NarrativeI6h The Cornerstone Hello We believe the 12 general standard bullet points have been met in the SRF study. The pickup window will not endanger the public. lt will help with the traffic. The aesthetics and design of the exterior will not change due to the pickup window. The community will benefit in many ways and nothing new to the exterior of the building will change the way the water, sewer and any other public service work in the community. The vehicles will be using the property in the best way it can as Iaid out in the traffic study. The pickup window will not depreciate the surrounding property values. Please read the SRF traffic study and findings. We believe all the criteria is met to move forward with the Pickup window. Thank you ! Jason Pinski Construction I Proiect Management I Real Estate Development 669 North Medina Street PO. Box 8 Loreno, MN 55357 763.479.1300 763.479.3267 hx www.shingobee.com lntegrity.