Affidavit of MailingCITY OF CHANHASSEN AFFIDAVIT OF MAILING NOTICE STATE OF MINNESOTA) ( ss. COTINTY OF CARVER ) I, Kim T. Meuwissen, being first duly swom, on oath deposes that she is and was on lrune 24,,2021, the duly qualified and acting Deputy Clerk ofthe City of Chanhassen, Minnesota; that on said date she caused to be mailed a copy ofthe attached notice ofa Public Hearing to consider a request to amend City Code Chapters I and 20 to define "Agritainment'/*Agritourism'; Create Standards and Criteria for an Agritainment use as an Interim Use; Atlow Agritainment uses ts an Interim Use in the Agricultural Estate District; and Receive an Interim Use Permit for an Agritainment use on property located at glll Audubon Road. Zoned Agricultural Estate (A2), Planning Case No.202l-13' to the persons named on attached Exhibit "A", by enclosing a copy of said notice in an envelope addressed to such owner, and depositing the envelopes addressed to all such owners in the United States mail with postage fully prepaid thereon; that the names and addresses of such owners were those appearing as such by the records of the County Treasurer, Carver County, Minnesota, and by other appropriate records. I Kim Clerk Subscribed and swom to before me (Seal) JEAII M S]ECKLII{Gil6ryheillIEcra li*rlh.,:t&,tD. thiALl{tday of . )r,.rr<-,2021. N otarv Public Sub.iect Parcel Dl!cl.lmor This map is noilher a legally rccoaded map nor a $rrvey and b not inEnded lo be u3€d as one. This map is a compilaton ot recods. infodation and data loaated in varbus qly, counly, state and fedeBl ofices and other sources regading the aaea shorn, aM is to be u!€d br leElence purpcaes only. The Cig does not warant lhat the Geo0raphic lnbmaton System (GlS) oata l.lsed to prepae Uis map are enor free, and the City does not reEesent that the Gls Data can be used for navoational, tr&king or any other purpoBe requiring exac'tng measuement of distance or direclion or rrecision in the de clbn of geographic lbatures. The p.eceding dirdaimer i9 provided puEuanl to Minn*ota St.tl.lte3 5,(66.03, Subd. 21 (2000), and tie user ol this map acknou,ledges dlat $e City shall not be liable fo. any damages, and expPssly waives all daims, and agre6 to debnd. indemnify, and hold harmless the City from any and all claims brouoht by user, ils employe€s oI agents, or third parlies which aris€ out of the users accass or use of data pDvided. <TAX_NAMET (TAX_ADD_Ll ) (TAX ADD L2) (Next RecordD(TAX_NAtlED ITAX_ADD_LI r <TAX ADD L2l DLcLh.r This map is n€i0Er a legally reco.ded map nor a suley and is not intended to be used as orle. ThB mep is a compihtion ot recoads, intormation and data located in vadou3 city, cou.ty. slale and federal ofices and olher sources regadin! the area shown. and is to be used for lEfelence purpoees ooly. The city doeg nol warranl that the G€ographic lnfu.maton Sygtem (GlS) Data used to p,epare this map ale enor te€. aftl the City does not represenl flat the GIS Dalia can be used for navigatioml, trac*ing oa any other purpooe equiring exacling lneasulement of distance o. dire(ton or preosioo in the defiicton of Oeographic Eatures. The precadano disdaamer is proviired puBuant to Minnesota StaMes $,16{t.03, Subd. 21 (2000). and the use. ot this map acknodedg€3 that the city shall not be liaue for any damag*. aM expresly waives all daams, anal aorees to debnd. indemnity, and hold hamles3 the City from any and all daims brolghl by User. ib employees or aoents. or third parlies which aris€ oui of the us€/s access or use ol data provided. 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