Narrativetvl s June l+.2021 City of Chanhassen Community Deve[opment Department P[anning Division 7700 Market Btvd P0 Box 147 Chanhassen, MN 55317 RE: WRITTEN DESCRIPTI0N 0F VARIANCE RE0UEST To whom it may concern, As required by the City of Chanhassen, we are respectfulty submitting this written description of variance requests for the following property: Bruner Residence 6609 Horseshoe Curve Chanhassen, MN 55317 Va riances Reouested 1. REVISI0N: Btuff Setback Area Encroachment Variance - Extension of Previousty Proposed and City-Approved House-Adjacent Deck The existing home on this property was buiLt in 1999 and recently remodeled in 2017 by Christian Dean Architecture. The [andscape was not considered at that time, so the current project is looking to finalize Landscaping on the property while considering client needs whi[e respectfutly meeting existing codes and standards. This house non-conforming due to encroachment into btuff setback, hence variance for certain items are needed. Please see the written justification of variance request for further information. Our design team met with the city ptanning office severa[ times throughout the process of this project. This variance request is additionaI to the approved variance apptication by the City of Chanhassen on January 191h,2021 . CITY OF CHANHASSEN RECEIVED JUN 04 2021 TRAVIS VA]{ LIERE STUOIO 211 north lst street suite 1350 minneapolis. mn 55401 o 6LZ 343 4?75 Summarv of Concern 1 CHAI,IHASSEN Pt-Afl t{[ic DEpf ConcLusion 0ur desig n team and the cLients have continued to work with the city and other governing agencies to deveLop a plan that maintains the spirit and works in concert with the applicabte city codes and ordinances whiLe providing practicaI use for the property by the owners. Thank you in advance for your due consideration of our request for a variance. S in ce re [y, Travis Van Liere, PLA, ASLA Principa[ - Travis Van Liere Studio tvl s 3 IRAVIS VAI{ LIENE STUOIO 211 no.th 1st street suite #350 minneapoljs, mn 55401 o 672 345 4?75