midpoint of the highest gable. The roof includes both gable and shed roof elements. The gable roof elements tie this building in with the rest of the Powers Ridge roof architectural scheme. Loading Areas, Refuse Area, etc. A pedestrian drop-off area is provided at the main entrance on the south side of the building. Trash and recycling containers are located within the parking lot level of the building. Planning Commission 1361 Lake Drive West – Lake Place January 5, 2021 Page 9 of 24 Lighting The applicant is proposing 20 wall-pack units around the building. LED lighting is proposed. All lighting shall be shielded and have 90 degree cut-off angles pursuant to City Code. The applicant is proposing decorative string lighting over the deck area on the north side of the building. City Code, section 20-123, requires that parking lot areas be lighted. Sufficient lighting shall be provided to illuminate all areas of the parking lot to provide adequate levels of safety. For parking lot areas, an absolute minimum light level of one-foot candlelight throughout the entire area is recommended. A revised lighting plan with photometrics shall be submitted for city review and approval. Signage The applicant is proposing a four-foot tall by six-foot wide monument sign. The maximum sign display area is 24 square feet. Monument signage may not be located within drainage and utility easements and will need to be moved outside of the easement. A separate sign permit must be submitted for the monument sign. Site Furnishings They are providing patios for outdoor seating/picnic area in the northeast and southwest corners of the building as well as a deck area in the northeast. A pickle ball court is proposed adjacent to the northeast patio area. The developer is connecting the building to the sidewalk system within the Powers Ridge developments as well as providing a sidewalk connection to Lake Drive on the western side of the building. An optional common area recessed deck is shown on the third floor of the building. Construction of the deck is contingent on cost estimate for the alternative and final acceptance by the owner. Bicycle racks are being installed at the main building entrance. Planning Commission 1361 Lake Drive West – Lake Place January 5, 2021 Page 10 of 24 Landscaping Landscaping requirements for the proposed development include foundation plantings, parking lot plantings, boulevard, and buffer yard plantings. Minimum requirements for vehicular use area landscaping at the proposed development include 4,080 sq. ft. of landscaped area around the parking lot, three landscaped islands or peninsulas, and 16 trees for the parking lot. The applicant’s proposed as compared to the requirements for landscape area and plantings is shown in the following table: Required Proposed Vehicular use landscape area 4,080 sq. ft. >4,080 sq. ft. Trees/vehicular use area 16 trees 8 trees Islands or peninsulas/parking lot 6 islands/peninsulas 6 islands/peninsulas Boulevard trees, Lake Drive West 8 trees 0 trees Buffer yard B, Lake Drive West, 490’ 9 over story trees 19 understory trees 29 shrubs 9 over story trees 18 understory trees 29 shrubs The applicant does not meet minimum requirements for landscaping. Additional trees are needed along the approach drives and if space allows, within the parking area. Screening of the lower apartments on the east end of the building is needed. Groupings of shrubs that are large at maturity would provide a buffer from oncoming cars and additional Planning Commission 1361 Lake Drive West – Lake Place January 5, 2021 Page 11 of 24 privacy. Boulevard trees are required along Lake Drive West every 30 feet. The applicant will need to add the required trees. More species diversity is needed in the proposed landscape plant schedule. Currently, all of the evergreens proposed are of the same genus, spruce. One of the spruce types proposed is not on the approved tree list for the city. Colorado spruce is highly susceptible to disfiguring needle blights and a poor record of long-term health in Minnesota. The applicant shall revise the allotment of evergreen to reflect the city’s ordinance for tree diversity. The Northwoods Red maple must also be replaced with a more appropriate species for our area. The Red maples have poor growth rates and overall poor health due to alkaline soils in Chanhassen. The PUD agreement states that the applicant shall provide a minimum of $500.00 of landscaping per multi-family unit. This would translate to $55,000. Staff is requiring the applicant provide the city with a cost estimate for the required landscaping at the time of building permit approval. Access, Lot Frontage and Parking Location The city constructed the street and utility improvements for Lake Drive West in 1999. Lake Drive West is listed as a collector street on the city’s Comprehensive Transportation Plan and is also a Municipal State Aid Route. A preliminary traffic study/investigation was performed in conjunction with the Environmental Assessment Worksheet (EAW) for the Redmond site Chanhassen Lakes Business Park 7th, recorded in 1999) that is located directly north of this proposal. According to the EAW’s preliminary traffic study, development of this area would generate traffic numbers to support the need for a future traffic signal at Lake Drive West and Powers Boulevard. The city’s feasibility report for the Lake Drive West improvements did not take into account the cost of a traffic signal along Powers Boulevard. The city and county will have to coordinate the installation of a traffic signal to accommodate trip generations from the area. While currently there are no capital projects anticipated as of yet for this installation, it was approved with the PUD for this development (#87-3 PUD and #99-19 SPR) that each lot escrow with the city a financial guarantee for a share of the local cost participation for the traffic signal. The amount determined by the county and city at that time was $20/unit. As the current “Lake Place” proposal is for a 110-unit apartment complex, the applicant shall escrow $2,200.00 with the city for the installation of the future traffic signal. Vehicular access to the site was provided from Lake Drive West during the construction of the original build-out of the four-lot subdivision known as “Powers Ridge Apartment Homes” and Powers Ridge Apartment Homes 2nd Addition” in 2000. The internal, private drives, were designed and built to meet city ordinances for a 7-ton road section, in which cross-access easements were prepared and recorded by the developer over the lots in favor of the property owners. The applicant for “Lake Place”, which is the final phase (Phase 4), is proposing to utilize three of the four constructed access points to the site built out during Phase 1 and 2, as seen below. Access “1” will be removed and the curb line restored, access “2” and “4” will be Planning Commission 1361 Lake Drive West – Lake Place January 5, 2021 Page 12 of 24 used for accessing above-ground parking and the main entrance to the building, and access “3” will be used for accessing underground parking. During the review of this subdivision in 2000, it was approved that the trail system would extend from Powers Boulevard to the parking lot for Sunset Ridge Park. As such, the developer of Phase 1 extended the bituminous trail along the southerly right-of-way of Lake Drive West from Powers Boulevard to the western property line of Lot 1 (approximately 1000 feet). In order to continue the planned trail route, the applicant will be required to construct the portion of trail along and abutting their northern property line. This would result in the extension of another approximately 415 feet of trail towards Sunset Ridge Park. The lot fronts on Lake Drive West and accesses via shared driveways with the rest of the Powers Ridge development. The internal street system will be privately owned and maintained. The proposed drive aisle widths meet the city’s ordinances. The drive aisles shall be a minimum of 24 feet wide and 26 feet wide when adjacent to parking stalls and built to seven-ton per axle weight pursuant to Ordinance 18-57 o. and 20-1101. Parking lots shall be designed and constructed in accordance with section 20-1118. Cross-access easements will need to be prepared and recorded by the developer over the lots in favor of the property owners. The developer shall connect the sidewalks on the eastern side of the building to the sidewalk to Lake Drive and on the western sides of the building to Lake Drive. Sidewalk construction includes the construction of appropriate pedestrian ramps. Planning Commission 1361 Lake Drive West – Lake Place January 5, 2021 Page 13 of 24 The applicant provides a drop-off and pick-up area at the main entrance to the building. GRADING The applicant is proposing to construct an at-grade filtration basin on the north portion of the site and an underground filtration system at the southeast portion of the site under drive aisles and parking areas. Through the proposed grading plan, it appears the southern portion of drainage will be routed away from buildings into a series of catch basins and stormwater pipe located in parking areas and directed to the underground filtration basin. The northern portion of the site will be routed via overland flow (sheet flow) away from buildings and directed to the at-grade filtration basin. Roof drains are also proposed which will capture runoff from the roof and route the stormwater to the proposed stormwater BMPs. However, drainage arrows and emergency overflow routes were not provided on the preliminary construction plans and will be required upon submittal of final construction plans for review and approval by staff. A geotechnical report prepared by Paul Gionfriddo, P.E. (license number 23093) with Haugo GeoTechnical Services dated November 23, 2020 was provided by the applicant with the submittal. The report utilized eight soil borings throughout the site to make determinations and provide recommendations for the proposed construction, site grading, pavement design, etc. All recommendations from the geotechnical report must be adhered to, and a geotechnical engineering firm shall be on-site during grading operations. Groundwater was encountered at three of the boring sites with a range of depth from 906.5 feet to 921.5 feet. This is approximately 10.5 feet below the proposed underground parking elevation (GFE of 932.0), however if groundwater is encountered during grading the grades shall be adjusted to maintain a 3 foot separation from the bottom floor elevations and adhering to the commendations of the soil engineer on site. Changes to grades shall be submitted to the city for review and approval. Based on the provided grading plan and narrative it is unclear whether or not the site grading will balance the volume of earthwork necessary to achieve the proposed finished elevations. Should earthwork quantities not balance on site and materials need to be imported or exported, the developer will need to supply the City with a detailed haul route for review and approval by staff. In addition, if material is proposed to be exported to another location in Chanhassen, it should be noted that the properties would be required to obtain an earthwork permit from the City. Also, if during the course of grading and/or construction any drain tile is discovered, the developer shall notify the City Engineer and will be required to relocate or abandon the drain tile as directed. As currently proposed the grading plan will require the construction of two retaining walls at the north and south side of the property. The northern retaining wall does not provide call-outs for total height, however it appears to be less than four feet. Updated plans shall call-out the height of this retaining wall; the height of any retaining wall is measured from the top of the wall to the bottom of the footing (not to the bottom of the wall at the top of grade). The southern retaining wall does reach a height of four feet, and therefore shall be constructed in accordance with plans Planning Commission 1361 Lake Drive West – Lake Place January 5, 2021 Page 14 of 24 prepared by a registered engineer and shall be constructed of a durable material (smooth face concrete, masonry/mortared, railroad ties and timber are prohibited). Lastly, grading is being proposed within the southerly portion of Lake Drive West right-of-way, which is to the north of the property. While the current grading plan does not appear to have any extraordinary or adverse impacts on the public right-of-way’s drainage, ultimately approval of any work within the public right-of-way is subject to review and approval by the city. Any grading approved within the public right-of-way will require a temporary construction easement be entered into between the applicant and the city. EROSION CONTROL The proposed development will exceed one (1) acre of disturbance and will, therefore, be subject to the General Permit Authorization to Discharge Stormwater Associated with Construction Activity Under the National Pollution Discharge Elimination/State Disposal System (NPDES Construction Permit). The applicant has provided an ESCP along with a Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP), and while overall the plan appears feasible, it is deficient as it does not include all the requirements listed under Sec. 19-145.(a)(2) such as the location of stockpiled materials. As such, the applicant shall update the ESCP and resubmit for review and approval with the submission of the final construction plans. An approved NPDES Construction Permit shall be submitted to the city and all erosion control shall be installed and inspected prior to initiation of site grading activities. To guarantee compliance with the plans, and related remedial work, a cash escrow or letter of credit, satisfactory to the city, shall be furnished to the city before a Notice to Proceed is issued for the development. The escrow amount shall be 110% of the estimated costs of construction for grading, erosion control and stormwater improvements associated with the development. The city may use the escrow or draw upon the letter of credit to reimburse the city for any labor or material costs it incurs in securing compliance with the plan or in implementing the plan. The city shall endeavor to give notice to the owner or developer before proceeding, but such notice shall not be required in an emergency as determined by the city. The assurance shall be maintained until final stabilization and removal of erosion and sediment controls and acceptance of dedicated public streets and public utilities. WETLANDS One wetland exists on site and was delineated in November 2020. This wetland was identified as Type 3, PEM1C shallow marsh wetland located in the western portion of the property. This wetland covered 0.12 acres within the property boundaries. In the wetland delineation report, the applicant has stated that the wetland is functionally a stormwater pond and appears to have intentionally or incidentally been created. The Wetland Conservation Act (WCA) does not regulate impacts to incidental wetlands. According to the Planning Commission 1361 Lake Drive West – Lake Place January 5, 2021 Page 15 of 24 WCA, "Incidental wetlands are wetland areas that the landowner can demonstrate, to the satisfaction of the local government unit (LGU), were created in nonwetland areas solely by actions, the purpose of which was not to create the wetland. Incidental wetlands include drainage ditches, impoundments, or excavations constructed in nonwetlands solely for the purpose of effluent treatment, containment of waste material, stormwater retention or detention, drainage, soil and water conservation practices, and water quality improvements and not as part of a wetland replacement process that may, over time, take on wetland characteristics.” The applicant, in the wetland delineation report, provided some cursory evidence that this wetland should be considered incidental, and thus not regulated by WCA. However, the amount of the evidence is insufficient at this time, and the applicant has been made aware that a No-Loss Application that includes more detailed evidence will be required to be submitted to the WCA LGU. This will need to go through the WCA process, which includes a Technical Evaluation Panel (TEP) review of the No-Loss application. If it is determined that this wetland is in fact incidental, then it would not be regulated by the WCA and would not require mitigation. If it is determined that the wetland is not incidental but in fact a WCA jurisdictional wetland, then a wetland replacement plan may be required if the wetland is proposed to be impacted. STORMWATER MANAGEMENT Article VII, Chapter 19 of City Code describes the required stormwater management development standards. Section 19-141 states that “these development standards shall be reflected in plans prepared by developers and/or project proposers in the design and layout of site plans, subdivisions and water management features.” These standards include abstraction of runoff and water quality treatment resulting in the removal of 90% total suspended solids (TSS) and 60% total phosphorous (TP). Below are a list of conditions identified by city staff: North BMP needs to be wholly located outside of ROW/D&U. Show drainage arrows EOFs (was noted in Grading, as well). One possible EOF near SEC of site that goes towards the clubhouse (outside extents of existing condition survey, also addressed briefly in Existing Condition Survey). Can downstream BMPs (some are public) handle the increase in volume/rate? The catch basin to the north of the property where the at-grade filtration system is tying into (this is tying into a public system…) will need to be upgraded to a catch-basin manhole to facilitate the connection. Capacity of downstream conveyance needs to be checked along with downstream BMP for volume/rate. The catch basin manhole to the south of the property where the underground filtration system is tying into (this is tying into a public system…) already has a stub out from the as-built; are they abandoning? If so, we may need a new structure. All drain tile (in particular to the stormwater basins) need to have tracer wire per city specifications. Planning Commission 1361 Lake Drive West – Lake Place January 5, 2021 Page 16 of 24 Clean-outs/access manholes not shown on plans. Where is the storm captured by the trench drain to underground parking being discharged note implies “pumped into building and interior system)? In addition, the following comments should be addressed as the project moves forward: General 1. A NPDES permit will be required prior to the start of construction. 2. A RPBCWD permit will be required prior to the start of construction. 3. The plans show an existing wetland on site. Applicant should confirm all applicable wetland permitting and/or mitigation has been completed. 4. Work is shown outside of the property limits. Applicant will need to get permission for all work outside of the property limits. 5. As noted in correspondence from RPBCWD, work is proposed below the 100-year flood elevation set by the RPBCWD. Applicant will need to meet requirements of RPBCWD Rule B. a. Note that this area is not shown within the FEMA 100-year floodplain. 6. Applicant should submit rational-method calculations to confirm that the storm sewer is adequately sized for the 10-year rainfall event. 7. Provide a chloride management plan required by section 3.8 of the RPBCWD stormwater management rules. Rate Control 1. Proposed peak runoff rates do not exceed existing runoff rates in the 2-, 10-, and 100- year storm events. Applicant is showing a slight increase in the runoff rates to Lake Drive West during the snowmelt event. After addressing the other comments listed here, applicant should confirm proposed rates are less than existing for all storm events. Water Quality 1. The stormwater narrative notes the system removes greater than 60% TP and 90% TSS while decreasing TP and TSS loading from the proposed site compared to existing conditions, which would indicate water quality requirements are met. Applicant should submit electronic copies of the existing and proposed P8 models for review to confirm. Volume Control 1. Soil borings show HSG D soils which are not suitable for infiltration per RPBCWD requirements. RPBCWD abstraction sequencing for restricted sites must be followed since infiltration is prohibited onsite. a. Note that only volume below the draintile may be counted towards abstraction requirements in the underground filtration basin. 2. Section 3.1 of the Stormwater Management Report states “The total proposed site imperious area is 72,724 SF. The total impervious area directed to the filtration systems is Planning Commission 1361 Lake Drive West – Lake Place January 5, 2021 Page 17 of 24 74,404.” Clarify the total existing impervious area, total proposed impervious area, and the amount of impervious area directed to the filtration system. a. The existing and proposed impervious areas noted in the stormwater narrative do not correspond with the impervious areas listed on the SWPPP. Plans 1. Upstream inverts into the underground filtration basin are at the same elevation as the outlet (935.25). It is recommended the inlets be higher than the outlet to avoid water backing up into the inlet pipes. 2. It is unclear where the 6” draintile from the underground filtration basin will outlet based on the utility plan. 3. The utility plans show a 6” PVC pipe coming into the above ground filtration system at an elevation (930.0) below the ground elevation of the filtration basin listed on the utility plans (933.0 and below the draintile invert elevation (931.5). Applicant should update the elevations for this inlet to come in above ground. a. Note that the grading plans show the basin graded down to a 930. Applicant should confirm elevations for the basin and confirm HydroCAD modeling is representative of the plans. 4. The utility plan and HydroCAD model show 24” storage pipes being utilized for the underground filtration system however the detail shows 36” pipes. Plans should be updated to be consistent. 5. A cross section for the proposed above ground filtration basin should be provided. 6. All storm sewer within the right-of-way shall be RCP. b. It is recommended all storm sewer under driving surfaces be RCP. 7. All connections to existing storm structures shall be noted as core drilled on the plans. 8. The grading plans show a low point in the green space just south of the underground filtration basin. Applicant should update grading plan to avoid creating a low point or should have a yard drain to pick up drainage from this area. 9. Inlet protection should be shown for the existing catch basins just east of the construction entrance. Modeling 1. For the larger drainage areas, time of concentration should be calculated rather than using a direct entry of six minutes. Staff requests that the applicant address each of the comments above and provide a written response by restating each comment and stating how each comment was addressed and include supporting documentation. SANITARY SEWER AND WATER Public sanitary sewer and water are available to adequately serve the site. The public utilities were built-out during Phase 1 and Phase 2 of the subdivision and are encumbered by public Planning Commission 1361 Lake Drive West – Lake Place January 5, 2021 Page 18 of 24 drainage and utility easements. The applicant is proposing to wet tap an 8-inch combined domestic/fire water service from the municipal 8-inch PVC water main located within the private drive and core-drill into a municipal sewer manhole located within a public drainage and utility easement on Lot 2. The applicant has elected to abandon the existing 8-inch water service lateral installed during the original installation of the public utilities and proposes a new connection via a wet tap. The wet tap method is not approved as a cut and section method (installation of a tee and sleeve) will be required if the applicant ultimately elects to abandon existing water laterals and install a new one. The installation of a tee has become standard city policy when connecting two same size public water main sections together. The method of wet tapping cuts a coupon (section of pipe) the diameter of the pipe. When cutting a pipe of the same diameter into another it leaves less pipe structure to support the connection and can have a higher potential for failure compared to the cut and section method. Updated plans reflecting these changes will be required and shall be submitted to the city for review and approval prior to issuance of a notice to proceed. Depending on the tap location, this may require coordination with Public Works Utility Department for the isolation of the main along with the applicant’s contractor coordinating with impacted residents for the water main shutdown. Sanitary sewer is proposed to be had from an existing manhole located within a drainage and utility easement within the property to be developed. The method of core-drilling into the manhole is acceptable, however it will also be required to be a booted connection per the city’s standards. All utility installations and connections to public utilities shall be in accordance with the latest edition of the city’s Standard Specifications and Detail Plates. Lastly, the proposed location of the development’s monument sign is currently directly over the public sanitary sewer main and within the public drainage and utility easement. The sanitary sewer in this location is approximately 16 feet deep. OSHA can require a 1.5H:1V slope depending on soil types, in which a 24-foot wide trench would be required to repair/replace this section of sanitary sewer. In order to efficiently and effectively maintain this public utility, the applicant shall relocate the proposed monument sign wholly outside the public drainage utility easement and public right-of-way. Miscellaneous A building permit must be obtained before beginning any construction. Building plans must be prepared and signed by design professionals licensed in the State of Minnesota. Building plans must provide sufficient information to verify that proposed building meets all requirements of the Minnesota State Building Code, additional comments or requirements may be required after plan review. The building is required to have automatic fire extinguishing systems. Structure proximity to property lines (and other buildings) will have an impact on the Code requirements for the proposed buildings, including but not limited to: allowable size, protected openings and Planning Commission 1361 Lake Drive West – Lake Place January 5, 2021 Page 19 of 24 fire-resistive construction. These requirements will be addressed when complete building and site plans are submitted. Building plans must include a Code analysis that contains the following information: Key Plan, Occupancy group, Type of construction, Allowable height and area, Fire sprinklers, Separated or non-separated, Fire resistive elements (Exterior walls, Bearing walls - exterior or interior, Shaft, Incidental use), Occupant load, Exits required (Common path, Travel distance), Minimum plumbing fixture count. Retaining walls more than four feet high must be designed by a professional engineer and a building permit must be obtained prior to construction. A final grading plan and soils report must be submitted to the Inspections Division before building permits will be issued. All egress doors on all sides should have a hard surface path that leads from the egress door to the public right-of-way. PARKS & RECREATION The developer shall be responsible for construction of the Lake Drive West trail along the northwest portion of the property traveling approximately 505 feet from the eastern driveway entrance to western driveway entrance. The developer/applicant shall provide design, engineering, construction and testing required of the Lake Drive West trail. All construction documents, including material costs, shall be delivered to the Park and Recreation Director and City Engineer for approval prior to the initiation of construction. The trail shall be eight feet or to the current width to match the existing trail, surfaced with asphalt and constructed to meet all city specifications. The applicant shall be reimbursed by the city for the cost of the aggregate base and trail surfacing. This reimbursement payment shall be made upon completion and acceptance of the trail and receipt of an invoice documenting the actual costs for the construction materials noted. Labor and installation, design, engineering and testing services are not reimbursable expenses. The PUD for this site requires no trail fees and ½ park fees based on previous agreements for this site. The current rate is $3,800 per dwelling for multi-family/apartment unit and half is credited due to parkland dedication. 1,900 per unit X 110 units = $209,000.00 Total Park Dedication Fees The development paid $166.67 per unit X 88 units = $14,666.96 at the time of subdivision and previous site plan approval. In 2000, at the time of subdivision, 22 units were not included in the park fee calculation and paid for so they will pay the full $1,900 per unit. The developer shall pay a total of $194,333.04 in Park fees prior to the issuance of a building permit. Compliance Table Code Project (Lake Place) Building Height 3 stories 3 stories 35 feet 42 feet (to midpoint of highest gable) Planning Commission 1361 Lake Drive West – Lake Place January 5, 2021 Page 20 of 24 Building Setback N - 50' E - 10' N - 59' E - 48' W - 10' S - 25' W - 118' S – 77’ Parking Stalls 128 stalls 155 stalls One stall per unit enclosed, plus visitor parking of one stall per four units) Includes ten stalls for the community building. Parking Setback N - 50' E - 0' N - na E - 0 W - 0' S - 0' W - 50' S - 3' Hard Surface Coverage 35% @ 58% @ over the 21.34 acre multi-family development total hard cover is 7.5 acres Lot Area 3.68 acres 3.68 acres RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends that the Planning Commission approve the site plan for a 110-unit, three-story apartment building with a variance for the building height to allow 42 feet to the midpoint of the roof subject to the following conditions: Building 1. A building permit must be obtained before beginning any construction. 2. Building plans must be prepared and signed by design professionals licensed in the State of Minnesota. 3. Building plans must provide sufficient information to verify that proposed building meets all requirements of the Minnesota State Building Code, additional comments or requirements may be required after plan review. 4. The building is required to have automatic fire extinguishing systems. 5. Structure proximity to property lines (and other buildings) will have an impact on the Code requirements for the proposed buildings, including but not limited to allowable size, protected openings and fire-resistive construction. These requirements will be addressed when complete building and site plans are submitted. 6. Building plans must include a code analysis that contains the following information: Key Plan, Occupancy group, Type of construction, Allowable height and area, Fire sprinklers, Separated or non-separated, Fire resistive elements (Exterior walls, Bearing walls - exterior or interior, Shaft, Incidental use), Occupant load, Exits required (Common path, Travel distance), Minimum plumbing fixture count. Planning Commission 1361 Lake Drive West – Lake Place January 5, 2021 Page 21 of 24 7. Retaining walls more than four-feet high must be designed by a professional engineer and a building permit must be obtained prior to construction. 8. A final grading plan and soils report must be submitted to the Inspections Division before building permits will be issued. Engineering and Water Resources 1. The applicant shall submit an updated existing conditions survey upon submittal of final construction plans with the following updates: a. The location of a second benchmark (top nut of second hydrant); b. Utility locations primarily based off GSOC locates and/or any as-built information available (clarify “Per Plans” or the “source information”); c. Existing sanitary manholes shall utilize city nomenclature; d. Show extents up to 150 feet beyond site’s boundary which are to include utility lines, easements, right-of-way, spot elevations, contours, etc.; 2. The applicant shall escrow $2,200.00 with the city as a financial guarantee for a share of the local cost participation based on traffic generated from the site for a future traffic signal at the intersection of Lake Drive West and Powers Boulevard. The cost of the traffic signal is based upon a figure of $20 per unit. 3. Drainage arrows and emergency overflow routes shall be illustrated on updated construction plans for review and approval by the city prior to issuance of a Notice to Proceed. 4. A geotechnical engineering shall be on-site during grading operations. If groundwater is encountered during grading, grades shall be adjusted to maintain a three foot separation from the bottom floor elevation and adhering to the recommendations of the soil engineer on site. Changes to grades shall be submitted to the city for review and approval. 5. The applicant shall supply the city with a detailed haul route for review and approval by staff for materials imported to or exported from the site. If the material is proposed to be removed off site to another location in Chanhassen, that property owner will be required to obtain an earthwork permit from the city. 6. During the course of grading and/or construction if any drain tile is discovered, the developer shall notify the City Engineer and shall relocate or abandon the drain tile as directed. 7. All retaining walls exceeding four feet in height shall have plans and details prepared by a registered engineer or landscape architect prior to issuance of building permits. Planning Commission 1361 Lake Drive West – Lake Place January 5, 2021 Page 22 of 24 8. Any grading approved within the public right-of-way shall require the execution of a temporary construction easement between the applicant and the city. 9. The applicant shall apply for and obtain permits from the appropriate regulatory agencies, as necessary, i.e. Riley Purgatory Bluff Creek Watershed District, Carver County, Minnesota Pollution Control Agency, Minnesota Department of Natural Resources, Army Corps of Engineers, etc. and comply with their conditions of approval. 10. The applicant shall enter into a site plan agreement with the city and provide necessary financial security to guarantee compliance with the terms of site plan approval. This shall include, but is not limited to, 110% of the estimated costs of construction for grading, erosion control and stormwater improvements associated with the development. 11. The applicant and their engineer shall work with city staff on amending the preliminary construction plans, dated December 4, 2020 prepared by Matthew R. Pavek, PE with CivilSite Group, to fully satisfy staff concerns. Final construction plans will be subject to review and approval by staff. 12. The applicant shall relocate the proposed monument sign wholly outside the public drainage utility easement and public right-of-way. Environmental Resources 1. A total of 16 over story trees shall be located around the parking lot and driveways. 2. Screening through the use of shrubs shall be added to the south side of the building at the west side along the entry drive. 3. The applicant shall remove Colorado spruce and Northwoods Red maple from the plant schedule. Alternative selection of trees shall meet city ordinance for diversity (30-20-10) and be appropriate for clay, compacted soils. 4. A total of eight over story boulevard trees shall be planted along Lake Drive West outside of the right-of-way. 5. Applicant shall increase understory trees in bufferyard along Lake Drive West to meet minimum requirements. 6. The PUD agreement states that the applicant shall provide a minimum of $500.00 of landscaping per multi-family unit. The applicant shall provide the city with a cost estimate for the required landscaping at the time of building permit approval showing compliance with this requirement. Planning Commission 1361 Lake Drive West – Lake Place January 5, 2021 Page 23 of 24 Fire 1. All egress doors on all sides should have a hard surface path that leads from the egress door to the public right-of-way. Parks 1. The developer shall pay $194,333.04 in Park fees with the building permit. 2. The developer shall be responsible for construction of the Lake Drive West trail along the northwest portion of the property. Planning 1. The developer shall enter into a site plan agreement and provide the security required by it prior to receiving a building permit. 2. The developer shall be required to enter into a Tax Increment Financing Agreement ensuring the affordability of the units. 3. A separate sign permit application, review and approval shall be required prior to site sign installation. 4. The developer shall connect the sidewalks on the eastern side of the building to the sidewalk to Lake Drive and on the western sides of the building to Lake Drive. 5. A revised lighting plan with photo metrics shall be submitted for city review and approval. 6. The developer shall record cross parking and cross access agreements with the other parcels in the Powers Ridge development. ATTACHMENTS 1. Findings of Fact and Recommendation 2. Application for Development Review 3. Variance Narrative 4. Plan Sheets 5. Resident Comment 6. Public Hearing Notice and Mailing List Planning Commission 1361 Lake Drive West – Lake Place January 5, 2021 Page 24 of 24 g:\plan\2021 planning cases\21-04 1361 lake drive w. lake place (powers ridge apt, bldg c)\staff report lake place.docx CITY OF CHANHASSEN CARVER AND HENNEPIN COUNTIES,MINNESOTA FINDINGS OF FACT AND RECOMMENDATION IN RE: Application of TPS Holding LLC for Site Plan approval for a 110-unit,three-story apartment building(Lake Place)with a variance for building height. On January 5, 2021,the Chanhassen Planning Commission met at its regularly scheduled meeting to consider the application of TPS Holding LLC for site plan approval with a variance to permit a 42-foot building height. The Planning Commission conducted a public hearing on the proposed development preceded by published and mailed notice. The Planning Commission heard testimony from all interested persons wishing to speak and now makes the following: FINDINGS OF FACT 1. The property is currently zoned Planned Unit Development—Residential,PUD-R. 2. The property is guided in the Land Use Plan for Residential High Density use. 3. The legal description of the property is: Lot 2, Block 1, Powers Ridge Apartment Homes 2nd Addition, Carver County, Minnesota 4. Site Plan Review: a. Is consistent with the elements and objectives of the city's development guides, including the Comprehensive Plan, official road mapping, and other plans that may be adopted; Finding: The proposed development complies with the elements and objectives of the city's development guides and the zoning requirements for the site contingent on approval of the height variance. b. Is consistent with site plan division; Finding: The proposed development complies with the Site Plan review requirements of the Chanhassen City Code. c. Preserves the site in its natural state to the extent practicable by minimizing tree and soil removal and designing grade changes to be in keeping with the general appearance of the neighboring developed or developing or developing areas; Finding: The site has been significantly altered by previous uses on the surrounding 1 parcel. The proposed development design is in keeping with the general appearance of the neighboring developed areas. d. Creates a harmonious relationship of building and open space with natural site features and with existing and future buildings having a visual relationship to the development; Finding: The proposed development creates a harmonious relationship of building and open space with site features and with existing buildings having a visual relationship to the development. The development will complete some internal pedestrian facilities tying the project together. e. Creates a functional and harmonious design for structures and site features, with special attention to the following: 1) An internal sense of order for the buildings and use on the site and provision of a desirable environment for occupants, visitors and general community; 2) The amount and location of open space and landscaping; 3) Materials, textures, colors and details of construction as an expression of the design concept and the compatibility of the same with adjacent and neighboring structures and uses; and 4) Vehicular and pedestrian circulation, including walkways, interior drives and parking in terms of location and number of access points to the public streets, width of interior drives and access points, general interior circulation, separation of pedestrian and vehicular traffic, and arrangement and amount of parking. Finding: The proposed development creates a functional and harmonious design for structures and site features, subject to compliance with the conditions of approval. The proposed development improves pedestrian access throughout the area. The proposed building improves the architectural appearance of the area. e. Protects adjacent and neighboring properties through reasonable provision for surface water drainage, sound and sight buffers, preservation of views, light and air and those aspects of design not adequately covered by other regulations which may have substantial effects on neighboring land uses. Finding: The proposed development protects adjacent and neighboring properties through reasonable provision for surface water drainage, sound and sight buffers, preservation of views, light and air and traffic circulation. 5. Variance. Section 20-58 of the City Code provides the following criteria for the granting of a variance: a. Variances shall only be permitted when they are in harmony with the general purposes and intent of this Chapter and when the variances are consistent with the Comprehensive Plan. Finding: The proposed variance for the building will be in harmony with the building heights in the rest of the Powers Ridge development. Additionally, this building is located on the north side of the project so it will not impact solar access for the rest of the site. b. When there are practical difficulties in complying with the zoning ordinance. "Practical difficulties," as used in connection with the granting of a variance, means that the property owner proposes to use the property in a reasonable manner not permitted by this Chapter. Practical difficulties include, but are not limited to, inadequate access to direct sunlight for solar energy systems. Finding: The property owner is proposing a three-story apartment building similar to the existing development, but updated to be equivalent and competitive with current design, construction and energy standards. The building uses 10-foot first floor and nine-foot second and third floor ceiling heights rather than eight-foot ceilings and provides one- foot six-inch floor trusses for efficient mechanical design. The roof design also adds approximately four feet to the overall building height. c. That the purpose of the variation is not based upon economic considerations alone. Finding: The proposed variance is not due to economic considerations, but due to the existing configuration of the parking lot for the multiple commercial buildings in this area. d. The plight of the landowner is due to circumstances unique to the property not created by the landowner. Finding: The existing parking lot configuration is due to the cross parking and cross access easements in place for this commercial area. e. The variance, if granted, will not alter the essential character of the locality. Finding: The variance would continue the configuration of the parking lot that is tied in to the adjacent parking lot. f. Variances shall be granted for earth sheltered construction as defined in Minnesota Statutes Section 216C.06, subdivision 14, when in harmony with this Chapter. Finding: This condition is not applicable. 6. The planning report#2021-04, dated January 5, 2021, prepared by Robert Generous, et al, is incorporated herein. 3 RECOMMENDATION The Planning Commission recommends that the City Council approve the Site Plan with a variance for the building height for Lake Place Independent Living apartments subject to the recommended Conditions of Approval contained within the staff report. ADOPTED by the Chanhassen Planning Commission this 5th day of January, 2021. CHANHASSEN PLANNING COMMISSION BY: V Steven Weick, Chairman g:\plan\2021 planning cases\21-04 1361 lake drive w.lake place(powers ridge apt.bldg c)\findings of fact lake placedoc 4 TUSHIE MONTGOMERY ARCHITECTS PROJECT INFO 12/04/201361LakeDriveWest, Chanhassen, MN 55317 Chanhassen Independent Living 01 Project narrative Site info Project team Project info Address 1361 Lake Drive West Chanhassen, MN 55317 Site Location Developer Architect Tushie Montgomery Architects 7645 Lyndale Avenue South Suite 100 Minneapolis, MN 55423 Evan Jacobsen, Architect evanj@tmiarchitects.com Building Information Site Regulations Zoning Plate Zoning Current Zoning: PUD Site Area 160,637 S.F (3.68 Acres) Pervious/Impervious Area Total Site Area 160,637 SF Total Building Footprint 41,506 SF Total Non-Building Site Area 119,131 SF Total Impervious Non-Building Area 51,016 SF Total Impervious Area 92,440 SF Total Pervious 61,996 SF Total Landscape Area 61,996 SF Building SF 1st Floor 41,506 SF 2nd Floor 41,506 SF 3rd Floor 41,506 SF Total Building Area 124, 518 SF Lower Level Garage 41,506 SF Total Garage Area 41,506 SF Grand Total 166,024 SF Parking Lower Level Garage 110 Spaces Surface Parking 35 Spaces Total New Parking 145 Spaces Rooms per floor 1st Floor 34 Units 2nd Floor 39 Units 3rd Floor 37 Units Total 110 Units Room Mix Small One Bed 12 Units One Bed 29 Units One Bed Den 27 Units Two Bed 36 Units Two Bed Den 6 Units Total 110 Units Units Site TPS Holding LLC 350 Hwy 7, Suite 218 Excelsior, MN 55331 Todd Simning, President todd@ADOR-HOMES.com Fire Protection System NFPA 13 The developer is proposing an exciting new 3 story independent living apartment building in the city of Chanhassen. The building will be located in a neighborhood that has residential and offices nearby. The building would include 110 apartments of both market rate and affordable. There would also be one level of underground parking totaling 110 spaces. The structure would consist of three levels of wood construction above grade. The proposed exterior materials are brick/stone, lap siding, board and batten siding, and glass. Content Index Civil Sheets C0.0 Title Sheet V1.0 Site Survey C1.0 Removals Plan C2.0 Site Plan C3.0 Grading Plan C4.0 Utility Plan - Water and Sewer C4.1 Utility Plan - Storm Sewer C5.0 Civil Details C5.1 Civil Details C5.2 Civil Details L1.0 Landscape Plan L1.1 Landscape Plan Notes & Details SW1.0 SWPPP - Existing Conditions SW1.1 SWPPP - Proposed Conditions SW1.2 SWPPP - Details SW1.3 SWPPP - Narrative SW1.4 SWPPP - Attachments SW1.5 SWPPP - Attachments Architectural Sheets 01 Project Info 02 Site Context 03 Context Aerials 04 Site Plan 05 Lighting Plan 06 Floor Plan - Garage & 1st 07 Floor Plan - 2nd, 3rd, Roof 08 Elevations 09 Renderings 10 Perspectives 11 3rd Floor - Deck Option Civil Engineer Civil Site Group, PC 4931 W. 35th St, Suite 200 St Loius Park, MN 55416 Matt Pavek, Civil engineer mpavek@civilsitegroup.com Project info Submittal List 2020 12-04 City Submittal PUD Ammendment Room Sizes Range Small One Bed 686 - 744 One Bed 747 - 817 One Bed Den 917 - 1002 Two Bed 965 - 1072 Two Bed Den 985 - 1157 Legal Descriptions Lot 2, Block 1, Powers Ridge Apartment Homes 2nd Addition, Carver County, Minnesota Civil Engineering Surveying Landscape Architecture4931 W. 35th Street, Suite 200St. Louis Park, MN 55416civilsitegroup.com 612-615- 0060LAKE PLACE 1361 LAKE DRIVE W. CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 350 HWY 7, SUITE 218 EXCELSIOR, MN 55331 TPS HOLDING LLC PROJECT ISSUE/ SUBMITTAL SUMMARYDATEDESCRIPTION............ PROJECT NUMBER: 20351............ 12/ 4/ 20CITY SUBMITTALDRAWN BY:REVIEWED CONSTRUCTIONLIMITSCONSTRUCTIONLIMITSCONSTRUCTIONLIMITSREMOVEEXISTINGCURBANDGUTTER, TYP.ALL UNUSED EXISTING WATER SERVICESWITHIN THE PROPOSED LIMITS SHALL BEREMOVED AND ABANDONED BACK TO THEMAIN PER CITY OF CHANHASSEN STANDARDSREMOVE ALL EXISTINGUTILITY SERVICES PERUTILITY COMPANY ANDCITY STANDARDSPROTECT EXISTINGSIGN AND FENCEREMOVE EXISTINGCURB ANDGUTTER, TYP. REMOVE EX. CATCH BASINAND BULKHEAD LINE. ADJUST CASTING TO FIT INNEW CURB. IF NOT, REMOVEAND B612 C& G, TYP. REMOVE AND REPLACEEXISTING PAVEMENT ANDBASEMATERIAL TO MATCHEXISTING PAVEMENT SECTIONFOR UTILITY CONSTRUCTIONPVMT. STRIPING, TYPACCESSIBLE ROUTEARROW. DO NOT PAINT, FORCODEREVIEW ONLY, TYP. 50' BUILDING SETBACK10' BU ILD INGSETBACK10' BUILD INGSETBACK5STALLS@9 45 0 8 STALLS @ 9 72 0 26.0' 26.0'NOPARKING PICKLEBALLCOURT, TYP.10' BLACK CHAIN LINK FENCEPLACED 4" OUTSIDE OF PAVINGAREA. COORDINATE INSTALLATIONW/ FENCE MANUFACTURER30. 0' 60. 0 FILTRATION BASINBOT= 933. 00100 YR HWL = 932. 25EOF= 935. 505. 0 5. 0 18. 0 27. 0 5. 0'DRIVE 50' BUILDING SETBACK10' BU ILD ING SETBACK10' BUILDINGSETBACKNOPARKING FILTRATION BASINBOT= 933. 00100 YR HWL = 932.25EOF=935.50CONSTRUCTION LIMITSCONSTRUCTION LIMITSCONSTRUCTION LIMITSGARAGE LEVEL1ST FLOOR LEVELNOPARKINGSB-7SB-8SB- 1SB-6SB-2SB- 4SB- 5SB- 3AD 100AAD 100BAD 100CAD 100DAD 100EAD 100FAD 100G338 LF 6" SCH40PVC STORM @0. 5% AD 100HAD 100IAD 100JAD 100KAD 100L70 LF 6" SCH40PVC STORM @0. 5% AD200AAD 50' BUILDING SETBACK10' BU ILD ING SETBACK10' BUILDINGSETBACKNOPARKING FILTRATION BASINBOT= 933. 00100 YR HWL = 932.25EOF=935.50CONSTRUCTION LIMITSCONSTRUCTION LIMITSCONSTRUCTION LIMITSGARAGE LEVEL1ST FLOOR LEVELNOPARKINGSB-7SB-8SB- 1SB-6SB-2SB- 4SB- 5SB- 38" COMBINED DIPDOMESTIC/ FIREWATER SERVICEAND VALVE, STUBTO WITHIN 5' FROMBUILDING, COORD. W/ MECH' LPROPOSED GATEVALVE AND VALVE BOXMAKE WET TAPCONNECTION TOEXISTING WATERMAIN, COORD. WITHCITYCONTRACTOR SHALL SAWCUT & REMOVEPUBLIC 50' BUILDING SETBACK10' BU ILD ING SETBACK10' BUILDINGSETBACKNOPARKING FILTRATION BASINBOT= 933. 00100 YR HWL = 932.25EOF=935.50CONSTRUCTION LIMITSCONSTRUCTION LIMITSCONSTRUCTION LIMITSGARAGE LEVEL1ST FLOOR LEVELNOPARKINGSB-7SB-8SB- 1SB-6SB-2SB- 4SB- 5SB- 38" COMBINED DIPDOMESTIC/ FIREWATER SERVICEAND VALVE, STUBTO WITHIN 5' FROMBUILDING, COORD. W/ MECH' LPROPOSED GATEVALVE AND VALVE BOXMAKE WET TAPCONNECTION TOEXISTING WATERMAIN, COORD. WITHCITYCONTRACTOR SHALL SAWCUT & REMOVEPUBLIC Civil Engineering Surveying Landscape Architecture4931 W. 35th Street, Suite 200St. Louis Park, MN 55416civilsitegroup.com 612-615- 0060LAKE PLACE 1361 LAKE DRIVE W. CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 350 HWY 7, SUITE 218 EXCELSIOR, MN 55331 TPS HOLDING LLC PROJECT ISSUE/ SUBMITTAL SUMMARYDATEDESCRIPTION............ PROJECT NUMBER: 20351............ 12/ 4/ 20CITY SUBMITTALDRAWN BY:REVIEWED Civil Engineering Surveying Landscape Architecture4931 W. 35th Street, Suite 200St. Louis Park, MN 55416civilsitegroup.com 612-615- 0060LAKE PLACE 1361 LAKE DRIVE W. CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 350 HWY 7, SUITE 218 EXCELSIOR, MN 55331 TPS HOLDING LLC PROJECT ISSUE/ SUBMITTAL SUMMARYDATEDESCRIPTION............ PROJECT NUMBER: 20351............ 12/ 4/ 20CITY SUBMITTALDRAWN BY:REVIEWED BY: KW, BJMP.............. 12/4/ 2020 9:26: 56 AMCOPYRIGHT CIVIL SITE GROUP INC.cP R E L I Civil Engineering Surveying Landscape Architecture4931 W. 35th Street, Suite 200St. Louis Park, MN 55416civilsitegroup.com 612-615- 0060LAKE PLACE 1361 LAKE DRIVE W. CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 350 HWY 7, SUITE 218 EXCELSIOR, MN 55331 TPS HOLDING LLC PROJECT ISSUE/ SUBMITTAL SUMMARYDATEDESCRIPTION............ PROJECT NUMBER: 20351............ 12/ 4/ 20CITY SUBMITTALDRAWN BY:REVIEWED BY:KW, BJMP..............12/4/2020 9:27:21AMCOPYRIGHTCIVILSITE GROUP INC.cPR 50' BUILDING SETBACK10' BU ILD ING SETBACK10' BUILDINGSETBACKNOPARKING CONSTRUCTION LIMITSCONSTRUCTION LIMITSCONSTRUCTION LIMITSGARAGE LEVEL1ST FLOOR LEVELNOPARKING75 - DNS18 - DNS24 - KFG12 - KFG18 - LSRS7 - SSD17 - LSRS6 - SSD3 - BHS3 - BHS1 - SHL1 - SHL1 - SHL1 - SHL2 - PFC1 - SHL1 - NRM3 - CBS7 - ISL3 - BHS1 - SHL4 - DNS10 - NY3 - BHS3 - NRM3 - BHS3 - CBS3 - NRM3 - BHS3 - NRM7 - FG3 - BHSSEED TYPE 1SEED TYPE 2LAWNEDGING, TYP. 18" DECORATIVE ROCKMAINTENANCE STRIP, TYP. 18" DECORATIVE REVISION SUMMARYDATEDESCRIPTIONL1. 1LANDSCAPE PLANNOTES & DETAILS............Civil Engineering Surveying Landscape Architecture4931 W. 35th Street, Suite 200St. Louis Park, MN 55416civilsitegroup.com 612- 615- 0060LAKE PLACE 1361 LAKE DRIVE W. CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 350 HWY 7, SUITE 218 EXCELSIOR, MN 55331 TPS HOLDING LLC PROJECT ISSUE/ SUBMITTAL SUMMARYDATEDESCRIPTION............ PROJECT NUMBER: 20351............12/ CONSTRUCTIONLIMITSCONSTRUCTIONLIMITSCONSTRUCTIONLIMITSSB-7SB-8SB- 1SB-6SB- 2SB-4SB-5SB-3CONSTRUCTIONENTRANCEINLET PROTECTION ATCATCH BASINS BEINGREMOVEDINLET PROTECTION ATCATCH BASINS, TYPINLET PROTECTION ATCATCH BASINS, TYPCONTRACTOR TO PROVIDEINLET PROTECTION AT ALLDOWNSTREAM CATCHBASINS. PERIMETEREROSION CONTROLAT CONSTRUCTIONLIMITS, TYP. CBMH2 WITHSUMPUNDERGROUNDSTORMTECH DC- 780INFILTRATION SYSTEM 1 Civil Engineering Surveying Landscape Architecture4931 W. 35th Street, Suite 200St. Louis Park, MN 55416civilsitegroup. com612- 50' BUILDING SETBACK10' BU ILD ING SETBACK10' BUILDINGSETBACKNOPARKING FILTRATION BASINBOT= 933. 00100 YR HWL = 932.25EOF=935.50CONSTRUCTION LIMITSCONSTRUCTION LIMITSCONSTRUCTION LIMITSGARAGE LEVEL1ST FLOOR LEVELNOPARKINGSB-7SB-8SB- 1SB-6SB-2SB- 4SB- 5SB- 3AD 100AAD 100BAD 100CAD 100DAD 100EAD 100FAD 100G338 LF 6" SCH40PVC STORM @0. 5% AD 100HAD 100IAD 100JAD 100KAD 100L70 LF 6" SCH40PVC STORM @0. 5% AD200AAD Civil Engineering Surveying Landscape Architecture4931 W. 35th Street, Suite 200St. Louis Park, MN 55416civilsitegroup.com 612-615- 0060LAKE PLACE 1361 LAKE DRIVE W. CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 350 HWY 7, SUITE 218 EXCELSIOR, MN 55331 TPS HOLDING LLC PROJECT ISSUE/ SUBMITTAL SUMMARYDATEDESCRIPTION............ PROJECT NUMBER: 20351............ 12/ 4/ 20CITY SUBMITTALDRAWN BY:REVIEWED BY: KW, BJMP.............. 12/ 4/ 2020 9: 27: Civil Engineering Surveying Landscape Architecture4931 W. 35th Street, Suite 200St. Louis Park, MN 55416civilsitegroup.com 612-615- 0060LAKE PLACE 1361 LAKE DRIVE W. CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 350 HWY 7, SUITE 218 EXCELSIOR, MN 55331 TPS HOLDING LLC PROJECT ISSUE/ SUBMITTAL SUMMARYDATEDESCRIPTION............ PROJECT NUMBER: 20351............ 12/ 4/ 20CITY SUBMITTALDRAWN BY:REVIEWED Civil Engineering Surveying Landscape Architecture4931 W. 35th Street, Suite 200St. Louis Park, MN 55416civilsitegroup.com 612-615- 0060LAKE PLACE 1361 LAKE DRIVE W. CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 350 HWY 7, SUITE 218 EXCELSIOR, MN 55331 TPS HOLDING LLC PROJECT ISSUE/ SUBMITTAL SUMMARYDATEDESCRIPTION............ PROJECT NUMBER: 20351............ 12/ 4/ 20CITY SUBMITTALDRAWN BY:REVIEWED Civil Engineering Surveying Landscape Architecture4931 W. 35th Street, Suite 200St. Louis Park, MN 55416civilsitegroup.com 612-615- 0060LAKE PLACE 1361 LAKE DRIVE W. CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 350 HWY 7, SUITE 218 EXCELSIOR, MN 55331 TPS HOLDING LLC PROJECT ISSUE/ SUBMITTAL SUMMARYDATEDESCRIPTION............ PROJECT NUMBER: 20351............ 12/ 4/ 20CITY SUBMITTALDRAWN BY:REVIEWED POWERS BLVDAUDUBON RDLAKE DRIVE WESTLAKE SUSAN SUNSET RIDGE PARK SITE POWERS RIDGE SENIOR LIVING 3 STORY POWERS RIDGE CONDOS 3 STORY POWERS RIDGE CLUBHOUSE 1 STORY FEDERAL PLASTICS CORP/ FEDERAL PACKAGE 1 STORY XYLEM COMPANY 1 STORY HOWARDS JEWLERY 1 STORY CLASSIC GYMNASTICS 1 STORY DIRECT SOURCE 1 STORY BENIEK PROPERTY SERVICES/VESSCO 1 STORY CHILDREN OF TOMORROW LEARNING CENTER 1 STORY SMARTRAC TECHNOLOGY 1 STORY IDI DISTRIBUTORS 2 STORY TRANS ALARM 2 STORY ONSITE TECHNOLOGY SERVICES 1 STORY QUALITY MOLD 1 STORY MAGNEY CONSTRUCTION 1 STORY WORLDWIDE TRADE CORPORATION/THE TRANSFORMATION CLUB 1 STORY TUSHIE MONTGOMERY ARCHITECTSSITECONTEXT12/04/201361 Lake Drive West, Chanhassen, MN 55317ChanhassenIndependent TUSHIE MONTGOMERY ARCHITECTS CONTEXT AERIALS 12/04/201361LakeDriveWest, Chanhassen, MN 55317 Chanhassen Independent Living 03 NORTH WEST AERIAL NORTH EAST AERIAL SOUTH WEST AERIAL SOUTH EAST AERIAL EXISTING 1 STORY BLDG. EXISTING 3 STORY BLDG. PROPOSED 3 STORY BUILDING BUILDING FOOTPRINT 41,506 SF LOWER GARAGE 110 STALLS LA KE DRI VE W. P R O P E R T Y L I N E B U I L D I N G S E T B A C K DRAINAGE & UTILITY EASEMENT IN HATCHED AREA PROPERTY LINE DECK @ 1ST FLOOR LEVEL SURFACE PARKING, SEE CIVIL PICKLE BALL COURT DROP-OFF SURFACE PARKING, SEE CIVIL PATIO @ GARAGE LEVEL 10' FENCE AROUND PICKEL BALL COURT WITH LANDSCAPE SCREENING, SEE SCREENING LOADING/SERVICE PARKING AREA TRENCH DRAIN GARAGE ACCESS DECKDECKDECKDECK DECKDECKDECKDECKDECKDECK DECKPATIO PATIO PATIO PATIO PATIO PATIO PATIO PATIO PATIO PATIO PATIO DECKPATIO @ FIRST FLOOR LEVEL RAISED PLANTER BEDS ACCESS POINT @ GARAGE LEVEL TO OUTDOOR PATIO/PICKELBALL COURT MONUMENT SIGN STORMWATER FILTRATION POND, SEE CIVIL EXISTING MONUMENT SIGNAGE MAIN BUILDING ENTRANCE PORTE COCHERE 1 0 ' B U I L D I N G S E T B A C K L I NEPROPERTYLI NE10' BUILDING SETBACKLINEPROPERTYLINE CROSSWALK STRIPING, SEE CIVIL TRANSFORMER CROSSWALK STRIPING, SEE CIVIL LANDSCAPE SCREENING, SEE CIVIL 20 7 8 EXISTING PARKING TUSHIE MONTGOMERY ARCHITECTS SITE PLAN 12/04/201361LakeDriveWest, Chanhassen, MN 55317 Chanhassen Independent Living 04 SCALE 1" = 30'-0"1 Site Plan PROPOSED 3 STORY BUILDING BUILDING FOOTPRINT 42,600 SF LOWER GARAGE 110 STALLS UTILITY E A SE M E N T DECK @ 1ST FLOOR LEVEL SURFACE PARKING -SEE CIVIL PICKLE BALL COURT PATIO @ GARAGE LEVEL ACCESS POINT @ GARAGE LEVEL TO OUTDOOR PATIO/PICKELBALL COURT SURFACE MOUNTED WALL LIGHTS LABEL MANUFACTURER ARTICLE NAME LIGHT LOSS FACTORQUANTITYTYPE LIGMAN UMT-31428 MATRIX 4 SURFACE 0.80 LUMENS 3350 20 STRING LIGHTS - UB-EX_2400K_G19-F 0.8045 230 TUSHIE MONTGOMERY ARCHITECTS LIGHTING PLAN 12/04/201361LakeDriveWest, Chanhassen, MN 55317 Chanhassen Independent Living 05 SCALE 1" = 20'-0"1 Lighting Plan SCALE 3" = 1'-0" Photometric Plan DN 1 08 110 PARKING STALLS TRASH ROOM STAIR 3 08 WATER / ELETRICAL OPEN AREA BELOW DECK ELEV.LOBBY. STAIRSTAIR18' - 0" 26' - 0" 18' - 0"18' - 0" 26' - 0" 18' - 0"SERVICE 1002 SF 1D-D 951 SF 1D-A 965 SF 2-B 812 SF 1-A 974 SF 1D-A 965 SF 2-B 788 SF 1-A 787 SF 1-A 1072 SF 2-A 1046 SF 2D-A 690 SF 1M-A 995 SF 2-B 944 SF 1D-A814 SF 1- A 813 SF 1-A 944 SF 1D-A984 SF 2- B 5652 SF COMMON 945 SF 2D-A 994 SF 2-A 691 SF 1M-A 995 SF 2-B 744 SF 1M-A 784 SF 1-A 997 SF 2-B 947 SF 1D-A 816 SF 1-A 996 SF 2-B 938 SF 1D-A 817 SF 1-A 986 SF 2-B 944 SF 1D- A 813 SF 1-A 989 SF 2- B 3 08 2 08 4 08 746 SF 1M- A TRASH ELEV. CORRIDOR CORRIDOR STAIR STAIR STAIR 261 SF COMMON RAISED DECK77' - 0"570' - 5"PATIO PATIO PATIO PATIO PATIO PATIO PATIO PATIO PATIO PATIO PATIOPATIODECK DECK DECK DECK DECK DECKDECKDECKDECKDECKDECKDECKTUSHIEMONTGOMERY ARCHITECTS FLOOR PLAN -GARAGE & FIRST 12/04/201361Lake Drive West, Chanhassen, MN 55317 Chanhassen IndependentLiving 06 SCALE 1" = 1 08 3 08 2 08 4 08 985 SF 2-D 1002 SF 2D-A 1210 SF 2-A 690 SF 1M-A 984 SF 2-B 744 SF 1M-A 784 SF 1-A 988 SF 2-B 946 SF 1D-A 815 SF 1-A 989 SF 2-B 998 SF 1D-D 913 SF 1D-B 920 SF 1D-A 984 SF 2-B 812 SF 1-A 944 SF 1D-A 984 SF 2-B 787 SF 1-A 786 SF 1-A 1072 SF 2-A 1034 SF 2D-A 689 SF 1M-A 1001 SF 2-B 937 SF 1D-A 813 SF 1-A 813 SF 1-A 944 SF 1D-A 984 SF 2-B 774 SF 1-B 1016 SF 2-C 923 SF 1D-C 946 SF 1D-A 816 SF 1-A 986 SF 2-B 943 SF 1D-A 813 SF 1-A 986 SF 2-B 745 SF 1M-A 570' - 5" 77' - 7" 77' - 3" 571' - 0"TRASH ELEV. STAIR STAIR STAIR CORRIDOR LOBBY DECK DECK DECK DECK DECK DECK DECK DECK DECK DECK DECK DECKDECKDECK DECK DECK DECK DECK DECK DECK DECK DECK DECK DECK 1 08 3 08 2 08 4 08 1157 SF 2D-A 1048 SF 2-A 689 SF 1M-A 984 SF 2-B 744 SF 1M-A 784 SF 1-A 987 SF 2-B 943 SF 1D-A 812 SF 1-A 989 SF 2-B 998 SF 1D- D 1899 SF COMMON 917 SF 1D-A 984 SF 2-B 812 SF 1-A 943 SF 1D-A 984 SF 2-B 784 SF 1-A 784 SF 1-A 1067 SF 2-A 1032 SF 2D-A 686 SF 1M-A 1001 SF 2-B 937 SF 1D-A 813 SF 1-A 812 SF 1-A 943 SF 1D-A 984 SF 2-B 774 SF 1-B 1016 SF 2-C 922 SF 1D-C 943 SF 1D-A 812 SF 1-A 985 SF 2-B 943 SF 1D-A812 SF 1- A985 SF 2-B 745 SF 1M- A 570' - 5" 77' - 2" 76' - 10"TRASH ELEV.STAIR STAIR STAIR CORRIDOR LOBBY 571' - 0"ROOF ABOVE ROOF ABOVE DECK DECK DECK DECK DECK DECK DECK DECK DECK DECK DECK DECKDECKDECK DECK DECK DECK DECK DECK DECK DECK DECK DECK DECK 1 08 3 08208 4 08 6" / 12" 6" / 12"10" / 12"10" / 12"4" / 12"6" / 12"6" / 12"6" / 12"6" / 12" 6" / 12"6" / 12"6" / 12"6" / 12"6" / 12"6" / 12"6" / 12" 6" / 12"6" / 12" 6" / 12"6" / 12"6" / 12"TRASH EXHAUST VENT ELEVATOR OVERRUN 4" / 12" ROOF ACCESS ROOF ACCESS 4" / 12"4" / 12" 4" / 12" 1st Floor 100' -0" Roof 132' -11 5/8" 2nd Floor 111' -7 7/8" Garage 89' -0" 3rd Floor 122' -3 3/4" ARCHITECTURAL ASPHALT SHINGLES WOOD FASCIA WITH PREFINISHED WRAP ALUMINUM BALCONY SIDING #1 SIDING #3 SIDING #2 COMPOSITE TRIM SIDING #4 SIDING #2 COMPOSITE TRIM MASONRY #1 SIDING #2 BLADE SIGNAGE SIDING #1 MASONRY #1 SIDING #1SIDING #4 SIDING #2 COMPOSITE TRIM MASONRY #1 SIDING #2 ALUMINUM BALCONY ALUMINUM RAILING MASONRY #210' - 8"10' - 8"11' - 8"11' - 0"SIDING # 3 6' - 5" 10' - 5"39' - 8"WALL SCONCES STANDING SEAM METAL CANOPY STANDING SEAM METAL CANOPY WALL SCONCES41' - 9"EQ EQ 1st Floor 100' -0"Roof 132' -11 5/ 8"2nd Floor 111' - 7 7/8"3rd Floor 122' - 3 3/4"ARCHITECTURAL ASPHALT SHINGLES WOOD FASCIA WITH PREFINISHED WRAP ALUMINUM BALCONYSIDING #3 SIDING # 2COMPOSITETRIM MASONRY #1 SIDING #1 ARCHITECTURAL METAL LOUVER SIDING # 2SIDING #1 MASONRY #1 SIDING #3SIDING # 4 SIDING # 2 COMPOSITE TRIM SIDING # 4 SIDING #2 MASONRY #1SIDING # 4 SIDING # 3MASONRY #1 ALUMINUM BALCONY PORTE COCHERE STANDING SEAM LIGHT BIRCH WOOD MASONRY #2 MASONRY #2 10' - 8"10' - 8"11' - 8"33' - 0"SIDING #1SIDING #1 STANDING SEAM METALCANOPY STANDING SEAM METAL CANOPY WALL SCONCES 1st Floor 100' - 0"Roof 132' -11 5/ 8"2nd Floor 111' - 7 7/ 8"Garage 89' -0" 3rdFloor 122' -3 3/ 4"ARCHITECTURAL ASPHALT SHINGLES WOOD FASCIA WITH PREFINISHED WRAP ALUMINUM BALCONY SIDING #1 SIDING # 2 MASONRY#1 ALUMINUM RAILING MASONRY # 210' - 8"10' - 8" 11' - 8" 11' - 0"EXTRA DARK BRONZE GARAGE & SERVICE DOOR STANDING SEAM METAL CANOPYWALL SCONCES 1st Floor 100' - 0"Roof 132' -11 5/8"2nd Floor 111' -7 7/8" 3rd Floor 122' -3 3/4" ARCHITECTURAL ASPHALT SHINGLES WOOD FASCIA WITH PREFINISHED WRAPALUMINUM BALCONY SIDING #1 SIDING #2 MASONRY # 2 10' - 8"10' - 8"11' - 8"MASONRY # 2 STANDING SEAM METAL ROOF WALL SCONCES FINISH SCHEDULE MASONRY #1 MANUFACTURER: SIOUX CITY BRICK TYPE: BRICK COLOR:BLACK HILLS VELOUR MASONRY # 1 -ALTERNATE MANUFACTURER: TBD TYPE: CULTURED STONE STYLE:ASHLAR COLOR:FRESCO MASONRY # 2 MANUFACTURER: TBD TYPE: CULTURED STONE STYLE:ASHLAR COLOR:WINTER SIDING #1 TYPE:FIBER CEMENT SIDING OR LP SMART SIDE MANUFACTURER: TBD SERIES: STATEMENT COLLECTION STYLE:BOARD & BATTEN SIZE:BATTENS @ 2' O.C COLOR:ARCTIC WHITE SIDING #2 TYPE:FIBER CEMENT SIDING OR LP SMART SIDE MANUFACTURER: TBD SERIES:STATEMENT COLLECTION STYLE: HORIZONTAL LAP SIDING SIZE:5" EXPOSURE COLOR:ARCTIC WHITE EXTERIOR FINISHES PERCENTAGES TOTAL -ALL ELEVATIONS MASONRY #1 4804 SF 11%MASONRY #2 4243 SF 10%SIDING #1 13466 SF 31%SIDING # 2 8861 SF 20%SIDING #3 7288 SF 17%SIDING #4 5008 SF 11%TOTAL 43670 SF 100% SIDING #3 TYPE: FIBER CEMENT SIDING OR LP SMART SIDE MANUFACTURER: TBD SERIES: STATEMENT COLLECTION TYPE: HORIZONTAL LAP SIDING SIZE:7" EXPOSURE COLOR:GRAY SLATE SIDING #4 TYPE:FIBER CEMENT SIDING OR LP SMART SIDE MANUFACTURER: TBD SERIES: STATEMENT COLLECTION TYPE: HORIZONTAL LAP SIDING SIZE:7" EXPOSURE COLOR:RICH ESPRESSO ARCHITECTURAL ASPHALT SHINGLES: MANUFACTURER: CERTAINTEED SERIES:LANDMARK ASPHALT SHINGLES COLOR: GEORGETOWN GRAY STANDING SEAM METAL CANOPY: MANUFACTURER:FIRESTONE SERIES:KYNAR 500/ HYLAR 5000 TYPE:ALUMINUM COLOR:DARK BRONZE WINDOWS MANUFACTURER: TBD TYPE: DOUBLE HUNG COLOR:WHITE OR BLACK ALUMINUM STOREFRONT MANUFACTURER: TBD COLOR:DARK BRONZE METAL FLASHING MANUFACTURER: TBD TYPE: 22 GUAGE PREFINISHED COLOR:TO MATCH ADJACENT MATERIAL METAL LOUVER COLOR: PAINTED TO MATCHADJACENTMATERIALDECKS & RAILINGS MANUFACTURER: TBD TYPE: PRE MANUFACTURED ALUMINUM COLOR: WHITE OR BLACK LIGHTINGMETHOD: BACK LIT HEIGHT: 6'-0"WIDTH:4'- 0"SIGN DISPLAY AREA: 24 SF6' - 0"4' - 0"TUSHIE MONTGOMERY ARCHITECTSELEVATIONS 12/04/ 201361 Lake Drive West, Chanhassen, MN 55317 Chanhassen Independent TUSHIE MONTGOMERY ARCHITECTS RENDERINGS 12/03/201361LakeDriveWest, Chanhassen, MN 55317 Chanhassen Independent Living 09 OPTION 1: DARK BRICK, WHITE WINDOWS OPTION 2: DARK STONE, BLACK WINDOWS ENTRANCE VIEW VIEW FROM NORTH WEST CORNER AERIAL FROM NORTH EAST CORNER ENTRANCE VIEW VIEW FROM NORTH WEST CORNER AERIAL FROM NORTH EAST CORNER TUSHIE MONTGOMERY ARCHITECTS PERSPECTIVES 12/04/201361LakeDriveWest, Chanhassen, MN 55317 Chanhassen Independent Living 10 SCALE1VIEW FROM SOUTH EAST SCALE3VIEW FROM SOUTH WEST SCALE6AERIAL VIEW 2 SCALE2VIEW FROM NORTH EAST SCALE5AERIAL VIEW 1 SCALE4VIEW OF ENTRANCE FROM SOUTH WEST ELEV. COMMON ELEV. LOBBYTRASHCORRIDOR 1041 SF 2-A 1386 SF 2D-B 693 SF 1M-A 991 SF 2-B 754 SF 1DM-A 789 SF 1-A 989 SF 2-B 818 SF 1-A 991 SF 2-B 869 SF 1D-D 991 SF 2-B 818 SF 1-A 889 SF 1D-A 991 SF 2-B 790 SF 1-A 789 SF 1-A 1099 SF 2D-A 1041 SF 2-A693SF 1M-A 991 SF 2-B 889 SF 1D-A 817 SF 1-A 818 SF 1-A 889 SF 1D-A 991 SF 2-B 793 SF 1-B 1016 SF 2-C 925 SF 1D-C 887 SF 1D-A 818 SF 1-A 991 SF 2-B 889 SF 1D-A 818 SF 1-A 992 SF 2-B 754 SF 1DM-ASTAIR STAIR STAIR STG. 25SF STG. 25SF STG. 25SF STG. 25SF STG. 25SF STG. 25SF STG. 25SF STG. 25SF STG. 25SF STG. 25SF STG. 25SF STG. 25SF STG. 25SF STG. 25SF 889 SF 1D-A 987 SF 1D-B RECESSED DECK RRSTG. 65SF MECH./ ELEC. 77SF 1st Floor 100' -0" Roof 132' -11 5/8" 2nd Floor 111' -7 7/8" Garage 89' -0" 3rd Floor 122' -3 3/4" ARCHITECTURAL ASPHALT SHINGLES WOOD FASCIA WITH PREFINISHED WRAP ALUMINUM BALCONY SIDING #1 SIDING #3 SIDING #2 COMPOSITE TRIM SIDING #4 SIDING #2 COMPOSITE TRIM SIDING #1 MASONRY #1 SIDING #1SIDING #4 SIDING #2 COMPOSITE TRIM MASONRY #1 SIDING #2 ALUMINUM BALCONY ALUMINUM RAILING MASONRY #210' - 8"10' - 8"11' - 8"11' - 0"SIDING # 3 WALL SCONCES STANDING SEAM METAL CANOPY STANDING SEAM METAL CANOPY WALL SCONCES ALUMINUM AND GLASS RAILING MASONRY #2 @ RECESSED DECK MASONRY # 1 LIGHT BIRCH WOOD POST 1st Floor 100' -0" Roof 132' -11 5/ 8" 2nd Floor 111' -7 7/8"Garage 89' - 0"3rd Floor 122' -3 3/4" ARCHITECTURAL ASPHALT SHINGLES WOOD FASCIA WITH PREFINISHED WRAP ALUMINUM BALCONY SIDING # 1SIDING # 2 MASONRY#1 ALUMINUM RAILING MASONRY # 210' - 8"10' - 8" 11' - 8" 11' - 0"EXTRA DARK BRONZE GARAGE & SERVICE DOOR STANDING SEAM METAL CANOPY WALL SCONCES ALUMINUM AND GLASS RAILING MASONRY #2 @ RECESSEDDECKLIGHTBIRCHWOODPOSTTUSHIEMONTGOMERY ARCHITECTS 3RD FLOOR -DECK OPTION 12/16/201361Lake Drive West, Chanhassen, MN 55317 Chanhassen Independent Living 11SCALE 1" = 20'-0"1 3rd Floor Plan - DeckOption SCALE 1" = 20'-0" 2 North Elevation - Deck Option SCALE 1" = 20'-0"3 East Elevation - Deck Option SCALE4VIEW FROM NORTH EAST - DECK OPTION NOTE: THIS OPTION SHOWS A DESIGN STUDY FOR AN ALTERNATE RECESSED DECK ON THE 3RD FLOOR COMMON SPACE. A FINAL COST EXERCISE BY GENERAL CONTRACTOR WILL BE REQUIRED IN ORDER TO CONFIRM THE INCORPORATION OF THE DECK December 28, 2020 Chanhassen Planning Commission 7700 Market Boulevard Chanhassen MN. Subj: Site plan for 1361 Lake Drive West, Case number 2024-04, 110 unit Senior Living, Garage exit. Dear Planning Commission members, I am writing this letter to express my concern about the layout of the subject building. As shown in the published plans the garage exit will be on the East end of the building which in my opinion is a very bad location for it. I have three reasons for this thinking. 1. The exit facing east requires a LEFT TURN to get on to the drive which leads out of the property. As drivers we all must know that LEFT TURNS are always quite “testy” to navigate, requiring a clear approach and clear vision both directions. Not only does this exit require a LEFT TURN but the road onto which you must turn is entering a very sharp LEFT TURN itself at that point. What this means is that to see any traffic approaching from the left you must be able to look over your left shoulder while at the steering wheel of your car. I am 83 years old and in very good shape plus very limber, but that kind of contortion would be a bit much even for me. After entering the driveway by making the sharp left turn, the quite narrow drive takes a sharp right turn before meeting Lake West drive. This amounts to what is called an “S”curve in roadway lingo. Please remember this is a Seniors Living Apartment complex. Do we really need to test their driving skills in this way? 2. If on the East end of the 1361 building the garage exit would point directly into the exit for the 1321 Building. Needless traffic stress for Seniors to navigate. 3. Because it faces East it will be pointing directly into the bright morning sun. More needless distractions for the Seniors to navigate. And Seniors do most of their travel in the morning. If the 1361 garage exit were on the west end of the building none of the concerns mentioned above would apply. For the sake of all the Seniors who will live in 1361 please carefully consider my comments and have the building layout changed to put the garage exit on the west end. I am not 100% sure about this fact but if the exit were on the East those exiting would be driving over the 1321 driveway. I suspect this would require some sort of easement granted from the 1321 owners. I can tell you for sure that I would advise, discuss, advocate, and lobby long and hard the Board of Directors for 1321 to vote against such an easement. Thank you all very much for reading this letter and taking it into consideration. Sincerely, Sherman Beyl, Powers Ridge Condominiums owner 1321 Lake Drive West #307 952-448-0550 cc: Powers Ridge Condominiums Board of Directors CITY OF CHANHASSEN AFFIDAVIT OF MAILING NOTICE STATE OF MINNESOTA) ss. col.JNTY OF CARVER ) I, Kim T. Meuwissen, being first duly swom, on oath deposes that she is and was on December 21,2020, the duly qualified and acting Deputy Clerk ofthe City of Chanhassen, Minnesota; that on said date she caused to be mailed a copy ofthe attached notice ofa Public Hearing to consider a request for a PUD Amendment, Site Plen Review and variance for a ll0-unit apartmetrt building (Lake Place) for senior living located at 1361 Lake Drive W. Zoned Planned Unit Development-Residential (PUD-R), Planning Case No. 2021-04 to the persons named on atlached Exhibit "A", by enclosing a copy ofsaid notice in an envelope addressed to such owner, and depositing the envelopes addressed to all such owners in the United States mail with postage fully prepaid thereon; that the names and addresses of such owners were those appearing as such by the records of the County Treasuler, Carver County' Minnesota, and by other appropriate records. Kim . Meuwissen. De Clerk Seal) JEAil M SIECKLIIiGIttrynUoUfnotarih.btEd!bJ.e. 2020. No tary Public Subscribed and syern to before me this:l.qday of JYCor-nLlr- n Subject Parcel Dl!clrliner This map is neither a legally re@ded map nor a suruey and is nol intenaled lo.be us€d as one. illB map is a comptlation oI recods. infofiration and data located an vafous city, countv. stale and tederal oftces and othet sources reg€dlng the area shoun. and ls to be used br rebrence purposes only. The City does not watrant that the Geographic lnbmatbn System (GlS) Data used lo p.epare thas map are enor free and the City does not represeni trrat lne GIS Data can be used ior navigational facking or any other purpo; requanng exactng measurcrnent of di3l,ance o. dil€dion o. gecigion in the ifuon of Oeooraph'c featureg. The p.ecedrng drrdamer is provded puBuant to M';nesob SGMas Sa66.03, Subd 2'l (2000). and the user ol thrs map ac*nowtedgps Ulat $e City shall not be liable for any damag€s, and erpEssly waiveg all daims, and agrees to Gfend. indemntt, and hold hamless the Cily from any and all daims broooht bt u3er. its employeel o, agerrc. or thid parlles l6ich atige out of lhe users access or ure a,f datra provided. lr l\ DlscLlrnor Thig map is neithe. a legally recorded map .lor a suNey and ls not intended to b€ used as one. ihis map is a compilation ot records. info.maton and data located an vadous crty, coontv. stale and federa! olices and othet sources regardrng the area shown. and rs lo be used lor relerence pumo6* ooly The Cty does not wanant lhat the GeographE lnfomalron System (GlS) Data used to prepare this map are eror free, and lhe City does not Ep.esent that the GIS Data can be used for navoatonal, ttacting or any other purpose requidng eracting measuemenl of dislance ol directlon or preosion in lhe depictjon ot geographic ,ealures The preceding disdaimer is provrded pursuant to Minnesota Statules 5466 03, Subd 2l (2000), and the user of thas map acknowledges that the cily shall not be liable tor any damaoes, and expressly waives all claims. and agrees to deEnd, andemnify, and hold harmless the CrV trom any and all claams brouoht b, User, its employees or agents. or third partres whidl adse ord of the use/s access or use of data provided. 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