Development Review ApplicationCOHTUNITY DEI'ELOPIIENT DEPARTiIENT Plsnning Division - 7700 Ma*et Bouleverd Msihng Address - P.O Box 147. Chanhassen, MN 55317 Phone (952) 227-'1100 / Fax: (952)227-1110 Sub.nflalOet!L" fRofrr lo lhc rmropa.f! ApprErtp,, Crrcrdrs, lat Qqv,Gd E Comprehensive Plan Amendment . ..... . . ........ t600 E Minor MUSA line ior failing on-site sewers.....9100 E Conditional Use Permit (CUP) D Srngl+FamilyResidence .. .....................9325 El A[ others . ....... $425 I lntenm Use Permit (lUP) D ln conjunclaon with Single-Family Residence.. 3325 E alt otners . ..................... 3425 E Rezonrng (REZ )E Planned Unit Development (PUD) .................. $750 C Minor Amendment to existing PUD... ....... .....$100 E A others. .............. ..........3500 ! Sign Plan Revievv......... ...........t150 ! Site Ptan Review (SPR) E AdminisEative ..........................9100 D Commerciaulndustrial Districts'...................... $500 Plus $ 10 per 1.000 square feet of building area:( thousand square feet) 'lncluda nomb.r ol!!S149 employc€s - 'lnclucc numbcr ot 499 tmdoltes E Residential Districts......................... .............. S500 Plus $5 p€r dwelling unit ( units) E vacarion! Metes I Bounds Subdivision (3 docs.) !! CITY OT CH,II{IIASSII{ APPLICATION FOR OEVELOPMENT REVIEW cc orrc 1L)?-l3L 6GD.v R!v.w D.rG Vacation of EasementyRight{f-way (VAC) (Addnb6.l llcording tur3 mrY .PPIY) Variance (VAR) . Wetland Alteration Permit (WAP) to)el a-r 9300 5200 ................. $150 ............... $275 st]l.,rni .t inlo nrlan, lhet .rusl ffi.twt y lhis sfrlt abott) E subdivision (SUB)- E cr""t" i lots br less " s300 E create over 3 lots................. ... .i500 + $15 per lot( lots) Metes & Bounds (2 l"ts) . . ...... -. .$300 Consolidate 1ots.............-.......-..........'......... . .S150 Lot Line Adjust nent.................. ............ ........ 31 50 Final P|at.............. ........ ... ..9700 (lncludes 3450 escrow for attomey cosF)' iAdd(bnal ascrpr lrlsy bc rlquilld ,o, ohcr aPolrcalions through tha (hvclopmttrt contra€|. tr tr tr Dtr D D D D Single.Family Residence... All Others........................... E Notitication Sign (c'ty to lnst llsid llrrlov!) ........ $ Property Owne6' List within 500' (clty to gencntc .ft!r pr!{ppl€tion nrcting} ...... [0 Escrow for Recording Documents (check all that apply)............... t--.' --EConotionrtu;"F';*ii - --tr'iiit"ri.useP;;i Variance Easements L_ easements) E Zoning Appeel ......,..................0100 E Zoning Ordinance Amendment (ZOA)................. SSOO M!IE: lthan m{lud. *Dllc.tloo |It proc..ttd co.tcumntty, lha rpp.lorl.t lba rhrll ba ch.read io. ..ch apDllcaion. $200 (lj addresses) ....... $3 per address .. $50 per document Agreernent Alteration Permit E Site PtantrtrWetland Deeds t 73TOTAL FEE: Section 1: Application Type (check all that applyl Section 2: Required lnlormation Descflptron ol Proposal J3o wer-l 1.r{ er}cce+ 5ui+6'+ 1ooProperty Address or Location Parcel *:Legal Oescription Total Acreage; Present Zoning Soloct One Wetlands Present? fl Yes ffi No n"g1on. Select One Requested Land Use Desig 161161. Select OnePresent Land Use Desig Existing Use of Property: lcirect box if separate narrative is attached PcDd,t_l'7_l_ul_ Requested Zoning:Seloct Ono Soction 3: Proporty Ownor and Applicant lnformation AppLlcANT OTHER THAN pROpERW OWNER: tn signing this application, l, as applicant, represent to have obtained ou[ronzeton lrom the property owner to file lhrs apptrcati-on iagree to be bound by condilions of approval, subiect only lo the nght to oblecl at the heanngs on the apphc€tion or during the appeal penod lf ihis application has not been signed by tne p perty owner. I nave atta|hed selaraie oocumentatio; ol full legal capacity lo file the application This application should be processed ,n .y n"." "nd iam ttre party wnom the City s[ould conlict regarding any matter pertaining to this apptrcatron I wr1 keep misetf rnformed of the deadirnes for submrision of material and the progress of this application I further understand that addilronal fees may be charged for consulting fees, feasibility studies, etc. with an estimate prior to any authonzatron to proceed wth the studi I cedid that lhe informairon and exhibits submltled are true and correct' Name SAsa ,v Pirrslt.Contact Phone 1bs-e?ct.of'|l -7b 3 -+ ".1 -34rr-n Cell Fax Date 2 -<O 41- Contact: Phone Address (olu { ^,1 me otiar )I Crty/State/Zrp l-o reL'to ,ir^r,j 5535? Emarl bc e. Srgnature Cell Fax Dale PROPERTY OWNER: ln srgnrng thrs apphcatron, l, as property owner. have tull legal capacity to, and hereby do, authonze the filng ol thrs afplicition. I understand that conditions of approval are binding and agree to be bound by those condrtrons. sublit only to the nght lo object at lhe hearings or during the appeal periods. I will keep myself informed of the deadlnes ,or submrssron of matenal and the progresgof this application. I further understand thal additional fees may be charged for consultrng fees. leasibility studies, etc with an estimate prior to any aulhorization lo proceed with the study I oertrty that the information and exhibits submitted are true and correct. n. .BR.tAxt l). firtanrc,t< contact:y'|.,* rl "( Address fz.. l,t/..+'vt 4 A-,-*-enone:(ol 2 - tul -oSZll-7 Emarl Srgn t <o This applEaton must be completed in full and must be accompanied by all inlonnation and plans required by applicable Crty Ordinance provEions. Before filing this application, refer to the appropnate Application Checktist and conter wth the Planning Department to determine the specific ordinance and applicable procrdural requirements and fees A determrnatron of completeness of the apphcalion shall be made within 15 business days of application submittal wntten notice of applcation deficiencies shall be mailed to the applicant within 15 business days of application. A Section 4: Notilication lnformation Who should roceive copies of rtaff repoat3? ! Property Owner Via: ! Email 'Othcr Contrct lnfomafl on: Name:! npdrcant Ma f] Engineer ViaE otner Etr Emarl Email Via; ! Email I Maiteo Paper Copy! Maited Paper copy D Uaiteo Paper Copy D Maited Paper Copy City/State/Zip: Email: Address INSTRUCTIONS TO APPLICANT devrce PRINT FORM and dehver copy to the crty for pocessrng : Complete all necessary lorm fields, then select SAVE FORM to sav€ a copy to city along with required docurnents and payment. SUBMIT FORM to sond to yDur a dlgltal sAvE FORU SUAUT FORT'PRII{T FORII cry/sratezip: PROJECT ENGII{EER (if appl&rable) Name: _ Address _ city/srate/zip: Emarl: Cell: Fax: