Affidavit of PublicationCITY OF CHANHASSEN CARVER & HENNEPIN COUNIIES NOfiCE OF PUBIJC IIEARING PLIINNING CASE NO. 2O2T-IO NOIICE IS TIEREBY GIVEN that the Cbanhacseo PlaDniog CoBmi6sioE will hold a public h€arina on he6day Julre 15, 2m1 Tbe pulpo6e of this to conailer a rrqu€st Affidavit of Publication Southwest News Media State of Minnesota) )ss. County of Carver ) Vem Kchl, being duly swom on oath says that she is an authorizcd crnployee for the newspap€rs known as the Chaska Herald and thc Chanhasscn v'illagcr arld has full knowledge of the facs herein statcd as follows; (A) These newspapers have complied with the requirements constituting qualification as a legal ncwspap€r, as provided by Minnesota Statute 331A.02, 331A.07, and other applicable laws, as amcnded. (B) The printed public notice that is anached ro this Amdavit and identlnea as No. 40 { 8 was published on the dare or dales atld in the newspaper stated in the attached Notice and said Notice is hercby iocorporated as pan ofthis Affdavit Said noticc was cut from lhe columns of the newspaper spccificd. hintcd below is a copy of the louer case alphabei from A to Z, both inclusive, and is hercby acknowledged as being the kind and size oftype used in the composition ard publication ofthe Notice: abcdefghiiklrnnopqrstuvwxyz at 7:m pE. Ili for a ingl e-FamilyResidertial(RSF).Applicant: Armenak Petrosian- Phone: 954D7-ll3l (Published Villager on in tbe Chanhassen Thursday Jure (ts. Project documents fortiis rcque6t are available forpublic review on the citv'ewebsite at rww.ci.chenhrq.;n- E!.ua/A)21-10. All itrterested IlerSo[a are i.Dviled to erDtesstheir opirions with reso6ct to this ptopcal 1b eDsuE aD open public Proce83, pleaae visit the cltv'swebsite (www.ci.chanhassin- En. us/ v irtual Deetings) foroptions on how to view endparticipate in City CouDcil andPlanniq Comrlrission beetinc$ Robert Cenerous S€nior plalDer Email: btenerous(E Ci.ch.hhe.Serl mD.us Subscribed and swom b€fore me on Vera Kehl I.AURIE A HARTMANN NOTARY PUBLIC iTINNESOTA MY COMMISSION gPIRES 016125 ... $31.20 per column inch .... $3l.20percoluml inch ... $14.74 percolumn inch Bv //.,h1l rd this 3 dav of .-l ilru .202t l,Wr/l,/L otary Public RATE INFORMATION Lowest classified rate paid by commercial users for comparable space Maximum ratc allowed by larr for the above Rate actually charycd for the abovc matter...