NOVEMBER 10, 2020
Jim Sanford called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.
MEMBERS PRESENT: James Ebeling, Jim Sanford, Adam Schafer and Kathleen Donovan.
STAFF PRESENT: Bob Generous, Senior Planner; and Jake Foster, Assistant City Manager
APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Commissioner Schafer moved, Commissioner Ebeling seconded
to approve the summary Minutes of the Economic Development Commission meeting dated
October 13, 2020 as presented. All voted in favor and the motion carried unanimously with a
vote of 4 to 0.
APPROVAL OF AGENDA: Commissioner Schafer suggested adding discussion on the
Economic Development Commission’s goals.
Commissioner Schafer moved, Commissioner Donovan seconded to approve the agenda as
amended. All voted in favor and the motioned carried 4-0.
Jake Foster provided an update. Website updates were determined to be a higher priority at this
time, specifically cleaning up navigation and some old pages and then perform a website refresh
targeting March of next year and that the communications email tool has been put on back
burner. The communications email tool will be revisited sometime during the second quarter of
Commissioner Sanford asked about the communications committee, who is on it, what they do.
Jake stated it was the City’s Communication staff that do our social media, website updates, etc.,
as well as putting together and disseminating all the communications like some mailers and that
sort of thing that come from specific departments. Jake explained that the website was a priority
because the City Council wanted to reduce the number of Connections from four to two,
combining spring/summer and fall/winter. In order to utilize the Connection space we will be
referring people back to our website, which needs to up and ready to go by the time the first
Connection goes out next year. Commissioner Sanford asked if any decisions have been made on
moving the communications platform forward. Jake said they have been researching getting
Economic Development Commission – November 10, 2020
quotes for a potential platform like Constant Contact, Mail Chimp, and CivicPlus, which is our
website platform that has an email component. After the website update then the decision would
be made on which of the platforms make the most sense for the City. The EDC’s needs will be
factored into that decision. Commissioner Sanford asked if there was any consideration as to
how we obtain business contact information. Jake said they have not gone that far into specifics
but the mechanism for promoting this would be through sign up through our website.
Commissioner Schafer asked if it was opt-in or opt-out? Jake said they haven’t had formal
conversations with real intention behind them. We haven’t had those discussions but it is
certainly something that could be discussed. Commissioner Donovan asked if we would be
required to have an opt-in version because we can’t just put businesses on our list without
permission. Jake said he would have to check with the City Attorney. Commissioner Sanford
asked if a lot of it was public information. Jake said pretty much everything the City deals with is
public aside from some personnel and personal data and within ongoing litigation. Again, we
would need to get an interpretation from our attorneys on what we can and cannot do with that
information. Commissioner Sanford asked what was the feeling we got if we did this in
coordination with either the Chamber and/or Buy Chanhassen. Jake said both entities said they
would not want to give out the contact information for their members but they would be happy to
disseminate any information that we give to them. A Commissioner asked if the City was a
Chamber member and about access to the business directory on the Chamber’s website. He also
asked if the City was a member of Buy Chanhassen. Jake explained that Buy Chanhassen was
more limited to the businesses in Chanhassen and a lot of those are Vernelle Clayton’s tenants as
well of which she is both property manager and real estate owner. Commissioner Sanford asked
if Buy Chanhassen was a non-profit organization but staff was unaware of their status. It was
confirmed that they are a non-profit from looking at their website. Commissioner Sanford
observed that Buy Chanhassen had a business directory on their website. He asked if the
communications team was looking for a citywide communications system and the EDC would
just be a small piece. Jake said yes the City was looking into to it as a larger communications
mechanism that could be used throughout departments and commissions as well. Commissioner
Sanford ask if they should wait for the communications system the City is going to put together
or shall we be doing something before then and piggybacking on to this. Commissioner Schafer
asked if the City needed any help with the communications platform and if there was anything
the Commission could be doing to assist the City? Jake said he wanted to circle back with the
communications team and Heather, the Interim City Manager, but from his perspective, he would
be open to it. Commissioner Sanford said he was unclear as to what the Commission’s role was
in this process. Jake stated clarity would be helpful on both sides and he would find out and get
back to the Commission. Commissioner Donovan understood from the previous meeting that this
would be investigated to get more clarification on how the Commission engages in this process
as they move forward. Her only concern about if they do an opt-out that the businesses are aware
of that process. Commissioner Schafer confirmed that most platforms clearly define the option to
unsubscribe. Commissioner Donovan wanted to make sure they were taking care of the business
owners and advocating for them properly.
Economic Development Commission – November 10, 2020
Commissioner Sanford said the Commission should consider how the Commission’s goals
should be approached given the communications they have with the City Council. When the
Commission presented their goals they were met with some hesitation with regard to when any
sort of a levy could be put in place. That was the major feedback the Commission received.
There was support for some sort of a program like this but the question was when and would
there be any sort of financing that would come along with it. The positive feedback received was
about the lodging tax and there was some interest in having the EDC pick that up and monitor
the status of it. That might be an opportunity for the Commission to talk about where that money
should go. The EDC should check to see what other cities have done with their lodging tax and
see how effective it has been. Communication was also discussed and those were the two goals
that were set for 2020 and the others were more for next year, except the feedback survey. One
of my questions about when we look at the communication platform and the business subsidy or
grant program – what do we so with that? Commissioner Schafer said he didn’t think the Council
was clear on what they wanted the EDC to do as far as setting it up. Commissioner Sanford
asked how that would be done. Would it be with City staff or legal? How do we get something
like this launched and moving? Bob Generous stated that as an advisory body to the City Council
they could propose things to them as part of their goals and projects and establish the parameters
to promote any of these programs. Commissioner Ebeling stated he thought they needed more
clarity if it was something they were supposed to do or the City or someone in legal and what our
role in that would be. Commissioner Donovan suggested they could put the parameters together
and present them to the City Council to get their input, which would help verify the process for
everybody. She stated that the Commission should take the in initiative to start the process and
then ask the City Council for a response to it. Commissioner Ebeling asked if we had a template
or framework to start to work off of. Bob stated there was a subsidy program in place right now.
Commissioner Sanford stated that Finance Director Greg Sticha gave them a couple of different
examples, one from Jordan and one from Chaska. Commissioner Schafer stated he didn’t think
the City wanted to relinquish any authority when it comes to subsidy programs so putting a lot of
work into it presenting what the Commission has come up doesn’t make a lot of sense from what
he’s seen and what the Commission has been through. He thought more clarification and what
the Commissioner’s boundaries are makes sense so that the Commission is working on things
that meet what the City Council think they should be working on. Commission Ebeling liked
Jim’s idea of the funding strategy if feedback on the lodging tax was received. Commissioner
Sanford asked if in the last meeting Buy Chanhassen talked about their intent on how the lodging
tax would be used. Jake stated that when Buy Chanhassen came to the City Council they were
talking about using it to bolster marketing efforts and attract people from a visitor standpoint.
Jake confirmed that the City Council was the taxing authority. Jake said it was Buy Chanhassen
and Meet Minneapolis trying to encourage the City Council to create a lodging tax and then use
it as they directed. Commissioner Sanford asked if they could find out how much money a
lodging tax would raise. Jake said Vernelle Clayton and Meet Minneapolis had done that
research and that they should be able to provide that information when they meet with the EDC
in December.
Economic Development Commission – November 10, 2020
Bob Generous stated land inventory ties into the communication between the City and the
businesses and in this specific instance, developers. Available land inventory data is available on
the City’s website (www.ci.chanhassen.mn.us/landinventory), which consists of properties that
are undeveloped or underdeveloped, so that someone that is looking to develop in the community
knows where to go. The website provides information such as the contact information, property
identification number, what the property is currently zoned, what it is guided, and if there are any
approvals in place. The majority of the properties are for commercial or industrial development
and there are some multi-family properties. The biggest development is Site 20, the Avienda
development. It has preliminary approval for a lifestyle center and approximately 700 dwelling
units can go in there. They also have commercial and office opportunities. The City has received
a lot of positive response to the website. Bob gave a demonstration on how the website works.
Commissioner Schafer asked Bob if the City has seen a pickup in industrial and distribution. Bob
said the City has been contacted but no one has applied for development but they continually
have these discussions with developers. Since there are a lot of vacant commercial buildings the
City doesn’t really see an interest in new retail/commercial development. Commissioner Schafer
stated the EDC needs to think of ways to provide incentives because costs to develop and build is
much more than it used to be because the land is more expensive and so is the labor, along with
material cost increases. Bob clarified that the land inventory includes vacant properties that are
privately owned. Commissioner Sanford asked if the City had any information regarding
commercial property vacancies in Chanhassen. Bob replied not specifically. The City doesn’t
license businesses so we are unable to provide that information, but only has anecdotal
information from when building permits are applied for. Commissioner Sanford asked as long is
a property is zoned right, a developer can come in and do what they please. Bob said yes as long
as the zoning permits it. They are required to go through a development review process. There
are checklists available on our website so developers know what they have to submit and the
process involved. The incentive the City provides is reducing the time it takes to locate available
properties. Commissioner Sanford asked if there was any steering that the City does to get the
kind of project that makes the most sense for the city and its overall development. Bob said that
they try to direct developers to what the residents are telling the City, i.e. additional restaurant
uses. Staff also works with business promotion groups in the community. Commissioner Sanford
wanted to know if other communities do business licensing. Bob stated Minneapolis and
Bloomington do and that a lot of other communities do; however, it creates another level of
bureaucracy, which City Council does not want to do. You either pay for it through levies or pay
for it through the fee process. The City used to have licensing requirements for rental housing
and the City Council was getting kickback that the rental places did not want to pay their fees to
get the license and have the inspection done every two or three years. The City repealed that
ordinance. Commissioner Sanford asked if the City collected any lodging tax for Vacation Rental
By Owners (VRBO). Bob explained that there is no lodging tax in this community and that is
what the City is talking about implementing, which could include vacation rentals.
Economic Development Commission – November 10, 2020
Bob Generous explained that the development process is tied into the land inventory. When
developers apply for development they can review development checklists to find out what the
application process requires, what their submittal requirements are and information to submittal
deadlines and public hearing dates. Bob shared the site plan review checklist. This can help the
developer because it reduces the time it takes to get the information they need without checking
with the City. There are many checklists available: site plans, rezonings, subdivisions, etc. The
City has received compliments on the information we have available and how easy it is to find
on our website once they know it is there. Staff provides potential developers with links to the
website to assist them. Commissioner Schafer commented that if we had a list of developers that
information would be perfect to send in an E-blast, i.e. how to do business with Chanhassen
versus other communities because we have a lot of this information available and ready to go.
Bob stated it was one of the elements that make Chanhassen an attractive for businesses and
development to come to. Because of our success, other planning professionals started to include
this information on our website. Commissioner Ebeling commented on the Downtown Vision
Plan asking if there are certain businesses that would make more sense for the City to have in our
community to meet that plan and identify our target audience. Commissioner Schaefer asked
who are target audience would be. Commissioner Ebeling suggested getting an update from
Community Development Director Kate Aanenson to see who she has been talking to, what they
are looking for and what they are interested in, etc. Commissioner Schafer asked what drives a
developer’s decision to come to Chanhassen versus neighboring communities. Commissioner
Sanford asked about the next EDC meeting when Buy Chanhassen will be in attendance and if
they would be talking about the lodging tax. Bob confirmed that they would be talking about the
lodging tax and the program that they had. Commissioner Sanford asked if they could bring up
the communication aspect and see if they could get some brainstorming around that as well.
Commissioner Ebeling asked if anything was happening with the Perkins’ property and Bob
reported that the Chanhassen Brewing Company was going in the building. Commissioner
Sanford asked if there was anyone other than Buy Chanhassen that the EDC could get in touch
with regarding the lodging tax. Bob stated additional research would have to be done. Jake
suggested looking to other cities to see what they have done as far as implementing a lodging
Bob Generous discussed the attached building permit activity and number of available lots
documents. Commissioner Sanford asked about the commercial permits if they were remodels
or for new building. Bob responded that they were primarily remodels and new commercial
buildings were completed last year but there hasn’t been a lot of new development this year.
Economic Development Commission – November 10, 2020
Bob stated that Interim City Manager Heather Johnston has requested all Commissions to come
up with characteristics that they would like to see in commission members for upcoming
commission interviews with the City Council. Also, she would like a commission member to
participate in the interview process. Commissioner Donovan brought up the fact that the EDC
didn’t have any commission openings until 2022. Commissioner Sanford requested staff
Commissioner Schafer moved, Commissioner seconded to adjourn the meeting. All voted
in favor and the motion carried unanimously with a vote of 4 to 0. The Economic
Development Commission was adjourned at 8:15 p.m.
Submitted by Bob Generous
Senior Planner
Prepared by Kim Meuwissen