Affidavit of Publication for 6-15-21CITY OF CIIANIIASSEN CAXVER & ffiNNEPIN COT'NTIES NOTICE OF PI,IBLIC EEAf,ING PI.I\NNING CASE NO. 2O2I.I2 NOTICE IS IIEREBY GIVENthat tbe Chanhass€n plannine Commission witl hold e buhti; hearinS on Tuesday, Ju;e lS, 2021 at 7i0o p.m. The DurDoseof this healiru is to co-nsider a r€que6t to rczone prorrerty from ASricu.ltural Estate Dish-ict (A2) to Single.FaEily Residential(RSf) alrd subdivision of DroDerttinto 2l single-faEily lots witii Affidavit of Publication Southwest News Media State ol Minnesota) )ss. County of Carver ) Vera Kehl, being duly sworn on oath says that she is an authorized cmployec for the newspapers known as thc Chaska Hcrald and thc Chanhassfl villager and has full knowlcdge ofthe facts herein stated as follows: (A) These newspapers have complied with the rcquircments constitutinS qualificarion as a legal ncwspaper, as provided by Minnesota Sratute 331A.02, 331A.07, and other applicable laws, as amended. (B) The printcd public ootice that is attachcd to this Afrdavit and iOentinca as lo. * 05 C was published on the date or dales and in the newspaper stated in the attached Noticc and said Notice is hereby incorporated as palt of this Affdavil Said nolice was cut fiom the columns of the newspaper specified. hi ed below is a copy of the lower case alphah from A to z, both inclusive, and is hcIeby acknowlcdged as being thc kind and size oftype used in the compositior and publication ofthe Notice: abcdefghijklmnopqrstuv*xy, varlances on locatedat 775 96th Black ur.Pr oject Development, docuEents forthisrequest are available for Z* Z,Z/public review otr tbe citv's website at wwE ci.chanhass;D.w.\a/?.02rjt2. All interestedperaons ane iovit€d to erDresstbeir opiEions with resD;t ro thiB prcpo€al- To euaure an oDenpublic process, Dlease visitwww.cl.chanhas6er.mn.us/ virtua.lDreetirgs for oDtioDs onhow to view and DarticiDatein City Council ant phniing(rmrntsron meetilg. Robejt G€rre aus Senior pla.urier Enail: bgenerousfc ci.chanhassen. ml-us PhoDe: gs2-n1-lylr (Putli8hed h the Charbass€crvlla8€r on ltulday Jl.ee (B, Bv: Subscribed and swom before me on ... $31.20 percolumn inch .... $31.20 per column inch ... $14.74 percolumn inch this J dav )of.(r y -r- .2021 \//- rt ot6rv Public RATE INFORMATION Lowest classified rate paid by commercial uscrs for comparable space. Maximum rate allowed by law for the above matter............................. Rate actually charyed for the above mancr. Vera Kehl IAURIE A HAHTMANN IOTARYPUBLI TTINNESOIA MY CO,IMISSION EXPIRES 016125