Zoning Letter 6-11-21CITT OI' CIIAI{IIASSX I{ Ctpnhassen is a Conmunity for Lib ' Provrdirg for Today and Haming for Tonrnow June I l, 2021 RE: Level 7 Development LLC Avienda Dear Sir,4Vladam: The undersigred hereby certifies with respect to the property legally described on attached Exhibit A (the "Premises") as follows: l. The zoning code affecting the Prernises is Agricultural Estate District-A2. 2 The Prernises and its intended use as a Regional Commercial-RC - Lifestyle Center mmplies with the Comprehensive Plan, applicable zoning codes, city ordinances and building environmental and energy codes, ordinances and regulations: X Yes No Comments: The final approval of the zoning from ,{2 to RC Regional Commercial Planned Unit Development (PUD) occurs with the final plat. This PUD ordinance guides the development with standards and uses. A final plat must be submitted and approved by the City Council. The development has preliminary plat approval and is scheduled for final plat approval by the Chanhassen City Council on June 28, 2021. There are no variances, conditional use permits or special use permits required for the construction ofthe improvernents on the Prernises or its uses. Ifthere are, specif the same and the relevant terms or otherwise check here: Comments: The city has approved a Wetland Alteration Permi! a Conditional Use Permit and a Conservation Easernent which will be recorded against the Property at the time of final plat. The Prernises comply with the subdivision ordinances affecting it and can be conveyed without the filing of a plat or replat of the Premises: Yes Not applicable Comments: The individual parcels making up the Prernises consisting of the following PID Nos 250230300, 25023M10, 250230500, 250230430 and 25023M20 comply with the subdivision ordinances and can be conveyed without the filing ofa plat. A final plat must be submitted and recorded for each lot represented on the Subdivision and Site Plan PH 952.227.1 I 00 . www.ci.chan hassen.mrus . FX 952.227.1 ll 0 3 4 I/OO MARKET EOULEVARD .PO BOX I17 . CHANHASSEN .MINNESOTA 553TI 5 prior to conveyance ofthe lots to be platted or improved for the intended uses. The Premises comply with all setback and parking laws and regulations: _ Yes _ No Not Applicable Comments: The PUD ordinance established the uses and standards. All building will be required to have site plan approval by the Planning Commission and the City Council. 6. The Prernises are located within a federally desigrrated flood plain: Yes X No There are no proposals for widening, closing (including temporary closings) or realignment ofaccess or abutting roads. Ifthere are, specifo the same and its terms or otherwise check here: X None Comments: 7 8 I There are no conternplated pending special assessments aflecting the Premises: Yes X No lfthere are, please specifo the known or estimated accounts and computation of interest, if any: All appropriate and required city permits, licenses and approvals have been provided for the intended use of the Prernises: Yes X No Comments: The property has preliminary plat approval, a rezoning to PUD, a conditional use permit and a conservation easement. A final plat is required to record the development documents. Ifadditional space is required for any of the above, please use the reverse side. If there are any additional facts regarding the Prernises and its proposed use which would be material consideration, please include that information: The City issued a grading permit only on May 24, 2021. This information was researched by the undersigned on request as a public service. The undersigred certifies that the above information is believed to be accurate. However, neither the undersigred nor the city zrssumes liability for errors or omissions. All information was obtained from public records which may be inspected during normal business hours. Signature of Authorized Person:Mn{raaofY Typed or Printed Name of Sigratory:Kate Aanenson Title of Signatory:Communitv Development Director Date: June 1 I 2021 City or Other Govemmental Agency:Citv of g:\planUol7 plauling cases\I7-10 avierda preliminary plat & prd\avi(ilda zoning lett€rj$e I I 202l.doc.docx EXHIBITA Legal Description of Prernises PARCEL I: The South Half ofthe Southwest Quarter of Section 23, To*nship I 16, Range 23, Cawer County, Minnesota, EXCEPT the two (2) tracts described as follows: Tract l: Commencing at the southwest comer ofSection 23, Township I16, Range 23; thence running North on the section line 30 feet; thence ru fng in a straight line to a point on the south section line of said section, 30 feet F-ast ofthe southwest comer thereof; thence running west 30 feet to said southwest comer ofsaid Section and the place ofbeginning, being a three (3) cornered piece in the southwest corner ofsaid Section 23, Township I 16, Range 23, Carver County, Minnesota. Tract 2: That part ofthe Southeast Quarter ofthe Southwest Quarter and the East Half of the Southwest Quarter ofthe Southwest Quafier, both in Section 23, Township I 16, Range 23, Cawer County, Minnesota which lies easterly of Line 2 described below. Line 2: Beginning at the south quarter corner of said Section 23; thence run west on an azimuth of27l de$ees 56 minutes l3 seconds along the south line of said Section 23 for 1634.23 feet to a point; thence on an azimuth of 00 degrees 43 minutes 24 seconds for 500.1 1 feet to a point; thence on an azimuth of 91 degrees 56 minutes 13 seconds for 1173.46 feet to a point; thence on an azimuth of29 de$ees 19 minutes 1 8 seconds for 152.1 1 feet to a point; thence on an azimuth of 352 degrees 57 minutes 23 seconds for 709.36 feet to a point on the north line ofsaid Southeast Quarter ofthe Southwest Quader; thence on an azimuth of9l degrees 23 minutes 02 seconds along the north line ofsaid Southeast Quarter ofthe Southwest Quarter for 475.37 feet to the northeast comer of said Southeast Quarter ofthe Southwest Quarter and there terminating. PARCEL 2 Tract I : The North 420.00 feet of the East 414.86 feet of the Northwest Quarter ofthe Southwest Quarter of Section 23, Towlship I 16, Range 23, Carver County, Minnesota. Tract 2: The Northwest Quarter ofthe Southwest Quarter of Section 23, Township 116, Range 23, Carver County, Minnesota, EXCEPT the South 658.24 feet thereot AND ALSO EXCEPT the North 420.00 feet ofthe East 4'14.86 feet thereof. Tract 3: The South 658.24 feet ofthe Northwesl Quarter ofthe Southwest Quarter of Section 23, Township I 16, Range 23, Carver County. Minnesota. PARCEL 3: The Northeast Quarter ofthe Southwest Quarter of Section 23, Township I 16, Range 23, Carver County, Minnesota; EXCEPT the part thereofdescribed as Parcel g on Minnesota Departmeart ofTransportation Right of Way Plat No. 10-19 recorded as Document No. 399300 and described as Parcel 64 in the Final Certificate recorded as Document No. 503436 in the office ofthe County Recordeq Carver County, Mimesota. All Abstract Property. CITY OF CHANHASSEN P 0 BOX 147 CHANHASSEN MN 55317 06/15/2021 2 : 39 PM Receipt No. 00474939 CLERK: ashleym PAYEE : Custom Home Builders Title, LLC 10850 Old County Road 15 Ste 100 Plymouth MN 55441 Avienda Zoning Letter 25 . 00 Total 25 . 00 Cash 0 . 00 Check 013645 25 . 00 Change 0 . 00 Jeannine Christensen RECEIVED From: Al-Jaff, Sharmeen <SAI-Jaff@ci.chanhassen.mn.us> JUN 15 2021 Sent: Friday, June 11, 2021 4:19 PM To: Jeannine Christensen; Aanenson, Kate CITY OF CHANHASSEN Cc: Gale Larson; Dennis Moore Subject: RE: 1551 Lyman Blvd/Avienda (File No 52163) - Zoning Letter Request Attachments: Avienda Zoning Letter June 11 2021.doc.pdf Good afternoon Jean•".••-� Per your reque /ease find attache. the Zoning Letter for 1551 Lyman Boulevard. Original will follow in the mail. There is a f-- of$25.00 associated w" h Zoning Letters. Please make the check payable to the City of Chanhassen. Thank ye . Shicerely. .Soatoteur ajvi) Sharmeen AI-Jaff h .12 Senior Planner CITY OF CHANHASSEN 1111 PH. 952.227.1134 s. FX. 952.227.1110 www.ci.chanhassen.mn.us 0 From:Jeannine Christensen <Jeanninec@chbtitle.com> Sent: Wednesday, June 9, 2021 2:46 PM To: Walters, MacKenzie<MWalters@ci.chanhassen.mn.us>; Al-Jaff, Sharmeen <SAI-Jaff@ci.chanhassen.mn.us>; Generous, Bob<bgenerous@ci.chanhassen.mn.us>; Aanenson, Kate<kaanenson@ci.chanhassen.mn.us> Cc:Gale Larson <galel@chbtitle.com>; Dennis Moore<Dennism@chbtitle.com> Subject: 1551 Lyman Blvd/Avienda (File No 52163) -Zoning Letter Request Importance: High CAUTION: This email originated from outside of the organization. Do not click links or open attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. Ladies and Gentlemen - I am writing to request a zoning letter for the property described in the attached title commitment for land located at 1551 Lyman Blvd/Avienda. At your earliest convenience, please let me know if a fee is required to obtain the zoning letter so I can have a check prepared right away. I have attached a form zoning letter for your use if you do not already have a form on hand. A closing for this property is scheduled to occur on June 15th Thank you for your assistance with this project. If you have any questions, please contact me. Jeannine S. Christensen Closer/Closing Assistant My office hours are from 9 am to 6 pm. [CUSTOMHOMEBUILDERS T i f f l l c. Company License #20377024 10850 Old County Rd. 15, Suite 100 Plymouth, MN 55441 Direct Phone: 763.334.7558 Company Phone: 763.489.3240 I Fax: 763.489.3241 New Orders can be emailed to: Orders CHBTitle.com Closing packages can be emailed to: Closing@CHBTitle.com Requests to schedule a closing email: Scheduling©CHBTitle.com *Wire Fraud and Email Hacking are on the rise with title companies and their customers. Please DO NOT WIRE any funds to Custom Home Builders Title, LLC without calling in advance to verify our wire instructions. * Sale proceeds will not be wired without written authorization. **For the safety of our employees and clients, we request that only parties required to sign documents at closing be in attendance. If you should need special accommodations, please contact our office. This email has been scanned by the Symantec Email Security.cloud service. For more information please visit littp://www.svmanteccloud.com This email has been scanned by the Symantec Email Security.cloud service. For more information please visit http://www.symanteccloud.com 2