04-20-2021CHANHASSEN PLANNING COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING MINUTES APRIL 20, 2021 CALL TO ORDER: Chairman Weick called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. MEMBERS PRESENT: Steven Weick, Laura Skistad, Eric Noyes, Mark von Oven, Erik Johnson, Doug Reeder, and Kelsey Alto MEMBERS ABSENT: None. STAFF PRESENT: Bob Generous, Senior Planner PUBLIC PRESENT: None. Chairman Weick thanked outgoing Commissioners Mark Randall and Michael McGonagill for their service on the Planning Commission. He welcomed new Commissioners Erik Johnson and Kelsey Alto. Chairman Weick reviewed guidelines for conducting the virtual Planning Commission meeting. Commissioner Reeder arrived at 7:03 p.m. PUBLIC HEARING: APPROVE AMENDING CHAPTER 20 OF THE CITY CODE CONCERNING GOLF DRIVING RANGES Senior Planner Bob Generous presented the item. Golf Zone, located at 825 Flying Cloud Dr, Chaska, requested the City Council change the City Code to allow wine sales as well as stronger beer than the 3.2 beer that is currently allowed. Mr. Generous reviewed corrections to Section 20-259 of the City Code regarding: ● Flying Cloud Dr. was originally classified as Highway 212. The roads adjacent to the golf driving range are now called Highway 5 and County Road 61. ● The hours of operation are changed from “sunrise to sunset” to 7:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. ● Section 6 is changed to reflect the sale of wine consistent with what is allowed for city golf courses. Chairman Weick opened the public hearing. There being no one to speak to this issue, Chairman Weick closed the public hearing. Planning Commission Minutes – April 20, 2021 2 Commissioner von Oven moved, Commissioner Alto seconded that the Chanhassen Planning Commission recommends that the City Council adopt the proposed ordinance amending City Code Chapter 20, Zoning, of the City Code concerning Golf Driving Ranges. All voted in favor and the motion carried unanimously with a vote of 7-0. Commissioner von Oven noted that he would like to see Minnesota change their statute regarding 3.2 beer. PUBLIC HEARING: APPROVE AMENDMENTS TO THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN FUNCTIONAL CLASSIFICATION MAP (STREETS) AND LIST AND CHAPTER 20, ZONING, OF THE CHANHASSEN CITY CODE REGARDING IDENTIFICATION OF ARTERIAL AND COLLECTOR STREETS Mr. Generous gave an overview of the proposed amendment to Chapter 20 regarding the identification of streets. This is a functional classification which considers the intensity of use of the roadway system. In response to the Federal Highway Administration and the State Department of Transportation (MnDOT), roads in Chanhassen have been reviewed and some classifications have been changed due to their traffic volume. These changes included: ● Pleasant View Road is changed from a major to a minor road. ● Longacres Road had no text corresponding to it. ● Lake Drive West was broken down into segments. The entire length will now be a major collector. ● Market Boulevard is currently a major collector due to a large amount of traffic in the downtown area. ● Bluff Creek Drive and Avienda Parkway will serve the Avienda development and the map was revised to show a future roadway. ● Text was added to show Northern Access Roadway as Avienda Parkway which is what the Preliminary Plat for Avienda says. ● Eagle Ridge Road and future extension to Powers Boulevard as part of the Foxwood Development has been amended to reflect a collector roadway in the Comprehensive Plan The following roads have been changed from minor to major collectors: ● Bluff Creek Boulevard ● Bluff Creek Drive ● Century Boulevard ● Dakota Avenue ● Dell Road ● Great Plains Boulevard ● Kerber Boulevard ● Lake Drive and Lake Drive West ● Lake Drive and Lake Drive East ● Market Boulevard Planning Commission Minutes – April 20, 2021 3 The following roads have been classified as major collectors: ● Galpin Boulevard (County Road 117) north of Trunk Highway 5 ● Lake Lucy Road ● Minnewashta Parkway ● West 78th Street The following roads have been changed from major to minor collectors: ● Coulter Boulevard ● Pleasant View Road The following roads have been classified as minor collectors: ● Avienda Parkway ● Longacres Drive. This road was on the map but not in the text. ● Eagle Ridge Road and future extension ● Yosemite Avenue Mr. Generous stated that Chapter 20 specifies all arterial and collector roadways. These roadways have different design standards required as part of the subdivision process. The designation also impacts the amount of individual property access allowed to these roadways. The following streets are classified as arterial streets under Section 20-5: ● County Road 14 (Pioneer Trail) ● County Road 15 (Galpin Boulevard south of Trunk Highway 5 and Audubon Road south of Lyman Boulevard) ● County Road 17 (Powers Boulevard) ● County Road 18 (Lyman Boulevard west of County Road 101) ● County Road 61(Flying Cloud Drive) ● Trunk Highway 101/County Road 101(north to south corporate city limits) ● Trunk Highway 5 ● Trunk Highway 7 (Principal) ● Trunk Highway 41 ● U.S. Highway 212 (Principal) The following roads were removed from the designation as arterial streets: ● The order of County Road 101 was changed to read north to south since the north half will still remain a Trunk Highway from Minnetonka to Highway 5 but south of Highway 5 to Shakopee becomes a County Road. ● Dell Road (Highway 5 south to corporate city limits) is changed to a collector roadway. ● County Road 19 (Galpin Boulevard south of Trunk Highway 5) was mislabeled on the map and should be removed. The following streets are designated as collector streets: ● 82nd Street (Trunk Highway 41 to Century Boulevard) ● Avienda Parkway; Previously there was not a name for this road ● Audubon Road (north of Lyman Boulevard to West 78th Street) ● Bluff Creek Boulevard Planning Commission Minutes – April 20, 2021 4 ● Bluff Creek Drive ● Century Boulevard (from West 78th Street to 82nd Street) ● Coulter Boulevard ● Dakota Avenue (Highway 5 to Lake Drive East) ● Dell Road (north to south corporate city limits) ● Eagle Ridge Road and its connections to Powers Boulevard ● Dell Road (Trunk Highway 5 north to corporate city limits) ● Galpin Boulevard (County Road 117) (Highway 5 to north city limits) ● Great Plains Boulevard (West 78th Street to Grandview Road Lake Drive East) ● Kerber Boulevard ● Lake Drive (County Road 17 to County Road 101) ● Lake Drive East (Great Plains Boulevard to Dell Road) ● Lake Drive West (Audubon Road to County Road 17) ● Lake Lucy Road (Trunk Highway 41 to Powers Boulevard) ● Longacres Drive ● Lyman Boulevard (east of County Road 101) ● Market Boulevard (Trunk Highway 5 to West 78th Street) ● Minnewashta Parkway (Trunk Highway 7 to Trunk Highway 5). Part of this roadway is in the city of Victoria but the City of Chanhassen has jurisdiction over it. ● Park Road ● Pleasant View Road ● Stoughton Avenue ● West 78th Street (Trunk Highway 41 to County Road/Trunk Highway 101) ● Yosemite Avenue Chairman Weick asked, if a roadway was partially in a different city, does that city have to approve anything? Mr. Generous stated that the lists went out for jurisdictional review to 21 different adjacent government units. Thus far, there have been 10 responses of “no comment”. These agencies have until the May 24, 2021 City Council meeting to submit their comments which is within the 60- day jurisdictional review window that’s required under the Metropolitan Land Planning Act before amendments can be submitted to the Metropolitan (Met) Council. Chairman Weick asked if these are recommendations for MnDOT or requirements. Mr. Generous confirmed that the city’s Engineering Department in conjunction with Carver County engineering and public works came to an agreement that these changes were appropriate and recommended. Chairman Weick asked if these changes alter what the city is required to spend to maintain certain types of roads and if it would affect budget allocations. Mr. Generous explained that it would not affect local roads. County State Aid Highways and county roads are maintained by Carver County and MnDOT has jurisdiction over Highway 5, Highway 7, Highway 41, and a portion of Highway 101. The only time it may have an effect is if Planning Commission Minutes – April 20, 2021 5 a commercial collector roadway is part of a development review where it would need an 80-foot right-of-way instead of a 60-foot right-of-way. Commissioner Noyes asked how these changes may affect any projects or approvals that have already been in place or are currently in progress. Mr. Generous explained that the changes would only affect projects going forward. Commissioner Skistad asked if classification as a collector street means they will be potentially turned into four lane roads. Mr. Generous stated the decision to change a two-lane road into a four-lane road is dependent on traffic levels not on classification Commissioner Skistad referenced the land development near the Prince property and the increase in traffic at the stop sign. Is this area included or will it be addressed at a different time? Mr. Generous stated it was not part of the proposed ordinance change but it is part of a discussion with Carver County who is looking to incorporate roundabouts into future design, pending funding. Mr. Generous added that he was part of a staff level traffic safety committee who considers complaints and requests from residents who are concerned about pedestrian safety to see if there is any way to resolve the issue. Chairman Weick opened the public hearing. There being no one to speak to this issue, Chairman Weick closed the public hearing. Commissioner Skistad moved, Commissioner Noyes seconded that the Chanhassen Planning Commission recommends that the City Council approve the proposed 2040 Comprehensive Plan Amendment to Chapter 6, Transportation, Section 65, System Plan, Major and Minor Collectors and Figure 6.7, Functional Classification Map, and amend Section 20-5 of the Chanhassen City Code. All voted in favor and the motion carried unanimously with a vote of 7-0. Mr. Generous added that County Road 19 does not exist and will be removed from the ordinance. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: APPROVAL OF PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES DATED MARCH 2, 2021 Commissioner Noyes noted the summary ninutes of the Planning Commission meeting dated March 2, 2021 as presented. APPROVAL OF PLANNING COMMISSION WORK SESSION MINUTES DATED APRIL 6, 2021 Planning Commission Minutes – April 20, 2021 6 Commissioner Alto noted the summary minutes of the Planning Commission meeting dated April 6, 2021 as presented. ADMINISTRATIVE PRESENTATIONS: CITY COUNCIL ACTION UPDATE Mr. Generous gave an overview of the Council actions at the March 22, 2021 City Council meeting including approval of ordinance amendments and the Lakes of Chanhassen Tax Increment Financing (TIF) district. Commissioner von Oven asked if the issue of parking boats in residential driveways had been considered or if staff is working on the issue. Mr. Generous stated that the April 26, 2021 City Council Work Session schedule included a discussion of chickens, boats, and signage. He added that staff is contacting Homeowner Associations (HOAs) to see how they handle parking boats in driveways. Mr. Generous added that the May 4, 2021 Planning Commission meeting would be cancelled due to lack of items and the May 18, 2021 meeting may be cancelled as well. ADJOURNMENT: Commissioner von Oven moved to adjourn the meeting. All voted in favor and the motion carried unanimously with a vote of 7-0. The Planning Commission meeting was adjourned at 7:39 p.m. Submitted by Kate Aanenson Community Development Director