04-06-21 WS Agenda and PacketAGENDA
TUESDAY, APRIL 6, 2021, 6:00 PM
1.Planning Commission Appointments/Oaths of Office
2.Election of Chair and ViceChair
3.Adoption of Bylaws
4.Development Review Process Discussion
5.Ongoing Projects: Surface Water Ordinance Amendments; Emerald Ash Borer
(EAB)/Forestry Update; Infrastructure Projects
6.Ongoing Development
7.Review Other Commissions' Goals
NOTE: Planning Commission meetings are scheduled to end by 10:30 p.m. as outlined in the official bylaws.
We will make every attempt to complete the hearing for each item on the agenda. If, however, this does not
appear to be possible, the Chairperson will notify those present and offer rescheduling options. Items thus pulled
from consideration will be listed first on the agenda at the next Commission meeting.
If a constituent or resident sends an email to staff or the Planning Commission, it must be made part of the
public record based on State Statute. If a constituent or resident sends an email to the Mayor and City Council, it
is up to each individual City Council member and Mayor if they want it to be made part of the public record or
not. There is no State Statute that forces the Mayor or City Council to share that information with the public or
be made part of the public record. Under State Statute, staff cannot remove comments or letters provided as part
of the public input process.
Tuesday, April 6, 2021
Subject Planning Commission Appointments/Oaths of Office
Section WORK SESSION Item No: A.1.
Prepared By Kate Aanenson, Community
Development Director
File No:
On Monday, March 22, 2021, the City Council appointed the following applicants to the Planning Commission for
threeyear terms. These new Commissioners will be taking the Oath of Office at this evening's meeting.
Erik Johnson
Kelsey Alto
Oath of Office Erik Johnson
Oath of Office Kelsey Alto
Chanhassen is a Community for Life - Providing for Today and Planning for Tomorrow
I, Erik Johnson, do solemnly swear that I will support the Constitution of the United
States, the Constitution of the State of Minnesota, and that I will faithfully, justly, and
impartially discharge the duties of the office of Planning Commissioner for the City of
Chanhassen, Minnesota to the best of my judgment and ability. So help me, God.
Erik Johnson
Date: April 6,2021
Subscribed and swom to before me this _ day of 2021.
Notary Public
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PH 952.227.1 I 00 . www.ci.chanhassen.mn.us . FX 952.227.1 ll 0
Chanhassen is a Community for Life - Providing for Today and Planning for Tomorrow
I, Kelsey Alto, do solemnly swear that I will support the Constitution of the United
States, the Constitution of the State of Minnesota, and that I will faithfirlly, justly, and
impartially discharge the duties of the office of Planning Commissioner for the City of
Chanhassen, Minnesota to the best of my judgment and ability. So help me, God.
Kelsey Alto
Date: April 6,2021
Subscribed and swom to before me this
day of 2021.
Notarv Public
gr\plan\planning commission\oaths\oath - kalto 2021 -dooi
PH 952.227.1100. www.ci.chanhassen.mn.us. Fx 952.227.1110
Tuesday, April 6, 2021
Subject Election of Chair and ViceChair
Section WORK SESSION Item No: A.2.
Prepared By Kate Aanenson, Community
Development Director
File No:
The Chanhassen Planning Commission motions to elect ______________ as Chair and _______________ as
Vice Chair.
According to the Planning Commission Bylaws, Section 4.1Election of Officers, at the first meeting in April of each
year, the Planning Commission shall hold an organizational meeting. At this meeting the Commission shall elect from its
membership, a Chairperson and ViceChairperson. Each member shall cast their vote for the member they wish to be
chosen for Chairperson. If no one receives a majority vote, voting shall continue until one member receives the majority
support. ViceChairperson shall be elected from the remaining members of the same proceeding.
Note: Steve Weick has indicated that he is willing to chair for another year; however, if there are others also interested,
they should come forward and express their interest as well.
Tuesday, April 6, 2021
Subject Adoption of Bylaws
Section WORK SESSION Item No: A.3.
Prepared By Kate Aanenson, Community
Development Director
File No:
The Chanhassen Planning Commission adopts its bylaws.
Adopted 4-6-2021
The following bylaws are adopted by the city Planning Commission to facilitate the performance
of its duties and the exercising of its functions as a commission established by the City Council
on June 17, 1968 and pursuant to the provision of Subdivision 1, Section 462.354 Minnesota
State Statutes annotated.
The Planning Commission shall serve as an advisory body to the City Council through carrying
out reviews of planning matters. All final decisions are to be made by the City Council.
The Planning Commission shall prepare a Comprehensive Plan for the future development of the
city and recommend on amendments to the plan as they arise.
The Planning Commission shall initiate, direct, and review the provisions and standards of the
Zoning Ordinance and Subdivision Regulations and reports its recommendations to the City
The Planning Commission shall review applications and proposals for zoning ordinance
amendments, subdivisions, street vacations, conditional use permits and site plan reviews and
make their recommendations to the City Council in accordance with the Zoning Ordinance and
Subdivision Ordinance.
The Planning Commission shall hold public hearings on development proposals as prescribed by
the Zoning and Subdivision Ordinances.
1.6 - Establishment of Subcommittees
The Planning Commission may, as they deem appropriate, establish special subcommittees
comprised solely of their own members.
Adopted 4-6-2021
2.1 - Time
Regular meetings of the Planning Commission shall be held on the first and third Tuesday of
each month at 7:00 p.m. at the City Council Chambers, 7700 Market Boulevard, unless otherwise
directed by the Chairperson, in which case at least 24-hours’ notice will be given to all members.
Regular meetings shall have a curfew of 10:30 p.m. which may be waived at the discretion of the
Chairperson. All unfinished business will be carried over to the next regular Planning
Commission meeting.
When the regular meeting day falls on a legal holiday, there shall be no Planning Commission
2.2 - Special Meetings
Special meetings shall be held upon and called by the Chairperson, or in his/her absence, by the
Vice-Chairperson or any other member with the concurrence of four other members of the
Planning Commission, and with at least 48 hours of notice to all members. Notice of all special
meetings shall also be posted on the official city bulletin board.
2.3 - Attendance
Planning Commission members shall attend not less than seventy-five (75%) percent of all
regular and special meetings held during a given (calendar) year, and shall not be absent from
three (3) consecutive meetings. Failure to meet this minimum attendance requirement will result
in removal from the Planning Commission.
3.1 - Composition
The Planning Commission shall consist of seven (7) voting members. Seven members shall be
appointed by the City Council and may be removed by the City Council.
3.2 - Terms and Vacancies
The City Council shall appoint seven members to the Commission for terms of three (3) years.
Vacancies during the term shall be filled by the City Council for the unexpired portion of the
term. Every appointed member shall, before entering upon the charge of his/her duties, take an
oath that he/she will faithfully discharge the duties of his office. All members shall serve
without compensation.
3.3 - Quorum
Four planning Commission members shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business.
Adopted 4-6-2021
Whenever a quorum is not present, no final or official action shall be taken at such meeting.
4.1 - Election of Officers
At the first meeting in April of each year, the planning Commission shall hold an organization
meeting. At this meeting, the Commission shall elect from its membership a Chairperson and
Vice-Chairperson. Each member shall cast its vote for the member he wishes to be chosen for
Chairperson. If no one receives a majority, voting shall continue until one member receives the
majority support. Vice-Chairperson shall be elected from the remaining numbers of the same
4.2 - Duties of the Chairperson and Vice-Chairperson
The Chairperson or in his/her absence, the Vice-Chairperson, shall preside at meetings, appoint
committees from its own membership, and perform other such duties as ordered by the
The Chairperson shall conduct the meeting so as to keep it moving rapidly and efficiently as
possible and shall remind members, witnesses and petitioners to preserve order and decorum and
to keep comments to the subject at hand.
The Chairperson shall not move for action but may second motions.
5.1 - Parliamentary Procedure
Parliamentary Procedure governed by Roberts Rules of Order Revised, shall be followed at all
regular meetings. At special work session meetings, and when appropriate, the Planning
Commission may hold group discussions not following any set Parliamentary Procedures except
when motions are before the Planning Commission.
6.1 - Purpose of Hearings
The purpose of a hearing is to collect information and facts in order for the Planning
Commission to develop a rational planning recommendation for the City Council.
6.2 - Hearing Procedure
At hearings, the following procedure shall be followed in each case:
a. The Chairperson shall state the case to be heard.
Adopted 4-6-2021
b. The Chairperson shall call upon the staff to present the staff report. Required reports
from each city department shall be submitted to the Planning Commission before each
case is heard.
c. The Chairperson shall ask the applicant to present his case.
d. Interested persons may address the Planning Commission, giving information regarding
the particular proposal.
e. Petitioners and the public are to address the Chairperson only, not staff or other Planning
f. There shall be no dialogue among the Planner Commissioners giving information
regarding the particular proposal.
(The Planning Commission members may ask questions of persons addressing the
Planning Commission in order to clarify a fact, but any statement by a member of any
other purpose than to question may be ruled out of order.)
g. After all new facts and information have been brought forth, the hearing shall be closed
and interested persons shall not be heard again. Upon completion of the hearing on each
case, the Planning Commission shall discuss the item at hand and render a decision. The
Planning Commission, if it so desires, may leave the public record open for written
comments for a specified period of time.
h. The Chairperson shall have the responsibility to inform all the parties of their rights of
appeal on any decision or recommendation of the Planning Commission.
6.3 - Schedule
At meetings where more than one hearing is scheduled, every effort shall be made to begin each
case at the time set in the agenda, but in no case may an item be called for hearing prior to the
advertised time listed on the agenda.
7.1 - Planning Commission Discussion
a. Matters for discussion which do not appear on the agenda may be considered and
discussed by the Planning Commission under the On-going items section.
b. Matters which appear on the agenda as open discussion items will not be recorded as
Adopted 4-6-2021
7.2 - Suspension of Rules
The Planning Commission may suspend any of these rules by a unanimous vote of the members
7.3 - Amendments
Amendment of these bylaws may be made at any regular or special meeting of the Planning
Commission but only if scheduled on the meeting agenda in advance of the meeting.
7.4 - Review
At the first meeting in April of each year, these Bylaws shall be read and adopted by the
Planning Commission.
Chairperson:__________________________________ Date: _______________________
g:\plan\planning commission\bylaws\bylaws 2021.docx
Tuesday, April 6, 2021
Subject Development Review Process Discussion
Section WORK SESSION Item No: A.4.
Prepared By Kate Aanenson, Community
Development Director
File No:
As part of the Planning Commission's first meeting with new members, staff has historically used this meeting as an
opportunity for educational purposes. The Planning Commission has some legal obligations and, as such, staff would
like to review the many steps in the review process. Attached is an outline of discussion.
Development Review Process
Rev. 3/21
Quasi-Judicial: Many of the items below fall into a category of actions called “quasi-judicial”. A
quasi-judicial action is one in which the Planning Commission (PC) or City Council (CC) is required
to find facts and exercise discretion when applying the standards of the zoning ordinance to a
specific situation.
• Comprehensive Plan Amendment
Note: Comprehensive Plan Amendments may be textual or land use.
PC Role To Approve Timeline
Hold public hearing; Provide
recommendation to City
Council. (CC is not bound by
PC recommendation.)
CC: Two-thirds (2/3) vote of
all members. Unless it is to
allow affordable housing, then
it is a majority vote of all
60 days to approve or deny.*
(After 60 days if no action is
taken it is deemed
Level of discretion – Highest. When writing or approving a Comprehensive Plan, the City Council
is acting as a policy-making body and is establishing the community’s goals and implementation
strategies. Subsequent actions must be consistent with the Comprehensive Plan.
@ Requires 60-day jurisdictional review prior to submittal to the Metropolitan Council. The
Metropolitan Council has 60 days from submittal to review for conformance, consistency and
compatibility with the Regional System Plan before the city may put the amendment into effect.
• Zoning Ordinance Amendment
PC Role To Approve Timeline
Hold public hearing; Provide
recommendation to City
Council. (CC is not bound by
PC recommendation.)
CC: Majority vote of all
members. (Amendments to
change from residential to
commercial or industrial require
a two-thirds (2/3) majority vote
of all members.)
60 days to approve or deny.*
(After 60 days if no action is
taken it is deemed approved.)
Level of discretion – High. When amending the Zoning code, the City Council is acting in its
legislative capacity. The only limit is that the amendment must be consistent with the
Comprehensive Plan or, if inconsistent, the City C ouncil must express the intent to amend the
Comprehensive Plan.
• Rezoning
PC Role To Approve Timeline
Hold public hearing; Provide
recommendation to City
Council. (CC is not bound by
PC recommendation.)
CC: Majority vote of all
members. (Amendments to
change from residential to
commercial or industrial require
a two-thirds (2/3) majority vote
of all members.)
60 days to approve or deny.*
(After 60 days if no action is
taken it is deemed approved.)
Rev. 3/21
Level of discretion – High. When rezoning a property, the City Council is acting in its legislative
capacity. The only limit is that the rezoning must be consistent with the Comprehensive Plan.
• Variance
PC Role To Approve Timeline
Serves as Board of Appeals and
Adjustments. Conducts public
hearing and approves or denies
variance requests.#
PC: Three-Fourths (3/4)
quorum vote (less than 3/4
serves as recommendation to
CC: Majority quorum vote.
60 days to approve or deny.*
(After 60 days if no action is
taken it is deemed approved.)
Level of discretion – Medium. When granting a variance, the city is granting a deviation from
established standards. The city cannot grant a variance if the applicant does not demonstrate that
they meet the zoning ordinance’s required standards for a variance. The city may only grant
variances which are in harmony with the general purposes and intent of the zoning ordinance and
which are consistent with the comprehensive plan (quasi-judicial).
#In cases where the variance is in conjunction with platting, site plan review, signs, or conditional or
interim use permits, the PC is only a recommending body. In all cases, anyone can appeal a decision
of the PC to the CC, which can reverse, affirm or modify the PC’s decision by a simple majority
vote. In both of these cases, the CC has 30 days to make a final determination.
• Zoning Appeal
PC Role To Approve Timeline
Serves as Board of Appeals and
Adjustments. Conducts public
hearing and approves or denies
PC: Three-Fourths (3/4)
quorum vote (less than 3/4
serves as recommendation to
CC: Majority quorum vote.
60 days to approve or deny.*
(After 60 days if no action is
taken it is deemed approved.)
Level of discretion – Low. A zoning appeal is a case where an individual alleges that there was an
error in any order, requirement, decision, or determination made by a city administrative officer in
the enforcement of the Zoning code. The city is limited to determining if the Zoning code was
correctly interpreted and applied (quasi-judicial).
**In all cases, anyone can appeal a decision of the PC to the CC, which can reverse, affirm or
modify the PC’s decision by a simple majority vote. In both of these cases, the CC has 30 days to
make a final determination.
• Subdivision
o Preliminary Plat
PC Role To Approve Timeline
Hold public hearing; Provide
recommendation to City
Council. (CC is not bound by
PC recommendation.)
CC: Majority quorum vote. 120 days to approve or deny.
(After 120 days if no action is
taken, applicant can demand a
Certificate of Approval.)
Rev. 3/21
Level of discretion – Low. The city must approve a proposed plat that meets the standards outlined
in the Subdivision Regulations and Zoning Ordinance (quasi-judicial).
o Final Plat
PC Role To Approve Timeline
None CC: Majority quorum vote. 60 days to approve or deny.*
(After 60 days if no action is
taken it is deemed approved.)
Level of discretion – Low. The city must approve a Final Plat if it meets the standards outlined in
the Subdivision Regulations and Zoning Ordinance and if the conditions of approval placed upon the
preliminary plat are modified during final plat approval are met (quasi-judicial).
• Wetland Alteration Permit
PC Role To Approve Timeline
Hold public hearing; Provide
recommendation to City
Council. (City Council is not
bound by PC recommendation.)
CC: Majority vote of all
60 days to approve or deny.*
(After 60 days if no action is
taken it is deemed approved.)
Level of discretion – Low. The city must approve a Wetland Alteration Permit that meets the
standards outlined in the Zoning Ordinance (quasi-judicial) and is in conformance with the Wetland
Conservation Act (WCA).
• Site and Sign Plan Review
PC Role To Approve Timeline
Hold public hearing; Provide
recommendation to City
Council. (City Council is not
bound by PC recommendation.)
CC: Majority quorum vote. 60 days to approve or deny.*
(After 60 days if no action is
taken it is deemed approved.)
Level of discretion – Low. The city must approve a site or sign plan that meets the standards
outlined in the Zoning Ordinance (quasi-judicial) and conformance with WCA.
• Conditional and Interim Use Permits
PC Role To Approve Timeline
Hold public hearing; Provide
recommendation to City
Council. (City Council is not
bound by PC recommendation.)
CC: Majority vote of all
60 days to approve or deny.*
(After 60 days if no action is
taken it is deemed approved.)
Level of discretion – Lowest. Conditional and interim uses must be allowed if the applicant can
demonstrate that they meet all the conditions listed in the city’s ordinance (quasi-judicial).
*The city may give itself a 60-day extension (for a total of 120 days) to consider an application if the
city provides the applicant: 1) written notification of the extension before the end of the initial 60
days; 2) the reasons for extension; and, 3) the anticipated length of extension. Additional extensions
may only be obtained if the applicant consents, or if a process mandated by state statute makes it
Rev. 3/21
impossible for the city to meet the 60-day deadline. In this last case, the city has until 60 days after
the required prior approval is granted from the mandated state or federal entity.
The city’s ability to exercise discretion is often limited to determining if a given proposal meets the
criteria established within state or local statutes. Findings of Fact are best understood as the city’s
explanation and justification of its decision. Whenever the city denies an application related to
zoning, Minnesota law requires that the reasons for denial be provided in writing; however, it is also
advisable for a city to provide written reasons for approving an application. If a decision made by
the Planning Commission or City Council were ever challenged in court, the Findings of Fact would
be submitted to the court as evidence that the city’s decision was appropriate.
Findings of Fact should identify all of the legal criteria relevant to the case, explain the relevant
facts, and then apply those facts to the legal criteria. Properly constructed Findings of Fact should
create a clear link between the facts, how they apply to the relevant standards, and the city’s
decision. If the Findings of Fact do not create this link or if the facts presented do not support the
conclusion, the city could be exposing itself to legal risk. It should be stressed that neighborhood
opposition in and of itself is never a valid finding of fact.
Planning staff prepares a Findings of Fact in support of recommended or anticipated motions and
includes them either as attachments or within staff reports. These facts are a distillation of the most
relevant points of the staff report. In cases where findings are provided for both approval and denial,
staff attempts to illustrate how the facts could be applied to support the different decisions.
As part of the development review process, the city sends out notices for proposed zoning actions to
other entities having regulatory authority over or that could be impacted by the proposed action. In
cases where the agency has regulatory authority, the proposal will need to get the relevant approvals
from that agency as well as the city before they can move forward with their project. In situations
where the agency does not have regulatory authority, the entity has the opportunity to provide
comments, provide technical expertise, or otherwise ensure that the city is aware of their interests.
An example of a situation where another agency has jurisdiction would be an apartment building
where access was proposed through a MnDOT-owned right-of-way. In this case, MnDOT as well as
the city would need to grant the appropriate permits and approvals, and city approval would be
conditional upon MnDOT approval.
An example of a situation where an agency would be contacted purely in the interest of receiving
feedback would be the rezoning of parcel adjacent to a neighboring municipality. The city would
want to make sure that the other community was aware of our plans and would listen to any concerns
they or their residents may have, but ultimately would not be bound by the opinions expressed by the
other city.
Rev. 3/21
g:\plan\planning commission\development review process\development review process - for 1st meeting in april.docx
Tuesday, April 6, 2021
Subject Ongoing Projects: Surface Water Ordinance Amendments; Emerald Ash Borer (EAB)/Forestry
Update; Infrastructure Projects
Section WORK SESSION Item No: A.5.
Prepared By Kate Aanenson, Community
Development Director
File No:
Oral PowerPoint presentations will be given on the following topics:
Surface Water Ordinance Amendments
Emerald Ash Borer (EAB)/Forestry Update
Infrastructure Projects
Tuesday, April 6, 2021
Subject Ongoing Development
Section WORK SESSION Item No: A.6.
Prepared By Kate Aanenson, Community
Development Director
File No:
An oral PowerPoint presentation will be given.
Tuesday, April 6, 2021
Subject Review Other Commissions' Goals
Section WORK SESSION Item No: A.7.
Prepared By Kate Aanenson, Community
Development Director
File No:
An oral PowerPoint presentation will be given.