Affidavit of PublicationCITY OT' CEANEASSEN CARVER & MNNEPIN COUNIIES NOTICE OF PI]BLIC EEARING PrllNNIt{G CASE NO. 202r-rr NOT'ICE IS HEREBY GTVEN that the Chanhassen Planning commission will hold a Dublic hearing on Tuesdat June 15, 2021 at 7tr0 p.r!- The purpose of tbis hearing is to consider a request for a variance to permit a six-foot Drivacy fence in the front yard on property located at 931 Lake SusanHiUs Drive Zoned Plannd Lhit Development-Residential (PUIR). Applic€nl A.lec & Amy McNinlev Project documents for this request are available for public review on the city's website at wxw.elchalhassen.Etr.ur/g}ll-u. A[ lnteBEted I'ersoDg sre invitod to express rheir opinions with respect to this propocal Due to the oDgoing CO1ryDD pandehic, some members of the PlaDning Commission Eay participate iD this meeting via web conference or tel€phou€ pursuart to MinE€8oaa Sl!ffies, Sccdon mD.oa, rathor th,,! bY betDg persoDdl llrer€nt at lts regular Beetlng phce ir the ColDcif Cbambers, 7,m MaIteL Boulevard. Chauhassen' MN *5317. To eosure a! opelr Dublic Procesg, Pleage vrslf iwww-ci.chaDhassen En.us/ ;irtualEeetin8s) for options on ho8 to vier and Darticipatc i-n Citv Couocil and PlatrliDg CoEmission Eeetitlgl Robert CreDerous SeniorPla rer EEaiL b$nerous@ ci.chaDhassen'Dn'u8 Phone: 952'2g7 '1131 (Pubtish€d irr the ChanhaEsen oo ltursday Juue 03, Affidavit of Publication Southwest News Media State of Minnesota) )ss. County ol Carver ) Vem Kehl, being duly swom on oath says that she is an authorized employee for the newspapers known as the Chaska Herald and the Chanhassen Villagcr and has full knowledge of the facs herein stated as follows: (A) These ncwspapers have complicd with rhe requircments constituting qualification as a legal newspapcr, as providcd by Minncsota Statute 331A.02, 331A.07, and other applicablc laws, as amended. 4oprinted publi lished on the c notic€ that is atiached to this Amdavir and identified as No datc or dates and in the newspaper stated in the attached N otlce ail (B) The was pub d Notiae is hercby incorponted as pan ofthis Amdavit Said notice was cul from the columns of the newspaper specified. hinted below is a copy ofthe lower case alphabet ftom A to Z bolh inclusivc, and is hercby acknowledged as being the kiDd and size oftypc used iI! the composition aod publication ofthe Notice: abcdefghiikl&nopqrstuvn xyz By /. *o 3td *ro, J*..e- ,ro, {1r4"t'/.'o IAURIE A HARTMANN ,,13J1ff,1,13il?,,1111,f,8,,1, Subscribed and swom before me on otarv Public RATE INFORMATION Lo\rest classified rate paid by commercialusers for comparable space. Maximum rate allowed by law for the above maner.. --.................. ....... Rate actually charged for thc above matter... Vera Kehl $31.20 percolumn inch $31.20 per column inch $14.74 per column inch A//\/1, I