Approval Letter - extend prelim plat ext fp 4-19-19CITY OF CHANHASSENz d q N H ASSS Chanhassen is a Community for Life-Providing for Today and Planning for Tomorrow April 17, 2019 Mr. Bahram Akradi Level 7 Development 4600 Kings Point Road Minnetrista,MN 55331 Re: Avienda-Planning Case#2017-10 Dear Mr. Akradi: This letter is to confirm that on April 8, 2019, the Chanhassen City Council adopted the following motion: The City Council approves extension of the preliminary plat until December 31, 2019 and extinguishes the final plat for Avienda,but allows for grading as stated in the conditions of approval from the City Council staff report dated June 25,2018. 1. Approval of the Stormwater permit by the Riley Purgatory Bluff Creek Watershed District RPBCWD). 2. Meet all requirements of the WCA approval. 3. Receive approval of the plan set for grading and stormwater by both the city and the RPBCWD. 4. Placement of Outlot A in a Conservation Easement. The city shall review the easement language. 5. Boundary of Outlot A shall be staked and inspected prior to grading. 6. Provide proof of withdrawal of the wetland banking credits from the banks once the withdrawal is completed. 7. Complete the Withdrawal of Banking Credits form for LGU review and signature. SUBDIVISION The City Council approved the Subdivision Preliminary Plat creating 17 lots, 3 outlots and dedication of public right-of-way,plans prepared by Landform dated April 14, 2017 and June 14, 2017, subject to the following conditions: Engineering 1. Top and bottom elevations for all retaining walls shall be labeled on the plan set. 2. Landscaping between tiered walls shall be low or no maintenance. 3. A fence or other barrier is required at any location where a wall is greater than 6 feet tall and within 10 feet of a public right of way. 4. The following wall materials are prohibited: smooth face,poured in place concrete(stamped or patterned is acceptable),masonry, railroad ties,or timber. Boulder walls are prohibited if the maximum height is greater than 6 feet. PH 952.227.1100 • www.ci.chanhassen.mn.us • FX 952.227.1110 7700 MARKET BOULEVARD • PO BOX 147 •CHANHASSEN • MINNESOTA 55317 Mr. Bahram Akradi Avienda Planning Case 2017-10 April 18, 2019 Page 2 of 9 5. All retaining walls shall be owned and maintained by a property-owners association. 6. The applicant shall revise their plan and relocate Wall F outside of the buffer area of the adjacent wetland prior to grading the site. 7. As large, landscaped boulevards are proposed,the applicant shall add a note to the typical sections to identify a corridor for installation of private utilities such as power, communication,gas,etc. 8. The applicant shall show the road profiles and a horizontal alignment table in the plan set for all public roads prior to final plat. 9. The public roads constructed with this development are: Bluff Creek Boulevard,Avienda Parkway, Sunset Trail and Mills Drive. All other roads and drives constructed with this development will be privately owned and maintained. 10. The applicant proposes an Ultimate Plan for the Bluff Creek intersection with Powers Boulevard that includes two-lane entry into the roundabout.The City requires this Ultimate Plan be constructed at this time,but the roadway can be striped for one-lane only. 11. The applicant shall remove pavement and expand the median on the southern leg of the Powers Boulevard/Bluff Creek Boulevard intersection to remove the second left-turn lane from northbound Powers Boulevard to westbound Bluff Creek Boulevard. 12. Staff recommends the applicant add traffic calming measures to Avienda Parkway West near the residential areas of the development. Specifically,the applicant shall incorporate pedestrian-friendly crossing features to the intersection at Mills Drive and Avienda Parkway West. 13. The applicant shall revise the width of Mills Drive to correspond with the existing Mills Drive section in The Preserve at Bluff Creek. 14. The applicant shall align the intersection of Mills Drive and the access to the apartment building with the parking ramp to form an intersection rather than offset as the current plan shows. 15. Sunset Trail will become a private roadway from Avienda Parkway to Bluff Creek Boulevard as it winds through the center of the development.When Block 5 and/or Lot 2,Block 5 apply for site plan approval,this private road shall be constructed. 16. The plan for concrete sidewalk on the inside of Avienda Parkway shall be revised to a 5-foot width. 17. ADA-compliant pedestrian ramps shall be constructed at all intersections and median refuges per the MnDOT standard details. 18. The sanitary stub from MH 25 shall be no larger than the 8"downstream pipe and the slope shall be adjusted accordingly. 19. Sanitary service stubs shall be provided for the six twin home units proposed on Mills Drive. 20. Sanitary structures shall be moved out of the landscaped median and into the center of lanes for improved future maintenance access. Mr. Bahram Akradi Avienda Planning Case 2017-10 April 18, 2019 Page 3 of 9 21. All sanitary sewer main constructed within the right-of-way in this project shall be publically owned and maintained. 22. Private sanitary main must be constructed to meet the city's requirements for public utilities. 23. The plan shall use 2017 Chanhassen standard detail plates,which are available on the city's website. 24. The proposed water main connection 570 feet north of the Bluff Creek Boulevard/Powers Boulevard intersection shall be removed. A water main connection from Avienda Parkway to Lyman Boulevard through the parking lot of Lot 3,Block 4 shall be installed.The applicant shall grant a drainage and utility easement for this publically-owned and maintained connection. 25. Water service stubs shall be provided for the six twin home units proposed on Mills Drive. 26. Additional water main stubs shall be provided at the accesses for Lot 1,Block 4 and Lot 1,Block 5. 27. All water main constructed within the right-of-way in this project shall be publically owned and maintained. Private sanitary and water main must be constructed to meet the city's requirements for public utilities. 28. The applicant must show a maintenance access route for the pond at the bottom of Wall D. 29. The applicant must provide the total disturbed area of the proposed development. 30. Permanent stormwater management controls for volume,rate,and water quality are required per the RPBCWD rules. 31. The applicant must provide a figure clearly identifying the areas to be irrigated with areas quantified, which is not included in the current plans. 32. The proposed reuse system does not provide sufficient volume reduction per RPBCWD rules. It is recommended that the irrigation system is revised to provide further volume reduction. 33. The applicant must provide documentation that each of these ponds meets the Level 1,2,and 3 criteria per the Minnesota Stormwater Manual to ensure that they will produce the calculated water quality benefits. 34. The applicant must provide the annual runoff volumes to each wetland for the pre-and post-project conditions. 35. The applicant must provide further information on the bounce and inundation periods for each of the identified critical wetlands.The bounce and inundation changes caused by the project must be in compliance with WCA requirements. 36. The twin home units must pay a water and sanitary service partial hook-up fee when Lot 1,Block 2 and Lot 1,Block 3 are replatted at the rate in place at that time. The remaining hook-up fees would be paid with the building permits. Mr. Bahram Akradi Avienda Planning Case 2017-10 April 18, 2019 Page 4 of 9 37. The developer shall work with the Building Department to determine the city SAC and WAC fees for commercial and multi-family buildings. The hook-up fees for commercial and multi-family buildings are due with the building permit at the rate in place at that time. 38. The developer shall pay this site's portion of the 2005 AUAR costs($25,836.70)with the final plat. 39. Collector and Arterial Roadway Traffic Impact Zone fees will be collected with the final plat. The fee will be based on the commercial rate of$3,600 per acre and a residential rate of$2,400 per acre. 40. The developer shall escrow funds for installation of traffic signals at Sunset Trail,Powers Boulevard and Audubon Road.The escrow amount shall be based on Carver County's cost participation policy as published on their website. 41. The proposed redevelopment will need a RPBCWD permit prior to beginning construction activities. 42. It is the applicant's responsibility to ensure that permits are received from all other agencies with jurisdiction over the project(i.e.,Army Corps of Engineers,DNR,MnDOT,Carver County,RPBC Watershed District,Board of Water and Soil Resources,PCA,etc.). 43. A drainage and utility easement shall be placed over Outlot B. 44. The developer shall dedicate the Conservation Easement containing the Bluff Creek Primary Zone to the city. 45. Provide a cross access easement to Lot 4,Block 1. Landscaping 1. No development encroachment on the Bluff Creek Overlay District primary zone shall be allowed nor fragmentation of the primary zone area. 2. The access route shall follow the shortest route from Camden Ridge to the proposed development. 3. The applicant shall submit an overall landscape plan that shows proposed landscaping for the overall site including items such as parking lots,perimeter,foundation and open space areas. 4. Parking lot islands shall be linear areas incorporating planting areas and stormwater management. 5. If the applicant chooses to install the minimum required sizes of parking lot landscaping islands,and if the proposed plan remains committed to individual landscape islands,then silva cells,engineered soil or other accommodations must be used in order to insure the survival of the trees. 6. No more than 20%of the total trees should be from any one genus and no more than 10%should be from any one species. 7. A reuse watering system should be considered to irrigate all plantings within the site. 8. Drought tolerant plants shall be incorporate into the overall landscape plan. Mr. Bahram Akradi Avienda Planning Case 2017-10 April 18, 2019 Page 5 of 9 9. Proposed landscaping plant materials shall be selected based on site conditions. 10. At a minimum, overall tree cover should be at least 20-25% or higher in commercial areas and a minimum of 30-35%or higher in residential areas. 11. Any landscaping located within the ROW or the median shall be covered by an encroachment and maintenance agreement. Park and Trail 1. Incorporate meaningful park-like places, including the provision of appropriate recreation equipment, site furnishings, and landscaping adjacent to residential components. 2. Preserve the woodlands identified in the Bluff Creek Overlay District. Provide a blanket trail easement over the entire preserved area to accommodate the installation of natural surface public trails. 3. Provide an attractive public trail connection from the north entering the Bluff Creek Overlay District. 4. Incorporate traffic calming into all pedestrian crossing locations. 5. Full park dedication fees shall be collected per city ordinance in lieu of requiring parkland dedication. Building Official Comments 1. The buildings are required to have automatic fire extinguishing systems. 2. Building plans must be prepared and signed by design professionals licensed in the State of Minnesota. 3. Soil evaluation(geo-technical)report required. 4. Retaining walls over four feet high must be designed by a professional engineer and a permit must be obtained prior to construction. Fire Department Comments The east and westbound driving lanes of Bluff Creek Boulevard extending from Powers Boulevard to the existing Bluff Creek Boulevard shall be increased from 16 feet to 20 feet curb to curb. This is in order for emergency apparatus to safely pass cars and trucks once they pull over and stop. CUP The City Council approved the Conditional Use Permit to encroach into the primary zone and required buffer for the construction of Bluff Creek Boulevard; subject to conditions in the staff report: 1. The developer shall dedicate the Conservation Easement containing the Bluff Creek Primary Zone to the city. Mr. Bahram Akradi Avienda Planning Case 2017-10 April 18, 2019 Page 6 of 9 2. The Developer shall provide the city with a management plan for the area and submit to the city for review. 3. Monuments indicating the Bluff Creek Overlay District shall be placed at every other property corner and at an angle of deflection greater than seven percent,but in no case shall they be greater than 150 feet apart. 4. The developer shall not encroach into the Bluff Creek Primary Zone. 5. The developer shall comply with the with the 40 foot primary zone setback and preserve or create a 20- foot buffer from the primary zone. 6. The buffer will be required to have a vegetation management plan and soil amendments. 7. The plans shall be revised to remove any structure in the Bluff Creek Overlay District. WETLAND ALERATION PERMIT The City Council approved the Wetland Alteration Permit to 4.4659 acres of permanent wetland impacts subject to the following conditions: The applicant needs to supply the needed additional information to the city.The additional information is needed to determine if the project meets the WCA requirements. A Technical Evaluation Panel meeting is needed to review the application. If the application is deemed to meet the avoidance and minimization criteria of the WCA,a mitigation plan that adequately replaces wetland functions and values is needed. City staff has reviewed mitigation options and recommends the applicant provide wetland mitigation via the purchase of wetland bank credits,at a ratio of 2:1,in accordance with WCA requirements. The applicant shall contribute$300,000 to the city for water quality improvement projects within the watershed. Wetland Functions and Mitigation If the project meets the WCA sequencing and shows that the wetland impacts need to occur for the project i.e. if the project meets wetland avoidance and minimization requirements),the rest of the WCA review for this project is dependent on wetland replacement. The WCA requires that wetland replacement must replace the public value of wetlands lost because of an impact.The public value of wetlands is generally based on the functions of wetlands including: water quality, flood water attenuation,public recreation and education,and fish/wildlife/plant habitats. The WCA uses the Minnesota Routine Assessment Method(MnRAM)to determine functions and values.The city completed a citywide MnRAM in 2006. The applicant has completed MnRAM as part of the application process. For the onsite wetlands that were previously evaluated by the city,the applicant's MnRAM has either the same result or a slightly higher quality results for the wetlands. Mr. Bahram Akradi Avienda Planning Case 2017-10 April 18, 2019 Page 7 of 9 Wetland Wetland Wetland Impact Fill or Wetland Number Type Acreage Acreage (fill Excavate Management and Class excavate) Wetland 1 1, 3 1.001 1.001 F Manage 2 Wetland 1/2 1, 2 0.1860 0.1860 F Manage 2 Wetland 2 1, 2, 5 2.2569 2.2569 F Manage 2 Wetland 3 1 0.6696 0 NA Manage 2 Wetland 4 1 0.1253 0.1253 F Manage 2 Wetland 5 1 0.3483 0.3483 F Manage 3 Wetland 6 1 0.2514 0.2514 E(for Manage 2 pond) Wetland 7 1 0.0150 0.0150 F Manage 3 Wetland 8 1 0.0844 0.0844 F Manage 3 Wetland 9 1 0.0985 0.0985 E(for Manage 3 pond Wetland 10 1 0.0740 0 NA Preserve TOTAL 5.2095 4.4659 The table above shows the wetland management categories from the application. The standard categories that the city uses,which are in conformance with state guidance, is as follows: Preserve: These are the highest quality wetlands and have high quality habitat and native vegetative diversity. Manage 1: These are a lower quality than Preserve,but still show high habitat quality and plant diversity. Manage 2: These wetlands have been impacted by stormwater, invasive species, or other impacts and are lower quality than Manage 1. They likely still provide some habitat and may have some native plant species. Manage 3: These wetlands have been impacted the most and may provide a stormwater treatment function and have minimal native plants. These are the lowest quality wetlands. The wetlands proposed to be impacted by the project are either Manage 2 or Manage 3 wetlands. Some have historically been excavated.These wetlands do not contain a diversity of native plants. They do provide stormwater and floodplain treatment for downstream wetlands as they are at the headwaters of the Bluff Creek and Lake Susan watersheds. Downstream waters are impaired for water quality. Wetland mitigation that replaces wetland functions and values at a minimum of a 2:1 ratio is required and can be met in a variety of ways: On-site mitigation: New wetlands are created or restored within a project area.This could address replacing functions and values in the same area,but the current layout does not provide an Mr. Bahram Akradi Avienda Planning Case 2017-10 April 18, 2019 Page 8 of 9 opportunity for a reasonable creation or restoration project.Also,creating new wetlands takes time and there are many factors to consider for its success. Replacement in the same subwatershed: New wetlands are created or restored within the same minor or major subwatershed as the project.This would allow wetland functions and values to be replaced within the subwatershed where the project is located and the project layout would not have to be altered to fit mitigation on site.However, a suitable site would need to be located. Purchase of wetland credits from a wetland bank: There are several wetland banks in the state and applicants can purchase credit from these already created wetland areas. It is preferred in the WCA rules that a bank within the same bank service area be chosen to purchase credit for a project. Some combination of these mitigation options: An eligible project can also use a combination of these mitigation options. As stated,if the project is determined to have met the avoidance and minimization criteria for the wetland impact,wetland mitigation for the lost functions and values would be required at a minimum of a 2:1 ratio. Currently,the applicant is proposing mitigation through the purchase of credit from three wetland banks in Blue Earth, Stevens,and Rice Counties.These banks are in the same bank service area,and only one is in the same major watershed area. Final plat documents must be submitted to the city 35 days prior to the City Council meeting for which you wish to have your final plat approved. Conditions of the preliminary plat approval must be addressed for final plat approval. Enclosed is the list of items required for submittal for final plat approval. If you have additional questions or need more information,please contact me. Since , Robert Generous,AICP Senior Planner c:Kendra Lindahl,AICP,Landform Professional Services Encl. ITEMS REQUIRED FOR FINAL PLAT CONSIDERATION The following items are required to be submitted a minimum of 30 days prior to City Council meeting and payment of a$250.00 final plat review fee: 1. Submit three(3)sets of full size, 50 scale construction plans and specifications for staff review and redline. Utility plans shall show both plan view and profiles of all utilities(sanitary sewer,water and storm sewer lines). The plan view must show all drainage and utility easements. Grading and drainage plans shall show dwelling type and elevations, wetlands and wetland buffer areas,stormwater pond NWL and HWL,EOF and catch basin and storm manhole numbers. The construction plans and specifications shall be in accordance to the City's latest edition of Standard Specifications&Detail Plates. The plans shall include traffic signage and street light placement. 2. Drainage calculations for water quantity and quality ponding with maps showing drainage areas for pre-and post-development conditions and contributing areas to catch basins. 3. Hydraulic calculations and drainage map for the storm sewer design. 4. Tree Preservation Easements(if applicable). 5. Trail Easements(if applicable). 6. Engineer's Cost Estimate of Improvements: a. Sanitary sewer system. b. Water system. c. Storm sewer drainage system including cleaning and maintenance. d. Streets,sidewalk and trails. e. Erosion control. f. Site restoration(seeding,sodding,etc.). g. Site grading h. Street lights&signs i. Engineering,surveying&inspection j. Landscaping 7. Five(5)sets(folded)of final plat,one(1)set of reductions(8'W x 11"),and a digital copy in tif format. 8. Digital copy of the legal description of the property in a.doc format. 9. Lot tabulations. Failure to provide any of the above items by the required deadline will result in delaying consideration of final plat before the City Council.