Declaration of Restrictive CovenantsDocument Number: A7260,64 Filed and/or Recorded on lun 2, 2021 8:36 AM Office of the County Recorder/Registrar of Tiues Carver County, Minnesota Kaaren Lewb, County Recorder Deputy KL Document RecordirE Fees $ 46.00 Docunr€ ttIotr, $ 46.m Requesting Party: Executirr€ TiHe - Laura Kmwhs Pages: 18 DECLARATION OF RESTRICTIVE COVf,NANTS TIIIS DECLARATION OF RESTRICTTVB COVENANTS, dated this {aay or/7^2021 (the "Declaration"), by Lakes at Chanhassen, LLC,a Minnesota limited liabili4 company (the "Davelope/'), is given for the benefit of the Chanhassen Ecqromic Developmat Aufiority, a public body corporate and politio under the laws of Mnnesota (tlre 'EDA). RECITALS WHEREAS, Development, dated tIe A and dt Developer entered into 6at c€rtain Contract for Private 2021, (the *Agreemenr" ); and WHEREAS, pursuant to the Agrccmcnt tie Developo is obligated to cause constuction of I lO-unit three-story scnior apartment building and all relaed amenities and improvements (the 1P.jot'l) to b€ located on the property described in Exhibit A atached hereto (the "Development Property"), and to cause cornpliance with certain affordability covenans descxibed in Section 4.5 of the Agreemeng and WIIEREAS, Sectiot 4.5 of the Agreement rcquires that the Dwelop€r cause to be execured an insrument in recondable form sub*antially reflecting the covenants set forth in that section ofthe Agreement; and WIIERIAS, the Devdoper intends, declares, and covanants that tbe resuictive covenants set forth herein will be and are covenmts running with dre Dcvelopment Property for the term described herein and binding upon all subsequent owners oftbe Dwelopmert Property for tk term described hqein, and are not merely po'rcnal covenants of the Dwdoper; and WHEREAS, capitalized terms in 0ris Declaration have the meaning prwided in the Agreement unless ottrenwi se defined herein. I CHl35-62-722576.v! NOW, TIIEREFORE, in consideration of the promises and covenants hereinafter set forth, and of other valuable considcratioq the receipt and *rfficiency ofwhich i s hoeby acknowledged, dre Developer agrees as follows: l. Term ofRestrictions (a) Oco.rpancJ and Rental Resriaions, The term of the Occr.rpanry Restrictions set forttr in Section 3 ofthis Declaration will commence on dre date a certificate of occupancy is received from the City lor all Rental Housing Units on the Dwelopment Property and continue through the Declaration Termination Date defined below (the "Qualified Prqiect Period). (b) Termination of Declaration. This Declaration shall terminate upon the earlier of (i) the date the TIF Dstrict is terminated in accadance with the TIF Act or (ii) the date (A) the Note is paid in firll or the EDA cancels the Note upon a written request for termination by the Developer and (B) the EDA detemines, in its sole discraion, ttra such termindion will not limit or interfere with the EDA's ability to pool Tax Increment generated within the TIF District for atrordable horsing in accordance with the TIF Act. In addition, in the event offoreclosure or transfer of tide by deed in liar of foreclosurg upon completion of the foreclosurc and expiration of the applicable mortgagee redemption penod, or recording ofa deed in lieu of foreclmure, any mongagee (or any assignee of the mo4gagee) or any purchasers at or after foneclozure thermf, by the s.lccessftl bidder at the salg to the title to the Dwelopment Property, mEy tenninate this Dedaration, by providing written notice to the EDA and by filing a termination document in the applicable real propsty records in Carver County, and thereafter this Declaruion shall be of no furlher force and effect providd however, that fte prmeding provisions of this sentence shall cease to apply and the restictions contained hcrcin shall be reincated if, ar any time subsequent to the termination of this Declaration as the result of the foreclosure, or the delivery ofa deed in lieu of foreclosure, or a similar evenl lhe Develcpa or any relatcd pcrson (within thc meaning of Scction 1.103-I0(e) of the Treas:ry Regulations) obtains an ownership interest in the Prcject for federal incorre ta,r prposes. Each of the events set forft in the first two paragra.phs of this Section 1@) are refened to individually and collectively herein as the "Dcclaration Tsmination Darc-" The Dwdoper acknowledges, on behalf of itself and its slcc€ssors and assigns that, upon any termination of this Declaration prior to the payment in full of the Note, the EDA will terminate the Note. (c) Rernoval from Real Estate Records. After the Declaration Termination Date of this Declaration, the EDA will, upon request by the Developer or its assigns, file any doomot appropriate to rernove this Declaration from the real estate records of Carver Cormty, Mnnescta. (;) All leases of Rental Housing Units o Qualiging Tenans (as definod in Section 3(a) hermf) will corrain clauses, among others, wherein each individuat lessee: 2 2. ProiectRestrictions. (a) The Dweloper represents, warants, and covenants that: CHIIJ-62-7225?6.1/1 (l) Certifies the aco.nrcy dthe statE nents made in its application and Eligibility C€rtificoiar (as defined in Sccrion 3@) hermf); and @ Agrees dru fre family incane at the time the lease is executed will be deened a substantial and mat€rial obligation of tbe less€e's tenrncy; tlat the lessee will comply prdnpfly with all rrque*s for incme rnd odrer infrmation rela/ant to detamining low or moderate income statrs from the Devetoper o( the EDA and tlut the lessee's failure or refi.rsal to comply with a request f6 informarion with res@ thereo will be deerned a violatior of a sr$suntial oblig*ior ofthe lessee's tenancy. (b) The Developer will pe'mit any duly authorized representative of the EDA to inspect the books and records of the Developer pertaining to the income of QualiSing Tenants residing in the Project. 3. Occupancy Resfictions. Ile Devdoper represer[s, warr8trb, and covenants that: (a) Gplifying T€nanrs. Ttrurghort 6e Qualified prcject perio( (i) all of the Rental Horsing Units shall be occupied by at least one penon q o is at least 55 years of age at the time of initial occuPancy and shall be otherwise administered in accordance with 42 USC Section 3607(b) ord Mnnesota Statutcs, Sccrioo 363A.21, subdivisior 2; and (ii) at least 50 (44yo)o/o of dte Rental Hosing Unia $all be ocotpied (or trered as ocarpied as provided herein) or held vacant and available for occupancy by Quali&ing Tenants. "Quali$ing Tenants' means thce persqrs and families who are determined from time to time by the Devdoper to have combined adjusrcd income that does nd exceed 60lo of the median income for tre sEndard mero,politan $atistical area which includes chanhassan, Minnesot4 as that figure is deermined ard amormced fron time to time by HUD, as adjusted for family size (the "Median Income") for the applioble calendar year, For purposes of fris definition" the occupants of a Rental Housing unit will not be de€nred lo be Quli&ing Tenurb if all the ocorpants of srch Renul Horsing unit at any timc are "studeots,' as defined in Section 152(f(2) of dre Intemal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended (the.,Code',), not qrtidcd to an eremption under the Code. The determination of whether an individual a family is of Iow or moderate income will be made al the time the enancy commemces and on ur ongoing basis theresfter, det€rrnined at least annually. If during rheir tenancy a Quali$ing Tenart's incorne o<ceods 140lo ofthe lvledian Incomg the ntxt available Rental Hqrsing Unit (daermined in accordance with the code and applicable regularions) (the *Next Available unit Rule") must be lessed to a euslifying Tenant or held vacsnt 8nd svdlable for occupancy by a euali&ing Tenant. If the No.t Available unit Rule is violated, the Rental Horsing unit will not continue to be reated as a er.rali&ing unit. (b) Certificetiofl ofTeoant Eligibiliu. As a conditim to initial and continuing occupancy, each person who is intended to be a Qualiling Tenant will be required arunrally to sign End delivcr to the Developer a Certification of Tenant Eligibility substantially in the form atached as Exhibit B hoeto, or in any other frrrn as may be approved by tre EDA (fie'Eligibility catificaior"), in which the prospeclive Quali&ing Tenant certifies as to haring a quali&ing low or moderate income. ln addition, at leas one person in each Rental Horsing unit shall certi& as to being 55 years of age or older. The Qualifuing Tenant will be required to provide whatever other information, documentq r 3 cHr3542-172516.\tl csrtifications Ere d€emed neoe$sa5r by the EDA to sub$antiate the Eligibitity Certifioaion, on an ongoing annual basis, and to veri$ that the temnt mntinues to be a Qualifring Tenant within the meaning of Section 3(a) hereof Eligibility Certifications will be maintained fortre durarion of tie Qualified Pmj ect Poiod or 6le by the Developer with resp€ct to each QualiSing Tenart who resides in a Renal Housing Unit or resided therein during fie Qualifiod Prc{act Period. (c) I*ap. The form of lease to be utilizod I the Dareloper in rcrting any Rortal Hcrsing Unie in the Proj ecr to any penon who is inlemded to be a Qualifing Tenant will provide for termination of the lease and mrxent by the persor to immediate eviction for frilure to quali! as a Quali$ing Tenant as a resuh of any material misrepresentation made by the puson with respect to the Eligibility Certification. The Developer coveoane and agrees that during the Qualiffed Project Period it will not incrEase 0te rEat charged to any tenant of a Rental Hdrsing Unit within the Project during such tenant's lease term and, at any rug will not increase tfie rent charged to any tenant more than onoe in any 6-month period. (d) Annuel Report The Dsreloper covenants and agees that during the term of this Declaratiog it will prepare and submit to the EDA on or befue July I of each year, a ccrtificatc substantially in the form ofExhibit C arached heretq o<ecuted by the Dweloper, (a) identiSing dre tenancies and the dates ofoccrpancy (or vacancy) fo all Quali$ing Tenants in the Projecl including the number and perrentage of the Remtal Housing Units of the Prdect which wcrc occupied by QualiSing Tenans (or held vacant and available for oosupatrcy by Quali&ine Tenaots) u all times dtning the year preceding tle date of the certificate; @) desoibing all transfers or otha changes in ownership of the Project or any interest therein; and (c) stating, that to the best knowledge of the person exeorting the certificate after due inquiry, all the Rental Housing Units were rented or available for rental on a continuors basis dwing dre year to members ofthe general public and that the Devdoper was nc otherwise in default under this Declaration during the year. (e) Notice ofNon{omgliance. The Devdoper will immediately noti} the EDA if at any time during the term of this Declaration fewer than 50 (44o/of/o of the Rcntal Horsing Units in the Project are ocorpied or available for occupancy as required by the terms ofthis Declaration. 4. Transfer Resrrictions. The Developer @venanls and agres thaf the D€veloper will cause or require as a condition prec€deot to Eny cdrveyanc€, transfer, assignmen! u aoy otho disposition of the Project prior to the terrnirntion of the Occupancy Re*rictions provided herein (ttre "Iransfer") that the ransferee ofthe Prdect prus.larrt o the Transfer assume in writing in a form acceptable to the EDA, all duties and obligaticrs ofthe Developer under this Declararioq including this Secrion 4, in the went ofa subsequenl Transfer by the transferee prior to expiration oftre Rartal Resrictions and Ocorpancy Restrictioas provided herein (the "Assrrnption Agreemenf'). The Developer will ddiver the Assunption Agrernent to the EDA prior to the Trander. 5. Enfoccrnent (a) The Developer will permit during normal business huus and upon reasonable notice, any duly authorized rcprcsentative ofhc EDA to inspect any boola and reoords of thc De'/eloper regarding the Prri ect with respect to the incones of Qualifuing Tenants. 4 cHl35-62-722576.v1 (c) The Dweloper aclorowledges thal the primary purpose for reguiring conpliance by the DeveloP€r with the resricions provided in this Declaration is to ensre compliance of the propertyy6 t",nqryrng affordability coveoants set forth in Section 4.5 of the Agreement, and by reason thereof, the Deryeloper, in considcration for assi *ance prwidcd by tre mA under the Agrec6ent that makcs possible the constructicn of the Prcject (as defined in tlre fureement) on the Dwelopment Property, hereby agrees and consents frat the EDA witl be entitled" for any breach of the provisiors of this Declaration, and in addition to all odrer remedies provided by law or in equity, to enforce specific perfonnance by the Dwcloper of its obligaiom under this Declaration in a stats court of competenr j urisdiaion. The Devdqer hereby further specifically acknowledges fiat the EDA camot be adequately compensated by monetary damages in the went of any ddault hercunder. (d) The Developer undersunds and acknowledges that, in addition to any remedy sa fonh herein for failure to comply with 0re restrictio.ls s€t f6th in this Declardion. the EDA may exercise any re<nedy available to it under Article MII of the Agroement. 6. Indemnificaion The Developo.herely indemnifies, and agrees to def,end and hdd hannless, the EDA frsn and against all liabilities, losses, damageq cosB, expenses (ncluding atlorneys' fees and openses), causes ofaction, s.rits, allegations, claims, dqnands, and judgmerts oi any nan[e arising from lhc consequenoes ofa legal or administrdive proceeding or aaion bnrught again* thun, or any of ther4 oo account of any failrre by the Devdoper to conply with $e termJof this Declaratioq or on ac{,oml of any represantation or warranty of the Devdoper mnrained herein being unrue. 7. Agent of the EDA. The EDA will have dre right to appcint atr agerrt to oany qrt ary of its &.rties and obligations herannder, and will irtrorm the Developer ofrny agency appointmenl by wdtten notice. O) The Developer will zubmit any other information, dcuments or cenifications requestod by tle EDA wltich the EDA deems reascnably necessary to srbstantiate the Doreloper's continuing complience witfi the provisions specified in this Declaratiqr. 8. Severability. The invalidity of any clause, part or prwisian of this Declaration will nd affea the validrty of the remaining portiors draeof. 9. Notices. All noticcs to be given puruant to fris Declaration must be in writing and will be deemed given when mailed by certified or regisrered mail, retrm receipt requestd to the parties hereto at the addresses set fortr below, or to ury other place as a party may from time to time designate in writing. The Developer aod thc EDA may, by notice givcn hera:nder, desipac any further or different addresses to which zubsequent notices, certificates, or cthrr communicdions are sent. The initial addresses for notices and dher communications are as follows: To the EDA.Chuhassen Eoonomic Dorelopment Authority 7700 Market BoulevE d Chrnhassen, MN 55317 Attn: Executive Director 5 cHlSr{2-722 J76.Yl and with a ct)py to:Kennedy & Graven, Chartered 150 SouthFifth Strea Suite 7oo Minneapolis, MN 5 5t102 Attn: Ronald H. Bany To the Dweloper Lakes at Chanhassen, LLC 350 Highway 7, Suite 218 Excelsior, MN 55331 Atn: Todd M. Simning 10. Governinq Law. This Declaration is governed by the laws of the State of Mnnesota and, where applicablg the laws of the United States of America. 11. Anomeys' Feqs. [n case any action at Iew or in equity, includirrg an actioo for declaratory reli{ is brorght against the Developer to enforce the provisons of this Declaration, the Dwelopet agrees to pay the reasonable atorneys' fecs and chcr rcasonable ocpeoses paid or incurred by the EDA in connection with drc action 12. Dec,laration Binding. This Declaruion and the covenants coatained herein will nm with the Development Property and will bind the Developer and is successors and assigns and all subsequenl onners ofthe Development Property o( any interest therei4 and the benefits will inure to the EDA and its zuccessqs and assigns until the Declaruion Termination Due of this Declaraisr as provided in Section t(b) heroof. 6 CHl35-62-7225 16.v| IN WITMSS WHEREOF, the Dweloper has caused this Declaratinn of Covenants to be signed by its respective duly authorized representatives, as of the day and written above. LAKES AT CHANHASSEN, LLC By:K ve Todd M. Simning, Manager STATE OF MINNESOTA COI]NTY OF liability company, on behalfofthe gompany. THIS INSTRTJMENT WAS DRATTEDBY: Kennedy & Graven, Chartered @IIB) 150 Sorlth Fifth Sreet Suite 700 Minneapoliq MN 55402 (6r2) 137-9300 ) ) ) SS, The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me ttri.2 74ay ot fl.t 2021, by Todd M. Simning, the Manager of Lales at Chanh'sse;, LLC, ; Mffi# ltrntGi Notary Public 7 ffi ERICANDREW WHITEIS NOIARY PT'ISLIC UINNESOIA rrr Corfirltl Elir.Ja 3r.2@6 CH13162-7?2576.v1 CHANHASSEN ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENI AUTIIOR]TY Its Executive Director Noury KIM T.MEUWISSEN Notary Plrbilc-ffln l€sol8 rrry odfnfdt E{ara Ja 3!.2045 President By Its By \ 8 CH115-62-722516.\'l This Declaration is acknowledged and consented to by: srArE oF MTNNESOTA ) couNrYoF Gr'''r I tt The foregg.i.ng instrument w-as-acknowledged before me *r45*, of {Yhr / zozr,bvf lceREtnanaffi fqgg$e"PresidentandExecnlffi t;Jo.:ilp*'-ffi .ty,; the Chanhassen Eccircmic Developnent Authority, a public body corporste and politic under the laws of Minnesot4 on behalf of the EDA. Erhibit A to Dcclaretion of Rcstrktive Covemntr Description The land subject to th€ foregoing Restrictivc covenants is legally described as follows: Lot 2, Block l, Powers Ridge Apartment Homes 2d Addition, Carvet County, Minnesota. CHl35-6L122576.v1 A-1 Ethibit B to Declaration of Resrictive Covenants Certifi cation of Tensnt Eligibility TENANT INCOME CERTT1ICATION E Initial cenificetion fl Recenificmion E ottrr Effective Date Mov€-tu Date: (MM/DDrrY) PART L DEVELOPMENT DATA Property Name: Senior Apaltments Ad&ess: ChanhasseL MiffEsota BIN #: # Bedmoms PART IL EOUSEEOLD COMPOSITION IIH Br#last Name FLst Name & Miildte Initial Relationship to Head of Housebold Date of Binh @rvI/DD,ryY) F/T Student (Y or N) Socisl S€cudty or Alien Reg. No- I 2 3 4 5 6 PART II1. GROSS ANNUAL INCOME (USE A}INUAL AMOUNTS) HH Br# (A) Euploynrnt or Wages (B) Soc. Security / Pensions (c) hlb Assista-Dce (D) Other lncorrc TOTAL $S $ Add lotals fiom (A) thmugh (D) above TOTAI INCOME (E):$ CHl35-6?.122316.\tt B-l Coutrty: Cary€r Udt Nunb€r: _ FIEAD $ PART IV. INCOME FROM ASSETS (F) Typc of Assct (G) at (H) Cash Value of Asset G) A-nnual Incomc fmm Asset TOTALS:s $ $ Passbook Rae x 2.00Y. = (Dlryutedlmmc E&r thc gtEder of tlE roral colwu I or I: iryur€d inconE TUIAL INCOME FROM ASSETS K) ifover $5,0@ $ E ter Colulul (H) Total s (l) Tml Aruual Household Incoc from all souc€s [Add (E) + (K)]$ III EOUSEEOLD CERTINCATION & SIGNATI]RES The informalion on tlds form will be used to deEnnine nraximum ircome eligibility. Uwe haw provirtcd for erh PersonG) set font in Part tr acceptable verificadotr of c1lltEm 4ricipatcd annul ircofie. Uwe agree to notif the lardlord imrnediately upon any menrberofthe busehold moving out ofthe unit or any rew member moving in. Uwe agrce to mtit tbe ladlord inmediatety upoo ary ncmber bccoming a fitll-time student. Under pernftix of pe{ury, Ilre cutiS 0rat t}E idoroatbn g€senlod ir rrris Certificalbn is lnE 8rd acculae to t]hs bes ofmy/orr trowledge ad telief. The un&lsigned frrtbr understads thd poviding false nprcsent*ions haein co,rslitulcs an 8d of Aaud- False mislcding or ircorpbtc idormdiotr may rEsult in thc tcrmimtion of the l€as:e agreerE![. (Dare)Signatu€(Date) Signaturc (Dare)Signatue (Date) TOTAL ANNUAL HOUSEHOLD INCOME FROM ALL SOURCES Frcm ltem (L) on pagE I Household tvleets lrrcone Resriction al:lot fisvtI wto Etoyotrvo RECERTMCANON ONLY CrErent IrEorre Limit x l40zo $ Current Ircome Limit per Family Sizc : $ Houshold Lrolle d Movs,in $ Housebld ieorE oa€eds l,loPlo rcccnifrcation: EYes Exo s Household Size at Move-in: CHl35-62-122576-\1r B-2 ItH Mbr# Sign tue PART V. DETERMINATION OF INCOME ELIGIBILI'T'Y PART VI. RENT Not Applicable SIGNATURI OT OWNER/ R-EPRESENTAITVE Based on the rcprese ations horEin and upon th€ proofs and documentation rcquircd to be srbmine4 the idn'idual(s) mrcd in hn tr of this Tenafl. Ircotre Certifica.ion is/arE eligible uder tE prcvisions of Setion 42 of tlre Interral ReveDue Code. as ametrded- and the Reguhtory Agteetn6 (ifapplic$le), to liw in a unit in this PrDject. SIGNATURE OT OWNER / REPRESENTATIVE DATE PART VII. STUDENT STATI]S Eoter 1.4 Dyes E m ARE ALL OCCIJPANTS FTILL.TIME STI.'DENIS? Ifyes, enter sird€r( explanation* * (also atlach doc'uncnlation) Mak thc pmgram(s) listed beloe (a. tbrough e.) for which tbis housebold's unit will be coutrt€d towad the properry's occupancl' r€quirEmerxs. Utder each pmgram mart€d, indicalc thc household's irorne suus as cstdlished by this certification/recertifrcation SeE Pan V above. Inconv Status Inome Status Incomc Stohts Income Stotus E s sryoauct tr 50plo AMGr E < 509/oAMcr trE s oryznaucr tr 6v/o N.iGt E s rcgroeuct trE s acz".qlrrcr tr Eop/o AMGI E = o, ** E = o, .* E = or** tr olr* '* Upon rccenification, household was detemirEd over incotE (OD rccoding to etigibiEty rcquirEtrEr s of th ptogram(s) ou*ed above. e.tr (Name of Pmgram) a. Tax crEdir E b- HoME E c. Tor Iixanp I d AHDP E cRl35 42-122316.\/t B-3 Stdent explsnation: l. TANF sssistancc 2. JS trainiqg pmglam 3. Single po ent/dependenl child a. Manied{oint rau{ PART VIIL PROGRAM TYPE This form is t<t be c<nnpleted by the an ner or an autho zed representative. PertI-DevdopmentDeta check the appropriate box for Initial certificatioo (move-in), Recertification (annual recertification), or other- Ifotheq designate the purpose ofthe recertification (.e., a unit transfer, a change in household compositio4 or other state-required recertification). Move-in Date Enter the date the te-nEnt has or will take occupancy of the unit. Effective Date Enter the effective date ofthe certification. For move-i4 this should be the move-in date. For annual recertification, this effective date should be no later than one year from the effective date ofthe previotrs (re)certification. Property Name County BIN# Address Unit Number Head of household Adult co-tenant child Live-in caraaker Enter the name ofthe developmcnt. Etrter the cornty (or equivalent) in which the building is located. Enter the Building Identification Number @IN) assiped to the building(frm IRS Form 8609). Enter the street address. Enter the unit number. Enler the number of bedrmms in the unit. Part II - Eoueehold Composition List all occupants of the unit. stste each household mernber's rclationship o the head of the household by using one ofthe following coded definitions: H A C L Spouse Other family member Fostcr child None ofthe above Ent€r the date ofbirth, student status, and Social Security number or alien registration number for each occupant. If there are more than seven @cupnnts, use on additiorul sheet of ryer lo list the rcmaining lnusehold members otd attach it to the certifcation. CB 135{2-722576.i1 B-4 INSTRUCTIONS TOR COMPLETING TENANT INCOMf, CERTItrICATION # Bedrooms s o F N Part III - Annual Income See HUD Handbook 4350.3 for complete instruotions on verifring and calculating income, including acceptable forms of verification. From the third party verification forms obtained from each income source, enter the gross amount anticipated to be received for the 12 months from the effective date of the (relertilication. Complete a separate line for each income-eaming member. List the respective household member number from Part II. Column (A)Enter the annual amornt ofwages, salaries, tips, commissions, bonuses, and other income from employment; distributed profits and/or net income from a business. Column (B)Enter the annual amount of Social Security, Supplemental Security lncome, pensions, military retirement, etc. Column (C)Enter the annual amount of income received from public assistance (i.e-, TANF, general assistance, disability, etc.) Column @)Enter the annual arnount of alimony, child suppor! unemployment benefits, or any other income regularly received by the household. Row (E)Add the toals from columns (A) through (D) above. Enter this amount Part IV - lncome from Assets See HUD lfuldbook 4350.3 for complete instsuctions on veri$ing and calculating income from assets, including acceptable forms of verification. From the third party verification forms obtained from each asset source, list the gross amount lnticipated to be received during the 12 months from the effective date of the certification. List the respective household mernber number from Part II and complete a separate line for each member. Column (F) Column(G) List the type of asset (i.e., checking accounq savings aocount, etc.) Enter C (for current, if the family curreDtly owns or holds the asset), or I (for imputed, if the family has disposed of the asset for less than fair market value within nso years of thc effective date of (re)certification). Column (H) Column (t) Enter the cash value ofthe respective asset. Enter the anticipated annual incomc from the asset (i.e., savings account balance multiplied by the annual interest rate). CHl35-62-722576.i1 B-5 TOTALS Add the total of Column (II) and Column @, respectively. If the total in column (H) is greater than $5,000, you must do an imputed calculation of asset income. Enter the Total Caeh Value, multiply by 2% and enter the amount in (J), Imputed Income. Row (K) Enter the Greater of the total in Column (I) or (J) Row (L) Total Annual Ho:sehold hcomc from All Sources Add (E) and (K) and entcr the total cEt35-6L't2?516.\!t B-6 Exhibit C to Decleration ofRestrictive Covenants Certificate of Continuing Progra.m Compliance The following information with respect to the Prcject locat€d at Chanhassen, Minnesoa (the "Proje6"), is being provided by Lakes at Chanhassen, LLC (the "Owner") to the Chanhassen Economic Development Authority (the 'EDA '), pursuant to that certain Declaration of Resricdve Covenants, dated the _ day of "Declaration"), with resp€ct to the Prciect: 2021 (the (A) The total number of Rental Housing Units which are available for ocqpatrcy is 1 10. The total number ofthese units occupied is (C) The following Rental Hursing Units which are included in (B) above, have been re-designated as Rental Housing Unis for Quali$ing Taunts since 20.----.- the date on which the last "Certificae of Continuing Program Compliance" was filed with the EDA by the Owner: Unit Number Previors Desigration of Unit (if any) Replacing Unit Number CHll5-62-722576.v1 c-l Date: (B) The following Rental Hatsing Units (identified by unit number) are curredy occupied by "Quali$ing Tenants" as the lerm is defined in the Declaration (for a total of 50 units): Small onc bcdrosn One bedroorn One bedroom plus den Two bedroom Two bedroom plus den (D) The following Rental Horsing Units are considered to be ocorpied by 'Quali&ing Tenants", as the term is defined in the Declaration based oo the information set forth below (for a total ofat least 50 units): [expand to cover 99 units for Quali$ing Tenants] Attached hereto is the most receirt "Certification ofTenart in @) above who signed such a Certificaiqr since (E) The Owner has obtained a "Certificuion of Tenant Eligibility,,' in the form prwided as Exhibit B to the Declaratiorl from each Tenanl namod in @) above, and eaoh zuch certificate is being mainaincd by the owner in its records with rcsped to the project. each Tenant named 20-----..- the date ur Unit Number list Name of Tenam Number of Persons Residing in the Unit Number of Bedlooms Tel Adjusted Gross hcome Dae of Initial Occupancy Age DE Vacarcd and Hold for QualifyurC Tenants, if I 2 3 4 5 6 7 E 9 l0 ll t2 l4 l5 16 t7 IE I9 20 21 22 23 24 25 lo 27 28 29 30 IIIIII - rI I-IIII Ir IIII I II I- I I- III IIII -E I rIIII I IrII II r--I-I-II - II - III- CH135.62.722576.v1 c-2 Eligibility" for l3 I I i I f tt f T_----- =H =- which the last "Certificate of Continuing Program Compliance" was filed with the EDA by the Owner. (F) In renting the Rental Housing Unis in the Prcjec! the Owner has not gven preference to any particular group or class of persons (o<cept for persons who galiff as Qualifring Tenants and persons meetng the minimum age restrictiors); and none of the units listcd in @) above has boen rented for occupanry entirely by studens, no one of which is entitled to file ajoint retum for federal income tax purposes. All of the Rental Housing Units in the Project have been rerted purstant to a written lease, and the tsm of each lease is at least 12 months. (G) The information provided in this "C€rtificate of Continuing Program Compliance" is accurate and complete, and no matters have come to the attentio*r of the Owner which wurld indicate that any of the information provided hercir1 or in any "Certification ofTenant Eligibility" obtained from the Tenants named herein, is inaccurate or incomplete in any respect. GI) The Project is in continuing compliance with the Declaration 0) At least one p€rson in each Rental Housing Unit c€rtified as to being 55 years of age or older. (I) The Owner oertifies that as of the date h6eof at lease 50 (44o/of/o of he residential dwelling units in tlre Projeo are occupied or held open for ocanpancy by Qualifying Tenants, as defined and provided in the Declaration. (K) The Project is in continuing compliance with the Declarcion IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto affixed my sigraturc, on behalf of the Owner, on ,20-. CH135.6L722516.\t c-3 By Its: LAKES AT CEANHASSEN, LLC