CC Minutes 7-12-21City Council Minutes – July 12, 2021 5 2. ADOPT SUMMARY OF ORDINANCE 657 FOR PUBLICATION PURPOSES - AVIENDA REGIONAL/COMMERCIAL PUD REZONING Ms. Aanenson noted this is approving the summary ordinance for the PUD. Councilman McDonald moved, Councilman Campion seconded, that the City Council adopts Summary Ordinance 657 rezoning the Avienda property from Agricultural Estate District A-2 to PUD Regional Commercial. Motion carried unanimously with a vote of 5 to 0. PUBLIC HEARING. RESOLUTION 2021-36: CONSIDER A REQUEST FOR APPROVAL OF A METES AND BOUNDS SUBDIVISION OF 4.39 ACRES INTO TWO LOTS AT 8971 CROSSROADS BOULEVARD Ms. Aanenson stated metes and bounds is another way to do a subdivision and the public hearing comes directly to the City Council rather than the Planning Commission. The subject site is located off of 101 just north of Lyman Boulevard, the area was developed under a PUD in 2008 with a Kwik Trip, carwash, multitenant building, Primrose, a potential future office building, and Christian Brothers Automotive. My Salon Suites is what wants to go forward and most of the properties have their own lots with cross-access parking agreements. With this project, the owner wanted to split a lot and one challenge is that the two-story building meets the parking standards. All buildings went through site plan review and this building would be consistent to the architecture and would be issued a building permit. Staff recommends approval to adopt the metes and bounds for a two-lot subdivision. Jim LaValle, with My Salon Suites, stated they are excited to bring the concept into town. This building will have 30 suites and is an incubator for people to run their own business, to set their own hours and entrepreneurial business without investing in real estate. The suites are leased and people customize their own business. Councilwoman Schubert asked if there is concern about parking at this point. Ms. Aanenson replied no, it is the next building that will come in; a building was proposed and they are monitoring peak hours, and have informed Kraus Anderson about the uses mix because the future building can be commercial/office and the City will need to look at the future use. Mayor Ryan asked which way the building faces on the property. Mr. LaValle noted the main entry would be to the east into the parking field. Mayor Ryan opened the public hearing. City Council Minutes – July 12, 2021 6 Balakrishna Chintaginjala, 8982 SouthWest Village Loop, approached the podium and lives just on the other side of the road to this property. He asked whether any smart building technology components will be used. He lives very close in a townhome complex and asked how much noise or disturbance there will be as right now it is a very quiet neighborhood. Mayor Ryan closed the public hearing. Mayor Ryan reiterated the question regarding smart building technology. Mr. LaValle noted smart building technology is a loose term and he does not know specifically what that means. In regards to the HVAC systems they are doing very high-efficiency energy systems, lighting systems, low-flow water, etcetera. The building envelope will meet the higher standards for insulation quality. Regarding the noise, it will be the vehicles entering the site and people interacting with their cars going up to the side of the building. Mr. Chintaginjala clarified smart building technology is in high-efficiency buildings, the temperature will adjust when the weather changes, so when it is not being used the temperature automatically goes down. It also has to do with IT security if an attack should happen, and fire resistance. Mayor Ryan said in terms of the exterior of the building such as fire code, it is all current code. Ms. Aanenson noted Kwik Trip has the highest rating for efficiency and in the City over the last year-and-a-half most of the larger industrial buildings have all refitted their rooftop equipment including the City of Chanhassen. Most owners working with developers are moving that direction, so it is already implied in most things going in today. Mayor Ryan noted an IT security attack would be private to the business and is not something the City gets involved with. Ms. Aanenson noted most of the private sector is leading the way on that right now. Councilman McDonald commented that there is also a similar business of suites in Eden Prairie he has been a couple of times, and the suites are big enough for a chair, sink, and supplies. Each one has a door with a name above it, and as for traffic one would not even know it is there, it is a great addition and a great opportunity for someone that wants to get into the salon business. Resolution #2021-36: Councilman Campion moved, Councilwoman Schubert seconded, that the City Council adopt a resolution approving a two-lot metes and bounds subdivision of Crossroads of Chanhassen, subject to the conditions of the Staff report, and adopts the Findings of Fact and Decision. All voted in favor and the motion carried unanimously with a vote of 5 to 0.