Temporary Easement AgreementTEMPORARY EASEMENT AGREEMENT -TEIS TEITPORARY EASEMENI AGREEMEIi{T (this "Agrtcncnf) dccd rs of rhc.|!: day of Mr.& zozl, by lnd- bcn;cn Poricn Ridgc Condoniniur HoEGt Asod.tlon, Irc., a Minrtaotr rrcnprofit corporaion (Gnnto/) and L.fG' rt Chrnh.lrctr LLC, I Minn6ota limitrd lirbility compdny (G?rtrt .'). EECIIAIE WEEREAS, Gra or is tlrc Ec owncr of ccrrain nal propcrty in Carvcr County, Minncsota, as mort pcrticularly dcscribcd on thc anrchod and incorponted Schcdulc A (0tc 'Prccl A"); and WEEREAS, Grontcs is thc fee owncr of ccrtain rcal popcny in Carvct County, Minncsot& as motc particulgrly dBcribcd on thc anached and incorporatcd Schcdulc B (thc "Perccl B); and WHEREAS, G6ntor is willing to gnnt to Grant c a non-cxclusivc crscmcnt ovcr, undcr, and through certsin portioos of Parccl A (the 'ErtcEcol Arc.1, as such portions arc lcgatly dcscribed on lgbglglgC snd dcpicred Exhibits A. B. nd 9; ad NO\tr, TEEREF'OR8, for good and valrnblc considcruiom paid by Grant!. to Grmtor and the mutul covenattB, tlnns, and conditions sct forth hcrcin, the rccript and sufiiciercy of which alc hcrcby acknowlcdgcd, drc p8nics rgrtc rs follows: E rcr[cot Ar,c.. Subjcct to thc tcrms, cownrnts, and coaditions of this Agl€€mcnt, the Grantor lrcrcby grants to thc Grantac a non-cxclusivc cascment ovcr, undcr, and through rhc Eascrncrfi ArGa for thc pcrmittod uscs as hcrcinaftcr dcscribcd. l. a 3 4. ( CClriggfSgE&II$gElIS As and for considcralion ofthe Grantor gnnting thc Grantcc thc non-cxclusivc Eascment ovcr thc Eassmcat Art8, lhc Gnnac shall pay drc Granor a lump sum paymeflt of rcnt in thc amount of Tivo Thousand Five Hundrcd and NO/100 Dollrn (9J00.00) ("Comideration) within sixty (60) days following fic date of the Cnnor signing $is ASrrcmcnt. All rights and inrcrcsts conveycd to CtantGG hcrcin are conditioned on Grantcc's timely paymcnt ofthe Consideration. @ This Agreernent sh8ll be for ! term bcginning on thc &tc cxecutcd by thc Gnntor and cnding on July 31, 2023 ('Tcrm), unlcss this Agrccmcft is tcrminaed carlicr Frsumt to thc tcrms and conditions of this Agrcancnt &gdt$J]gg Thc Grantec may usc the Eascrncnt Arca for thc solc prposc of cxcavating and gnding within thc Eascmrnt Arca rs shown in thc Plans and Spccifications (defincd bclow). Grantcg its succcssors, cmployccg agcnls, and subcontrsctors shall havc lhc right to cut, tim, and/or rcnrovc any uccs, blah€s, or othcr obstruclions within thc Easqnqnt Arcr. Ingtdlstion and CongtTc.tion. Gnntcc shall be rcsponsiblc for any and all cost and cxpcnscs rcletcd to rhc cxcrvation and gEding within thc Escmcnt Arca, according to thc plaru ard specifications atached hcrcto as SghglglqD ("Plens rnd Spccificationr") and shall obtain pcrmits rcquircd by all applicablc county and srat laws, rulcs and rcgulations irrcluding, but not limitcd to, thc rulcs and r€gulations ofthc Grantor. Glantlr shsll bc Esponsiblc for thc rcpair and rcstoration ofany damsgp donc by Gr8ntcc, its crnployccs, sgcnts, or contrsctons during the excavation and grading within thc Esscrnent Area or 8ny of Grantor's othcr p{opcfiy. 6. hl4gi@ Erc?t !s othcrwisc providcd hcrcirl $is Agrccmcnt may bc tcrminod, wilhon pcnalty or furthcr liability, rs follows: by Ctanrc€ upon nincty (90) days writtcn noticc to Grantor if Gnntcc is unablc, af,cr filing all ncccssary spplic.lions for obtaining or Ettining of any liccnsc, pcrmit, or oftcr Govcmmcnal Approval and mrking all rcasomble cfrorrs and using duc diligcttcc to cornply wi$ all r€quirtmcnts nccessary, to ohain or ruintain my liccnsc, pqmit, or o0rct Govcmnatrl Approval neccssary for thc orcavation and gnding within thc Erscmcnt Arta; and ll.by Granor if Grantcc fails to curc or commcncc to cult within niiEty (90) days ofrccaipt ofwrincn notic€ lhat Grantcc has failcd o comply with any applicablc ordinancc, or stale or fcdcral law, or any conditions ltt clrcd to Govcmmant Approvals grantd thcrcundcr. a. a Notie of Termhrtion. T,le parties shall give noticc of tcrminuion of this Agemcnt, sctting forth the *Tcrminttlo! I).te". Rcmovd of Grlntc.'s Eo[ipmcnt Thc Grantce shall rcmov€ Grantce's cquipment (if any) in the Easfiicnt Arcr on or before the end of thc Tcrm. Upon tcrmimtion of 6is Agccmcnt for any othcr E8son, Crantcc slull, widrin nincty (tn) days aftcr tcrmindion, rcrnovc all Gnntcc's cquipment ftom the Elscm€nt Arca 8nd rcslorc thc Eascrncm Arc8 to a condition 13 close 13 possible to ils original condition. Inrunne. Grantcc agrccs to obuin and maintain during thc tcrm of this Agrccrncrt the insurrncr cov€osgc. Limiatior of Lhbilitv. In oo cvcnt will cithcr party bc liablc to thc othcr party for, or indcmnifr thc othcr party against, punifivg indircct, incidcntlt, sp€cial, or conscqucntial damagcs, including, without limilstion, loss of Fofits, incomc, or busincss opportunitics. lSgiE All noticcs, rcqucstq dcmands, and othcr communications hcramdcr shall bc in writing and shall bc dccrncd givar if mailcd, ccrrificd mail, rcurm .lccipt rcqucs.d, delivcrcd by a nationally rccognizcd ovcrnigbt courio scrvicg or by facsimilc tnnsmission or c-mail to thc following addrcsscs or to any othcr addrcss of Grlntcc or GEntor thd is given fiom timc to timc to dte ohcr porty Efisuant to this provision, rcgarding writt n noticc: If to Grantor:Powcn Ridgc Coadominium Homca Associrtion, Iac. Attr: Stacy Shcridan 8100 Old Ccdar Avcnrc S, SuiE 300 Bloomingoq MN 55425 E-mail: stacvshcridrn@frrcsidcntial.com Ifto Grantce:Ldrcc et ChrDhusan LI,C Attn: Todd M. Simning 350 Highway 7, Suitc 218 Excclsior, MN 55331 Bmail: @gb!b9trS,99!S Nothe ghall bc cfrcctive upon ecfual rcreipt or refus8l as shown on thc r4cipt obaincd pursusnt to tbc forcgoing. 10. Misctllaueous. Rcsoorrlbllttv for Cort. Thc Gnntcc shall pay all rcasonablc cosr incurcd by fic Grmtor in conjunction with thc devclopmcnt of this Agrccrnent, including lcgal fccs, wi6in sixty (60) drys of reccipt of invoicc. b c. 7 8. 9 a. 3 SIGNATUREPAGE to Tcmporrry Ealcllent Agnaement IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the partics hcrcto havc cxccutcd this Agrecment as of the date fim above wrinen. GRANTOR: Power: Ridge Condominium Homes Associrtion, Inc, e Minncsota nonprofit corporation bo o{e U<,^Ltr By: Its: STATE OFMINNESOTA COUNTY OF Ca-rnJ-r On this 15 day of 2021, bcforc me a N for said County, personally appeared ofPowers Ridge Condominium Homes A$ocirtion,a Minnesota nonprofit corporation, to mc known to bc the Grantor dcscribed in and who cxecuted thc forcgoing insEurncnt and acknowledged that they executed the same as their ftee act and de€d. ss. (fui+n- p 14 vflw sttn DYy)rcs toa 3l?a7s {,UE A OEHATIT $TNNESOTPUBTJCOTAFV 31Jan.Corfln,Eg.My 4 NX SIGNATUREPAGE to Tcmporary EescDatrt Agncment IN WITNI,SS WEEREOF, the parties hcrcto havc exccutcd this Agreernent as of thc drte first above written. GRANTEE: Letes rt Chanharsen LLC s Minnesou limitcd liability company By: 'lbdd M. Simning Its: MmEgcr SS. on this l9$day o 1 |.n a..J^.2021, bcforc mc a Notary Public within and for said County, perrcnally apperrcd.lbdd M. Sinning, as Managcr of Lsk6 rt Chrnb$scD LLC, a Minncsota limitcd liability company, o me known to be the Grantor describcd in and who execulcd thc foregoing insirumcnt and acknowledgcd that they exccutcd the samc as thcir frcr act and deed. This iwtrunent &afed by: Hanron Lew Office' PA 130 Division Soeet, Suitc I I t Wsitc Padq MN 56387 (320)2s7-338t /o [/' ,,lr-,,I Notary Public 5 ffi STATE OFMINNESOTA COI'NryOF PAII4AAIINSIMNING MITIfrYNBIJC.MNilESOTA lfrc0ilM6soil mREs 0!fi/2 SCIIEDI'LEA to Tcmponry ErloDent A8roemcnt Prrcel A l-:cd Descrintion. Lot l, Block l, Powers Ridgr Apartmcnt Homcs 2'i Addition, C€rvcr County, Minncsota. SCHEDULEB to Tcmporrry Earcmc[t Agrcamcut Prrtcl B Lerel Dcscrlotion. Lrt 2, Block I , Powcrs Ridgc Apartmcnt Hom6 2d Addition, Carvcr County, Minncsota- Eosem€nt Ar€a Loeal D€scriDtion. Th8t pon of L,ot l, Block l, POWERS RJDGE APARTIViENT HOMES, Carver County, Minnesota, lying to thc lcft ofthe following dcscribcd linc: Commencing at the northwcsterly comcr of said Lot l; thcnc. South 45 dcgces 53 minur.s 40 seconds East, assumcd bcaring along the southwcsterly line ofsaid Lot l, a distancc of 100.(D fect to 8 comer ofsaid Lot l; thcnce Nonh 60 dcgrccs 06 minutcs 20 scconds Ecst, along a southcrly line ofsaid Lot l, a distancc of 101.39 f€ct to thc point of beginning of the line to be described; thencc North 37 dcgrccs 04 minutcs 25 scconds Wcst, a distancc of 8.rO fecq thence Souh 56 degees 36 minutcs 48 seconds Wcst, a distancr of5l.99 feet; thcncc wcsterly, 7920 fect, along a non-tangential cuwe, conclve to thc northcast" having a rsdius of63.53 feet, a central angle ofTl degces 25 minutes 2l scconds, and a chord that bcars North 74 degrces 28 minutes 28 seconds Wesq thcrce North 28 dcgrecs 5l minuEs 19 scconds Wcst, a distanc€ of 33.51 f€et to lbe nonhw€sterly linc of said Lot I and said linc thcrc tcrminating. AND Tfla psrt of lot I, Block I, POWERS RIDGE APARTMENT HOMES, Cawer County, Minnesot4 lying to the right ofthc following dcscribcd line: CommdEing at the norihwestcrly comcr of said Lot l; thencc South 45 dcgccs 53 minutG 40 seconds Esst, assumcd bcuing along thc soulhwqst€dy line of said Lot l, a distsnce of 100.ffi fcet to a comer ofsaid Lot l; Srcncr North 60 dcgrccs 06 minurcs 20 scconds Easg along a southcrly line of said Lot I, a distancc of 165.00 fca to a comcr of said Lrt l; thcncc South 66 degrecs 45 minutes 57 seconds East, along a southcrly line of said Lot l, 8 distsncc of20.62 fest !o the poim of beginning of the line to bc dcscriM; thcnce South 79 dcgrccs 02 minutcs 59 seconds East, a distancc of 18.34 fceg rhcncc South 70 dcgrccs lE minutrs 0l second Esst, a distance of48.3l fccg thencc South 23 dcgracs I 7 minutcs 59 sccoods East, a distancc of 29.87 fea; thcncc South 26 degrees 43 minues 02 scconds Ess! a distancc of 77.46 fcrr'.; ftenc€ South 48 dcgrees 15 minutes 14 seconds Eosg a disrance of23.32 fecq thenc.c South 22 degrees 05 minutes 02 scconds West, a distanc€ of 15.74 fec! to a southwcstcrly linc ofsaid Lot ! and said linc thcrc tcrminrting. AND That part of l,ot l, Block I, POWERS RIDGE APARTMENT HOMES 2ND ADDITION, Carvcr County, Minnesota, lying to the lcft ofthe following describcd linc: Beginning at the northwest comer ofsaid Lot l; thencr South 02 degrees (X minutes 28 seconds East, assumed bearing along thc westerly line ofsaid Lrt l, a distanc. of 9.65 fccq thence North 89 degrees 24 minutes 19 scconds Easr, a dist8ncc of 207.13 fccq thcncc North O4 dcgrees 40 minutcs 24 scconds West, a disance of40.37 fect thcnc. North 50 degrccs 12 minutcs 19 seconds SCHEDT'LE C to Tcmporrry Ealaecnt Agrc€mcrl EasL s distancc of 23.9 fc.q 6.rrcc Nor6 67 &grccs 34 minutcs 42 scconds East, a distrncc of S0.tb fect drcncc Nordr 20 dcgccs 09 minutcs iZ scconds Wcs, r distancc of 5'7E fcct o thc nordrcdy lim of said Lot I aDd seid drere tcminatinS. SCHEDULE D to Temporrry E$€mcnt Agr€€ment Plsns strd Specificstions. Lske Place Conahrton Easqnent Ext$it ACtnr*lla\ Carrr Cornty, lffi DESCRIPTION lidltollrt l. H. r, Fffns RDGEIttillaglTl(tlC,s' C-..caro. rn .t, rritbr. ndartErcotdir: Cdllrrlie dha.Ilxdrllr,CdLll l:lrEsolJlr(rtglrSlnh-aOut E-. E - !-li raott !D ar.--'lr o| aa! Ld t, a.!rECto.OLb.tlt dd rd l: tlE iblr D -grE 6 rtr- 20 r..o.n E ( &!..cffrLd*Ldt,.rbt.dt0t.Itabat ,drr dht5 .|i, dh r.5 b d..ot* rrE rEi t arr Oa irra.23...ut liL(. eE dlrofa r586t.| !C ar- g nrr-aa..dtliit..itEEcStratlrEftt, ?3rh. tal. icllt I.,t, lon b tr lEiltd. i,lt r rdi.rci.o ta.. dtJ rEt c,t ..lrrt.rra.tl ELtra.cirrlt l b.lHr ta ner- 2.-i-t E-W..t t ErqttogrE6t ll !f r;tIi.t.'(bDd$5t Lbi!. rE i.a.rrt!.ddr.r I -1..5hl.iltrE!! $KE -Iorlhryaatarly Comlr ot Lot t, Blod r, POWERS RIDGE APARTHEMI HOr.lEs alld tfi. Polnt ot Comnl.|rcanelt se#"s^ss I IIIIII II bwe '>-,'' i1 iij (i i.,i i1 i'i ^"'t' r'tt,,t't"''^ 1()i' I II 4l- -'i-i" tl So.r$lft Cornc. ol Lot 1, Aod 1, ,--FOWEnS RIOGE APARTIaEa{T }lO.lESlrr a_ a , r- , , -r- Bm of Bagllrlllng \\-__ Sqrdicrly Lhc d Ld 1, Bbd( 1, POWEf,S RIDGE APIATME {T HOMES r It i.CT l; ,l'. i(I .Ao*g. i2 $ I r.l ,\ r a t r- r\ a\t-. , t trtt F- |r .. , t_, I \/ Southr.ffy Unc ol lot 1, 6lod. 1,io Ers i'!DG.EAP f,tIA{T }lofiei A ?\ , a\ , a\ 7\ a-,f t I I I r ,.- /_l ,-. ,_l 11' , llll ,-- l\l ,, I t I t , | , t , L- , t t , a\ I t r- ?- L ' '\/',-- -. , \a I I L- \/ MINNESOTA CERTIFICATION I lt .lr,taytr.t rry. rnqtF.t5ry.dtlt.ruf ltilErrr\*n rarl .atu rr.lZr CivilSite 0 30 SCAI..E IN FEET GRC'I'P ,rst w, srH aL dJm4mgr.!q.tg PirE( n $araciffiuf..o' Drawn By:SIW Prorect t'lo. 20351,01 SHEET 1 OF 1-llr-r. Lb.- daali6 50 8sh$'o t'ai ,d' I l-ake Place Confircton Eascrnent Exhbit B Ctr.rft s\ Crrlrr Coudy, lirnacnt DESCRIMON rM Ft or Ld r. L.r t. PowERS eGE lPltIIEr{I riocs. c-rcarry. rrd. }Fr br. tll ola.ffilltEt- h Cclrrtpat lEl*.ly.cr..dd Ld ri aE 3a6 ils.rtr 13.lra. /O r..odl Ed, -l'- bllrg.E g h -n-.ao r. d.ad ll r,. .lt- d to.o ttts..cl! !t.5 |...t !; hE tlqi o lt!r- 6 r*r- r.Et Ed. -lt r anhrtlr ol..ll,tl,.lE-.4 tG.@ aa b. .srr d.dd Lc l: l!! Sq, .l d.lrrasrhrtEt Ert,.q. qatd,fidtjLol1..d-EdrtAlibhrdld!{L t.rn ll.b !. d-qtit trE Sorrr 19 (tlrr @ l'l- S.E- Ed.. C.arE.,ta3a li !rrc. Soo|rTO ats l! tar- Ol Ei E !. itl,ECalrl t* r:- &|,t ,, d{r..17 rt3E..tt .iryE.at t tt.Elol.r2.d.g-alnilJhe.EtE l.. raro. oa7.Lt* lrE &rlt .! d.ii- i6.rr- l. -dt E .a,. rE o., Zr!32 t t arE &t.r :z a.tr- G.lrrrb @..drb lft.l. rb!-or l&7a l-t b..rrrr-.L.N rr olrd td I fi d h rt !,nhalig: .- : [- -ttt 1l' .4 I /-\ ,.r r , t r- ?\ a\,-. t t tlll ,-- l.' '., L_ ' I \,' rV l\ ,\ F- h( ,l I I 1r--t L Lt \a L- a\ I a\ 1- a , r- t , -r-,-, t_t t? I lrrr r-- ,\, t, t , L- , t t POWERS RIDGE APAETHEIT HOMES lS.21 II ,_t,, / sor,rtrwcaOy Unc ol lrt l, Blod( 1, rctr,EIS NDGE APIRIIIB{T HOI{ES I MINNESOTA CERTIFICATION I Lr-y..dy l.tlt rrit . !5 a tFr 5 ,.rr..ra t rr dut& ir lt.d rJF\,3(,| rn r I CivilSite H 50dF.aur.2ei 0 <iRrotP 16r rY. asIH 8r. AUIE tO sT. LOUA PAF( Ll t6ar3Ci,ffilcp..stt Drawn By: SIw Projccr No. 20351.01 SfIEET 1OF ISCA! TN fEET-- - D.d ltrirrh Lrdr.. t.lo, aa56 120 \AKe ;l r. -) I ( I i'' f P r \l t i'.,i ?' 1, A I t t ., l tl\ SoutnwBtlrly Une of Lot 1, Block 1, FOWEES NDGE APARTI.IET{T HOIIES i.0i I Comar Ao(l 1, t,APAFTXE {T XOI{ES Lakc Place Conatrrctm Easement Ext&lt C Chet$lr*n, Csrv.r Coqty, [tn Eta DESCRIPTION TLr ,3ro(l!r 1. alod( 1. Po*ER5 &txlE lPAanaE \tT tloEs a{o ADomoar, ci.r coc.y, r.ln-d., tti{ b tr l.nd !r ffip a€qtd ll: Llinl!.i!. rb.llrl.ur ol.A bl l; t:E &unr @ d.O- 0. lnli& 2!.Ba. E.d, enrd lrt don! lhr,rdr sr dd l.a l.. (hrE 6, ,.65 i.t rBE l{dor l0 0.!r.- 2l mtra.. te .si! EEl.. d.Er. ol rr.!! L.t llrE tL.ih Oa Oi...r .0 DYrr- a.qxl liit. ddrE C{.!t a.t IDl.. 15.n 50 d.g-. 12 l'ha le .....!A E-.. rb.r- dztl9 Lt Cn . l..,tl E d.fr- 14 'dnrr a:a.srd. €4.-t.o orElo b*,iE tldtr 20 d.r* (,3 ntrrb It Erb tYrrd. t rfEE C6,7! tt tbt rulr.trr otta Lol I rrd add r rt t!,!. , r- r\ a\t -, I lllf F- tr, -.r\ , a\ /,\ r- ts? t t l, . r-- l l l L, \. L- lgg lo€ et N gO .gO __Pol.t d B.ghnhoNo.tM Coriar of ld t, Elod( !, POWERS RIDGE APARII,IETT ff}iIES 2XD ADO. l-1 Wra*.rly Unc of Lot 1, glod( 1, zo7.r3 t. t_l r\'l-rrF-rr_r-t? , lwl ,-- ,\, I t I L , L- ' !. ,_l CivilSite F r'.1o n% to 7c,- $Irb uJ @Nao Nou) oaF.hry.2@l POwER.s F,IDGC APARI}IEI{I IIOMES zNO ADO. MINNESOTA CERTIFICATION I lr$y d{Y A!$ 3r!r, ran a t9.r 6 !lw.d !ylr r ut& tt i]d uF!,5cl Jlc t,l N .tl,0 GRIE)I'P aBt tY. SSIH ST, SUIE 20 sT. t.ot 6 PAE( r{ 65ar6 Cllstaoiqf.dti Drawn By: SIw koj€€t No. 20351.01 SHEET 1 OF 1 SCJLE IN FEET I I I tl U&Lk.rNo.a4lat 80 2rr0 I