OCTOBER 13, 2020
Greg Sticha called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.
MEMBERS PRESENT: Stephen Stamy, James Ebeling, and Adam Schafer. Kathleen
Donovan arrived late for the meeting.
STAFF PRESENT: Greg Sticha, Finance Director; Bob Generous, Senior Planner; and Jake
Foster, Assistant City Manager
Vernelle Clayton Buy Chanhassen
Darren Noble Southwest Metro Chamber of Commerce
APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Stamy moved, Ebeling seconded to approve the summary
Minutes of the Economic Development Commission meeting dated September 8, 2020 as
presented. All voted in favor and the motion carried unanimously with a vote of 3 to 0.
Greg Sticha introduced Vernelle Clayton with Buy Chanhassen and Darren Noble with
Southwest Metro Chamber of Commerce to discuss possible partnerships between the City and
local businesses. Commissioner Ebeling explained that the commission would like to see a
directory formulated of local businesses. Commissioner Stamy asked Vernelle Clayton and
Darren Noble to provide background information of their organizations. Vernelle Clayton
discussed that the best way to improve communications is to work together with local businesses
with Buy Chanhassen and buying local and discussed changes being made in the Villager
newspaper. She explained the possibility of having articles in the Chanhassen Villager
explaining what the Economic Development Commission is doing. Greg Sticha discussed what
the Economic Development Commission has been doing since it’s inception which is mostly
education and formulating goals with the goal of setting up a business subsidy program and the
need to find a funding source in the future to improve communication between local businesses
and the City. Vernelle Clayton discussed that the commission needs to be wary of not becoming
a complaint commission and tax increase impacts on small businesses. Greg Sticha discussed
the need to build trust between local businesses and City Hall. He explained that if small
businesses have issues with their tax valuations they need to meet with the Carver County
Assessor’s Office. Darren Noble discussed on ways to improve communications between the
Economic Development Commission – October 13, 2020
City and small local businesses explaining his background in public and private businesses and
the advantages of incorporating apps such as Next Door, meeting in person, and sharing articles
in local newspapers. Commission Stamy asked what benefits local businesses have had with
Buy Chanhassen and Southwest Metro Chamber of Commerce. Commissioner Schafer asked for
clarification about accessibility to emails and newsletters going out from Southwest Metro
Chamber of Commerce and Buy Chanhassen. Vernelle Clayton asked about the results of the
CARES Act grant program. Commissioner Donovan discussed the need to increase
communications with local businesses. Greg Sticha explained that the City can start sending a
link to the Economic Development Commission agendas and Minutes to Vernelle and Darren.
Greg Sticha discussed actions taken by the Communication committee which has been
investigating apps i.e. Next Door, and maybe the best option is creating a private Facebook page.
Jake Foster explained that the City is looking into apps such as Civic Engage that could be used
by the EDC. Commissioner Donovan thinks Next Door is a good choice for an app and asked
how local businesses would feel about being involved with that app and problems that can be
associated with using social media apps. Greg Sticha discussed that that could be a conversation
Buy Chanhassen and Southwest Metro Chamber of Commerce could have with their
membership to ask about their preferred method of communicating with the Economic
Development Commission in the future. Darren Noble stated he will have a conversation with a
connection who is on the cutting edge of technology on possible apps.
Greg Sticha explained that the EDC group is interested in setting up a local lodging tax and
asked Vernelle Clayton to begin discussions working with the Meet Minneapolis group to
formulate a more detailed plan to bring to the City Council. Vernelle Clayton provided an
update on the work that’s been done with Buy Chanhassen and Meet Minneapolis and the
possibility of bringing that information back on the EDC’s December meeting.
Vice Chairman Donovan thanked Greg Sticha for his work in getting this commission
established and wished him well in his new job. Bob Generous explained what new information
he will be providing the Economic Development Commission in the future as he takes over his
role with the commission.
Stamy moved, Schafer seconded to adjourn the meeting. All voted in favor and the motion
carried unanimously with a vote of 4 to 0. The Economic Development Commission was
adjourned at 8:25 p.m.
Submitted by Greg Sticha
Finance Director
Prepared by Nann Opheim