NarrativeRE: Building Permit 1800 Lake Lucy Road To whom it may concern, I am applying for a building permit to create living quarters in the lower level of our home. The house will be shared with our son and his wife who is expecting their second child. No si8nificant changes to the outside of the house will be made. Only a bump out of the lower-level garage door and one window changed out. None of this is visible from the street, as we have a large, wooded 2y. aCJe lot. The lower level is connected to the main level by two stairways. These stairways will be left open. The utilities are not being split. There are apparently issues of concern with the city planning department. My wife and I believe this to be a wonderful opportunity to spend our senior years with our family. I have developed serious health issues related to my heart and would appreciate the ability to live with family. At any rate, this would be a temporary situation with no expectations for a permanent second residency. Sincerely, Merle Steinkraus rlL,,a, /A^p-"^-