Narrative Update)uly 74, ZO27 6287 Chaska Road Variance Letter 6287 is a non-conforming residential property that has many non-conforming items that do not fit in today's current zoning requirements. The nontonforming items include; the current garage is t 7 feet from the back (south) lot line. The existing back deck is appx 2G21' from the back (south) lot line. There are other hardscape structures that are either over the lot lines or as close as 6'-7' from the back (south) property line. The current hardcover percentage is over the required 25%. The location of the existing home creates a practical difficulty to allow for typical improvements to a backyard. Lot line locations are much closer to the ba€k of the home due to the home's location. Accessing the property from the street require a longer driveway which increases the hardcover amounts. The proposed improvements will indude the followlr|8 adjustm€nts. . Remove the existing back deck and steps. . Construct a new covered porch in the same foot print as the current existing deck structure. . Construct a new deck platform at the back of the home and attached to the proposed porch. . Adjust the location ofthe existing hot tub. . Remove the back upper patio near the 5E corner. This patio is approximately 7' from the lot line. o Remove the back patio behind the garage that is 5.5'-7' from the back (south) property line. . Remove the west stone path that is o\rer the west prop€rty line. . Re{esign the existing back and side retaining walls. o The new wall will better direct water that is currently pooling along the side and back of the home. The new retaining wall locations will remain on the property. o Access from the west side yard to the back yard will be over a gravel path and boulder outcroppings due to the grade changes. This path will fit inside the lot line and be a part of the wall construction. This new path will be the only way to access the backyard areas. . New landscaping will be planned for the sides and back of the home. lmproving privacy from the back neighbors with trees and shrubs will be featured with the landscaping. . Cut out 2 areas of the existing driveway. This change will reduce access to a very long driveway. The clients are willing to make this adjustment to reduce hardcover. . The adjustments above will allow the new hardcover percentage to be at or slightly below the 25% city requirements. The improvements do not alter the character of the property. The changes allow all of the new structures to be in a better location from the south lot line compared to today's conditions. Written Justification: Variances shall only be permitted when they arc in harmony with the general purpses and intent of this Chapter and when the variances are consistent with the comprehensive plan. The proposed plans allow for a space that is in the same location of a curent patio and deck. These improvements are further away from the back lot line than the cunent garage and patios. -JliL!VIT 5l ?E S'RUCIU PE b. When there are practical difficunies in complying with the zoning ordinance. 'Practical difficulties,' as used in connecfion with the granting of a variance, means that the property owner proposes to use the propefiy in a reasonable manner not pe7,,,,ilted by this Chapter. Practical ditriculties include, but are not limited to, inadequate access lo direct sunlight tor solar enerw systems. Our practical diffidlties are challenged by the location of the cunent home's location compared to the properly lines. The cunent owners did not build the home and this home was built a while back prior to today's ordinances and setbacks. The current garage and home would not meet today's code. The opportunity to have a backyard space out of the 30'set back is not possible since the home is 17'from the back lot line. Our proposed deck and porch are appx 21' from the back lot line. This foot print is in the similar location as the existing deck and patio that exists today and when the owners purchased the property. We have worked to plan an outdoor space that has less impact on lhe neighboring lot lines and also brings the property under the city's requirements for hardcover.c. That the puryose of the variation is not based upo,n economic considentions alone. The goals of the property owner are not to flip the home with these improvements. We view these improvements as long lerm owners wishes to better the property and living experiences. The proposed improvements have been well planned and the vision is for a long stay wilh this property. Financially, the large number of improvements do not fit with a short term ownership.d. The plight of the landowner is due to circumstances unique to the propefty not created by the landowner. This home was built by prior owners along wilh the cunent landscaping. The cunent hardscapes and struclures lhat are not confoming to today's goals were done by the previous owners of the property. Our goal is to improve the property and the community with better landscaping and outdoor living opportunities. The cunent grading does not protect the home from upper drainage run off. During this process of improvements, we will also be improving the properties drainage issues around the home due to lhe prior landscaping.e. The vaiance, if granted, will not attg/, the essential character ot the locality. The proposed plans for the new porch and deck will not alter lhe character of the property or the community. The location of the proposed decl and porch are in the similar footprint of the existing deck. The improvemenls with the property also have moved the cunent structures further from the property lines and also removing the existing sauctures from the neighboring property. The architectural improvements tie an well with the existing homes chamcter and structural lines. Our goal is to also add new tees and landscaping between the back improvements and the south lot lines to increase privacy. f. Vaiances shall be gnnted tor earth shelterad construction as defined in Minneso'2 Stafufes Seclio,, 216C.06, suHivision 11, when in hermony with this Chapter. NIA we appreciate your conslderation with our proposed variance request. Please feel free to call or email me with any follow up questions. Thank you. Sincerely, 1ililUfttY t4. J1ffN1N Tim Johnson 651.755.4513 tiohnson(alivitsitestructure.com