Affidavit of PublicationCTIY OF CEANHASSEN CARVBR & EENNEPIN COUN ES NOMCE OT PI'BIIC EEARING PLANNING CASE NA M2I42 NONCE IS HENEBY GTVEIN that the Chanhassen PlaDning Coltrrnls8ion rill hold a public hearirg on Tuegday, Jure 15, 20ill at ?:m p.ltr. in the Council Chambers in ChanhasseD City Hall, ??00 Market Blvd. The purpose of this hearing is to consider a request for an amendment to the InteriE Use Permit to Emove the conditionrequiring the installation of drivrdrg ralrge nets on property f@tedat 8rS FtsinSCloud Drive Zoned Aglictlltural E6tate (A2). Applicant Brian & Keri Colvin. A plah showing the locationof the proposal is available for public review on the city's web site at wq N.ci.chanhassen- b\.tts/2021{2 0r at city Hall duriDc recular businGs hour3.AI itrlercded Dersons ar€ ilvitedto attend this public hearing ard €rylss thetr opinions yith rEspec{ to ttris proposal. To ensure an open public Process. please visit the city'swebsite (www-ci.chanhassen- run.us/virtualmeetir!gs] foroptions on how to vie* andparticipate in City Council ald PlanninS Commission Deetings Robert Ceherous S€nior Planner Emai-t: bgenerous@ c Lchanhas.sen.hn. us Phone: 9S2-D7.lI3l(Rrblished in the Cbanhassen Vlllager on Thursday June (B. 2021: No.,()47 ) Affidavit of Publication Southwest News Media State of Minnesota) )SS. County ol Carver ) Vera Kchl, bcing duly swom on oath says that she is atl authorized employce for thc ncwspagei: known as thc Chaska Herald and thc Chanhasscn Villager and has full knowledge of the facts hcrein staled as follows: (A) Thesc ncwspap€rs have complied with the requircments constituting qualificalion as a legal newspaper, as provided by Minresoh Sratute 33 I A.02, 33 I A.07, and other applicable laws" as amended. (B) The printed public notice that is attached to this Afrdavit and idenrinea as lo. aJo 4 J iras pubiistred oir Oe date or dates and in the newspaper sated in the anached Noice an<t said Notice is hcreby incorporated as part ofthis Affidavil Said noticc was cut from the columns of the newspaper specified. hintcd belour is a copy ofthe lower case alphabet from A to Z, both inclusive, and is hereby acknowledged as being the kind and size oftype used in the composition and publication ofthe Norice: abcddghlkltnnopqrduvwxyz Bv /L .b,/,/ Vera Kehl Subscribed and swom before me on this day of3 u i/t-.>- . 2O2l ililtut,h.lLil,TAURIE N hARTMANN IOTAffY PUBTTC . MTNNESOTA MY CoMMtSStoN o(PTRES 01n125otarv Public RATE INFORMATION Lowe$ classified rate paid by commercial users for comparable space.... $31.20 percolumn inch Maximum rate allowed by law for rhe above matter................................. $31.20 per column inch Rate actually charyed for the above matter... ......... Sl4.'14 per column inch