Recording ChecklistRECORDING FOR: Lake Place, Planning Case#2021-04 Enclosed are the following for recordation: X Signed Site Plan Agreement X Mortgage Holder Consent X Certificate of Insurance X Easements (cross access, cross parking etc.): Cross access and parking agreernent Temporary construction, X Storm water maintenance agreement, Declaration X Encroachment Agreement/Temporary construction easement X Other: staging plan X Declaration of Restrictive Covenants X A recent copy of the title commitnent. X Security: $106.986.50 from Bridgewater Bank) X Cash fee: $2,200 (street signal) + $194,333.00 (Park Fee) X Current year property taxes must be paid in full and any delinquent property taxes or gleen acres ta(es must also be paid. c:\PLAN\2o2t PlanninS Cases\2144 l36t trkc Drive W.. htes at Chanhrss€n (PoweE Ridge Apt, Bldg Clsite Plar recordiDg checklist.doc