EDA Resolution 03-08-2021CERTIFICATION STATE OF MINNESOTA ) )ss COUNTYOFCARVER ) I, Kim T. Meuwissen, duly appointed and acting Deputy Clerk for the City of Chanhassen, Minnesota, do hereby certifu that I have compared the foregoing copy of Chanhassen Economic Development Authority Resolution No. 2021-0l "Adopting A Modification To The Redevelopment Plan For The Downtown Chanhassen Redevelopment Project Area And A Tax Increment Financing Plan For Tax Increment Financing District No. 12 Therein" adopted by the Chanhassen Economic Development Authority on March 8, 2021 with the original copy now on file in my office and have found the same to be a true and correct copy thereof. Witness my hand and official seal at Chanhassen, Minnesota, this 296 day of March, 2021. Kim erk + -T CHANHASSEN ECONOMIC DEVELOP}TENT .df THORITY CITY OF CHANHASSIN CARVER .{ND HEN}{EPI}I COT NTIES ST.{TE OF MNJ\ESOTA RESOLLTIO:{ NO. 2021-01 RESOLUTION ADOPTING A }TODTFICATION TO THf RfDEVELOPMENT PLAN FOR THE DOWNTOWN CHANHASSEN Rf,DEVELOPMEI\T PROJECT ARIA A:{D A TAX INCREMENT FINA:{CI:{G PL{N FOR TAX IT-CREMEI.T FINAIiCI\G DISTRICT NO. T2 THEREIN WI{EREAS. ir has been proposed by'the Board ofCommissioners (the "Board") ofthe Chanhassen Economic Development AuthoriD (fie "EDA" ) and the Ciq ofChanhassen (the -Ci[") that the EDA adopt a Modificarion ro rhe Redevelopmenr Plan (the "Redevelopment Plan Modification") for the Dounto$rr Chanhassen Reder.elopment Project Area (the "Project Area") to establish Tax lncrement Financing District No. ll (the "Districr") and adopt a Tar tncrement Financing Plan (the "TlF Plan") lherefor (the Redevelopment Plan Modification and thc TIF Plan are refened to collecrirell herein as the "Plans"). all pu6usnt to and in conformitl uith applicable tas. including Minnesota Sututes. Sections '159 090 to fOg. tOt: -d S""rions .159.1 7.1 to '169.1 79-1. inclusire. as amended (the "Acl"). all es reflected in the Plans and prcsented for the Board's consideration: and WIIEREAS. rhe EDA has investigared the facts relating to the Plans and has caused the Plans to be preparcd: and WHf,REAS. rhe EDA has performed all actions required b1 la$ to be performed prior to the adoprion ofthe Plans. The EDA has also requested the Citl Planning Commission to pror ide for rer ies of ind urinen commenr on lhe Plans and that the Council schedule a public hearing on the Plans upon published notice as required b1 lar,t. NOW, THf,Rf,FORE, BE IT RESOLYED b1 the Board as follous: l. The EDA hercb1, finds thar rhe Districr is in the public interesl and is a "housing district" under Minnesora Srarutes. Section .159.17{. Subd. I l. and finds that lhe adoption ofrhe proposed Plans conforms in all respecrs to the requirements ofthe Acr and uill help fulfill a need to detelop an area of the Sute of Minnesota for affordable and highnualir-r housing and lherebl senes a public purPose. 2. The EDA furrher finds that the Plans uill afford marimum oppomrniq. consisrent $ith lhe sound needs for rhe ciq. as a shole. for the deYelopment or redevelopment ofthe Projecr Arca b1 prirate enterprise in rhat the intenr is to provide onll that public assistance necessary lo make lhe prilate derelopments financialll feasible. The boundaries ofthe Project At€a are not b€ing expanded. The reasons and facls supponing the findings in this resolution are described in the Plans. The EDA elects to calculate fiscal disparities for the District in accordance uith Minnesota Statutes. Section .169.177. SuM. 3. clause b. uhich means the fiscal disparities contribution *ould be taken from inside the District. J 4 5 I 6 7 8 I ATTEST: EI eather Johnston.Director l Condirioned upon the approval thereof b) the cit)' council follorting its public hearing thereon. the Plans. as presented to the EDA on this dare. are herebl approred. established and adopted and shall be placed on file in the office ofthe EDA Erecuti\e Director. Upon approval ofthe Plans bl the Ciq Council. rhe staff. the EDA's adr isors and legal counsel are authorized and directed to proceed u ith the implementation of the Plans and for this purpose to negotiate. draft. prepare and pres€nl to this Board for its consideration all further plans. resolutions. documents and contta6ts n€cessal-'r'for this purpose. APprotal of the Plans does not cOnstitule approval ofanl'project or a DereloPment Agreemenl $ilh an1 developer. Upon approval of the Plans b1 the Ciq Council. the EDA Executive Director is authorized and directed io for$ard a copy ofthe Plans to the Minnesota Depanment ofRevenue and the Oftice of the State Auditor pursuant lo Minnesota Statules '169.1 75. SuM. '1a. The EDA Esecutive Dircctor is authorized and directed to fors ard a copl of the Plans to the Can er counq Auditor and rcquesl that rhe Auditor cenit the original tat capaciq of the District as described in the Plans. all in accordance r*'ith Minnesou Statules 169.1'17 . Approved b1 the Board on March 8. l0l I . Chair