Planning Commission Resolution 03-02-2021CERTIFICATION STATE OF MINNESOTA COUNTY OF CARVER I, Kim Meuwissen, Deputy Clerk of the City of Chanhassen, Minnesota, do hereby certify that I have compared the foregoing copy of Planning Commission Resolution No. 2021-01 "Approving A Resolution Finding That Tax Increment Financing District No. 12 Conforms To The General Plans For The Development And Redevelopment Of The City - Planning Case No. 2021-04" adopted by the Chanhassen Planning Commission on March2,202l with the original copy now on file in my office and have found the same to be a true and correct copy thereof. Witness my hand and official seal at Chanhassen, Minnesota, this 296 day of March,2021. ss ) ) ) Kim Deputy PLA\:{lN(; co}l}tlsslo\ CIT}' OT' CIIA\H,{SSE\ CARVER AT'D HENNEPI\ COI-'\TIES' }IN\ESoTA I)ATE:Ilarch 2. \IOTIo\ B\-:llcGonesill SECO\DED B\':Randall RESoLI-'TIO\ FI\DI\G TH,{T TA\ I\CRE}tE\T FI\.{\CI\G DISTRICT \O. I2 CO\FORUS TO THE GE\ERAL PL.{\S FOR THE DE\TLOP}TE\T A\I) REDE\'ELOP}IE\T OF THE CITY rllHERIAS, prope4.ar li6l l-ale Drire \\'est idcntified as parcel number 15.6360010 sithin thc cirl ofChanhassen (rhe -ci . "l is proposed trr be derekrped b1 Lalies ar chanhassen. l-1.('. a \linneiota l-imircd l.iabilitl Companr. inro u ihr""-.tor1- I lo-unit. mired-income apanment faciliq lbr s,"nior lir ing (thc "Projecr"): and rrl HEREAS, upon recommendation from the Chanhassen Planning Commission (the "Commission") rhc Cit! Council appror:ed the Site Plan and Variance for rhe Project on Januaq 15. l02l: and WHf,REAS, the Chanhassen Economic l)crclopment Authorit) (the -EDA") and the Citl anticipate 1us increment linsncing as necessarl to bridge a financial gap that othenr ise renders the Project inltasihle: and WHEREAS, the ED.{ and rhe Cil hare proposcd trr adopt a Nlodification to thc Redc\clopment plan lbr the Dosnroqn Chanhassen Rede\clopmcnt Project r\rea (rhe "Rede\elopment Plan \'lodillcatitu'' ) and a fan lncrement Financing Plan for Ta\ lncrement Financing District No. ll tthe "I-lF Plan" I thr-rclbre (rhe Rede\elopment Plan Modificarion and lhe Tlf Plan arc referred to collectireh herein as the "Plans"land hare subminei rhe Plans to the Commission pursuant t() l'tinnesota Statutes. Section {69.115. SuM. -j: and WHEREAS. the Project described as rhr' subject (rflhe Plans is the same as fiat apPro\ cd b! the Cit) Council on Januarl 25. l02l: and \ HERf AS, the Commission has rcr ie$ed the Plans to determine their conformitl $ ith thc general plans and guided land use as described in the Comprchensire Plan for the Cig ' Now.THER"EFoRE'BErTRfsoLYEDbltheCommissionthatthePlansconft)rmk)thc general plans lbr the derelopment and rederelopment ofthc Cit] as a $hole' passed and adopred b1. the Chanhassen Planning commission this ]"i da1 of March. l0l | . r..ITTEST: Stt'r l. Chairman \o \lark Randall. \'i hairman .r.BSEr..T Reeder tEs \\'eicl Randall McConagill Noles Skistad ron Oren r plrn lo:l plr.!trs !s :l4r li6l Ll.ihr.u Lr. pk' 'Poso ndI"B blde''c! I'r l: 'nhs '!6dr<'& rAs 'I{r I RESOI-UT|OI\ \O: 2021-0t