AviendaThe applicant, Level 7 Development, LLC, is requesting final plat approval to permit grading on the site. The final plat at this time will only include dedication right of way, platting of six Outlots, and placement of Outlot A, Bluff Creek Overlay District, in a conservation easement. Avienda Final Plat and Grading Permit 1 Background On July 10, 2017, the Chanhassen City Council approved the following: Request for Preliminary Plat creating 17 lots, 3 outlots and dedication of public right-of-way for public streets (115.519 acres); Rezoning of 115.519 acres of property zoned Agricultural Estate District, A2, to Planned Unit Development-Regional Commercial District (PUD-RC) including Exhibit A Avienda Design Standards; Conditional Use Permit to encroach into the primary zone and required buffer for development in the Bluff Creek Corridor; Wetland Alteration Permit to 4.897 acres of permanent wetland impacts as shown in plans dated April 14, 2017, and June 13, 2017, to request to construct into the primary zone, and required buffer for development in the Bluff Creek Corridor located at the southwest corner of Powers Boulevard and Lyman Boulevard. 2 Final Plat   3 4 5 6 MOTION “The City Council approves the final plat and grading permit for Avienda subject to the conditions of the staff report.” 7