Comments - St. MartinU DRAFT June 2021 Questions/concerns about the Degler Agritainment Proposal adjoining our property at 9231 Audubon Road: 1 Office/industrial and parks/open space was the old plan. What is the nmr plan for the zoning of our property? 2 ls the old plan for a road running from the Lyman lift station through Degler's property at 9211 Audubon Rd to take Drive now dead? 3 Water ls available along our Audubon boulevard. Saler is pending. What doesthat mean? 4 What is the county/city going to do about the extra traffic along Audubon Road from the Lyman stoplight to the Autumn Woods/Butternut stoplight? lt's already bumper to bumper due to Chanhassen High and the business parks, not to mention the coming Lennar and Avienda Developments proposed. ls a round-about at Degler's driveway the answer? 5 The number of cars in the three proposed parking lots on Deghrs property is shocking when filled tocapacity. Howwill cars be funneled in and out of Degler's driveway efficiently? This gives us visions of the Renaissance Fair backup. 6 What are thelirnits.sn nsise levels? ln t?re past, rre've been abh to hear the Deglers yelling from inside their bam over the sound of their milking roachines. What will rit be like when there will be groups of extra people yelling, screaming and cheering? 7 The Degler Agritainment hours proposed are too long also. Families in the neighborhood are trying to put their young kids to bed when it gets dark out and they don't need the extra noise. 8 Then there is the problern of Degler's guests spilling oy€r onto our property. We expect there will be "exploring/trespassing'like a free'for-all. (We've already had kids from the new housing/apartments around us coming into our yardn/buildings. So we now have to put locks on our barn/streds for safety reasons.) 9 Because of the above concerns, we feel that it is time to market our property. What would the City of Chanhassen like to see at 9231 Audubon Road? From start to fin'rsh, how long is Degler's Agritainment Development going to take? Sincerely, George and Connie 5t. Martin 952-MS-6219