Sidewalk and Access Easement, . NOW' TEREFORE, for good and valuable consideration, thc rcccipt and sufficiency ofwhich are hereby acknowledged, thc parties hercby covcnant and agrcc as follows: 1' Ilcorpondqg-of BEigE The rccitars and facts sct foih abovc arc incorporatcd ino this Easement as part of its tcrms. SIDEWALK AND ACCESS EASEMENT TItrs SIDEWALK AccEss EASEMENT (this "Eacemcnt') is madc and entercd into T.of =*pfit 5= ,,, . 2021 (the.Efrective o.t";j, uy and bctweca lakcs rtchanha&er LLC, a Minnesots limited- liabitity company ("ilc1 and powcrs Ridgecondominiun Eomcr Associetioo, Inc., a Minncsota nonprofit corporation (the .Arsociedoof . RECTTALS A. LAC is $e fcc owncr of certain rcal property in Carvcr County, Minncsota, as more particularly dcscribcd on the attachcd and incorporated Exhibit A (;he .Int 2.). B. Thc Association is 0re fcc owncr of ccrtain rcar propcrty in carvcr county, Minnesota, as morc particularly dcscribcd on the atrachcd and incorpofat€d B.hibit B (thc -Lot l). ' C. Thc partics hcreto dcsir€ to grant to cach othcr a rcciprocal and rslatcd access cascmcrt in, ovcr, upon' acrross, and through those arcas sct forth on Exhibit c (the .Euenent Arca"), attachcd her€to and incorporatcd hercin. I 2. Definitions. c. 5. & b. I.ot 2 ud l,ot l. "Irt 2" and "Lot 1" are sometimcs referred lo in this Easement individually as a "Lot" and collectively as rhe "Lots". @499. "Owner" means LAC and the Association, and each of its successors as record fee simple owners (or condominium associations of any such fce simple owners, to the cxtent they may exist) ofany part, parcel or portion ofeither ofthe Los, but docs not include a Person having an intcrest in a Lot solely as sccurity for an obligation. For purposes hcreoll ifany portion ofthc Lots is sold undcr a contract for decd, the conlract for deed purchaser (vendee) shall be deemed the Owner so long as such contract remains in cffect. In the event any ponion ofthe Lor is owned by more than one Person, such Persons together shall constitutc one Owner, but shall bejointly and severally liable for any obligations under this Easemcnt. Permittees. "Permittees" mcans the tcnsnt(s) or occupan(s) of a Lot, or any portion thereof, and the respcctivc subtcnants, cmployecs, agcnts, contractors, customers, invitces, and liccnsees of (i) the Owner of such Lot and/or (ii) such tcnan(s) or occupan(s). 3 d. @ '?erson" means a natursl person, a corporation, I partnership, an association, a trust, a limited liability company, sjoint ventur€, or any othcr cntity r*ognized under the laws of the Statc of Minnesota. Grrnt ofVehicul.r and Pcdestrilr Access Erscmept. LAC and the Association hereby grant io cach o$er and thcir respective Permittees a pcrpetual, non-cxclusive, appurtenant easemcnt over, across, upon, and in rhc arcas identified on Exhibit C for pcdesfian and vehicular traffic. Unimoeded Accc*s. The parties hcrcto agree tlrat no barricadc or other dividcr will be constsucrcd betwe.n Lot 2 and Lot I to prohibit or discourage the free and unintcmtpted flow ofvehicular or pcdesrian faffic in areas specifically designatcd for such purposci on Exhibit C. Mutual Indemnification. Each Owncr wifi rcgard o its rcspcctivc Lot shall comply with all applicable laws, rulcs, regulations, and requirements ofall public authorities and shall indcmnifr, defend and hold thc other party harmless from and against all claims, dcmands, losscs, damagcs, Iiabilitics, and expetrcs and all suits, actions and judgncnts (including, but not limited to, cosis arid reasonable attomrys'fees) arising out of or in any way rclarcd to lhe failure to such party to maintain the Eascment Area in a safc and proper condition or occurring as a result of thct own negligcnce or thc ncgligencc of thcir agens, heirs, succcssors or assigns. Remedies: Waiver. It shall constiote an cvcnt of default under this Eascmcnt if any of thc Owner breaches its obligations in any othcr manner undcr lhis Easemcnt and fails to cure such breach within thirty (30) days after rcceiving written notice ofsaid breach from the 2 6. 4. odrcr owner. If any ofthe owncr fails to curc rhe brcach within thc applicabre cure pcriod set forth in the immcdiarely preceding scntence, thc odrcr owncr may exercis" or" oi mor"of thc following rcmcdics: (a) curc the br€ach (if such brcach is susceptibre to such cut€ by a Lot owner) 8nd ghargc thc cost thcreofi, including rqsonable atomeys'fees, to the defaulting Owncr, and all such costs shall bc payablc upon dcrnani; and O) institutc an actio.n for spccific enforccment and/or injunctivc rclicf, &magcs, and/or any other rcmedy availablc at law or in cquity. Any action sccking onc or morc forms of rclicf shall not bc a bar to an action ar rhc sameor subscqucnt timc sceking othcr forms. of rclief. Thc costs of any such action, including rcasonable atomcys' fccs ofthe prcvailing party, shall bc paid by -thc party not prcvaitiigl Any. delay in rcalizing' or failurc to rcslize, on "ny ."mc@ hcrcin foi a difautihcreundlr shall not be dccmed a waiver of that dcfaurt o. *y ,rb..qr"nt dcfaurt of a simitar or diffcrcnt kind, and no waiver or any right or remcdy irercundir shall be cffectivc unlcss inwriting and signcd by thc Person against whom thjwaivcr is claimcd. Notwithstanding the foregoing, it is exprcssly agreed that no breach of this Easemcnt shall entitle any ow'ner to cancel, rescind, or othcrwisc terminate this Eascment; howevcr, such limitation shall not afect in any manncr any othcr rights or remcdies which * o*ne. -"vhavc under this Eascmcnt by reason of such brcach. wriver. No Person having or acquiring any intcrest in the l,ots shalr have rhe right to contcst or challcnge rhe casements, covenants, and conditions sct forth in this Eascmint on thc basis of the passage of time, Arl.such persons, by their asscrtion or acceptancc ofany intcrcst in Lots are hereby cstopped from assening and sha bc decmcd tohave waivel any claim that any provision of this Eascment is invalid or uncnforccablc in whole or inpan due to the passage of timc, whcthcr such claim ariscs or is brought forth undcr Minnesota sututcs section 500.20, Minnesota statutes scction s4r.021, or any other statute or law heretoforc or hereafrer cnactcd. constr.uction eld.Bindinp Effect Each and 8ll of thc covenants, righrs, obligations and restictions granted, conveyed or established by this Eascment shall rJn with rh-c land, and this Eascment shall bc binding upon cach Lot owncr and inure o thc benefit of thc each Lot Owner. Modificgtion. This Easement may be amcnded only by a writ&n document signcd by the Ownc(s) oflot I and Lot 2. No Dedicetion or Third Partv Benelicirrr. Nothing hercin containcd shall be dccrned to:(i) grant any rights to any third parties as a third party beneficiary hcrcunder to enforcc thc tcrms of this Easement or the righs granted hcrcunder; or (ii) be a gift or dedication of anyportion ofthe Easement Area to the general public. 8 9 I0. 3 7. 12. 13. Aoolicable Lgw. This Eascment shall be construed under and govemed by frc laws ofthc Statc of Minnesota without regard to its conflict of law principics. Scvenbilitv: Csotions. Whcnever possible, each provision of this Fasemcnt will be inrcrpretcd in such manner as to be cffective 8nd valid under such applicablc laws, but, if any provision of this Easement will be hcld prohibited or invalid undcr suoh applicablc law, such provisions will be effective only to the cxtcnt of such prohibition or invalidity, without invalidating the remainder of such provision or the rcmaining portions of this Eascment. Thc undcrscored captions of this Eas€ment arc for convcnicnCe only and will not bc used in thc intcrprctation ofany ofthe provisions of this Eascmcnt. Notices. Any notic. or othcr communications required or permitted o bc given by this Easemcnt from one owner to another shall bc in writing and shall conclusively be dccmed to tave bccn duly given if personally delivered, cmailed with a ..read reccip,, or other evidence ofreceipt rcquested, dcposited with a nationally recognizcd courier, oi ifenclosed in a stampcd and serled envclope, and mailed by firsr class, ccrrificd or rcgistered, United States mail, retum rcceipt requestcd, addresscd to the pcrson to whom it is authorized to be givcn at the following addresses: If to LAC: Ifto the Association Lakes et Chenhassen LLC Attn: Todd M. Simning 350 Highway 7, Suite 218 Excelsior, MN 5533 | E-mail : todd@ador-homes.com Noticc shall bc decmcd given upon the carlier of (i) dte datc ofacusl reccipt or delivery by email, or (ii) dcposit with rhe nationally recognized courier or in rhe U.S. mail as aforcsaid. Any Ovmer may change its address for the scrvicc of notice by giving writrcn notice of such- change to thc other Owner, in any manner abovc specified, tcn [O; aays pdor to the effective date ofsuch changc. ISignature Pagc Follows.] 4 11. Powers Ridge Condominium Eomes Associrtion, Inc. Attn: Stacy Sheridan E 100 Old Cedar Avenue S, Suitc 300 Bloomington, MN 55425 E-mail : stacy.shcridan@fsresidential.com SIGNATI'RE PAGE b Sldewalk aud Acctr Erremcnt Lrl<er rt ChrnhmrD LLC I Mimcsota limitod liability corryany BY: Todd M. $imning Its: lvlaoagcr STATE OFMIIYNESOTA (atd&ss. COI]NTYOF Thc ft,rcgoing funnrcDt was aclmowlcdgcd lrxfrrcrredlls (, Uy 202\W Te M Sil,rdlrg. as lvlmagcr of Lltor lt Chutrrcn LIf, a liability corymy, on bchaffof eaid co,ryaoy. * nfrr'/ Md'csota limit€d to^/r C Notary Public PAMETANN SIMNING IIOTAfiY PtJBIC. IIINNESOTA lrY@,$tlSSlONUmSfiEl/z IN wrrr{Ess' wEERroF, thc parties haeb tsve cf,ocrred this Eascmeat as of thc dcfirrtabovcsrism. SIGNATT'RE PAGE to Sideryalk and Access Easement IN WTINESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have cxecuted this Agrecment as of the date first above wriuen. Powers Ridge Condominium Homes Association, Inc a Minnesota nonprofit corporation By ls: STATE OF MINNESOTA SS. couNTYoF (-a-,tvx The orego ing instrument was acknowledged 202t,by Condominium Eomes corporation. tion, Inc., a MinnesoB nonprofit N blic This instrument *afed by: Eenson Law Olfice, PA 130 Division Strcet, Suite I I E Waite Parlq MN 56387 (320) 2s7-3388 before me this of A-pri I of Powers Ridge , on bchalf of said et{ilard- OEITAfiTfJI.lUE urNlcsorR.BIJCiT,TMY 2nx31Jan.EP.@rfi. EXHIBITA io Sidewalk and Acce&s Easement Lot 2 Lepal Ilescrintion. Lot 2, Block l, Powers Ridge Apart cnt Homes 2d Addition, Carver County, Minncsota. EXHIBIT B to Sidewalk aud Access Easemert Lot I Leqd Decriotion. Lot I, Block l, Powers Ridgc Apartsncnt Homes 2d Addition, Carvcr County, Minncsota. EXHIBIT C to Sidewalk and AccBs Esement Easement Area- iill ii g. (rr' !lc L). H* c-11 9NXl108 Sdl 1 I tiiiid i I o c.io 1 g f c\nd 3x\n i { I ti i ! lr ii!t T! It .T l! lr :i i! iit! l!ti!ill ri a a iII t,I!I Ii I t ! I I tI I, I I III + i I ! I I ii!,ilii,Ir - [- , I I I I E I I TI : Ii I Irl ii il li it ii ti iliiti lllltt liiiil ilil|ili iiiill !ii,iilii NEi 'itt : ii lili t, t:ii 1 , ! i ! !t ii!t ii !i fi!r;i !t ti !ilt !ililr il lilii'i! ilBs 9 f, I b a ! E : t :i I ..- L I I !I I I \ \\ I t,k t!It I 1 i\ I \\ \) Y {l !.ti . ,? lrt Ii I ii II !! il t! Yr ll a! t\ t, \ r\' \ \ \\ Fttr '1....,1I I !-rllrl lril I hidiLiii'ul I tI 'i I i I I I T IIt I 1 I! ! iI i a I II , ItI I i\ \: '1, Document No. A63g865 OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER CARVER COUI{TY, I'INNESOTA Recorded on -December 20, 2O1A 2:4O pM Fee: $46.00 lilHiltil]il]t 638865 David Frischmon County Recorder SIDEWALK EASEMENT ,,.n\ THIS SIDEWALK EASEMENT (this "&sgegtt') is granted effective as of December lul- . 2016 (the "Effective Date"), by Island Management, LLC, a Minnesota limited liability company C'GEa$St) to Poweas Ridge Independent Living, LLC, a Minnesota limited liability company ("Graqleg'). RECITALS Grantor is the fee owner ofcertain real property located in Chanhassen, Minnesota, legally described on Erbibit A, attached hereto and incorporated herein ("Lot l!"). Grantee is the fee owner ofcertain real property located in Chanhassen, Minnesot4 legally described on Exhibit B, attached hercto and incorporated herein ("Lot 3"). Lot 2 and Lot 3 adjoin one anolher with the southwest boundary of Lot 2 adjoining the northeast boundary of I-ot 3. A shared easement for driveway purposes (the "Dnyerdey-Ea5e!0egt") encumbers an area across a portion of[,ot 2 near the southwestem boundary of Lot 2 (the "DrlAwafEele!0e$ $rea") pursuant to that certain Declaration for Storm Water Retention Area Maintenance and Shared Driveway Easement and Mainlenance, dated October 4, 2000, filed November 15, 2000 in the Office of the County Recorder, Carver County, Minnesota, as Document No. A278126. The Driveway Easement benefits Lot 3, among other real property. A private road has been constucted within the Driveway Easement Area (the'Edvate Drive'). As a condition to the development of lot 3, the City of Chanhassen, Minnesou (the "C!!y") has required that a sidewalk be constructed along the north side ofa portion of the Private Drive located on Lot 2, in the approximate location generally depicted on Exhibit C, attached hereto and incorporated herein (the "SjdgwalK). E F TideRecordingS€lvicas,lnc. 704345 10504 Frsnco Avonue South Bbornlngto.r, MN 5 31 143,.6'12 CARVER A TRI.COUNTY WALK 1 EASE AGR A. B. c. D. il[uil[[ill[lml[[illilill 3lrr-ll32Lhr,^To:rii€ouirrlcu G Grantor desires to gant the Owner of Lot 3 a temporary exclusive, appurtenant, constnrction easement across that portion of Lot 2 as may be necessary for the constrction of the Sidewalh and a non+xclusive appurtenang perpetual easement over the portion of Lot 2 containing the Sidewalk, as the same may be comtructed pursuant to this Easement (the ' Siaegdk Ess€ment 31gC) for the purpose ofpedestian access. l. Incorporation of Recitals. The recitals and facts set forth above are incorporated into this Easement as part of its terms. 2. Definitions. a- Lot 2 and Lot 3. "l,ot 2" and "Lot 3" are sometimes refen€d to in lhis Easement individually as a "Lot" and collectively as the "Lots". b. Owner. "Owner" means Grantor, Grantee, and each of its successors as record fee simple owners (or condominirmr associations of any such fee simple owners, to the extent they may exist) of any part, parcel or portion of either of Orc Irts, but does not include a Person having an interest in a Lot solely as security for an obligation. For purposes hereof, if any portion of the Lots is sold under a contract for deed, the contract for deed purchaser (vendee) shall be deemed the Owner so long as 5us[ coauact rcmains in effect. In the event any portion of the Lots is owned by more t}tan one Person, such Persons together sball constitrte one Owner, but shdl be joinfly and severally liable for any obligations under this Easement. c. Permittees. "Pemrittees" mears the tenan(s) or occrpan(s) of a Lot, or any portion thereof, and the respective subtenants, employees, agents, contrctors, customers, invitees and licensees of (i) the Owner of such Lot and/or (ii) swh tenan(s) or occupant(s). d. Person "Person" means a natural person, a corporation a partnership, an association, a trust, a limited liability company, a joint ventule, or any olher entity recognized uder the laws of the State of MiDnesota- 3. Grant of Temoorarv Construction Easements. Grantor hereby grants tbe Lot 3 Owner a temporary, appurtenaot easement (the "@) over, acrcss, upon and under the Sidewalk Easement Area and such portion of Lot 2 adjoining the Sidewalk Easemenl Area as may be necessary for the construction ofthe Sidewalk in accordance with the City's requirernents (the'@). The Temporary Construction Easement shall commence as of the Effective Dare, and shall expire upon the 2 TERMS NOW TIIEREFORE, for good and valuable consideration, the receip and zufficiency of which are hereby acknowledgd Granlor grants the following easemeils upon the terms and conditions herein provided: completion of the construction of the Sidewalk and Grantee's receipt of confinnarion from thecity that the Sidewalk has been constructed in accordance with the city's rcquirements. The Temporary construction Easement may be used by the lnt 3 owner and its permittees. 4. Grant of Sidewalk Easement. Grantor hereby granrs the Lot 3 owner a perpetual, appurtenant easement over, across, uporL and under the Sidewalk Easement Area benefitting the owner of lot 3 aud burdening lnt 2 (the 'srdsud g8em94"). The sidewalk Easemenr shall provide the t ot 3 owner the non-exclusive right to use the Sidewalk Easement Arca for purposesof pedestrian access ingress, egrrss, and other purposes consistent with the Siaiwat improvements constructed therein (collectively, the "pc$rtr€d_uE9c). The Sidewalk Easement may be used by the Lot 3 Owner and its Permittees. _ _ - 5: 9ooperarion by Owno of I"nt 2. The lot 2 Owner hereby agrees to cooperate with the tot 3 owner, at no cost to the Lot 2 owtrer, to obtain any and all govemmental or quasi- govemmental approvals or licenses to use the Sidewalk Easement Arca for the Permitted Uies or to comply fr! -y and all applicable govemmental laws, ordinances, rules and rcguldions in connection with the use of the Sidewalk Easement Area by the Lot 3 owner. In thi event that any portion of the sidewalk Easement Area is required to b€ dedicated to the public in coanection with the development of tot 3 by the l,ot 3 owner (for public pedesuian use or otherwise), the tot 2 ovmer shall cooperate with the Ilt 3 owner and agrees to be a party to any such dedication. 6. Remedies: Waiver. It shall constitute an event of default under this Easemenr if: (a) the Lot 2 owner or its Pennittees interferes with the Lot 3 oumer's rights under the Temporary constnrction Easement m the sidewalk Easemeot granted hercin, and the lot 2 owner fails to cure such breach of this Easement within forty-eight (4g) hours after receiving wdtten notice of said breach from the l,ot 3 Owner; or @) the Lot 2 Owner breaches G obligations in any other manner under this Easernent and frils to curc such breach withia thirty (30) <tays after recciving written notice of said breach from the t t 3 owner. If the Lot 2 owner fails to cure the breach wilhin the applicable cure pedod set forth in the immediarely preceding sentence, the l,ot 3 Owner may exercise one or more of the following rcrnedies: (i) cure the breach (if such breach is susceptible to such cure by the Lot 3 Owner) and charge the cost thereot including rcasonable attomeys, fees, to the I.ot 2 Owner, and all such costs sball be payable upon demand; and (ii) institute an action for specific enforcement and/or injunctive relief (*hich remedies the Lot 2 Owner acknowledges and agrees shall be available in the event of default hereunder), d'mages, and/or any other rernedy available at law or in equity. Any action seeking one or more forms of rclief shall not be a bar to an action at the same or subsequent time seeking other forms ofrelief. The costs of any such action, including reasonable attomeys' fees of the prevailing party, shall be paid by the party not Fevailing. Any delay in realizing, or failsp to rcalize, on any remedy herein for a default hereunder shali not be deemed a waiver ofthat default or any subsequent default ofa similar or different kind, and no waiver or 3 any right or remedy hereunder shall be effective unless in writing and signed by the Person against whom the waiver is claimed. Notwithstanding the foregoing it is expressly agreed that no breach ofthis Easement shall entitle any Owner to cancel, rescin4 or otherwise terminate this Easement; however, such limitation shall not affect in any manner any other rights or remedies which an Owner may have under this Easement by reason of zuch breach. 7. Waiver No Person having or acquiring any interest in the Lots shall have the right to contest or challenge the easements, covenants and conditions set forth in this Easement on the basis of the passage of time. All such Persons, by tlreir assertion or acc€ptance of any interest in Lots are hereby estopped from asserting and shall be deemed to have waived any claim that any provision of this Easement is invalid or unenforceable in whole or in part due to the passage of time, whether such claim arises or is brought forth rmder Minnesota Statutes Section 500.20, MiDnesota Statutes Section 541.023, or any othet stattre or law heretofore or hereafter enacted- 8. Constrr,rction and Bindinq Effect. Each aud all ofthe covenants, rights, obligations and restrictions grantd conveyed or established by this Easement shall nm with the land, and this Easement shall be binding upon the t ot 2 Owner and inure to the benefit of the tot 3 Owner. 9. Modification. This Easement may be amended only by a written document sigred by the Owne(s) of l.ot 3 and the Oumer(s) of the Temporary Constuction Easernent Area (during the term of the Temporary Construction Easement) or the Owner(s) of the Sidewalk Easement Area (after the expirarion ofthe Temporary Construction Easement). 10. No Dedication or Tbird Partv Beneficiarv. Nothing herein contained shqn be deemed to: (i) grant any rights to any third parties as a thfud party beneficiary hereunder to enforce the terms of ftis Easement or tlrc rights granted bereunder; or (ii) be a grft or dedication of any portion of the Temporary Construction Easerrent Area or the Sidewalk Easemem Ar€a to the general public. 12. Severabilitv: Captions. Whenever possible, each provision of this Easement will be interpreted in such manner as to be effective and valid under such applicable laws, but, if any provision of this Easement will be held pmhibited or invalid under such applicable law, such provisions will be effective only to th€ extent of such prohibition or invalidity, without invalidaing the rernainder of such provision or the remaining portions of this Fasement. The underscored captions of this Easement are for convenience only and will not be used in the interpretarion of any of the provisions of this Easement. 13. Notices. Any notice or other commrmications required or permitted to be given by this Easement from one Owner to another shall be in wdting and shall mnclusively be deemed to have been duly given if personally delivered, emsiled with a 'tead receipt" or other evidence of 4 11. Aoplicable taw. This Easement shall be construed rmder and governed by the laws of the State of Minnesota without regad to its conflict of law principles. rec€lp rtquest€4 deposited with a nationally recognized courier, or if enclosed in a stamped and sealed envelope, ad mailed by firs class, cettified or registered, united states mail, retum rweip requested, addressed to the person to whom it is ardrorized to be given ar the following ad&,esses: Ifto Grantor:Island Management, LLC Attn: Mary Jo Feltl 2100 laSalle Plaza 800 l.aSalle Ave Minneapolis, MN 55402 Email: with a copy to:Feltl and Company Attn: Thomas F. Steichen 2100 L:Salle Plaza 800 laSalle Ave Minneapolis, MN 55402 Email: Ifto Grantee:Powers Ridgc Independent Living, LLC Attn: Roger Fint 3601 - l8e Sfieet South Suite 103 St Clou4 MN 56301 Email: with a coov to:Siegel Brill, P.A. Attn: Anthony J. Gleekel 100 Washington Avenue Soulh Suire 1300 Minneapolis, MN 55401 Email: Notice shall be deemed given upon the earlier of (i) the date of actual receipt or delivery by email, or (ii) deposit with the nationally recognized courier or in the u.s. mail as aforcsaid. Any ovmer may change its address for the service of notice by giving written notice of such change to the other owner, in any manner above spocified ten (10) days prior to the effective date of such change. [This space intentionally left blmk; signature pages follow.] 5 STATE OF MINNESOTA )) ss. COUNIY OF r{/z,rrvl, ^ i The foregorng imtrument was aclnowledged before me this 4e day of De. c,- l,e r , 2016, by llh-vlD-^^ -f. (as .,sLa, ne?a,.' of Island Msragern€ot, L[,tC, a Minnesota limited hirbility company, on behalf df said company. IN WTINESS WHEREOF, this Easement has been duly executed by the parties hereto as ofthe day and year first written above. ISLAND MANAGEMENT, LLC, a Minnesota limited liability company By: Its: Notarv Stamo: olary Public BARBARA JEAN U,SSIER IOARYRE.E. ffy Cqrrrllssbn E4rrE!Jtn rr 3l,2020 THIS INSTRUMENT WAS DRAFTED BY 6 [Signature Page to Sidewalk Easement] Grantor: Sicgel Brilt P-A,. 100 W8hington AEnue South Suitc 13fi) Minneapolis, MN EXHIBITA LECAL DESCRIPTION OF LOT 2 Lot 2, Block l, Powers Ridge Apartment Homes 2nd Additioq Carver County, Minnesota. Abstact Property. 7 E)GItsTTB LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF LOT 3 Iot 3, Block l, Powers Ridge Apartment Homes 2nd Addition, Carver County, Minnesota. Abstract Property. 8 EXHIBITC DEPICTION OF SIDEWALK EASEMENT AREA [Contained on Following Page] 9 .i. 't! i ,/ ,i I I I I ii /, ,l ) /. .\: ,/ ,/ ,/ ,/ II ,/ ,/ ) tit ,rr| rl.v_-_- N N \\\l rl j I ( ti r, I N E _-rt' \i l I I I I Y =oz,aQl-oouJl 8E a! u,ozrEo o- (J *a- d. *o 9 .- ll E--tt rr t! t\ IIG S5E 5 d. 1=p4d t6EE=s llt+ov dB t-g ?qH.EHA] 93= HEeofi* 'zE'i EH EE €8T'Uo>.fr\-.; \ F