NarrativeJuly L4,2O2t 6287 Chaska Road Variance Letter 5287 is a non-conforming residential property that has many non-conforming items that do not fit in today's current zoninB requirements. The non-conforming items include; the current garage is 17 feet from the back (south) lot line. The existing back deck is appx 20-21'from the back (south) lot line. There are other hardscape structures that are either over the lot lines or as close as 7' from the back (south) property line. The current hardcover percentage is over the required 25%. The location of the existing home creates a practical difficulty to allow for typical improvements to a backyard. Lot line locations are much closer to the back of the home due to the home's location. Accessing the property from the street require a longer driveway which increases the hardcover amounts. The proposed lmproyements will include the followint adrustments. . Remove the existing back deck and steps. . Construct a new covered porch in the same foot print as the current existing deck structure. . Construct a new deck platform at the back ofthe home and attached to the proposed porch. . Adjust the location ofthe existing hot tub. . Remove the back upper patio near the SE corner. This patio is approximately 7' from the lot line. . Remove the back patio behind the garage that is 5.5'-7'from the back (south) property line. . Remove the west stone path that is over the west property line. . Re-design the existing back and side retaining walls. o The new wall re-design and build will better direct water that is currently pooling along the side and back ofthe home. The new retaining wall locations will remain on the current property. o Access from the west side yard to the back yard will be over a gravel path and boulder outcroppings due to the grade chanSes. This path will fit inside the lot line and bea partofthe wall construction. Thisnewpathwill be the only way to access the backyard areas. . New landscaping will be planned for the sides and back of the home. lmproving privacy from the back neighbors with trees and shrubs will be featured with the landscaping. . Cut out 2 areas of the existing driveway. This change will reduce access to a very long driveway. The clients are willing to make this adjustment to reduce hardcover. . The adjustments above will allow the new hardcover percentage to be at or slightly below the 25% city requirements. The improvements do not alter the character of the property. The changes allow all of the new structures to be in a better location from the south lot line compared to today's conditions. We appreciate your consideration with our proposed variance request. Please feelfree to call oremail mewith any follow up questions. Thankyou. Sincere sttt STTUCTU[' rm loh LIVIT