Alta Commitment for Title InsuranceALTA COMMITMENT FOR TITLE INSURANCE SCHEDULE A ISSUED BY STEWART TITLE GUARANTY COMPANY Tnnsaction ldentlftcation Data fot rcference only: lssuing Agent: Executive Title lssuing Office: I 1 112 mth Avenue N, Maple Grove, MN 55369 lssuing Ofiice's ALTI@ psgis1ry |p; 1 140981 Loan lD No.: Commilment No.: lssuing Office File No Property Address: D20050826 - Amendment No. 4 D20050826 1361 Lake Drive W, Chanhassen, MN 553'17 2. Policy to be issued: Proposed Policy Amount (a) ALTA 2006 O,vners Policy $2,000,000.00 Poposed lnsured: Lakes at Chanhassen, LLC, a Minnesota limited liability company (b) ALTA 2006 Loan Policy $1.00 Proposed lnsured: To Be Determined, ils successoE and/or assigns as their respecti\re interests may appear. 3. The estate or interest in the Land described or refened to in this Commitment is Fee Simple 4. The Title is, at the Commitment Date, vesled in: lsland Management LLC, a Minnesota limited liability company. 5. The Land is described as follor.rrs: SEE EXHIBIT A AfiACHED HERETO Executive Title y'u*.!,K*bt Authorized Signatory This page is onty e pad ol a 2016 ALTA@ Cc,,rfiittncnt lot Tiflc lasu?rqe. This Confllitrn.nl is nd Elid withot t the Noticc: th. Commitmed to lssuc Poficy; the Commilment Codlions; Schcdub A; Schedule B, Pai l - RequiDments: aN Schcdub B, Patl lt - Exceptbns: and a colr'/,te6(lnstue by lhe Company ot rts issuing aoent that may be ih ebcbonic fotn. Copyrlght 2m6-2016 Amorlcsn llnd Tltlo Assochtlon. All ,lohts rs.orved. The use o, this Fotm (or any derivative the.eof) is restricted to ALTA licensees and ALTA members in good standing as of the dale of use. All other uses are prohibited. Reprinled under license ,rom lh€ American Land TiIe Association. File No.: D20050826 ALTA Commihent Fo.Ittle lnsurance &1-16 Page 'l of 1 LAND TITLT G 1. Commitment Dale: December 15.2020 at 12:00AM 1 ALTA COMMITMENT FOR TITLE INSURANCE SCHEDULE B PART I ISSUED BY STEWART TITLE GUARANTY COMPANY Requirements File No.: D20050826 All of the following Requirements must be met The Proposed lnsured must notify the Company in writlng of lhe name of any party not refened to in this Commilment who will obtain an interest in the Land or who will make a loan on the Land. The Company may then make additional Requirements or Exceptions. Pay the agreed amount for the estate or interest to be insured. Pay the premiums, fees, and charges for the Policy to the Company. Documents satisfactory to the Company that convey the Title or create the Mortgage to be insured, or both, must be properly authorized, executed, delivered, and recorded in lhe Public Records. (A) Warranty Deed executed by lsland Management LLC, a Minnesota limited liability company to TPS Holding LLC, a Minnesota limited liability company. (B) Warranty Deed executed TPS Holding LLC, a Minnesota limited liability company to Lakes at Chanhassen LLC, a Minnesota limited liability company. (C) Transfer Requirements: Sellefs Aftidavit, Purchaser's Affidavit, Well Disclosure Statement and Certiticale of Real Estate Value. (D) Mortgage executed by Lakes at Chanhassen LLC, a Minnesota limited liability company, to a lender To Be Determined to secure S1.00. Payment of the full consideration to, or for the accounl of, the grantors or mortgagors. Payment of all taxes, charges, assessments, levied and assessed against subiect premises, which are due and payable. Satisfactory evidence should be had that improvements and/or repairs or alterations thereto are completed; that contraclor, subcontractors, labor and materialmen are all paid. Exceptions 3 and 4 of Schedule B-Section 2 of this commitment may be amended in or deleted from the Owners Policy to be issued if a survey, salisfactory to Company, is furnished to Company. On a residential transaction, the standard survey exception will be deleted from the final loan policy without need for a survey to be provided. Tttis pagc is only a pan ol a 2016 ALTA@ Commitment tot Title lnsu's,nce. This Commitment is rlot valid i,ithot t the l,loticc: thc Commibnent to lssue Pofcy; the Connilnent Codrtions: Schedub A; Schc<tulc B, Pad I - RcquiGmants: and Schcdutc B. Pa'' - Exced,o.as: and a counte6ignatwe by the Company ot its issuing agent that nay be in elecionic fom. A 6 7 8 Copylglrt 2lxrSml6 Amorlcln Land Tltle A.rocla0on. All rlghla rt..w.d. The use ol this Form (or a.ry derivative thereoO is restricted to ALTA licensees and ALTA memb€6 in good slarding as of the date ol use. All other uses a.e prohibited. Rep.inled under license from lhe American Land l-de Association. File No.: D20050826 ALTA Commihent For Trtb lnsurance E-1-'16 Page 1 ol2 - L N O TITLTs 2. 3. 4. SCHEDULE B, PART I (Continued) NOTE: Any documents requested by us to clear any Requirements MUST be submitted to us for examination and possible further requirements at leasl three days prior to closing. 10. Seller Statement Regarding Mortgage Forbearance 1 1. Pay and satisfy of record any morlgage(s) encumbering the subiect property 12 NOTE: No unsatisfied mortgages appear of record. lf any such morlgages are known by any party to encumber the subject property, please provide payoff stalement(s) to us prior to closing. The Land is listed as 'Additional Land" to lhe declaration for CIC No. 68 Powers Ridge Condominiums as shown by declaration Doc. No. 4384236 and amended by Doc. Nos. A438744, A438745, and A497087. NOTE: Code Compliance / Cettificate of Approval is required if the property being sold ls in one of the follorfling cities: Bloomington, Hopkins, Golden Valley, Maplewood, New Hope, Richfield, St. Louis Park, Minneapolis, Osseo, Robbinsdale, St. Paul, South St. Paul or West St. Paul. NOTE: Some municipalities are now certifying delinquent garbage bills to taxes. Oocumentalion is required that garbage is nol delinquent; if this applies to the property address being sold. This page is only s pen of e 2016 ALrA@ Cornll,ittnent fot 7ii}- hsunncc. Thk Conmitment is nol valkt without the Noticc; thc Commitment to lssue Policy; the Commibnenl Condlligns, Scrcdurc A; Schedule B, Patt I - RequiF'ficnls: €N Schcdule B. Psd ll - Exce4ions: and a counte6ignatue by the Company or its issuing agtsnt thet may be in elecnoaic form. Copydghr 2fl!&2016 Amerlcln Llnd Tttlo ArsocLtlon. All rlghtr r€rewcd. The use of this Form (or any derivative the.eo, is resiricted to ALTA licensee and ALTA memb€rs in good starding as of the date ol use. All other uses are prohibited. Reprinled under license ftom th€ Ame.ican Land Titte Association. File No.: D2005t826 ALTA Commilment For Trtle lnsuran r 8-l-16 Page 2 ot 2 F 9. 13. ALTA COMMITMENT FOR TITLE INSURANCE SCHEDULE B PART II ISSUED BY STEWART TITLE GUARANW COMPANY Exceptions File No.: D20050826 THIS COMMITMENT DOES NOT REPUBLISH ANY COVENANT, CONDITION, RESTRICTION, OR LIMITATION CONTAINED IN ANY DOCUMENT REFERRED TO IN THIS COMMITMENT TO THE EXTENT THAT THE SPECIFIC COVENANT, CONDITION, RESTRICTION, OR LIMITATION VIOLATES STATE OR FEDERAL LAW BASED ON RACE, COLOR, RELIGION, SEX, SEXUAL ORIENTATION, GENDER IDENTITY, HANDICAP, FAMILIAL STATUS, OR NATIONAL ORIGIN. The Policy will not insure againsl loss or damage resulting from the terms and provisions of any lease or easement identmed in Schedule A, and will include the follot ing Exceptions unless cleared to the satisfaction of the Company: 1. Any defect, lien, encumbrance, adverse claim, or other matter that appears for the first time in the Public Records or is created, attaches, or is disclosed between the Commitment Date and the date on which all of the Schedule B, Part l-Requirements are met. Rights or claims of parties in possession not shown by the Public Records. Easements, or claims of easements, not sho/vn by lhe Public Records. Encroachments, overlaps, boundary line disputes, or other matters which would be disclosed by an accurate suNey or inspection of the Land. Taxes or special assessments which are not sho\ /n as existing liens by the Public Records. Minerals of whatsoever kind, subsurface and surface substances, including but not limited to coal, lignile, oil, gas, uranium, clay, rock, sand and gravel in, on, under and that may be produced from the Land, together with all rights, privileges, and immunities relating thereto, whether or not appearing in the Public Records or listed in Schedule B. The Company makes no representation as to the present o$/nership of any such interests. There may be leases, granls, exceptions or reservations of interest that are not listed. Any lien, or right to lien, for services, labor or material heretofore or hereafter furnished, imposed by law and not shown by lhe public records. 2 3 4 5 6 7 Municipal code compliance matters and fees, including but not limited to utilities, water, garbage, recycling or sewer services, or fees for tree, weed, grass and snow or garbage violations, police boarding, vacant building registration and zoning. After this loan has closed and funded, Executive Title will issue an 8.1 (Environmental Protection Lien) Endorsement. This page is only a paft of a 2016 ALTA@ Cmfiitment fot Titlc lnsuE'nce. This Comdihnent is nol valk! tyithout the Ndicc; thc Commibncdt to lssue Policy: the Commitnent Conditions; Schcduh A: Schcduh B, Pa l - RequiDmehfs: ard Scrcdub B, Parl ll - Exccdions: and a counte6ignatute by the Comp.ny or its issuing agent that nay be in ebclronic tonn. Copyrlght 2006-2016 Arodcln Land Tltlo Assoclatlon. All rlghtr rrlowod. The use ot this Form (or arry derivalive thereoD is reslricted to ALTA licensees and ALTA members in good slanding as of the dale of use. All other uses are prohibited. Reprinted under license from the American Land Tide Association. File No.r D20050826 ALTA Commitment For TiUe lnsurance 8-l-16 Page 1 of 3 - LAND TI TLts Any lien, or right to a lien, for services, labor, or material heretofore or hereafler furnished, imposed by law and not shown on the Public Records. 8. 9. 10. 11. 14 15 16 17 18. After this loan has closed and funded, Executive Title will issue a 9.0 (Restrictions, Encroachments, Minerals) Endorsement. Taxes and assessments for the year 2020 and subsequent years. NOTE: Allwater and garbage bills must be paid prior to closing. Taxes for the year 2020 in the amount of $9,368.00 are paid in full PID No.: 256360020 Base Amount: $9,368.00 2019 and all prior years are paid in full. Non-Homestead NOTE: First half taxes are due May 15th and second half taxes are due October 1sth There may be annual recurring fees and/or other utilities charged by the municipality and/or county, which are automatically certified to the real estate taxes. Special Assessments: There are no levied or pending special assessments now of record. (Dated May 29, 2O2O) Declaration for Storm Water Retention Area Maintenance and Shared Driveway Easement filed November 15,2000, as Doc. No. A278126, but deleting any covenanl, condition or restriction indicating a preference, limitation or discriminalion based on race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status, or national origin to the extent such covenanls, conditions or restrictions violate 42 USC 3604. Contains no reversionary clauses. Declaration and cross Easements Agreement for shared clubhouse use and Maintenance flled September 24, 2001, as Doc. No. 4298156, but deleting any covenanl, condition or restriction indicating a preference, lamitation or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status, or national origin to the exlent such covenants, conditions or restrictions violate 42 USC 3604. Contains no reversionary clauses. Declaration and Agreement as to commencement of Development filed september 18, 2006, as Doc. No. 4449937, but deleling any covenant, condilion or restriction indicating a preference, limilation or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status, or national origin to the extent such covenants, conditions or restrictions violate 42 usc 3604. contains no reversionaryclauses. Declaration of Easement filed September 27, 2016, as Doc. No. A634333, but deleting any covenant, condition or restriction indicating a preference, limilation or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status, or national origin to the extent such covenanls, conditions or restrictions violate 42 USC 3604. Contains no reversionary clauses. Terms and conditions of Sidewalk Easement flled December 20, 2016 as Doc. No. A638865. Subiect to drainage and utilily easements as sho\ n on the recorded plat. Subject to the rights of the State of Minnesota and the public in and to that part of the subject premises designated as wetlands/pond. 19. 20. 21. Copyrlght 2006-20i6 Amedcan Land ntb As3ociation. Allrlghts ro!.wod. The use of lhis Form (or any derivative thereoo is restricted to ALTA licensees and ALTA members in good standing as of the date ol use. All other uses are prohibited. Reprinted under license frcm the American Land TiUe Aasociation. File No.: D20050826 ALTA Commitment For Title lnsurance 8-1-16 Pag€ 2 of 3 LAN D TITTTs 12. 13. SCHEDULE B, PART II (Continued) This page is only a pad ol d 2016 ALTA@ Conmitment fo. Ti e tnsurahce. This Commiinent k not v.tid withotrt the l,lotice: the Co',mitmentto lssuc Policy: the Commitficnl Conditons: Schedule A; Schedute B, part I - Requirements; and Schedule B, pan ll - Exceptions: and a counteBignature by the Conpeny or its issuing agent that mdy be in electonic lom. 22 23 24 SCHEDULE B, PART II (Continued) NOTE: The standard Exceptions shown on Schedule B-ll above as numbers 2-5 t rill appear on any Ownels Policy to be issued. NOTE: No Abstract of title was submitted to us for review in preparation of this commitment. CHAIN OF TITLE: Fee simple title was acquired as follols: Warranty Deed dated September 7, 2006 and flled September 18, 2006 as Doc. No. A449936 executed by Lake Susan Hills, a Minnesota partnership to lsland Management LLC, a Minnesota limited liability company. 25 lf you have questions regarding this commitment, please contact Dan Haskett, Examiner at dhaskett@etofmn.com. This pagc is only a pa of a 2016 ALTA@ Conmitment for Title tnsulr,hce- This Comnitment is not vatid wilhout the Notice; the Commitment to lssue Policy; the Cohmitment Conditions: SclEdule A: Schedule B, Pai I - Requi'".ments; aN Schedub B, Paft ll - Exceptions: end a countesighature by the Company ot its issuing agent that may be in ehctronic foin. Copyrlght 2006-2016 Amorlcan Land Tltle Association. All rlghta roaorvod. The use of this Form (or any derivative thereoo is restricted to ALTA licensees and ALTA members in good standing as ot lhe dale ot use. All other uses are prohibited. Reprinted under license from lhe American Land T'itle Associalion. File No.: D20050826 ALTA Commitment For Title lnsurance 8-1-16 Page 3 of 3 -G ALTA COMMITMENT FOR TITLE INSURANCE EXHIBIT A ISSUED BY STEWART TITTE GUARANW COMPANY EXH]BIT A The Land is described as follqrs: Lot 2, Block 1, Porers Ridge Apartment Homes 2nd Addition, CanEr County, Minnesoia. ABSTRACT File No.: D20050826 ALTA Comm(ment For Title lnsurance 8-1-16 Page 1 ot 1 stewart title Executive Title luay'.K*la Authorized Signatory llan Moris Prsaident and CEO Denise This pagc is only d paft of a 2016 ALTA@ Conmit nent lot Tille tnsuftnce. This Commitment is hot valid withottt the Ndice; the Cohmitmcil to lssue Policy; tlre Commitment Coditions; Scheduh A: Schedule B, Pad I - Requiemehts: end Schcdulc B, Pai ll - Exceptions; and a counteBighaturc by the Company ot its issuing agent that may be in electrcnic fotm. L r,,l O TITLEs ALTA COMMITMENT FOR TITLE INSURANCE ISSUED BY STEWART TITLE GUARANTY COMPANY NOTICE IMPORTANT - READ CAREFULLY: THIS COMMITMENT lS AN OFFER TO ISSUE ONE OR MORE TITLE INSURANCE POLICIES. ALL CLAIMS OR REMEDIES SOUGHT AGAINST THE COMPANY IM/OLVING THE CONTENT OF THIS COMMITMENT OR THE POLICY MUST BE BASED SOLELY IN CONTRACT. THIS COMMITMENT IS NOT AN ABSTRACT OF TITLE, REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF TITLE, LEGAL OPINION, OPINION OF TITLE, OR OTHER REPRESENTATION OF THE STATUS OF TITLE. THE PROCEDURES USED BY THE COMPANY TO DETERMINE INSURABILITY OF THE TITLE, INCLUOING ANY SEARCH AND EXAMINATION, ARE PROPRIETARY TO THE COMPANY, WERE PERFORMED SOLELY FOR THE BENEFIT OF THE COMPAI.IY, AND CREATE NO EXTRACONTRACTUAL LIABILITY TO ANY PERSON, INCLUDING A PROPOSED INSURED. THE COMPANYS OBLIGATION UNDER THIS COMMITMENT IS TO ISSUE A POLICY TO A PROPOSED INSURED IDENTIFIED IN SCHEDULE A IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE TERMS AND PROVISIONS OF THIS COMMITMENT. THE COMPANY HAS NO LIABILITY OR OBLIGATION INVOLVING THE CONTENT OF THIS COMMITMENT TO ANY OTHER PERSON. COMMITMENT TO ISSUE POLICY Subject to the Noticei Schedule B, Part I - Requirements; Schedule B, Part ll - Exceptions; and lhe Commitment Conditions, STEWART TITLE GUARANry COMPANY, a Minnesola corporation (the ,Companf'), commits to issue the Policy according lo the terms and provisions of this Commitment. This Cornmitnerf is effective as of th€ Commitment Date sho n in Schedule A for each Policy described in Schedule A, only wtlen the Cornpany has entered in Schedule A both the specified dollar amount as the Proposed Policy Amount and the name of the Proposed lnsured. lf all of the Schedule B, Parl I - Requirements have not been met within six months after the Commitment Date, this Commitment terminates and the Company's liability and obligation end. S€crstary Fo, purposes of this tom the 'Stevrart Title' logo featuied sbove is lh€ reprGented logo fof the undeNriter, Slevvart Tide Guaranty Company. Copyright 200$2016 Amodcan L.nd Tltle Arsocl.tlon. All rlght! reroived. The use of this Form (or any derivative lh€reo0 is restricted to ALTA license$ and ALTA members in good starding as of the date ot use. All other uses are prohibited. Reprinted under license from lhe American Land TiIe Association. File No.: O20050E26 00&UN ALTA Commitment For Title lnsurance 8-1-16 Page 1 oI3 COMMITMENT CONDITIONS 1. DEFINITIONS (a) "Knowledge" or "Known": Actual or imputed kn(l rledge, but not constructive notice imparted by the Public Records. (b) "Land": The land described in Schedule A and affixed improvements that by law conslilule real property. The term "Land" does not include any property beyond the lines of the area descdbed in Schedule A, nbr any right, title, interest, estate, or easement in abutting streets, roads, avenues, alleys, lanes, ways, or wateMays, but this does not modify or limit the extenl that a right of access to and from the Land is to be insured by the Policy. (c) "Mortgage": A mortgage, deed of trust, or other security instrument, including one evidenced by electronic means aulhorized by law. (d) "Policy'': Each contract of litle insurance, in a form adopted by the American Land Title Association, issued or to be issued by the Company pursuant to this Commitment. (e) "Proposed lnsured": Each person identified in Schedule A as the Proposed lnsured of each Policy to be issued pursuant to this Commitment. (f) "Proposed Policy Amount": Each dollar amount specified in Schedule A as the Proposed Policy Amount of each Policy to be issued pursuant to this Commitrnent. (g) "Public Records": Records established under state statutes al lhe Commitment Date for the purpose of imparting constructive notice of matters relating to real property to purchasers for value and wilhout Knoivledge. (h) 'Title": The estate or interest described in Schedule A. 2. lf all of the Schedule B, Part I - Requirements have not been met within the time period specified in the Commitment lo lssue Policy, this Commitment terminates and the Companys liability and obligation end. 3. The Company's liability and obligation is limited by and this Commitment is not valid without (a) the Notice; (b) the Commitment to lssue Policy; (c) the Commitment Conditions; (d) Schedule A; (e) Schedule B, Part l- Requirements;(f) Schedule B, Part ll - Exceptions; and (g) a countersignature by lhe Company or ils issuing agent that may be in electronic form. 4. COUPAilY'S RIGHT TO AIIEND The Company may amend this Commitment at any time. lf the Company amends this Commitment to add a defect, lien, encumbrance, adverse claim, or other matter recorded in the Public Records prior to the Commitment Date, any liability of the Company is limited by Commitment Condition 5. The Company shall not be liable for any other amendment to this Commitrnent. 5. LIMITATIONS OF LIABILITY (a) The ComPany's liability under Commitment Condition 4 is limited to the Proposed lnsured's actual expense incuned in lhe interval between the Company's delivery to the Proposed lnsured of the Commitment and the delivery of the amended Commitment, resulting from the Proposed lnsured's good faith reliance to:(i) comply with the Schedule B, Part I - Requirements; (ii) eliminate, with the Company's writlen consent, any Schedule B, Part ll - Exceptions; or (iii) acquire the Title or create lhe Mortgage covered by this Commitment. (b) The ComPany shall not be liable under Commianent Condition 5(a) if the Proposed lnsured requested the amendment or had Knowledge of the matter and did not notify the Company about it in writing. This pegc is onty . pad ol I 2016 ALTA@ Commit,nc lot Titb tnsurance- This Commitment is not valkt withod lhe l,lotice: the Commibncnt lo lssuc Policy: the Commitment Coadittuns: SclEdulc A: Schedulc B, P€d I - RequiF"ments: and Schedute B. Paft tt - Exccptbns: and a counte,signatue by the Company or ils issuing agent thal may be in elecl'o/nh fom. CoMghr 2mi20l6 Amorlc.n L.nd TIle A$oct.flon. All rtghts ]t .w.d. The use ot trlis Form (or any deivaliw tllerso0 b ,estdcted to ALTA liceBees and ALTA members in good stand*rg as of the date of use. All olher uses ate ptohabited. Reprinted under lacens€ trom the American Lard Trtle A$ociation. File No.: D20050E26 00&UN ALTA Commitment For'l-({e lnsurance &r-16 Page 2 of 3 -G (c) The Company will only have liability under Commitment Condition 4 if the Proposed lnsured would not have incurred the expense had the Commitment ancluded the added matter when the Commilment was first delivered to the Proposed lnsured. (d) The Company's liability shall not exceed the lesser of the Proposed lnsured's actual expense incuned in good failh and described in Commitment Conditions s(axi) lhrough s(axiii) or the Proposed Policy Amount. (e) The Company shall not be liable for lhe content of lhe Transaction ldentmcation Data, if any. (0 ln no event shall the Company be obligated to issue the Policy referred to in this Commitment unless all of the Schedule B, Part I - Requirements have been met to the satisfaction of the Company. (g) ln any event, the Company's liability is limited by the terms and provisions of the Polacy. 6. LIABILITY OF THE COilIPANY MUST BE BASED ON THIS CO ilTITISENT (a) Only a Proposed lnsured identified in Scheduh A, and no other person, may make a claim under this Commilment. (b) Any claim must be based in contracl and musl be restricted solely to the terms and provisions of this Commitment. (c) Until the Policy is issued, this Commitrnent, as last revised, is the exclusive and entire agreement between the parties with respect to the subject matter of this Commitment and supersedes all prior commitment negotiations, representations, and proposals of any kind, whether written or oral, express or implied, relating to the subiect matter of this Commitment. (d) The deletion or modificalion of any Schedule B, Part ll - Exception does not constitute an agreement or obligation to provide coverage beyond the terms and provisions of this Commitment or the Policy. (e) Any amendment or endorsement to this Commitment must be in writing and aulhenticated by a person authorized by the Company.(0 When the Policy is issued, all liability and obligation under this Commitment will end and the Compan/s only liability will be under the Policy. 7. IF THIS COMMITi'ENT HAS BEEN ISSUED BY AN ISSUING AGENT The issuing agent is the Company's agent only for the limited purpose of issuing title insurance cornmifnents and policies. The issuing agent is not the Company's agent for the purpose of providing closing or settbment services. All notices required to be given the Company and any slatement in writing required to be fumished the Company shall be addressed to it at 1700 W 82nd Street, Suite 100, Bloomington, MN 55431. This paga is only a parl gl I 2016 ALTA@ Coz,nllmd lot T-ttb lns/,xlrrca- This CoirmitDrenl k Dot vafd withod ttlE llolicr: tt|E &,r,/nfut,r,t* to lssuc PoW: thc Com,,,itl7ranl Cot dilioas: Scl!tulo lE Scrr.duh B, Psrt I - Rcqui.c/nents: ad Sc,,€duE B, P€tt tl - Excaptins: aDd a cgunte.r,ignatue by the Con$any or its issuitp agun that nay b in alef,,ioaic tqm- - CoMettt 200&,2016 Amo.lc.n L.nd TftL ArsocLtlon. All rhhb tt owtd, The use of thb Form (or any derirative th€rEo0 b resticted to ALTA licemees aM ALTA membe.s in good standirg as ot the dste of use. Al otl|er uses a,e p.ohibited. Repdnled uder liceme trom the Arnerican Lard ltic Asgocialim. Fle No.: D20050E26 008-UN ALTA Commilrnenl For Title lnsl,ance &1-16 Page 3 of 3 s 8. PRO+ORIIIA POUCY The Company may provide, at the request of a Proposed lnsured, a pro-forma policy illustrating the coverage that the Company may provide. A pro-forma policy neither retlects the status of TiUe at the time that the pro-forma policy is delivered to a Proposed lnsured, nor is it a commitment to insure. 9. ARBITRATION The Policy contains an arbitration chuse. All arbitrable matteB when the Proposed Policy Amount is $2,000,000 or less shall be arbitrated at the option of either the Company or the Proposed lnsured as the exclusive remedy of the parties. A Proposed lnsured may review a copy of the arbitration rules at < htto://www. alta.oro/arbitration>. STEWART TITLE GUARANW COMPANY