PC Minutes 06-15-21Planning Commission Minutes – June 15, 2021 6 CONSIDER A REQUEST FOR A FENCE VARIANCE ON PROPERTY LOCATED AT 931 LAKE SUSAN HILLS DRIVE Senio r Planner Generous noted this property is a corner lot and the applicant , Alec McKinley, is requesting a variance to put up a privacy fence in what the City Code defines as his front yard. On corner lots the front yard is designated by where the garage is located for access purposes. The property is part of the Lake Susan Hills PUD and is a typical lot of .34 acres with 30-foot front and rear setbacks and 10-foot side setbacks. Staff suggested line of sight triangles so those on the sidewalk can be clearly seen. Staff is recommending approval of the variance request for the six-foot fence and what is designated as the front property subject to the conditions in the staff report which are the site triangles being preserved. Alec and Amy McKinley live at 931 Lake Susan Hills Drive, and said the privacy fence purpose is two-fold for security for their children and for privacy. He noted there is no intention of creating a security threat by rolling their cars out the driveway and injuring anyone, so they understand the site lines and adamantly support that. Commissioner Noyes asked the McKinley’s if the staff suggestions are acceptable to them. Mr. McKinley noted they did not have intention of running the fence right down the property line to the sidewalk but pushing it back a bit. He said 30 feet is pretty big for a site view next to his driveway and he understands that goes with City Code, but if that is what it will take for them to get their fence, they would go for it. Vice Chair von Oven opened the public hearing. Vice Chair von Oven closed the public hearing. Commissioner Skistad moved, Commissioner Noyes seconded, that the Chanhassen Board of Appeals and Adjustments approves a variance to construct a six-foot fence along West Lake Drive, subject to the conditions of approval, and adopts the attached findings of facts and decision. All voted in favor and the motion carried unanimously with a vote of 6 to 0. CONSIDER A REQUEST FOR AN AMENDMENT TO THE INTERIM USE PERMIT TO REMOVE THE CONDITION REQUIRING THE INSTALLATION OF DRIVING RANGE NETS Associate Planner Young-Walters stated this is a continuation of Planning Case 2021-02, the resumption of the golf zone use at 825 Flying Cloud Drive. The applicant s, Brian and Keri Colvin, are requesting that Condition 9 from the Interim Use Permit (IUP) be removed, which is the condition requiring the installation of driving range nets, particularly the nets across the back of the golf zone driving range. Mr. Young-Walters refreshed the Commissioners on the location, noting it is zoned A2 – Agricultural Estate and is guided in the 2040 land use plan for office and