PresentationDegler Farm May 2021 Why are we here? Covid made people find local fall activities. •We saw an increase in our fall activities. •We want add to our activity list, but discovered these activities are not addressed by current city code. •Create a new definition in the city code -“Agritainment” / “Agritourism” •Create criteria for what defines and is allowed in an Agritainment permit. •Amend city code to include Agritainment as a New Interim Use for the “A-2” district. Outcomes: Background: 9111 Audubon Rd, Chanhassen, MN 55317 Notable Events 2005 1990 1972 1947 Dean & Lois Degler start their life together milking dairy cows Degler Farm hosts school tours from St. Louis Park. Begin Pumpkin sales Active in local 4-H clubs and schools tours Transition from a dairy farm to a crop production specializing in blended horse feed, corn, soybeans. Meet Degler Farm! 5th Generation Family Farm 2018 First hayrides. 2019 Create first Corn Maze, Hayrides, corn pit Degler Farm Agritainment activities Corn MazeHayrides Pumpkins for everyone Degler Farm Agritainment activities Gravity Box Basketball Pumpkins, Corn Pit, Hayride Youth Groups Call To action •Work with city to create new ordinance as soon as possible 7 THANK YOU! Google Reviews 4.8 of 5 Stars SW news article -2019 Local, family-owned, and family-friendly! This place is a hidden gem and our group of 4 20-somethings had a BLAST! The farm has so many fun attractions -we did them all over the span of about 2 hours and highly recommend that you try them all as well to get the most out of your experience! The owners are incredibly kind and welcoming, and so fun to chat with. See you again next year -Abbi Today I went with my boyfriend, my friend, and my sister to visit on our shared day off, and boy was it a treat. The place wa s great, the owners very friendly, and the weather worked out (as it is, of course, something they control). I like laying siege to a hillside using a cannon and trebuchet (the superior weapon). Unfortunately, I could not launch my friend Cameron into the abyss below. Overall great time, and I go t a free pumpkin for stopping by, which made the day better. Will stop back next year they are open, thanks, Degler (times like, 8 of them)! -Dominic We had a fantastic experience! The space is smaller and intimate, run by a family. You can feel the love that went into creat ing this place. Would definitely go back! -Malana We had a great time here today. The hay ride was excellent. Such a beautiful property. -Jason Wonderful place! Most fun I’ve had with my kids! They loved it there! 100% Recommendation! -Jesse I launched a pumpkin really, really far (like really far), it was really fun. I'll make sure to visit every year, and the wife was a fan too! -Dom Definition –Agritainment •Agricultural, horticultural, or agri-business activity that allows organizations or members of the general public, for the purpose of recreation, education or active involvement to view, enjoy, or participate in rural activities of a farm or farm related operation. Uses include corn mazes, hayrides, pumpkin picking, corn pits, hill slides, pumpkin throwers, lookout towers, zip lines, straw bale mazes, apple picking, play structures, antique tractors displays, saw mill demonstrations, hay stacks, kiddie trains, animal rides, sleigh rides, snowshoeing, maple syrup harvesting, cross country skiing, mounting biking, sledding hills, are exhibited regardless of compensation. Sec. 20-xxx -Agritainment The following conditions will apply to Agritainment activities. 1) The site must be zoned Agriculture “A-2”. 2) The site must be on and have access to a collector or minor arterial. 3) The minimum lot size shall be 10 acres. 4) The site must have 20% of its land being used as “agriculture” as defined in Sec. 1 -2. “Rules of construction and definitions ” 5) All structures and storage areas must be set back 50 feet from public or private rights -of-way, and 300 ft from an adjacent single-family residences or a minimum of 50 feet from a side lot line, whichever is greater. 6) Parking plan shall be supplied with permit detailing size, capacity, and location. Parking areas shall be limited to on -site parking. 7) The maximum number of persons to be using the facility at any one time needs to be tied in the application permit or tied to 80% parking capacity as outlined in the permit plan. This allows variations of seasonal activities layouts. 8) Accessory agriculture buildings used for Agritainment events must meet existing building code, or be approved by the city engineering department prior to use. Intent is to allow provision for use of existing agriculture building where special buil ding use is requested. 9) Hours of operation shall be from 8:00 a.m. to half hour after sunset. 10) Retail sales shall be limited to Agritainment related items. 11) All animals must comply to section 20 -264 –(10) “Petting farms” 12) A termination date shall be established for the interim use permit. The use shall be permitted until a particular date, u ntil the occurrence of a particular even, or until zoning regulations no longer permit it. Prior to the permit expiring, the applicant may request an extension to the interim use permit by submitting a new application. The renewal application will be subject to al l city ordinances including any new ordinances enacted after the original approval. Brief Background: Degler Farm has an extensive background in farming and educational teaching. Family founded by multi-generational elementary and high school educators; Degler Farm has a passion for educating youth. It’s in our DNA. Our mission is to educate local youth on the operation, economics, and future of agriculture. In this spirit, Degler Farm would like to be more community facing through the growing area of Agritainment. We want to bring our passion for education and combine it with farm friendly activities. This “outside the classroom” learning on the farm is not only instructive, but fun. We see it as another yet another way to reach our neighbors and local community. Degler Farm activities Degler Farm Agritainment activities Pumpkin ThrowerSaw millingPumpkin Cannon Newer Activities