PC Minutes 07-06-2021CHANHASSEN PLANNING COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING MINUTES JULY 6, 2021 CALL TO ORDER: Chairman Weick called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. MEMBERS PRESENT: Steven Weick, Mark von Oven, Erik Johnson, and Kelsey Alto MEMBERS ABSENT: Laura Skistad, Doug Reeder and Eric Noyes STAFF PRESENT: Kate Aanenson, Community Development Director; Bob Generous, Senior Planner. Chairman Weick reviewed guidelines for conducting the Planning Commission meeting. PUBLIC HEARING: CONSIDER A REQUEST FOR VARIANCES TO CONSTRUCT A DECK AND RETAINING WALL WITHIN THE BLUFF SETBACK AND BLUFF IMPACT ZONE ON PROPERTY LOCATED AT 6609 HORSESHOE CURVE (PLANNING CASE NO. 2021-07A) Community Development Director Aanenson presented the staff report on this item, noting the property is zoned Residential Single Family (RSF) and is in the shoreland and riparian, and there is a bluff at the rear of the property. She noted the setbacks stated on the slide on screen. The house is nonconforming to the bluff setback, and the porch and retaining wall are a nonconforming encroachment into the bluff. The water-orientated accessory structure shown on screen has a 3-foot bluff setback, 5-yard side yard setback, and a 7-foot shoreland setback, and everything else meets Code. The proposed project is to install an at-grade deck and drainage system within the bluff impact zone and replace the south retaining wall with a living wall, replacing the west retaining wall with concrete, and reconfigure the existing non-conforming water-orientated structure. Justifications for the project include failing boulder walls, property damage, and erosion concerns. This was an existing home that the applicant is trying to improve to make the house nicer, and also improve the bluff and slope. Staff is supporting these changes and recommends that the Planning Commission approve subject to conditions of approval and the Findings of Facts and Decision. Brian and Elise Bruner, 6609 Horseshoe Curve, approached the podium. [inaudible microphone for a few minutes.] Mr. Bruner said the big change from the previous variance is that they are adding two feet on to the deck towards the bluff area, mainly to add more space for furniture and walking from the staircase across the deck. They are also shifting their driveway west which is a more gradual slope than originally planned and replacing the window well on the west side of the property; this was previously poured cement around the window and they are now doing a living Planning Commission Minutes July 6, 2021 2 wall with fescue. This will help stop erosion, absorb water, and there are planned drain systems for water management. Ms. Bruner clarified the highest point of their property is when one approaches the driveway and it continues to go down and down from there. There is not a lot of flat space and they are looking for the best ways to provide different areas for people to be on the property. Chairman Weick asked if the two feet on the deck is in each direction. Mr. Bruner replied it is simply two feet out. Chairman Weick opened the public hearing at 7:15 p.m. Chairman Weick closed the public hearing at 7:15 p.m. Commissioner Alto moved, Commissioner Johnson seconded that the Board of Appeals and Adjustments approve a 20-foot bluff impact zone and 30-foot bluff setback variance and for the construction of a deck, a bluff impact zone, and bluff setback variance for the construction of retaining walls, subject to the Conditions of Approval, and adopts the attached Findings of Facts and Decision. All voted in favor and the motion carried unanimously with a vote of 4 to 0. PUBLIC HEARING: CONSIDER A REQUEST TO AMEND CITY CODE CHAPTERS 1 AND 20 TO DEFINE AGRITAINMENT"/"AGRITOURISM"; CREATE STANDARDS AND CRITERIA FOR AN AGRITAINMENT USE AS AN INTERIM USE; ALLOW AGRITAINMENT USES AS AN INTERIM USE IN THE AGRICULTURAL ESTATE DISTRICT; AND RECEIVE AN INTERIM USE PERMIT FOR AN AGRITAINMENT USE ON PROPERTY LOCATED AT 9111 AUDUBON ROAD Senior Planner Bob Generous noted this is a Code Amendment and interim use permit (IUP) review. The applicant has prepared a definition for Agritainment, use standards, an IUP in the A2 District regulations, and is also requesting the interim use for the Agritainment use on his property. 9111 Audubon Road is zoned Agricultural Estate District (A2), is almost 64 acres in size, and is guided for Office Industrial use in the future. Mr. Generous stated the property is surrounded on two sides by the Bluff Creek Primary Zone which is part of the consideration. Section 20-42 permits Code amendments upon initiation by City Council, the Planning Commission, or a petition of the property owner. Staff has taken the applicant’s proposed language, done a strike-through, and bold format with any recommended changes. As part of the Agritainment definition it was broader as an educational and entertaining opportunity for people to learn about farming activities. The only issue staff had within the definition is how mountain biking fits into Agritainment…while they may use farm fields to do it, as part of the plan it showed going into the Bluff Creek Primary Zone and staff had concern that it may impact that zone and prefer that use not be included. This was the only change to the definition. Staff asked that parking be included as part of the applicant’s plan and that they maintain a 50-foot setback from the right-of-way, including accessible parking. He noted the applicant wanted an exemption