Site Plan Agreement 2021-04CITY OF CHANHASSEN SITE PLAN AGR.EEMENT # 202144 I-AKE PLACE SPECIAL PROVISIONS 1. Requert for Stte PIrn Approvrl The Developer has asked the City to approve a site plan for a l lGrmit three-story apdm€nt building with a varimce for fte building height to allow 42 fe€t to fie midpoint of the roof (refened to in lhis Agre€,ment as the "project'). Said agreement shall s4enede and replace Site Plan Agreement Case #: 87-3 PLID, 99-19 SPR Phases q m & ry dated Jrme 2n,20o0, recmded as Docurnent #A638866 m December 20,2016. The land located in Csrver County, Minnesota" is legBily descn"bed as Irt 2, Block I, Powers fudge Apartm€nt Homes 2nd Addition, Carver County, Minnesota 2. Condldonc of Sfte Plen Approval The City her$y approves the site plan on condition that the Developer ent€rs into this Ag€€m€nt and fumish the seority required by it 3. Development Phnr. The project shall be dweloped and maintained in accodance with the following plms. The plans Sall not be afiached to this Contact If the plans vary fiom the mitten terms of this fureemen! the writte,n terrns shrll sonuDl. IL plens are: Plan A-Site Plan gepered by Civilsirc Grorp, dated 1AMDU20. Plan B--4rading Drainage md Erosion Control Plans p,repared by Civilsite &oup, dated lUUDAo. Plan C-I-andscaping Plan pr€parcd by CivilSite Groq , datrd IAM/2020. Plan D-Utility Plans gepared by CivilSite Group, dat€d |AUD020. Plan E - SWPPP prepared by Civilsite Grcup, dated lAMl2020. Plan F - Architectral Plans prepared by Tushie Mmgmery Architects, dar€d |UMD020 AGREEMENT dared larluant 25,2021, by and between the CITY OF CI{ANHASSEN, a Mirnesota municipal corporatio4 (the 'Cit/), and lakes at Chanhassso, LIrC, a Minnesota Limit€d Liability Compny (the "Developer and Ovmer"). I PROCEDURES FOR LETTER OF CREDIT REDUCTION Requests for reductions of Letters of Credit must be submitted to the City in writing by the Developer or his Engineer. b. Partial lien waivers totaling the amount of the requested reduction shall accompany each such request. Any reduction shall be subject to City approval. a c 6. Notices. Required notic€s to the Developer shall be in writing and shall be either hand delivered to the Developer, its employees or agents, or mailed to the Developer by certified mail at thefollowingaddres'' H#:iffi,rr" 350 Highway 7, Suite 218 Excelsior, MN 55331 Notices to the City shall be in writing and shall be either hand delivered to the City Manager, or mailed to the City by certified mail in care of the City Manager at the following address: Chanhassen City Hall, 7700 Market Boulevard, P.O. Box 147, Chanhassen, Minnesota 55317, Telephone (952) 227 -1 100. 7. Other Special Conditions. City Council approves a site plan for a 1lo-unit, three-story apartrnent building with a variance for the building height to allow 42 feet to the midpoint of the roof subject to the following conditions: Buildins l. A building permit must be obtained before beginning any construction. 2. Building plans must be prepared and signed by design professionals licensed in the State of Minnesota. 2 4. Time of Performance. The Developer shall install all required screening and landscaping by October 3 I , 2022. The Developer may, however, request an extension of time from the City. If an extension is granted, it shall be conditioned upon updating the security posted by the Developer to reflect cost increases and the extended completion date. 5. Security. To guarantee compliance with the terms of this Agreement, the Developer shall fumish the City with a letter of credit from a bank, cash escrow, or equivalent ("security") for $106,986.50 (grading, erosion mntrol, stormwater and landscaping). The amount was calculated at a rate of I I 0 oZ of the actual cost of improvements. 3. Buildiry plsns must trrovide $frcient infrmuim to veri& that the proposed building meets all requir€,meflts of fte Minnesota State Building Code; additimal oomments or requircments may be required after plan review. 4. The building is rEquir€d to have automuic fire extinguiddng sysems. 5. Stnrure proximity to property lines (and other buildings) will have m impact m the Code for drc proposed buildings, including bnrt not limited to allowable size, prdected openings and firo-resistive consEuction. Thce roquiremens will be addrcssed when corylete building ad site plans are submitted- 6. Buitding plans must inchde a code malysis tho conains the following information: Key plaq Ocoryancy goup, Type of constnrction, Allowable heigbt ad arta, FirE ryrinklem, Separated or non-s€parate4 Fire resistive elernents (Extcrior walls, Bearing walls - ext€rior or interior, Shaft, hcid€ntal use), Ocqpant loa4 Eidts requfued (Comon padl Travel distance), Minimum plumbing fixnre cormt 7. Retaining walls more rhrn four-fe€t high must be designed by a professional engineer and a building permit mus be obtained prior to cotrstsuctioo 8. A fmol gading ple md soils report must be stbmitt€rt to the Inspections Division before building p€rmiB wi[ b€ is$od- Eneineerins and Wat€r Resources l. The applicant $rll s$r6i1 an qdated existing conditions srnley Wo sutmital of ffnal construction plans wift fte following trydates: a- The locatirm ofa second benchma* (te nrf ofsecod hydram); b. Utility locations primarily based ofr GSOC locates and/or any as$uilt information available (clrify'?er Plans" u the "sormc information'); c. Exising smitry manholes shall utilize city nomenclatre; d- Show sxt€nts ry to 150 f€et be5imd site's boundary vhich are to include utilig lines, easementg right-of-wan spot elevations, cmtours, etc.; 2. The applicmt shall escow $2,200.00 with the city as a finrncial guaratrtee for a Sre of Ore Iocal cDst participdim based on traffc gsnerued ftom the site for a frtre traffc signal at the intenection of Lske Drive West and Powers Boulward- The cost of the trrfrc signal is based rryor a figure of $20 per unir 3. Drainage arrows and emergercy overflow mues dEll be illus[raf€d on updal€d cmstnrction plans for review and approval by the city prior to issuance ofa Notice to Proceed 4. A geotechnical engineering drall be or-site during grading operations. If gr,oundwater is encountered during grading, grades shall be adjusted to maintain a three foot separation fro,m the bottorr floor elevation and adhering to the recommeodations of the soil engmeer 3 on site. Changes to grades shall be submitt€d to the city for review and ryproval. 5. The applicant shall supply lhe city with a detailed haul route for review and approval by staff for materials imported to or exported from the site. If the mat€rial is proposed to be removed off site to mother location in Chanhassen, that prqperty owner will be required to obtain m earttwork permit fiom the city. 6. Drrdng the course of grading and/m constnrctim if my drain tile is discovered, the developer shall noti! the City Enginee ed sb8ll relocate a abadof, the drain tile as directed" 8. Any grading approved within the public right-of-way shall require the execution of a temporary construction easement bet\reen the applicant and the city. 9. The applicant shall apply fr and obtain permits from the appopriate regulatory agencies, as nec€ssary, i.e. Riley Purgalory Bluff Creek Watenhed Dsrict Carver County, Minnesota Pollnion Contol Agency, Mimesota Oeearment of Natral Resources, Army Corps of Engineerq etc. and comply with their conditions of app,roval. 10. The applicant shall €nt€r into a site plan agree,ment with the city and provide necessary ftEncial seorrity to gursntee coryliance with tb€ terms of site plan approval. This slnll include, but is not limited tn, llf/o of the estimated co$s of constrrrtim for grading erosion cmtrol and $ormwater iryrorrements associared with the developrnent I l. The Stormwat€r It lanagem€ilt Report md modeling shail be Wdated to include analpis of downsEeam p$lic conveyance and stormwater BMPs that are being pmposed to be connected to in mder to emsurc they will function wilh the increase in stormwater volumes. 12. The applicant shall adjust stormwata ba$ns to be wholly ouride any public easements. 13. The oristing carch basin Foeosed to be connected to within I:ke Drive West stull be rc,moved and a new ca&h basin manhole corctruc{ed in od€r to properly ficilitarc the connectim to city stmdrds. A te,rycary raffic control plan will be required in association withthiswork 15. The applicant shall rpdate the Stonnwat€r Management Report to include narrative regarding the t€nch drain qatem near the underground parking effiance and indicate the discharge point of sttrrnwater being prnped into the building Per Sec. 1944 of City 4 7. All retaining walls exceeding four feet in height shall have plans and details prepared by a regist€{€d €ngine€r or lmdscape architeci prior to issumce ofbuilding p€rmis. 14. Drain tile locared within the northwest filration Eist€m are requir€d to have tracer vdre, plans shalt be updated accordingly. Ordinanceg no $orrnwater shall be dischrged into the sanitary sewer sptem. 16. The ryplicant $all comfirrn all applicable w€tlmd p€rmiting and/or mitiption has been coryleted prior to comtn€noem€nt of grading A€ratioos. 17. The applicmt drell sttain all rcqufu€d for woft orxside of the property limits prim to coosruction sc'tivities. 18. The aprplicant shall subrnit rational-melhod calc"lations to confrm frat &e storm sewer is adequately sized for the l0-par rainfall ev€nt This $rll also include all downstrem public systerns that are being proposed to be tied into. 20. The applicmt shrll goolElD pmeosd rates ue less than exiSing fm all sttrm eveots, including but not limited to the l0{ay snow melt 21. The applicant $nll sg[6i1 slecuoni., native co,pies of the ocisting and proposed P8 models fo review and approval. 22. The applicant shall sffit/ the total exi*ing furyeryious arEa, total proposed iryervious area" and the amormt of iryervians area directed to the filtration system as the existing and proecod impervious areas noted in the *ormwarer narratiw do not conespond with the impervious arcas listed on fte SWPPP. 23. The applicant shall clari& where the 6" drain tile Aom &e undergrond filtsatim basin will outlet and updarc plans aocordingly. 25. The utility plm ad HydroCAD model show 24" strage pipes being utilized fff tht rmderground filtratim qMem howwer tbe detail $oc/s 36" pipes. Plms shall be updatd to be consisent 26. A crws sectim for the propocod abov+grormd filtruim basin shall be provided on qdated cmstnrction Plens. 27. All connectims meftodologies to exising storm stnrchEes shall be noted md provided m updated consnrction plms. 28. tnlet protection shall be shonn fm the aisting catch basins just east of the cmstruction entsance. 29. The applicant and their €ngneer shnll q,,or1 with city staff on amerding the p,reliminary co$auction plans, dat€d December 4, 2020, pr€ear€d by Mauhew R Pave\ PE witlt 5 24. The applicant dnll clar$ the elevatim of the 6" PVC pipe comiry inlo the above-grormd filration qretem and rpdate fte plans acco,rdirgly. Note that the grading plans Sow the basin grdd down to I 930. Applic8nt shall confirm elevatims for the basin and confinn HydroCAD modeling is rtpresentative of the plans. Civilsite GroW, to fully satisfr $aff concerns. Final coostruction plans will be subject to review and app,roval by staff 30. The applicant shall 6t66s1g ftg p,reos€d monurrcat sign wtolly outside the public drainage utility easement od public right-of-way. Enviro,nmental Resources l. A total of 16 ov€r-$ory trees shall be located around the parking lot and drivewap. 2. Saeering through the use of Srubs $a[ be sdded to the sortrh side of the building at the west side alomg tre entry &ive. 3. The applicant Sall remove Colorado spruce and Northwoods Red maple from the plant schedule. An alternative selectim of tees Sall meet city odinmce for diversity (3G.2G10) and be qpropriate for clry compocted soils. 4. A total of eight over-story borlevard uees *nll be plantod along Iake Drive West outside ofthe right-of-way. 5. Applicant strall increase understory trees in buffer yrd along Lake Drive West to meet minimum requirements. 6. The PUD agle€tn€nt states that the applicant shall provide a minimtrm of $Sfi).(X) of landraping per multi-family unir The applicant shall pmvide the city wilh I cost estimate for the required lmdscaping at the time of building permit approval Sowing coryliance with this rcquiremenr Fire l. All egress dous on all sides should have a bsd surface Etr ltat leads fio,m the egress door to the public right-of-way. Parks l. The developer shnlt pay $194,333.04 in Pa* fees with the building permit 2. The dweloper shall be rcsponsible for constructim of the Iake Ihive West trail along the northwest portion ofthe property. Plsnning l. The dweloper shall enter into a site plan agreernent and povide fte secrrity requfu€d by it prior to receiving I hilding p€rmit 2. The develqer shall be reCuird to €nt€r into a Tax hctement Financing Agr€ern€nt ensrring the aflodability ofthe rmits. 3. A seprate sign pemit ryplicatiom, review and approval $all be required p,rior to site sigr installation- 4. The develqer shall connect fte sidewalks on the eastern side of the building to the sidewalk to I:ke Drive amd on the westem sides of the building to kke Drive. 6 5. A revised lighting plan with photo metrics shall be submitted for city review ard approval. 6. The developer shall recod cross parting and cross access agreernats with the other parcels in the Powers Ridge developm.ent 8. Genenl Condtlona The general conditims of this Agreemem ue afiached as Exhibit nA" and incorporated herein 9. Counterprrt. This Agrcement rnay be execrfed in any number of cormterprtg each of which shall constinte one ard the same instsument 7 CITY OF CHANHASSEN Elise Rym, Laurie Hokkanem, City Manager STATE OF MINNESOTA COI,]NTYOF CARVER The fo,regoing instrument was acknowledged before me thisdlay of 2o4l by Elise Rpn, lvlayor, and by laurie Hokkane4 City Manager, of tbe City Chanhassen, a Minnesota municipal corporatio4 on behalf ofthe corporation and pursuant to the authority granted.. ss ) ( ) NOTARY KIM T, MEUWISSEN iu.ry R/blHrkn€sota tD O$H*n E0ai..h Itt. 2@t 8 BY: 1Ut{o, lfiAttkttfdFl^-Alx\ by its City Council. BY DEVEIOPER: Its: Manager NOTARYPUBLIC STATE OF MINNESOTA Company. DRAFTD BY: City of Chohao Tru Matd Bq st"d P. O. Box 147 Cbobm, MN 55317 (952)/r1-ttm ss. ) ( )couNrYoF/qh//rt ndl The foregoing insrument was aclnowlodged b"f-" ," 6i. J- ey $ (/ /') / / -b!,Todd M. simins Mamg% utes ucnanhassen, r,rc,-a lrlin6taiffit a u*irif, PAIiELA NN $MNING NOTABY PUBIJC. UINNESOTA MY COMMISSNN APIRES 0181/22 9 l. Right to kocecd. Mthin the sit€ plan arca, the Dweloper may not grade or otherwise disuub the eartt, remove tre€s, cotrstsuct furprovements, or any buildings rmtil all the following conditions have been satisfied: l) this site plan agreement has been fully executed by both parties and filed with the City Cledq 2) the necessary security and fees have been received by the City, and 3) the City has iszued a building pernit in reliance on the foregoing conditions having be€n satisfied- 2. Maintcnance of dte. The site shall be maintained in accordance with the approved site plan Plants and ground cover required as a condition of site plan aproval u/hich die shall be promptly replaced 3. Liceme. The Developer hereby grants the City, its agents, employees, offcers and contraclors a license to €nt€r the site to perform all work and inspections de€,med rypropriate by the City in conjmction with site plm developmenf 4. Eroslon Contrrol Before the sirc is rcugh gradd and befae any buildirg pgmits are issud the erosion control plarL Plan B, shall be inple.mente( inspecte4 and approved by the City. The Crty may irryose additional erosion mntrol requirc,ments if they would be b€neficid. All areas disu6ed by the orcavation and bacldlling operations dralt be r€seeded fodwith after the completim of the woft in that area Exc€pt as otherwise provided in the erosion control plan, seed shall be certified seed to provide a terporary gmmd cover as rapidly as pcuible. All seeded areas shall be fertilize( mulche( and disc anchored as necessary for seed retention. The parties recognize that time is of the essence in controlling erosion If the Developer does not coryly with the erosion mntrrol plan and schedule or srryplementary insructions received ft,om the City, the City may take zuch action as it de€rrs egopriale to contsol erosion at the Developeds orpense. The City will endeavor to notifi the Developer in advance of any p,oposed action, but fiilure of the City to do so will not affect the Developet's and Cit/s rights or obligations herermder. No development will be allowed and no building permits will be issued unless there is full coryliance with the erosion control Emsion control dull be maintaind until vegetative cover has been restor€d- After the site has been stabilized to where in the opinion of the City, there is no longer a need for erosion cmtrol, the City will authorize rernoval ofthe erosion control rneasures. 5. Cleen up. The Developer slull maintain a neat and orderly wrk site and dral'l daily clean, on and off site, dirt and debriq including blowableq ftom steets and the surrounding arca tbat hrs resllted from consructior work by the Developer, its aguts or assigns. 6. Wrrmrty. All trees, grass, and sod required in the approved Iandscaping Plao, Plm C, shall be warranted to be alive, of good quality, and disease free at the time of planting. All rees shall be warranted for twelve (12) mmtts fro,m the time of planting. The Developer m his contractor(s) shall post a leter of credit m cash escrow to the City to secure the warranties at the time of final 10 ( CITY OF CHANHASSEN SIIE PLAN AGREEMENT D(HIBTT -A" GENERALCONDMON acceptance. 7. Reqondbitrty for Cofi. A. The Developer dnll hold 6e Ctty and its offic€rs md employees hrmless from clairs mede by itself and third paties for dqmrges sstained or cmts incurred r€$hing from site plan approval md development The Developer shall indemify the City and its officers and ernplo),€es ftr ail costs, damages, or exp€nses which the City may pay or incur in consequence ofsuch cleims, including attomeys' fees. B. The Developer shall reimburse the City for costs incurr€d in the enforcement of this Pemrit, including engine€ring and arome5m' fees. C. The Developer shall pay in firll all bills submified to it by the City for obliguions inorred under this Permit $,itrin thirty (30) days after receipt If the bills 8r€ not paid on time, the City may hah all dwelopm.ent work and cmstruction. Bills not paid within thirty (30) days shel'l accrue interest at the rate of 8% per year. 8. Dwdqrerir Defeult In the event of default by the Developer as to any of the work to be performed by it hereund€r, the City may, at its option, perform the work and the Developer shall prorytly reimburse fte City for any expense incuned by the City, provided the Developer is first given notice of the work in default, not less than four (4) &p in advmce. This Contract is a license for the Clty to acq a(d it shell not be necessary for the City to s€ek a Court onder for permission to enter the land- When the City does any such worlq the City may, in addition to its other remedieg assess the cost in whole or in part 9. MfocrIhneous. A. Construction Trailen. Placement of on-site constsuction trailers and temporary job site offices shall be approved by the City Engrneer. Traileis shell [6 rc6syed ftrom the subject Foperty wimin thirty (30) dafn following the issrunce of a certificate of occrpancy rmless otherwise approved by the City Engineer. B. Postal Service. The Developer shall pmvide for the maintenance of posal service in accordance with the local Posmasteds r€quest. C. Third Parties. Third parties shell have no recoruse agains the City under this Agreernent D. Breach of Contracl Breach of the tetms of this Agreernent by the Developer $all be grounds for denial ofbuilding pennits. E. Swerabilitv. If any pmtion, sectiql subsectior\ s€ntencq clause, paragr4h, or ptnase of this Agree,ment is fm any reason held invali4 such decision shall not affect the validity of 1fo6 paaining portion of this Contract F. Occupancy. Unless approved in writing by the City Engineer, no one may occupy a building for vfiich a building permit is issuod on eith€r a t€,mporary or p€rmanent basis until the stseets neded for access bave been paved with a biurminous srrhce and the utilities tested and aproved by the city. G. Waivers/Amendments. The action r inactim of the City shall not constitute a qraiver or amendment to the provisions of this Confact To be binding, amendments o. *"irsrs shaU be in writing, siped by the parties and approved by c/ritten resolution of the City Cormcil. The Cit/s failure to promptly take legal action to enfuce this Qsnlact shall not be a waiver or release. lt 12 H. Recording. This Agrce,ment shall nm with the lad and may be reco,rded against the tifle to the pmperty. L Re,medies. Each rig[q power or remedy herein conferred ryon the City is cumulative md in addition to every other riglt, power u rc,medy, ocpress m implie( now or hereafter rising available to City, at law or in equity, or rmder any other agreemeirt, and each and every right, power and remedy herein set forth or otherwise so exi$ing may be exercised ftrom time to time as often and in such mder as may be deemed expodient by the City and shall not be a waiver of the riglt to exercise at 8ny rim6 thereafter any other right, power or rernedy. J. Conshrction Hors. The normal constsuction hous under this contract dull be frorn 7:00 am- to 9:fi) p.m" m weekdays, frorn 9:fi) &m" to 5:00 p.m- m Sannrdayq with no srch activity dlowed on Smdays or any recognized leg8l holidays. Consruction activities in conjunctiur with new developrmens and city improvem€nt projects, inclding htr trot limit€d to grading, utility insallation md pcving, r€quiring the use ofheavy equipent shall be p€rmitt€d between the hours of 7:00 am- and 6:00 p.m" on any weekday and 9:00 am. and 5:00 p.m- on Sanudays. No snch activity is p€rmified m Sundaln or public holidays. Operatiur of all internal combustion engines used for constsustion or dcwatering purpos€s beSond the nonnal wo*ing hours will requfue City Courcil apercval. IC Soil Treatment Stntems. If soil treament systems are required, the Dweloper shall cledy identi$ in the field and 1lrdect from alteratio,n, unless suitable alt€mstive sites are first provido4 the two soil tr€ament sites ideirtified dring the sirc plan p,rocess for each loL This Sall be done prior to the isumce of a Grading Pemit Any violation/dig.utance of these sites $all rcnder them as urucceptable and replacement sit€s will need to be located fot each violated site in ord€r to ottain a building permit L. Comlrliarce with Iasls. Ordinmces" md Requlatims. In the develop,rnent of the site plm, the Developer shall coryly with aI lawq ordinanc€q and reguluions of fte following authorities: l. City of Chmhasseq2. Sarc of Minnesota, its agencies, deparments and commissions; 3. Unit€d States futny Corps of Engineers; 4. Wat€rshod Districq 5. Metropolitm Government, its agencies, @tu€ils md cmmissions. M. Proof of Title. Upm rcquest, the Developer shall firmish the City with evidencc satisfactor/ to fre City that it has the aftority of the fee owners and cmtract for deed purchaseis tm ent€r into this Developm€nt Contract N. Soil Conditions. The Developer acknowledges that fte City makes no r€pr€s€ntations or warranties as to the oondition of the soils on the pmperty or its fitness for cmstructim of the improve, e, rG r ay other purpose for which fre Developer may make use of srch fperty. The Developer firrther agrees filat it wil ind€mify, defen4 and hold harmless the City, its goveming body members, officers, and e,mployees fiom any claims or actioos arising ortr of the pres€nce, if any, ofhezs'dous wast6 or polhfsrts on the property, unless hazardous wastes or polhrants wer,e caus€d to bc there by the City. O. Soil Correction. Tbe Developet sball be rcspmsible for soil correction work on the property. The City makes no rqrcs€ntation to the Developer concerning the rahre of zuiability of soils oor the cost of corr€cting 8ny un$itable soil coaditisrs which may orisr Bridgewater Bank. a Minnesota Banking Corporation. ISAOA. ATIMA. which holds a mortgagE on the subject property, the development of which is govemed by the foregoing Site Plan Agreement, agrees that the Site Plan Agreement shall remain in full force and effect even if it Dated this 5 day of Vr ,\OZJ. UF STATE OF MINNESOTA ) ( ss. COUNTY OF The foregoing i was acknowledged before me this day of 2o?.by o NOTARY PUBLIC DRAFTED BY: City of Chanhassen 7700 Market Boulevard P.O. Box 147 Chanhassen. MN 55317 (9s2)227-n00 @ MNOJRJI.i,|EK Er F{PUB|E. tlfit€son l{Y@ rsso{ DAnES 0t!1i25 l3 MORTGAGE HOLDER CONSENT TO SITE PLAN AGREEMENT forecloses on its mortgage. )