Affidavit of MailingCITV OF CHANHASSEN AFFIDAVIT OF MAILING NOTICE STATE OF MINNESOTA) ( ss. COI.JNTY OF CARVER ) I, Kim T. Meuwissen, being first duly swom, on oath deposes that she is and was on June 3, 2021, the duly qualified and acting Deputy Clerk ofthe City of Chanhassen, Minnesota; that on said date she caused to be mailed a copy ofthe attached notice of a Public Hearing to consider a request for an imendment to the Interim Use Permit to remove the condition requiring the installation of driving range nets on property located at 825 Flying Cloud Drive (Golf Zone), zoned Agricultural Estate District (A2), Planning Case No. 2021-02' to the persons named on attached Exhibit "A", by enclosing a copy ofsaid notice in an envelope addressed to such owner, and depositing the envelopes addressed to all such owners in the United States mail with postage fully prepaid thereon; that the names and addresses of such owners were those appearing as such by the records ofthe County Treasurer, Carver County, Minnesota, and by other appropriate records. Kim uwlssen.Deputy lerk Su thi m to before me (Seal) bscribed and *:lr-J auy o 2021. Notary Public JAfl M This map as neith€r a legally Ecorded map nor a suNey and is not inEnded lo be used as one. This map is a corndhtion of Ecords. intormaton and datra located in varDus cily, (r)unty, state and federal ofices and olh€r sources reoading the area 3horn, and is to be us€d for reElence purpos€s only. The City does not vrarant that the Geographic hformation System (GlS) Oata used to prepae d s map are eno.lree, and the City does not Epresenl that the GIS Data cln be used for navigatoml, tracking o. any other puQoge requidno exacljng [leasuGment of dbliance or di€ction or precisioo in the dericlion ol g€ooraphic Gatures. The precedino disdaimer b povided pursuant to Minnesota StaMes y66.03, Subd 21 (2000), and lhe user ol this map acloot{edg€s that lhe city shall not be liaue tor any damag6, and ergl€gtly weives all daims. and aqrces to deEnd. indemnify, and hoid haml$s the City lrom any ard all cJaams brought by Use.. rts employees or aoen$, or thad panies which arige out of the use/s access or uge of data provided. DircLir!a. This map i5 neither a leoally recoftled map nor a survey and is not inten(hd to be w€d as one. This map ia a compilation of .ecord3, anfonnalion and data located in various cjty county, gtate and €deral ofices and other soorces regading the area 3hown, and i9 to be used br reElence purpoces only. The Crty doe3 rlot warrant that the Geooraphic lnbmation Systom (GlS) Data used to p.epare this map a.e enor free. and tne Crty does not leprese.lt th€t the GIS Oata can be used for navigational. tacLng oa any olher porpose requiring oracling measuEmenl of dastance or dircction or preclslon in the depidon ol gEographic balures. me prete<ling dasdaimer is provided puBuant to Minn6ota Statnes 5466.03. Subd. 21 (2000). and the user of this map acloorvl€dgps tlat the City shall nol be liable fo. any damag€s, and erpE3sly saives all daims, and agree to (btend, indemnify, and hold haml6s the Clty ttom any and all daims brooght by User, ib eftployees or agents, or fId padies wtliai atBe od of tlle usefs access or use of data p.ovided. .r-i L.) rilri .\, L. tr I t F-l G"e,7r rtl I .\ *' co6.D9c.=.96acOEo:^6ol.=cl EEI5EIpEl CEI Egldal cEl ;ct atr(l)l d3laoliEl oLt ogt- !lE ;la;t ; Els:> 9E x-rDoirE f f e.P, ;lE c aE$EHAEEsE,r €lll .E o o FE kl oru()E IEElgss*tsvol-cootE,r;ftg:;E T.8EEgEEEEE EfE\ 3 x:6= E = Er m=i:? f; af;iH; aEE 5 E 6 9A<r H$FEEI$i .9tl,oIDo,cic'zooEoEo)od, ii6(!(,oc(,(!qc8 =!Ott 1tslJ 6':8.(5(, i-> 8,-, =ciooto6to;iooo G GE IJ '-,:.J:i; o!ooE;:oF!3qtoo-obt- o$Ec!+ xo- r, .E f!D ;.s(Eb ag p2d)o)([=ooF-F.uic)-o Eo -c,(,) c = O (5 I obltcr.9E@6Ea-- qt<:cvq.g!sg3etr5:= EE -c.2E(l)=bc9F.9 6rf,=<iPurtr;0) E B,€ I9ticl0 c9Eor.9P69s .ncc3E=O(LE c.; o c)Y od co d) doL9ENHoEoboP.2c O=rE 3gOF O'ECc'=-9 tr6,otN-o< 9ar- 0,ze g€pgE Ei,E€ .38 EEEPe H 3e E? o- - o--c -o E':.E 9E, 9: = 6:a:iEE gE+!EEsP !sE;IE F: HEEE E*EB ;iEgs l(tr= .z ([.^ tr .o ar- - .no-:i ori gIE: , fgE5Ear; qr(! 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