RSS GolfSubject Parcel A,Ea stIJ+",\. r'{N City of Chanhassen OlBclalrner This map is neither a l€gally recorded map nor a suNey and is not intended to be used as one. This map is a @mpihtion of recods. infomation and data located in various city, county, strate and federal offces and olher sources regardang the area shown, and is lo be used for reference purposes only The Crty does not w"anant that the Geographic lntormalion System (GlS) Data used lo prepare this map are enor ftee, and the City does not replesent thal the GIS Data can be used for navigational. tracking or any other purpose requiring exacting measurement of distrance or darection or precasaon an lhe depiction of geographic features. The preceding disclaimer is provided puGuant to Minnesota Statutes 5466.03, Subd. 21 (2000), and the user ot tiis map acknowledges that the City shall not be liable for any damaoes. and expressly waives all claims. and agrees to defend, indemnify. end hoid hamless the City korn any and all daims brought by t s€f, its employees or agents, or third panies wnich arise oul of lhe usefs acc€ss or use ol dala provided i f't{D 5fffiar68Gq€qE r/00 Market Boulevard PO Box 147 Chanhassen, MN 55317 RAIN SNOW OR SHINE GOLF LLC 791 CHERRYWOOD LN wAcoNtA, MN 55387 l,ri,litlilIt,ilt,tt,t,illtttilrt,illl,,l,il,,1,t,11i,,,,,,lill,, l,J,)r E,g t tr \, r 5 o3 PM;-u.''"4S :.rl 7-, --i,.4 I l" $ 000.5m ot p;I L-- J l ! E ,9 F E cioo t'- o Noc! ro 0,c = i(!p o))F p E s g o)EI"o.:iYa ^JLI"HeBs E: 66 d* : =0r96 6-.6 b E E i# Hr*'=e! 5':' . 9E a,i 3?5E-eIte.5.s + 9t.if d e I rE $E$ifr;5 ?E=i ::gf =q€e iEHe 3 E:r 9g€ E@,^ o E :- !]o-cH-J€= r kE <.> *gf,E eEE.5Fs.o-o+.tgF(!C(J{r-N(r)!. q, I* qE ho 'iEEc(r; .2oo-oE Bg-o.q,E ior! iEo3N-@< c .o (g E ,E 0) c .=5 Ec .9 !co(-, oE o o Eo o E oL (l) f E o) E 0)E o c o., FEc o) Eoco o q)tg 0) o q) ! co ,=cc(! E ,_c o) No- too- !c G =,9 o ioc DocoN u; n)c o.)(,,c(t! r,t = E N I .U IU 6 f lo,= ot o c) o-c (,) E2 E) 0.) $ ooF-N o)-o EoEo oc:,oO oI O c q)o E C .9 .9 E Eo co co o-o o .EoJE l Ec(!EI c't o .E il)Y 06 c(! dl -oo65f o o =*F-E'itro -oi or EE > E E Ecf;f ro ts tr ro o tr o-c9 c 6 orF0.,=OE 9 R a os! 6 /,!.8 ocoo>1, - >,., - O.q&gi€ =Eg=;Eo3s9:E:E= + s x.';=ra=t: !-a ots o r!o,aolE G d(,) h 6o= X 6r ^c b Pd<SEEir-!ol!.3-ootroo o fc Eco oEco.C 9o G] o rDlclolql -ot o o Eo 6e q)6 3 e-e 5EI ;6 E:Et srEq EIEt: ol ),Y 0J a- Nlg: I El_.'- or-l o(! o trlo)aiElo o: ElqE;Ale CDl,.,,l= g.aflE = aEl o s 33lH 3E iIEi3 3B -o ) 0.)c rl)(, oo E .9oo E Eoo l! o- {, o (, i: 06 tl) clo o t!ooJ ;o 3o o o- >trtorl, Eo.(!eto-J 9crto,= =ntf= (!.E BI I gr*E: F.E -iEg: F Eog : EEi,-.&EE !EIc5 EEi r!EEi- i"cg EEE€EE*F. hirSEEleE Eil>iE.!; !YE6*F EEgEiEiEi Ei! E::gEE EeE es$ipE6on h=*:!;,5i: ;;iE5E EEi !"gfEE E€a :EiE*$ {e; EE€:EE eEEEEiEEe E€i,Eii igi EiiE E;Eg€E EEEEfiiEii ;SEEEEEEE€ 9 Ept Ei n E I .93 - g E d9 e -q EP I e Ia E 6 3 e tE 9 3q E !E E 9 E a E !e 5 tE E; a 9 II ii ; E E E q c l E o o(, o) ! It); --o(, o EoEoo o- =p(! o o)p !co o f .= E a o (! o- oEc 0)q, (o q) C oo Ec It)-c = C .9 oo oc OJ EcN o E (I.) o) .2ooo o ol co) E' Eo-o =UIE- --- 'L O-_.o o-'o'=IEoE =o-cl ,r d9 oc 3E E1za ooG l! o o (.) E :,i Ec c) o.cc G-c(.1 0i =] a =u.l :a od ..o9ECoo tt =OE::ooo I I .l Or ., o3] Erl tl iif 6l =o- o-l o-