JParsons Email - Variance Request at 931 Lake Susan Hills DriveFrom:Steckling, Jean To:Steckling, Jean Subject:FW: Variance Request at 931 Lake Susan Hills Drive Date:Monday, June 14, 2021 1:42:28 PM From: Jacqueline Parsons <pars0105@umn.edu> Sent: Monday, June 14, 2021 9:51 AM To: Generous, Bob <bgenerous@ci.chanhassen.mn.us> Subject: Variance Request at 931 Lake Susan Hills Drive CAUTION: This email originated from outside of the organization. Do not click links or open attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. This letter is in regards to the variance request at 931 Lake Susan Hills Drive. I live in Chanhassen Estates but I frequent the trails that connect our neighborhoods as do my children , and I have a strong opposition to this request. I believe it will negatively impact public safety. I understand the property owners at 931 LSHD desire privacy on a corner lot, with a high traffic sidewalk that faces their windows. I understand the property owners want to protect their own personal safety with a backyard that faces a street. I contend both of those factors were known at the time of purchase and are personal matters. A fence along the property line will create safety risks for our children – my children and the children of the neighborhood and those utilizing the sidewalks. The same reason that privacy is a concern – a high traffic sidewalk – is the exact reason the variance should not be allowed. This stretch of sidewalk connects our Lake Susan Hills community to two beloved city assets. The sidewalk on West Lake Drive connects the entire neighborhood to Prairie Knoll Park (affectionately known as Rainbow Park from its old design). The sidewalk on West Lake Drive also connects residents on West Lake Drive and Dove Court to the city trail along Lake Susan. A fence along this property line will create 4 safety threats. 1. Children are taught to treat driveways like streets, watching for tail lights. A fence will prevent children from seeing a car backing out. 2. The drivers themselves will not have a clear line of sight to watch for children on the sidewalk. Even rear cameras will not be able to detect motion until it’s too late. 3&4: Multiply this by two with different directions of traffic west and east. East bound foot traffic will be at risk at 931 LSHD. Westbound foot traffic will be at risk at the adjacent 8440 West Lake Drive. I am not opposed to a fence that preserves sight lines for both the property at 931 Lake Susan Hills drive and the adjacent property of 8440 West Lake Drive. A fence that prioritizes public safety over personal lifestyle choices would divide the property into small sections, yet I believe that is the right choice for the neighborhood interests. I believe that public safety, especially that of our children, should be a higher priority than personal interest. Thank you for your consideration. Jaci Parsons (952) 465-7564