Zoning Letter Form FORM ZONING LETTER June 10, 2021       RE: Dear Sir/Madam: The undersigned hereby certifies with respect to the property legally described on attached Exhibit A (the “Premises”) as follows: 1. The zoning code affecting the Premises is PUD Regional Commercial. 2. The Premises and its intended use as a/an mixed use development complies with the applicable zoning codes, city ordinances and building environmental and energy codes, ordinances and regulations: X Yes No Comments: The development has approval to begin grading. Utilities will go in next followed by streets. 3. There are no variances, conditional use permits or special use permits required for the construction of the improvements on the Premises or its uses. If there are, specify the same and the relevant terms or otherwise check here: None Comments: 4. The Premises comply with the subdivision ordinances affecting it and can be conveyed without the filing of a plat or replat of the Premises: X Yes No Comments: 5. The Premises comply with all setback and parking laws and regulations: X Yes No Comments: 6. The Premises are located within a federally designated flood plain: Yes X No Comments: 7. There are no proposals for widening, closing (including temporary closings) or realignment of access or abutting roads. If there are, specify the same and its terms or otherwise check here: X None Comments: There is a conditional Use Permit for grading in the Bluff Creek Overlay District. 8. There are no contemplated pending special assessments affecting the Premises: x Yes No If there are, please specify the known or estimated accounts and computation of interest, if any: Attached 9. All appropriate and required city permits, licenses and approvals have been provided for the intended use of the Premises: x Yes No Comments: Not yet recorded waiting for final plat approval. If additional space is required for any of the above, please use the reverse side. If there are any additional facts regarding the Premises and its proposed use which would be material consideration, please include that information: Signature of Authorized Person: Typed or Printed Name of Signatory: Kate Aanenson Title of Signatory: Community Development Director Date: June 10, 2021 City or Other Governmental Agency: City Of Chanhassen EXHIBIT A Legal Description of Premises THE SOUTH HALF OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER (S 1/2 OF SW 1/4), SECTION 23, TOWNSHIP 116, RANGE 23, CARVER COUNTY, MINNESOTA, EXCEPT THE FOLLOWING 2 DESCRIBED TRACTS: LINE 1. COMMENCING AT THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF SECTION 23, TOWNSHIP 116, RANGE 23; THENCE RUNNING NORTH ON SECTION LINE 30 FEET; THENCE IN A STRAIGHT LINE TO A POINT ON THE SOUTH SECTION LINE OF SAID SECTION, 30 FEET EAST OF THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF SAID SECTION; THENCE WEST 30 FEET TO SAID SECTION AND PLACE OF BEGINING, BEING A THREE CORNERED PICE IN SOUTHWEST CORNER OF SAID SECTION 23, TOWNSHIP 116, RANGE 23; AND 2. THAT PART OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER AND THE EAST HALF OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER, BOTH IN SECTION 23, TOWNSHIP 116 NORTH, RANGE 23 WEST, CARVER COUNTY, MINNESOTA WHCH LIES EASTERLY LINE 2 DESCRIBED BELOW. LINE2. BEGININNIG AT THE SOUTH QUARTER CORNER OF SAID SECTION 23; THENCE RUN WEST ON AN AZIMUTH OF 271 DEGREES 56 MINUTES 13 SECONDS ALONG THE SOUTH LINE OF SAID SECTION 23 FOR 1634.23 FEET TO A POINT; THENCE ON AN AZIMUTH OF 00 DEGREES 43 MINUTES 24 SECONDS FOR 500.11 FEET TO A POINT; THENCE ON AN AZIMUTH OF 91 DEGREES 56 MINUTES 13 SECONDS FOR 1173.46 FEET TO A POINT; THENCE ON AN AZIMUTH 29 DEGREES 19 MINUTES 18 SECONDS FOR 152.11 TO A POINT; THENCE ON AN AZIMUTH OF 352 DEGREES, 57 MINUTES 23 SECONDS FOR 709.36 FEET TO A POINT ON THE NORTH LINE OF SAID SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER; THENCE ON AN AZIMUTH OF 91 DEGREES 23 MINUTES 02 SECONDS ALONG THE NORTH LINE OF SAID SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARER FOR 475.37 FEET TO THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF SAID SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER AND THERE TERMINATING. ABSTRACT TOGETHER WITH PARCEL 1 THE NORTH 420.00 FEET OF THE EAST 414.86 FEET OF THE NW 1/4 OF THE SW 1/4 OF SECTION 23, TOWNSHIP 116, RANGE 23, CARVER COUNTY, MINNESOTA. PARCEL 2 THE NW 1/4 OF THE SW 1/4 OF SECTION 23, TOWNSHIP 116, RANGE 23, CARVER COUNTY, MINNESOTA EXCEPT FOR THE SOUTH 658.24 FEET THEREOF; AND ALSO EXCEPT THE NORTH 420.00 FEET OF THE EAST 414.86 FEET THEREOF. PARCEL 3 THE SOUTH 658.24 FEET OF THE NW 1/4 OF THE SW 1/4 OF SECTION 23, TOWNSHIP 116, RANGE 23, CARVER COUNTY, MINNESOTA. TOGETHER WITH THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER (NE 1/4 OF SW 1/4) OF SECTION TWENTY-THREE (23), TOWNSHIP ONE HUNDRED SIXTEEN (116) NORTH OF RANGE TWENTY-THREE (23) WEST, CARVER COUNTY, MINNESOTA, EXCEPT THAT PART OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER (NE1/4 OF SW1/4) OF SECTION TWENTY-THREE (23), TOWNSHIP ONE HUNDRED SIXTEEN (116) NORTH, RANGE TWENTY-THREE (23 WEST, SHOWN AS PARCEL 64 ON MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION RIGHT OF WAY PLAT NO. 10-19, FILED 10-19-2004 AS DOCUMENT NO. 39930