Affidavit of PublicationAffidavit of Publication Southwest News Media State o, Minnesota) )SS. County of Carver ) Vera Kehl, being duly swom on oath says that she is an authorized employee for the newspapers known as th€ Chaska Herald and thc Chanhass€n Villago and has full knowlcdgc of thc facts herein stated as follows: Vera Kehl Subscribed and swom before me on (A) These newspagers have complied with the requirements constituthg qualification as a legal newspaper, as providcd by Minncsota Sta$te 3314.02, 3314.07, and other applicable laws, as amcndcd. (B) The print€d public mtice that is attached to this Affdavit and iderfified as No. +O 5 8 iis putiisnea oir uc aare or dates and in the ncws?aper stated in the attached ttoiiEEilEia Notice is hercby incorporated as part of this Alndavit Said notice was cut from the columns of thc newspaper s?eci6ed Printed below is a copy of the lower case alphabet from A to Z both inclusive, and is hereby acknowledged as being the kind and size oftype used in the composition and publication ofthe Noticc: abcdefghijklJnnopqrstuvwxyz 1lt ln this 6 t dav of Jr*2021 Notarv Public RATE INFORMATION Lowest cla-ssified rate paid by commercial users for comparable space.... $31.20 per column inch Maximum rate allowed by law for the above mattcr................................ $31.20 per column inch Rare actually charged for the above matter..... ...... $ 14.74 per column inch LqURIE A HARTMANN NOTARY PUBLIC . MINNESOTA MY COMMISSION EXPIRES 01R125 CTTY OT CEANEASSEN CARVER & EENNEPIN OOI'IITIX{I NOrICE OT PUBTIC EEAAING PITNNIXG CAIIE NO. ar2r.0, NOI'ICE IlI HEREBY GIVEN that the ChaDhass€n Plaming Commissio! will hold a public bearilg on TUesday July 6, 2O2l at 7Sp.Ia. in the Council Chambers in Chaniassen City HaU, 77oo Market Blvd. The purpGe of this hearing is to consid€r a rcqu€st for Yariances to consb'uct a deck, r€tai.Dilg sa.tl, and air conditionins Dad within the blutf setback atld bhf iEpoct zone at 6600 Horseshoe Curve. This request is an expansion of variances issued earlier this year in Planning Case m21-07. Zorcd SingleFamily Residential (RSF). Applcant Elise BnEer / koperty owner: BriaE Brutrer A plan showing the location of tbe proposal i8 available for public review on the city'6 v€b site at wl,1x.ci.chanhassen. Bn.us/2021{? or at CitY Hall durirg r€gu.lar business hours. All iDterested persoE are invited to attend this public hearing and express their opinions with r€sDect to this ploposa.l. MaclGnzie Youn g.Walters Associate PlaDner Email mwalters(o ci.chanhassen.mlt.us Phone: 952-227-1132in the Cha rassen on f'husday June 21, ,tvt.